This is YGZ-stereo-inertial SLAM, a stereo inertial VO code. It is designed for stereo and stereo-inertial sensor modules like vi-sensor. It uses a LK optical flow as front-end and a sliding window bundle adjustment as a backend. Feel free to try it in datasets and your own sensors.
The code is experimental and I can't guarantee its performance in all cases.
If you are using ubuntu, just type "./" to install all the dependencies except pangolin.
- Pangolin (for visualization):
- Eigen3: sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev
- g2o: sudo apt-get install libcxsparse-dev libqt4-dev libcholmod3.0.6 libsuitesparse-dev qt4-qmake
- OpenCV: sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev
- glog (for logging): sudo apt-get install libgoogle-glog-dev
run "./" to compile all the things, or follow the steps in
You can put stereo or stereo-imu data into ygz-stereo, for example the EUROC dataset ( We provide the pure stereo vision and stereo-inertial vision for EUROC. Run the pure vision examples by typing:
bin/EurocStereo ./examples/EurocStereo.yaml
to run the pure vision mode. Don't forget to specify the dataset directory in the yaml config file first. Also, to run visual-inertial mode, type:
bin/EurocStereoVIO ./examples/EurocStereoVIO.yaml
to run the stereo VIO case.
YGZ-stereo is more robust than the previous YGZ-ORB-SLAM (and the code is also more clear). In EUROC it can pass the test of all MHxx and V101, V201, V202. For difficult cases it may still fail. As I will go to TUM soon, my future work may be a visual-inertial DSO.
YGZ stands for Yi-Guo-Zhou (a port of porridge, a group of mess) because it contains feature method, direct method and imu things.
The is a file of develop records.
Contact me ([email protected]) or Wang Jing ( for commercial use.
Thanks the following companies/people for financial support:
- Usens凌感科技
- Hyperception 远形时空
- Qfeeltech 速感科技
- 天之博特
- 视辰信息科技