When you report an issue, please use the following issue template.
* Problems summary
* Expected
* Environment Information
* OS:
* Vim version:
* Minimal vimrc less than 50 lines
" Your vimrc
set nocompatible
set runtimepath+=~/path/to/unite.vim/
* How to reproduce
0. startup vim (Write with option arguments if necessary).
* Screen shot (if possible)
Problems summary
file/new doesn't work on windows.
I want to save the file there is a space.
Environment Information
- OS:Windows7 64bit
- Vim version:Vim 7.4.111
Minimal vimrc less than 50 lines
" minimal.vimrc if has('vim_starting') set nocompatible set runtimepath+=~/.cache/neobundle/unite.vim/ endif
How to reproduce
- startup vim:
vim -u minimal.vimrc
:Unite file/new
.- Input
C:/Foo\ Bar/test.txt
- Enter candidate.
- Can not be saved.
- startup vim: