What I cannot create, I do not understand
Rust 中的 runtime 到底是咋回事, 为了彻底搞懂它, 我在尽量不借助第三方 crate 的情况下实现了一个玩具 runtime, 之所以说是玩具,因为它没有复杂的调度算法(只有一个全局 task queue)
代码除了 mpmc(multi-producer, multi-consumer) 使用第三方 crate crossbeam 之外, 其余代码一律手撸
fn main() {
let toy = Toy::new();
for i in 1..=20 {
toy.spawn(async move {
let ret = FakeIO::new(Duration::from_secs(i)).await;
println!("{:?}: {:?}", thread::current().id(), ret);
toy.run(4); // 4 threads
其中 FakeIO 也是足够单纯
pub struct FakeIO {
finished: Arc<AtomicBool>,
duration: Duration,
impl Future for FakeIO {
type Output = Duration;
fn poll(
self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
) -> std::task::Poll<Self::Output> {
if self.finished.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
return Poll::Ready(self.duration);
let finished = self.finished.clone();
let waker = cx.waker().clone();
let duration = self.duration;
thread::spawn(move || {
finished.store(true, Ordering::Release);
struct Task {
raw: RawTask,
unsafe impl Send for Task {}
unsafe impl Sync for Task {}
struct RawTask {
ptr: NonNull<Header>, // pointer to Cell<T> where T: Future
struct Header {
// todo: maybe replace the Mutex<State> with AtomicUsize
state: Mutex<State>,
vtable: &'static Vtable,
sender: crossbeam::channel::Sender<Task>,
struct State {
running: bool,
notified: bool,
completed: bool,
/// #[repr(C)] make sure `*mut Cell<T>` can cast to valid `*mut Header`, and backwards.
/// In the default situation, the data layout may not be the same as the order in which the fields are specified in the declaration of the type
/// 默认情况下 Rust 的数据布局不一定会按照 field 的声明顺序排列
/// [The Default Representation](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/type-layout.html?#the-default-representation)
/// [playground link](https://play.rust-lang.org/?version=stable&mode=debug&edition=2021&gist=39ac84782d121970598b91201b168f82)
/// you can easilly view the data layout with this crate https://github.com/hangj/layout-rs
struct Cell<T: Future> {
header: Header,
future: T,
output: Option<T::Output>,
struct Vtable {
poll_task: unsafe fn(NonNull<Header>),
clone_task: unsafe fn(NonNull<Header>) -> NonNull<Header>,
drop_task: unsafe fn(NonNull<Header>),
实际上指向的是NonNull<Cell<T: Future>>
Cell<T: Future>
, 原因已在注释中说明vtable
的设计参考了 Waker 中的 vtable, 相当于利用泛型函数保存了类型信息, 便于后面从裸指针恢复到原始类型
点击「阅读原文」直达 toy-runtime 仓库
Have fun!