- 33d35a3: updated pipe function -> chain instead of method based
- 2b5b067: re releasing the package, major api change, following proper semver, we can delete the prev package as it was not used anywhere.
- 9859ddd: fix in types and new url method
- ce72dd4: first release
- 919e90a: wrong types for result
- 3ba8b43: parseError support
- 1f32b1f: custom error for json parse failure
- 1e56194: json parse error yield either result or the value
- 27be8ee: text api
- fc8a8e6: types fix for custom error
- 2b59531: body as input
- 3acc3bd: success channel to include response and request object
- f1f1acb: readme update
- 3ca04b6: this.request to obtain request
- 0008024: partial retry config for better control
- fa46908: change in types of error req
- f614e30: retry policy
- 646936b: simplfied error tag mgmt
- 05c98f1: zod support
- 85434c2: global error config
- 2e035ab: method and updated request object
- ac7aae5: first release
- fbb929d: finalized retryWhile
- c77bc99: missing dist
- 4a300a9: readme
- af8b817: commit fixes
- b1266ef: unused dep
- 4b7b60d: updated jsdocc
- fbb929d: finalized retryWhile
- f1f1acb: readme update
- 3acc3bd: success channel to include response and request object
- 85434c2: global error config
- 1e56194: json parse error yield either result or the value
- b1266ef: unused dep
- 1f32b1f: custom error for json parse failure
- 0008024: partial retry config for better control
- f614e30: retry policy
- 27be8ee: text api
- 646936b: simplfied error tag mgmt
- 2b59531: body as input
- 4b7b60d: updated jsdocc
- fc8a8e6: types fix for custom error
- 4a300a9: readme
- 3ba8b43: parseError support
- af8b817: commit fixes
- 05c98f1: zod support
- 2e035ab: method and updated request object
- 3ca04b6: this.request to obtain request
- fa46908: change in types of error req
- 919e90a: wrong types for result
- c77bc99: missing dist
- ac7aae5: first release