This is manually curated list of tests running under the test suite. Please keep it updated.
Use FOCUS=[ccm]
- Basic Load Balancer Test - Verify creation and modification.
- ESIP - OCI LBaaS is not a pass through load balancer so ESIPP (External Source IP Presevation) is not possible, however, this test covers support for node-local routing (i.e. avoidance of a second hop).
- End to End TLS - Verify Service annotation for specifying the TLS secret to install on the load balancer listeners and backendsets which have SSL enabled.
- TLS for Backendset - Verify Service annotation for specifying the TLS secret to install only on the load balancer backendsets which have SSL enabled.
- TLS for Listener - Verify Service annotation for specifying the TLS secret to install only on the load balancer listeners which have SSL enabled.
- End to End TLS with different certificates - Verify Service annotation for specifying different TLS secret to install on the load balancer listeners and backendsets which have SSL enabled.
- LB properties - Verify Service annotations for modifying health check config, connection idle timeout and LB shape.
- Verify if instance exists
- Get node addresses
- Get provider Id of an instance
- Get the type of an instance
- Get non-empty zone by node name
- Get non-empty zone by provider id
Use FOCUS=[storage]
- Create a persistent volume claim for a block storage
- Create a persistent volume claim for a block storage with Ext3 File System
- Create a persistent volume claim for a block storage with no AD specified
- Backup a volume and restore the created backup
- Create PVC and POD for CSI
- Create PVC with VolumeSize 1Gi but should use default 50Gi
- Create PVC with VolumeSize 100Gi should use 100G
- Static Provisioning CSI
- CMEK, PV attachment, in-transit encryption with CSI
- CMEK, iSCSI attachment, in-transit encryption with CSI
- Mount a volume