Go to Later Post
- Daisy UI - Another cool template/components for Tailwind
- Mamba UI - Dark Tailwind UI
- Tailwind Awesome
- NPM Cheat Sheet
- Table Generator -- this is a very useful site to make table
- Learning ReactJS Notes
It seem Mermaid-JS was the easiest alternative for generating a tree graph compared to D3.
- https://github.com/fhoehl/awesome-zettelkasten
- https://christianheilmann.com/2021/02/19/a-code-snippet-to-scrape-all-headings-and-their-target-urls-from-a-markdown-generated-page/
- Markdown Link Check
- https://gist.github.com/blackcater/1701e845a963216541591106c1bb9d3b
- https://github.com/tcort/markdown-link-extractor
- https://github.com/tchayen/markdown-links
"We don't have tools to manage human knowledge.".
Key aspect of information retrieval system: Input, retrievel(out) and maintanence.
- Architect
- Garderner
- Librarian
- Student
- Amplenote
- Devonthink - Amplenote for power user, file management app
- Supernotes - Collaborative notes
- Inkdrop - For software developer... Companion
- Nimbus Note - Evernote for Team
- Zotero - Capture References for research.. Mendeley
- Notion
- Craft - Like Notion but for Apple!
- Obsidian - For garderner to
- Dendron - Obsidian for developer
- Walling - Stripdown version of Notion
- Microsoft Loop - Microsoft version of Notion
- Upnote
- Clover - Notion with more flexibility
- Bundled Note - Fun todo list
Zettler TiddlyWiki Marginote Tinderbox The Brain app
- Roam Research
- Obsidian
- Logseq - Opensource Roam
- Mem - Minimalist Roam
- Athen Research - Logseq more polish
- Reflect - Roam that is simple/clean
- SAGA - Open Beta
- Tangent Note - Note Connector
- Weaveit - AI note
- Hypernote - Scribener
- Remnote - Space repittion
- Readwise - Greatway to aggregate note from elsewhere
- Napkin - Swarm of files that will appear
- Mymind
- Heptabase
- Apple Note
- Google Doc
- Keep
- Dropbox Paper
- Microsoft Words
- Notability
- Dynalist
- Nuclino - Wiki for Teens
- HackMD -Markdown
- Scrivener
- AI Writer
Installed Simple-Icons to Astro
I was easy, just enter the command line inside our Astro directory..
npm install simple-icons
What kind of magic was there I don't understand yet, but the installer detected Astro and add the dependecies in the package.json file...
"dependencies": {
"simple-icons": "^6.23.0"
next will be experimenting simple-icons inside of an Astro component.
- Simple Icons -- 2255 Free SVG icons for popular brands
- HyperUI -- Free Open Source Tailwind CSS Components When I add tailwind to Astro...
Astro will make the following changes to your config file:
╭ astro.config.mjs ─────────────────────────────╮
│ import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config'; │
│ │
│ import tailwind from "@astrojs/tailwind"; │
│ │
│ // https://astro.build/config │
│ export default defineConfig({ │
│ integrations: [tailwind()] │
│ }); │
√ Continue? ... yes
Astro will run the following command:
If you skip this step, you can always run it yourself later
│ yarn add --dev @astrojs/tailwind │
√ Continue? ... yes
✔ Installing dependencies...
Astro will generate a minimal ./tailwind.config.cjs file.
√ Continue? ... yes
success Added the following integration to your project:
- @astrojs/tailwind
Done in 86.14s.
What is the command??
yarn astro add tailwind
taken from official Tailwind Astro integration Repo
Should check out SHIRYO P2E Game. For now no gamplay yet, but the starter pack cost around 50 MATIC.
Still deciding whethere to use Astro, Vue, React or combinations of all.
As we can observe from this journal, I am in a scattered brain mode.
React Course - Beginner's Tutorial for React JavaScript Library [2022]
Reminder: Check YouTube Watch Later and History later.
Had almost a whole day rest, I am very fresh.
Intalled Eslint with npm after watching a tutorial on eslint by JSM
Installed it globally..
npm install -g eslint
Next will be installing it in ReactJS or other framework and editing the setting and all...
npm view react version
May there be no hiatus away from the Internet, my computer and updates in technology.
Next time I shouldn't put password when I generate an SSH key which caused the VSCode Git Plugin unable to sync!
I wasn't a good idea, I should try Gatsby instead.
- Should always check out Setting up github repo for gatsby!
- For cool icon/badges for Github, check out Markdown Badges
Below are how to 'embed' YouTube in Github MD...
[![IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE](http://img.youtube.com/vi/YOUTUBE_VIDEO_ID_HERE/0.jpg)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOUTUBE_VIDEO_ID_HERE)
Should checkout HiveJS Gitlab Repo
Checkout Gatsby hive plugin
I guess I should be researching on building a hive blog front end website with nextjs and understand the reason on why someone build a custom hive front end.
Below are my references: