layout | title |
changes |
Changelog |
Each version of each cloud haskell project has a change log, which can be viewed by clicking on the links to the left hand side of this page.
Editing this page is pretty simple. This entire website is stored in a git repository and its dynamic content rendered by github pages using Jekyll. You can clone the repository here. Instructions for using jekyll are available online, but in general it's just a matter of finding the right markdown file. Wiki content is all located in the wiki subfolder.
We plan to set up a script that pulls the Jira RSS feed and inserts content
here, however for the time being, adding a new page beneath the changelog
folder will be sufficient to pull a new version into the navigation menu.
Our Jira instance is set up to produce HTML release notes which can be tweaked
by hand if necessary and the front matter for change-logs can be copied from
one of the existing pages.