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Generating the INDEL dataset

Creating a 'set of known variants' or 'truth set'

1) GATK - SAMtools consensus set

This step takes the intersection of INDELs discovered with GATK and SAMtools variant discovery pipelines. Firstly raw INDELs were extracted from an all sites VCF file produced by GATK using the following command:

java -Xmx6g -jar /usr/local/packages6/apps/binapps/GATK/3.4-46/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T SelectVariants -R /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_ref/Parus_major_1.04.rename.fa -V /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI/bgi_10birds.raw.snps.indels.all_sites.vcf -selectType INDEL -trimAlternates -env -o /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI/bgi_10birds.raw.snps.indels.all_sites.rawindels.vcf

Secondly SAMtools was used to call INDELs and SNPs from the BAM files using the python script '' which implements SAMtools and BCFtools calling pipeline per chromosome, before using GATK CatVariants (from within the script '') to produce a genome wide file. This step uses the following command:

python -bam_list /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI_10_BAM/bgi10_bam.list -ref /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_ref/Parus_major_1.04.rename.fa -out /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI/Consensus/SAMtools_run2/BGI_10.dedup.real.recal

The consensus set of the SAMtools and GATK INDELs was then obtained using GATK's SelectVariants with '--concordance', implemented in the script '', used as follows:

python -vcf_I /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI/bgi_10birds.raw.snps.indels.all_sites.rawindels.vcf -vcf_II /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI/Consensus/SAMtools_run2/BGI_10.dedup.real.recal.allsites.vcf -ref /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_ref/Parus_major_1.04.rename.fa -out /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI/Consensus/

2) Hardfiltering

The consensus set was filtered using the GATK best practice hard filters for INDELs of "QD<2.0", "FS>200.0" and "ReadPosRankSum<-20.0" (see This was implemented in the python script '' as follows:

python -vcf /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI/Consensus/bgi_10birds.raw.snps.indels.all_sites.rawindels.consensus.rawindels.vcf

3) Coverage filtering

Next, INDELs with coverage more than twice, or less than half, the mean coverage were excluded with the in-house script ''. Usage follows:

python -vcf /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI/Consensus/bgi_10birds.raw.snps.indels.all_sites.rawindels.consensus.rawindels.hardfiltered.pass.vcf

4) Repeat filtering

Repeat regions identified by a previous repeat masker analysis were excluded using GATK's VariantFiltration implemented in the script '':

python -vcf /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI/Consensus/bgi_10birds.raw.snps.indels.all_sites.rawindels.consensus.rawindels.hardfiltered.pass.coveragefiltered.pass.vcf -bed /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI_10_repeats/ParusMajorBuild1_v24032014_reps.bed -ref /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_ref/Parus_major_1.04.rename.fa

5) Filter by length and number of alleles

INDELs that were longer than 50 bp or were not biallelic were excluded using GATK SelectVariants implemented in the script '':

python -vcf /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI/Consensus/bgi_10birds.raw.snps.indels.all_sites.rawindels.consensus.rawindels.hardfiltered.pass.coveragefiltered.pass.repeatfilter.pass.vcf -ref /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_ref/Parus_major_1.04.rename.fa

Truth set step summary

The number of INDELs remove at each step of filtering during creation of the 'truth set' are listed in the table below:

Step INDELs passed INDELs failed
Raw INDELs 1869484 NA
Consensus calling 1408029 461455
Hardfiltering 1406784 1245
Coverage filtering 1320289 86495
Repeat filtering 1156233 164056
Length and allele number filtering 1047463 108770

Variant quality score recalibration (VQSR)


VQSR was performed on raw INDELs called with the GATK HaplotypeCaller, using the INDEL set descirbed above as the 'truth set' to train the VQSR model. VQSR was implement with the python script '' as follows:

python -vcf /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI/bgi_10birds.raw.snps.indels.all_sites.rawindels.vcf -ref /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_ref/Parus_major_1.04.rename.fa -truth_set /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI/Consensus/bgi_10birds.raw.snps.indels.all_sites.rawindels.consensus.rawindels.hardfiltered.pass.coveragefiltered.pass.repeatfilter.pass.maxlength50.biallelic.vcf -out /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI/VQSR_consensus/

This produced output VCFs for six tranche levels, as show in the table below, along with the number of variants retained at each level.

Tranche level INDELs retained INDELs excluded
90.0 1420423 449061
98.0 1584287 285197
99.0 1612948 256536
99.5 1632060 237424
99.9 1817437 52047
100.0 1869484 0

The custom script '' was used to evaluate which tranche level was most suitable by obtaining data on the number of novel INDELs discovered at each tranche level. The script uses a list of vcfs generated using ls. The command used is as follows:

python -vcf /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI/VQSR_consensus/post_vqsr_vcfs.list -out /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI/VQSR_consensus/bgi_10_tranchelevel_stats.txt

The numbers of novel variants in each tranche are shown in the table below.

Tranche All sites Positive training sites Negative training sites Novel sites
100.0 1869484 1047463 321122 500899
99.9 1817437 1046415 302038 468984
99.5 1632060 1042225 133408 456427
99.0 1612948 1036992 116234 459722
98.0 1584287 1026513 91570 466204
90.0 1420423 942720 14487 463216

2) Post VQSR filters

As conducted for the truth set generating step, the output vcf from the 99.0 tranche level was filtered to include only biallelic sites, INDELs 50 bp long or less, non-repetative regions, and sites with a depth between half and twice the mean depth of 44X. The command lines are as follows:

python -vcf /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI/VQSR_consensus/bgi_10birds.raw.snps.indels.all_sites.rawindels.recalibrated.filtered_t99.0.pass.vcf -ref /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_ref/Parus_major_1.04.rename.fa
python -vcf /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI/VQSR_consensus/bgi_10birds.raw.snps.indels.all_sites.rawindels.recalibrated.filtered_t99.0.pass.maxlength50.biallelic.vcf
python -vcf /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI/VQSR_consensus/bgi_10birds.raw.snps.indels.all_sites.rawindels.recalibrated.filtered_t99.0.pass.maxlength50.biallelic.coveragefiltered.pass.vcf -ref /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_ref/Parus_major_1.04.rename.fa -bed /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI_10_repeats/ParusMajorBuild1_v24032014_reps.bed

The number of INDELs removed at each step are listed below:

Filter INDELs retained INDELs removed
None 1612948 NA
Allele no. & length 1431198 181750
Depth 1373399 57799
Repeat 1240366 133033

SNP calling and VQSR

SNP calling and VQSR were performed as in Corcoran et al. 2017). Except variants passing 99.0 tranche level were retained rather than 99.9.

## Post VQSR filters

The output vcf from the 99.0 tranche level was filtered to include only biallelic sites, non-repetative regions, and sites with a depth between half and twice the mean depth of 44X. The command lines are as follows:

python ~/ -cmd "cd /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI_BWA_GATK/SNP_data/" -cmd "java -Xmx6g -jar /usr/local/packages6/apps/binapps/GATK/3.4-46/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T SelectVariants -R ../../../GT_ref/Parus_major_1.04.rename.fa -V gt_10birds_recalibrated_snps_99.vcf.gz -selectType SNP -trimAlternates -env -o gt_10birds_recalibrated_snps_only_99.vcf.gz" -mem 10 -rmem 10 -o /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI_BWA_GATK/SNP_data/snp_extract -OM q -evolgen
python ~/ -cmd "cd /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI_BWA_GATK/SNP_data/" -cmd "java -Xmx6g -jar \$GATKHOME/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T SelectVariants -R ../../../GT_ref/Parus_major_1.04.rename.fa -V  gt_10birds_recalibrated_snps_only_99.vcf.gz -o gt_10birds_recalibrated_snps_only_99pass.vcf.gz --excludeFiltered" -mem 10 -rmem 10 -o /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI_BWA_GATK/SNP_data/vqsr_pass -evolgen -OM q
gunzip gt_10birds_recalibrated_snps_only_99pass.vcf.gz
python -vcf /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI_BWA_GATK/SNP_data/gt_10birds_recalibrated_snps_only_99pass.vcf -ref /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_ref/Parus_major_1.04.rename.fa
python ~/ -vcf gt_10birds_recalibrated_snps_only_99pass.maxlength50.biallelic.vcf
python -vcf /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_data/BGI_BWA_GATK/SNP_data/gt_10birds_recalibrated_snps_only_99pass.maxlength50.biallelic.coveragefiltered.pass.vcf -ref /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_ref/Parus_major_1.04.rename.fa -bed /fastdata/bop15hjb/GT_ref/ParusMajorBuild1_v24032014_reps.bed 

The number of SNPs removed at each step are listed below:

Filter SNPs retained SNPs removed
None 11784675 NA
Allele no 11648889 135786
Depth 11644621 4268
Repeat 10772087 872534