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HASH Search Loader

The search-loader service is responsible for reading the database change-stream published to a queue by the realtime service and loading it into a search index powered by OpenSearch.

HTTP Server

The service listens for HTTP requests for administration purposes with endpoints:

  • GET /healthcheck: responds with the health of the server. The response is of the form:

      "msg": "// a human-readable context specific message",
      "instanceId": "// a unique idenfier for the instance",
      "queueAcquired": "// a boolean indicating if the instance has ownership of the search ingestion queue."
  • POST /shutdown: gracefully shutdown the instance.


The following environment variables are used to configure the service:

  • NODE_ENV: the runtime environment for the service. Controls logging levels and formatting. Options are "development" or "production". The log level for development defaults to "debug", and "info" for production, but may be overwritten by setting the LOG_LEVEL variable.
  • LOG_LEVEL: (optional: debug, info, warn or error) the logging level.
  • PORT: the port number the service will listen on for healthchecks etc.
  • Redis:
    • HASH_REDIS_HOST: the hostname of the redis instance.
    • HASH_REDIS_PORT: (default: 6379) the port the Redis instance accepts connections on.
  • Postgres:
    • HASH_PG_HOST: the hostname of the Postgres instance.
    • HASH_PG_PORT: the port number the Postgres instance is listening on.
    • HASH_PG_USER: the Postgres user to connect as.
    • HASH_PG_PASSWORD: the password for the Postgres user.
    • HASH_PG_DATABASE: the name of the database to connect to on the instance.
  • HASH_SEARCH_QUEUE_NAME: the name of the search queue that the realtime service writes the database change-stream to.
  • OpenSearch:
    • HASH_OPENSEARCH_HOST: the hostname of the OpenSearch cluster to connect to.
    • HASH_OPENSEARCH_PORT: (default: 9200) the port number that the cluster accepts connections on.
    • HASH_OPENSEARCH_USERNAME: the username to connect to cluster as.
    • HASH_OPENSEARCH_PASSWORD: the password to use when making the connection.
    • HASH_OPENSEARCH_HTTPS_ENABLED: (optional) set to "1" to connect to the cluster over an HTTPS connection.
  • STATSD_ENABLED: (optional) set to "1" if the service should report metrics to a StatsD server. If enabled, the following variables must be set:
    • STATSD_HOST: the hostname of the StatsD server.
    • STATSD_PORT: (default: 8125) the port number the StatsD server is listening on.

Search index

The service sends all entities it reads from the realtime queue to the OpenSearch search index. It indexes the following entity fields in a search index named "entities":

  • accountId
  • entityId
  • entityVersionId
  • entityTypeId
  • entityTypeVersionId
  • entityTypeName
  • createdAt
  • updatedAt
  • createdBy

Each entity is indexed by its entityId such that only the latest version of each entity is indexed.

An additional field named fullTextSearch is indexed for entities of system type Text and Page. For Text entities, this contains a sanitized form of the entities properties which strips all formatting identifiers and concatenates all items in the text array into a single string separated by a space. For Page entities, fullTextSearch is simply the page title. For all other entities, this field is currently empty.

Text entities will also contain a belongsToPage field which will be an entity reference to the Text entity's Page grandparent - if the grandparent exists. belongsToPage?:

  • accountId
  • entityId
  • entityVersionId


If StatsD is enabled (STATSD_ENABLED=1), the service will report the following metrics, with the tag search-loader, to the specified server:

  • messages_processed: the rate at which the service is reading messages from the queue and loading them into the search index.
  • queue_size: the number of unprocessed messages in the queue.