stands for organize yourself in English.
A simple web app that helps you organize your tasks in a clean interface. You have the hability to add new tasks, conclude and delete existing tasks easily. Stay tuned to see new coming features like timestamps and performance graphs.
See how works here: was built using Flask, Python, HTML, CSS and SQL. All skills provided by CS50 :) With this project, I were able to finally take out some training wheels CS50 IDE provided. I needed to use sqlite3 in other environment and my experience with this final project was much more than coding a website, it was more about learn how to learn by looking up for information and apllying it instantly in a functional application. It was my first experience out of the labs and problem sets of the course, which were, indeed, really challenging and well built by CS50's team. It was more of a real-life experience that sets the path for my carrer.
In this screen, you'll need to create an account by providing an username and two matching passwords. Talking about security, we used the Werkzeug library to hash the password and check the hashing, so, in the database the passwords are safe.
Provide an username, a password and the system will check for your account in the system. Again the Werkzeug library comes to play, as it do the job to check the hash saved in yhe database with the password the user typed.
This is the main screen, where you can see the tasks you added and two possible actions: conclude or delete. You can also create a new task by clicking the "add task" button. The tasks are returned by the database with function fetchall, that access the database via the cursor, this is the approach we used to access the local database, using sqlite3, for more information, check here:
In this screen you just need to provide a description of your task, by adding a new task to the database, you're automatically redirect to the main screen, where you can see your new task.
This feature doesn't have any screen. You just remove your task from the database. You need to identify that the delete button was clicked, which is done by request.form, and which task was clicked, and this approach is possible via invisible inputs in HTML
In this screen, you can see the tasks you've already concluded. The process to conclude a task, equal to delete, require that you identify that conclude button was clicked and which task was clicked.
My name is Henrique, I am a computer engineering student at University of Sao Paulo. If you have any feedback, feel free to contact me: [email protected]
I would like to appreciate all of CS50's staff for the amazing work in this course and extend my acknowledgements to all members of CS50 community that were always really willing to help me with my struggles during the course.