and train the model using
file and infer the trained model using
file. all the files should contain appropriate comments and docstring for better readability of the
file should have three functionalites in it's code , first is to autheniutacte user by prompitng for entering user auth details of zerodha account, then ask for the stock symbol for which a user is using this repo. then download the data using zerodha kite class. then saving it approriately in a local file for furhter model training usecases. here the file notebook62326ade97_1X.ipynb
and inference_notebook-Copy1.ipynb
can be referenced for
file should have code for this . this file should contain code for loading local file that is saved by the
file's code execution , if not found then give assering error for this . then asking user for transofrmer parameters for training the model. then one method for starting the training process with live plot display and saving the plots . after completion of training of this model it should saved locally with well defined
it should have code for loading the model that is saved by the file
and then for inferring this model it should ask for authenticating using zerodha using preovious files if not already logged in. and then ask in a prompt for inferring the stock symbol for this . then after getting name of the symbol that the user want to infer it should get data and load the model and run inference code and how the results in a plot and analytical table