diff --git a/library_schemas/lang/CONTRIBUTORS.md b/library_schemas/lang/CONTRIBUTORS.md
index 8a2f939..a78bae9 100644
--- a/library_schemas/lang/CONTRIBUTORS.md
+++ b/library_schemas/lang/CONTRIBUTORS.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 - Ian Callanan (@IanCa)
 - Monique Denissen (@monique2208)
 - Florian Hutzler
-- Scott Makeig (@smakeig) 
+- Scott Makeig (@smakeig)
 - Bernhard Pöll
 - Kay Robbins (@VisLab)
 - Dung Truong (@dungscout96)
diff --git a/library_schemas/lang/README.md b/library_schemas/lang/README.md
index 531980e..4569b6f 100644
--- a/library_schemas/lang/README.md
+++ b/library_schemas/lang/README.md
@@ -1,7 +1,31 @@
-# HED LANG Schema
+# HED LANG Library Schema
- The HED Language library schema (HED LANG Schema) contains vocabulary for annotating language experiments in cognitive science. The schema allows for detailed annotation of neuroimaging experiments that involve language events, from carefully controlled experiments addressing specific questions in the domain of language processing, to more complex naturalistic paradigms involving written or spoken language.
+ The HED Language library schema (HED LANG Schema) contains vocabulary for annotating language experiments in cognitive science. The schema allows for detailed annotation of neuroimaging experiments that involve language events. It is suitable for experiments using carefully controlled experiment stimuli to address specific questions in the domain of language processing, and for experiments using complex naturalistic paradigms involving written or spoken language.
-HED LANG allows for annotation of language stimuli on different levels through the orthogonal definition of Language-items and Language-item-properties. Full sentences can be annotated with sentence-level characteristics, while the individual words in the sentence can be associated with word-level characteristics, and so on. Annotation possibilities are extensive and cover characteristics found across languages to allow for between language comparisons.
+HED LANG allows for annotation of language stimuli on different levels through the orthogonal definition of Language-items and Language-item-properties. Full sentences can be annotated with sentence-level characteristics, and individual words can be associated with word-level characteristics. Annotation possibilities are extensive and cover characteristics found across languages to allow for comparisons between languages.
-The current prerelease of the schema is primarily centered around written language and current development focuses on adding grammatical aspect characteristics and spoken word characteristics into the vocabulary.
+The current release of the schema is primarily centered around written language, and morphosyntactic word properties. The schema is open to extension.
+## Example annotations
+You can find several example annotations of recent work in psycholinguistics in our [preprint](https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/bjz9q).
+Additionally, we have added annotations to several datasets which are publicly available on OpenNeuro. Their annotated versions (and links to the original) can be found here:
+- [ds001894](https://data.anc.plus.ac.at/bids-datasets/openneuro/ds001894)
+- [ds002155](https://data.anc.plus.ac.at/bids-datasets/openneuro/ds002155)
+- [ds002382](https://data.anc.plus.ac.at/bids-datasets/openneuro/ds002382)
+- [ds003126](https://data.anc.plus.ac.at/bids-datasets/openneuro/ds003126)
+## Viewing HED LANG
+The HED LANG library schema can be viewed using the [**HED Schema Browser**](https://www.hedtags.org/display_hed.html).
+## References
+Denissen, M., Pöll, B., Robbins, K., Makeig, S., & Hutzler, F. (2024, September 20). HED LANG – A Hierarchical Event Descriptors library extension for annotation of language cognition experiments. [https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/bjz9q](https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/bjz9q)
+## Stable links to HED LANG
+- [**Stable directory link for schema lookup**](https://github.com/hed-standard/hed-schemas/tree/main/library_schemas/lang/hedxml)
+- [**Stable link for latest version**](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hed-standard/hed-schemas/main/library_schemas/lang/hedxml/HED_lang_Latest.xml)
diff --git a/library_schemas/lang/prerelease/hedtsv/HED_lang_1.0.0/HED_lang_1.0.0_Tag.tsv b/library_schemas/lang/prerelease/hedtsv/HED_lang_1.0.0/HED_lang_1.0.0_Tag.tsv
index c4c4bc1..7ccf9ff 100644
--- a/library_schemas/lang/prerelease/hedtsv/HED_lang_1.0.0/HED_lang_1.0.0_Tag.tsv
+++ b/library_schemas/lang/prerelease/hedtsv/HED_lang_1.0.0/HED_lang_1.0.0_Tag.tsv
@@ -33,14 +33,14 @@ hedId	rdfs:label	Level	omn:SubClassOf	Attributes	dc:description	omn:EquivalentTo
 	Romanian	3	Romance-language		A Romance language spoken in Romania and Moldova as well as small communities in Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia and Ukraine.		rdfs:comment "Glottocode: roma1327"
 	Spanish	3	Romance-language		A Romance language spoken in Spain and large parts of the Americas.		rdfs:comment "Glottocode: stan1288"
 	Slavic-language	2	Indo-European-language		A system of communication belonging to the family of languages originating in Eastern Europe.		rdfs:comment "Glottocode: slav1255"
-	Bulgarian	3	Slavic-language		A slavic language spoken mainly in Bulgaria.		rdfs:comment "Glottocode: bulg1262"
-	Croatian	3	Slavic-language		A slavic language spoken mainly in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and parts of Serbia.		rdfs:comment "Glottocode: croa1245"
+	Bulgarian	3	Slavic-language		A Slavic language spoken mainly in Bulgaria.		rdfs:comment "Glottocode: bulg1262"
+	Croatian	3	Slavic-language		A Slavic language spoken mainly in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and parts of Serbia.		rdfs:comment "Glottocode: croa1245"
 	Czech	3	Slavic-language		A Slavic language spoken mainly in the Czech Republic.		rdfs:comment "Glottocode: czec1258"
-	Macedonian	3	Slavic-language		A slavic language spoken mainly in North Macedonia.		rdfs:comment "Glottocode: mace1250"
-	Polish	3	Slavic-language		A slavic language spoken mainly in Poland.		rdfs:comment "Glottocode: poli1260"
+	Macedonian	3	Slavic-language		A Slavic language spoken mainly in North Macedonia.		rdfs:comment "Glottocode: mace1250"
+	Polish	3	Slavic-language		A Slavic language spoken mainly in Poland.		rdfs:comment "Glottocode: poli1260"
 	Russian	3	Slavic-language		A Slavic language spoken mainly in Europe and used in parts of Eastern Europe, West and Central Asia.		rdfs:comment "Glottocode: russ1263"
-	Slovak	3	Slavic-language		A slavic language spoken mainly in Slovakia.		rdfs:comment "Glottocode: slov1269"
-	Ukrainian	3	Slavic-language		A slavic language spoken mainly in Ukraine.		rdfs:comment "Glottocode: ukra1253"
+	Slovak	3	Slavic-language		A Slavic language spoken mainly in Slovakia.		rdfs:comment "Glottocode: slov1269"
+	Ukrainian	3	Slavic-language		A Slavic language spoken mainly in Ukraine.		rdfs:comment "Glottocode: ukra1253"
 	Japonic	1	Language		A system of communication belonging to the family of languages mainly spoken in Japan and the Ryukyu Islands.		rdfs:comment "Glottocode: japo1237"
 	Japanese	2	Japonic		A Japonic language mainly spoken in Japan.		rdfs:comment "Glottocode: nucl1643"
 	Koreanic	1	Language		A system of communication belonging to the family of languages mainly spoken in Korea.		rdfs:comment "Glottocode: kore1284"
@@ -103,9 +103,9 @@ hedId	rdfs:label	Level	omn:SubClassOf	Attributes	dc:description	omn:EquivalentTo
 	Conditional	3	Mood		Used for speaking of an event whose realization is dependent upon another condition.		dc:source "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grammatical_mood"
 	Imperative	3	Mood		Expresses direct commands, prohibitions, and requests.		dc:source "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grammatical_mood"
 	Progressive	3	Mood		Expresses an incomplete state or action.		dc:source "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_and_progressive_aspects"
-	Subjunctive	3	Mood		Used in dependent clauses to discussing imaginary or hypothetical events and situations, expressing opinions or emotions, or making polite requests, among other uses.		dc:source "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grammatical_mood"
+	Subjunctive	3	Mood		Used in dependent clauses to discussing imaginary or hypothetical events and situations, expressing opinions or emotions, or making polite requests, among a broad range of other uses across languages.		dc:source "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grammatical_mood"
 	Noun-class	2	Grammatical-category		Formal category of nouns based on characteristic features of their referents, such as gender, animacy, shape, location or directionality.		dc:source "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noun_class", rdfs:comment "Eagles only has gender as does olia. In Olia gender feature also encompasses animacy."
-	Case	3	Noun-class		Formal feature of several word classes (e.g., nouns, pronouns, adjectives, determiners) that identifies their syntactic function.		dc:source "Original"
+	Case	3	Grammatical-category		Formal feature of several word classes (e.g., nouns, pronouns, adjectives, determiners) that identifies their syntactic function.		dc:source "Original"
 	Ablative	4	Case		Used to express motion away from something, among other uses.		dc:source "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ablative_case"
 	Accusative	4	Case		Used to indicate the direct object of a transitive verb.		dc:source "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accusative_casedc:source"
 	Dative	4	Case		Used to indicate the recipient or beneficiary of an action.		dc:source "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dative_case"
@@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ hedId	rdfs:label	Level	omn:SubClassOf	Attributes	dc:description	omn:EquivalentTo
 	Syntactic-role	1	Language-item-property		Role a language-item takes in syntax.		dc:source "Original"
 	Complement	2	Syntactic-role		The constituent selected by a head.		dc:source "Original"
 	Syntactic-object	3	Complement		Complement of a verbal head.		dc:source "Original"
-	Direct-syntactic-object	4	Syntactic-object		A word or phrase which receives the action of the verb.		dc:source "Original"
-	Indirect-syntactic-object	4	Syntactic-object		A word of phrase which receives the direct object.		dc:source "Original"
+	Direct-syntactic-object	4	Syntactic-object		A constituent which receives the action of the verb or comes into existence by this action.		dc:source "Original"
+	Indirect-syntactic-object	4	Syntactic-object		A constituent representing a secondary or passive participant, often a goal, a beneficiary or an experiencer. 		dc:source "Original"
 	Modifier	2	Syntactic-role		Optional element in a phrase or a clause that specifies a noun or acts as an adjunct.		dc:source "Original"
 	Adjunct	3	Modifier		Optional element in a clause or sentence that provides information about the temporal, local (etc.) circumstances under which an event occurred.		dc:source "Original"
 	Predicate	2	Syntactic-role		Basic constituent of a clause that expresses a property or condition of the subject or an action performed by it.		dc:source "Original"