Running a CWL workflow calls for three components - a TOIL instance that orchestrates the workflow jobs, a Chronos framework for running the workflow jobs and a Zookeeper instance for keeping Chronos states. Hence, a CWL workflow appliance consists of three containers, each of which corresponds to a component for running the workflow as shown below:
"id": "toil",
"containers": [
"id": "zookeeper",
"type": "service",
"resources": {
"cpus": 1,
"mem": 1024,
"disk": 4096
"network_mode": "container",
"image": "heliumdatacommons/zookeeper",
"is_privileged": true,
"ports": [
"container_port": 2181,
"host_port": 0,
"protocol": "tcp"
"id": "chronos",
"type": "service",
"resources": {
"cpus": 1,
"mem": 1024
"network_mode": "container",
"image": "heliumdatacommons/chronos",
"is_privileged": true,
"ports": [
"container_port": 8080,
"host_port": 0,
"protocol": "tcp"
"args": [
"--master", "zk://zk-1.zk:2181,zk-2.zk:2181,zk-3.zk:2181,zk-4.zk:2181,zk-5.zk:2181/mesos",
"--zk_hosts", "@zookeeper:2181"
"dependencies": [
"id": "toil-launcher",
"type": "service",
"resources": {
"cpus": 1,
"mem": 1024
"network_mode": "container",
"image": "heliumdatacommons/datacommons-base",
"is_privileged": true,
"ports": [
"container_port": 22,
"host_port": 0,
"protocol": "tcp"
"env": {
"CHRONOS_URL": "http://@chronos:8080",
"IRODS_PORT": "1247",
"IRODS_HOME": "/commonssharetestZone/home/kferriter",
"IRODS_USER_NAME": "kferriter",
"IRODS_PASSWORD": "kferriter890",
"IRODS_ZONE_NAME": "commonssharetestZone",
"SSH_PUBKEY": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC303e2y8aUaMQ1IkHWnGFyb5XykxOM5pLK83XFxWZMKsbYcgmkoODZ4w4COratlQPyMXSz7yaFUbYUccXjIjz8SDZf/9c3xI0UuILOiVfb5Ql/16cimtK65ogns1mHzACCpXZ+mKJSDlGcLFfTGixsF8RaF0tZDY/NIxl8P+3EdY0svBbBaI3fc4cOYL5/Q5S8QvSacxXBAPHEzq7RD2Bq0WDxAhiH4XSXfe/xk+TORZYK3CE3Oqu9p77nrFM7W3M5khsb5Qg/z0W1TQmVWvo5/i3QbDK6YaWhw/0DXjfCeEtdlTVdIq1EJxMWuJnm5IptB1EtG9GBhuHq5Ct2XkUh "
"args": [ "sshd" ],
"dependencies": [ "chronos" ]
In detail, the zookeeper
container uses the
image, which listens on port 2181
in the
container, which will be physically mapped to a ephemeral port on the
host where the container is running. The Zookeeper instance is dedicated
to keeping states for the Chronos in this appliance.
The chronos
container uses the heliumdatacommons/chronos
which listens on port 8080
in the container. Since the chronos talks
to the Mesos cluster underneath in the DC/OS cluster, it takes the URL
of the Mesos master using the --master
option. In the meantime, it
stores the state in the dedicated Zookeeper, it takes the short ID of
the Zookeeper container, @chronos
, using the --zk_hosts
option. The
short ID will be translated into an internal fully-qualified domain
name (FQDN) by PIVOT after submission.
The toil-launcher
container is the endpoint for user to SSH onto. It
requires a Chronos endpoint to submit workflow jobs to, which can be set
with the environment variable CHRONOS_URL
. In addition, to enable SSH
login, the container also reads the SSH public key from the
environment variable SSH_PUBKEY
passed in by users, which will be
populated on-the-fly once the container gets up and running.
To run the appliance, submit the request to PIVOT using a POST
as below:
curl -X POST -d @appliance.json http://<pivot-url>:<pivot-port>/appliance
To get the state of the appliance, query against PIVOT using a GET
method as below:
curl -X GET http://<pivot-url>:<pivot-port>/appliance/toil
The response will present the endpoint(s) of each container in the appliance as below:
"id": "toil",
"containers": [
"id": "zookeeper",
"endpoints": [
"host": "",
"host_port": 30904,
"container_port": 2181,
"protocol": "tcp"
"state": "running",
"id": "chronos",
"endpoints": [
"host": "",
"host_port": 20482,
"container_port": 8080,
"protocol": "tcp"
"state": "running",
"id": "toil-launcher",
"endpoints": [
"host": "",
"host_port": 23302,
"container_port": 22,
"protocol": "tcp"
"state": "running",
To delete the state of the appliance:
curl -X DELETE http://<pivot-url>:<pivot-port>/appliance/toil