All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- yarn publish fix (0225ae3)
0.6.0 (2023-07-03)
0.5.0 (2023-04-04)
0.4.2 (2023-02-15)
0.4.1 (2023-02-15)
0.4.0 (2023-02-13)
0.3.1 (2022-12-20)
0.3.0 (2022-11-01)
0.2.5 (2022-09-17)
- release main to release please with yarnv2 (77f373f)
0.2.4 (2022-09-17)
- release main to release please with yarnv2 (c4db629)
0.2.3 (2022-09-17)
- release main to release please with yarnv2 (ea3bb36)
0.2.2 (2022-09-17)
- release main to release please with yarnv2 (d4e696f)
0.2.1 (2022-09-17)
0.2.0 (2022-09-17)
- release moved to release-please (3eca67a)
- changelog (88e38c6)
- upgraded to yarnv2 and test and tsc fixes (995d821)
- upgrade cdk (86786c4)
- fix bug to support zoneDomain (fb17251)
- route53: ensure zone domain is also exported (b2d7f01)
- route53: sure parent stack with tld only (a2e5d9c)
- route53: convert value to string (0d7b949)
- website: error in response path (5a48864)
- website: error in response path (2cfd07f)
- website: new distribution over old style (029afbf)
- eks: upgrades to each controller to be installed with config values (5bd5ecb)
- eks: change load balancer to install chart only (b0b48cc)
- eks: fix sa naming (07ae9fb)
- eks: added argo cd, remove role handler (c1600e1)
- cdk: allow private subnet access (6318565)
- cdk: upgrade version to inlcude eks fixes (cb2396b)
- cdk: upgrade version to inlcude eks fixes (de4dde7)
- cdk: pin aws/sdk version and upstream deps have change (31afdce)
- core: update to latest cdk (b32cf15)
- datadog: add permissions to datadog (639f1b6)
- efs: export parameters for efs and fix for datadog (5f94d6a)
- release: update all js file (c9331f9)
- efs: re-add efs sg id (a6a6cdd)
- eks: shorten nested stack name, dns owner fix and version upgrade (9c59bd7)
- release: add missing deps (5867c38)
- release: update to yarn instead (0ea8665)
- datadog: tags are also not shared (2cf7658)
- datadog: allow integration to update external id (eb46489)
- datadog: add lambda integration (96851e6)
- datadog: change arn to without fullArn (d534312)
- datadog: add apiSecret with default value (73b1eb4)
- datadog: make stack props optional (a653f4f)
- datadog: cleanup for interfaces (0746f54)
- datadog: remove nesting of stack add add construct directly (daa53cf)
- eks: change to method instead of construct (c11fadc)
- datadog-operator: enable apm (bb874ce)
- datadog-operator: ensure variable is checked (c89647f)
- datadog-operator: added permission boundary (49ea2fb)
- datadog-operator: move operator out (532b83f)
- datadog-operator: apply aspect to inner stack (858860d)
- datadog: rename secret and update (1a83278)
- datadog: added construct, stack as export (b954862)
- datadog: fixed utils, added operator construct (e0efa73)
- datadog: added seperate stack for operator (3f7d84b)
- utils: added utils exports (a76bfe7)
- lib: added datadog exports (fd4335a)
- lib: add js files (6851ab7)
- datadog: refactor update (ba243c7)
- core: upgrade typescript (63c8e59)
- datadog: added construct for operator (6b24a08)
- datadog: removed secret creation (a876bf6)
- datadog: added datadog integration exports (4289030)
- datadog: added datadog integration (ad83f22)
- eks: add dependency for namespace (08808d3)
- eks: enable cloudwatch logging for application (8bc3ed0)
- eks: enable cloudwatch logging (7419256)
- eks: multi cluster dns support (6176ae7)
- efs: update efs security group name (52b2893)
- eks: s3 to be private with cors (0bc9ef6)
- eks: s3 to be public with cors v2 (7c4e9bb)
- eks: s3 to be public with cors (a2306b9)
- eks: s3 to be public with cors (755adec)
- deployment: updatw (638b5d2)
- websiteStack: added aliases for A records (93b5f30)
- websiteStack: added aliases for certificate (98599c9)
- route53: added optional zoneDomain (6954ae3)
- eks: release (e0664b8)
- eks: release (744492a)