This demo renders a rotating Haskell logo in 3D.
- Slow version:
runhaskell lambda-ray.hs
- Fast version:
ghc -O2 lambda-ray.hs && ./lambda-ray
- Stack script:
stack script --resolver lts-20 --optimize lambda-ray.hs
This demo is a follow-up on lazy-march. It uses the same ray-marcher technique, and I encourage you to checkout Inigo Quilez website for more information on the subject.
Thanks to the minification tricks presented in the issue#52, this demo features the missing bits I wanted to do with lazy-march.
Here is the less-minified version with type annotations:
#!/usr/bin/env -S stack script --resolver lts-20 --optimize
-- | lambda-ray expanded
-- Copyright 2023, Tristan de Cacqueray
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
-- 'Control.Concurrent' is needed to pause between frames.
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
-- 'puts' enables drawing in one syscall to avoid flickering.
-- This only works with ascii though.
import System.Posix.Internals (puts)
type V3 = (Float, Float, Float)
type Distance = Float
-- | The rendering area in pixel
cols, rows, screenRatio :: Float
cols = 100
rows = 20
screenRatio = rows / cols
-- | uvs are the normalized pixel coordinate with (0,0) in the center.
uvs =
[ (x / cols * 2 - 1, (y / rows * 2 - 1) * screenRatio)
| y <- [0 .. rows]
, x <- [0 .. cols + 1]
-- | The render loop
go :: Float -> IO ()
go n = do
puts $ "\^[c\n" <> (map (pixelColor (n / pi / 2)) uvs)
threadDelay 100000
go (n + 1)
-- | Start the render loop at t=0
main :: IO ()
main = go 0
-- | Render a single pixel
pixelColor _ (1.02, _) = '\n'
pixelColor t (x, y) = rayCast t 0 (10 * x, 10 * y, -5)
-- | The signed-distance function of a box
-- This is missing the @min(max(width,max(height,depth)),0.0)@ component, but that somehow work...
sdBox :: Float -> Float -> V3 -> Distance
sdBox height width (x, y, z) = sqrt (a ** 2 + b ** 2 + c ** 2)
a = max (abs x - width) 0
b = max (abs y - height) 0
c = max (abs z - depth) 0
depth = 0.4
-- | The signed-distance function of the Haskell logo
-- \ \k
-- i\ \ m
-- \ \ -----
-- / /\ ----
-- j/ /l \
-- / / \
sdHaskell :: V3 -> Distance
sdHaskell p@(x, y, z) =
-- The first segment
ijOffset = (x + 3, y, z)
i | y >= 0 = sdBox 5 0.4 (rotXY (-1) ijOffset) | o = 9
j | y < 0 = sdBox 5 0.4 (rotXY 1 ijOffset) | o = 9
-- The straight bar
k = sdBox 5 0.4 (rotXY 1 p)
-- The lambda leg
l | y >= 0 = sdBox 5 0.4 (rotXY (-1) p) | o = 9
-- The equal sign
eqBar s = sdBox 6 0.2 (rotXY (pi / 2) (x - 1, y + s * 0.4, z))
eqBars = min (eqBar 1) (eqBar (-1))
mask = sdBox 5 2 (rotXY 1 (x - 6, y, z))
-- The intersection of the mask and the horizontal bars.
m = max eqBars mask
-- The union of all the segments
min i $ min j $ min k $ min l m
-- | Rotation on the XY plane
rotXY :: Float -> V3 -> V3
rotXY angle (x, y, z) =
( x * cos angle - y * sin angle
, x * sin angle + y * cos angle
, z
-- | Rotation on the XZ plane
rotXZ :: Float -> V3 -> V3
rotXZ angle (x, y, z) =
( x * cos angle - z * sin angle
, y
, x * sin angle + z * cos angle
-- | March the ray
rayCast :: Float -> Int -> V3 -> Char
rayCast _ 20 _ = ' '
rayCast angle n p@(x, y, z) =
-- Animate by rotating the coordinate
(rx,ry,rz) = rotXZ angle p
-- Get the distance to the haskell logo
distance = sdHaskell (rx, ry, rz)
-- Crappy normal approximation by casting a couple of rays around the hit point
eps = 0.01
nz = sdHaskell (rx, ry, rz + eps) - sdHaskell (rx, ry, rz - eps)
ny = sdHaskell (rx, ry + eps, rz) - sdHaskell (rx, ry - eps, rz)
lightColor | nz < 0 = 'o' -- the point is facing the camera
| ny < 0 = '>' -- the point is facing upward
| o = '.' -- the point is on the back
color | distance < 0.01 = lightColor -- the ray hit the logo
| o = rayCast angle (n + 1) (x, y, z + distance)
o = True