diff --git a/.ado/templates/apple-steps-publish.yml b/.ado/templates/apple-steps-publish.yml index c985cf1d3296e3..65e770d33e02b0 100644 --- a/.ado/templates/apple-steps-publish.yml +++ b/.ado/templates/apple-steps-publish.yml @@ -24,14 +24,12 @@ steps: echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=RNM_PACKAGE_VERSION]$(node .ado/get-next-semver-version.js)" echo "Next package version: $RNM_PACKAGE_VERSION" - # Note, This won't do the actual `git tag` and `git push` as we're doing a dry run. - # We do that as a separate step in `.ado/publish.yml`. - task: CmdLine@2 displayName: Prepare React Native macOS release inputs: script: | set -eox pipefail - node scripts/releases/set-version.js -v $RNM_PACKAGE_VERSION --build-type "release" + node scripts/releases/set-version.js $RNM_PACKAGE_VERSION # Note: This won't actually publish to NPM as we've commented that bit out. # We do that as a separate step in `.ado/publish.yml`.