The protocol isn't done. I am constantly improvement it and the code itself.
Start a server
obirt server
Start a client using
as server.
obirt client
The client connects to a server, send all IP packages received by the network interface and injecting the package what was routed by the server.
participant interface
participant client
participant server
client ->>+ server: Send client public key
server ->>+ client: Send server public key
server ->> client: Send AES key encrypted by peer public key
client ->> client: Decrypt AES key
client ->> server: Send Mac address
server ->> server: Store the client information in the server
server -->> client: Receive IP and Mask to bind
client ->>+ interface: Create network interface
interface ->>+ client: Confirm interface creation
loop Keep alive
client ->> server: Send keep alive package
loop Every IP package
par From Client
interface ->> client: Receive the IP package
client ->> client: Encrypt the package
client ->> server: Send the IP package to server
server ->> server: Look for the package's destination and sent it
and From Server
server ->> client: Send the IP package to client
client ->> client: Decrypt the package
client ->> interface: Send the IP package
client ->> server: Close
server ->>- client: Close
client ->> interface: Close network interface
interface ->>- client: Confirm close on network interface
The server receives all IP packages from the peers connected, and redirect it to the destination registed on it.
. . .