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Using Acawriter Image
Root of the project:
cd awa3/
Docker installation:
cd awa3/laradock
Docker images comes with pre-configured postgresql with a dummy account and all the available features.
cd awa3/laradock/
docker-compose up -d nginx php-fpm postgres redis workspace php-worker
run it with postgres if you wish to install postgres within the same ec2) alternative remove postgresql if you have your database on RDS
- Check status of docker:
docker-compose ps
will list all the images that are up and running- will give you an idea of how the ports are mapped etc
Name | Command | State | Ports |
laradock_nginx_1 | nginx | Up |>443/tcp,>80/tcp |
laradock_php-fpm_1 | docker-php-entrypoint php-fpm | Up | 9000/tcp |
laradock_php-worker_1 | /usr/bin/supervisord -n -c ... | Up | |
laradock_postgres_1 | docker-entrypoint.sh postgres | Up |>5432/tcp |
laradock_redis_1 | docker-entrypoint.sh redis ... | Up |>6379/tcp |
laradock_workspace_1 | /sbin/my_init | Up |>22/tcp |
Once docker is up and running the project root is /var/www
Go the root:
docker-compose exec workspace bash
To get the socket up and running run the following command:
To exit the bash:
Map the IP of the EC2 to DNS and acawriter should be up and running.
socket.io is listening on port 3000 so ensure port 3000 is open in the AWS security group.
Acawriter requires TAP (https://github.com/heta-io/tap) & Athanor-server (https://github.com/heta-io/athanor-server) running. Get the Endpoint for TAP and edit .env file to start referencing the endpoint.
The default images comes with pre-configured user to login to acawriter.
To login to acawriter: use the 2nd Tab:
email: [email protected], password: test@123
Please update the password directly into the users table or run it via the php artisan seeder
Please note assignments etc are mapped to user id 1 so should you delete the default user please ensure you update the assignment table with the new user_id. Foreign key constraints have been deliberately released to allow end users to change the users.
docker-compose exec postgres psql -U default -W -d default
If you haven't changed the postgres config: password is secret