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File metadata and controls

154 lines (107 loc) · 7.04 KB



This cheatsheet is for Bash ("Bourne Again Shell"), the command-line shell you will see by default when you open a Terminal on a Mac or the Mint machines. If you want to learn more about shells in general, why not look at ZSH or FiSH? Or if you're feeling really brave, check out C-Shell which was used by cruel people in the '90s.


Commands are listed with their most common arguments. Arguments are shown as <name>, optional parts of a command are shown [with brackets]. Most commands that take a file or directory name can be given a list of names.


  • man <command> - view the manual page for a command.
  • <command> --help - show the usage information for a command.
  • history - show recently executed commands.


  • pwd - print the path of the current directory.
  • ls <directory> - list contents of a directory.
  • cd <directory> - change the current directory.
  • cd - - move back to the directory you were last in.
  • find -name <filename> - find a file with a given name.

File manipulation

  • touch <name> - create an empty file, or update the timestamp on an existing file.
  • cp <file> <destination> - copy a file.
  • mv <file> <destination> - move or rename a file.
  • ln -s <source> <destination> - create a link to a file or directory.
  • rm <file> - remove file.
  • chmod <permissions> <file> - change permissions of a file.

Directory manipulation

  • mkdir <name> - create a directory
  • cp -r <directory> <destination> - copy a directory and it's contents.
  • rm -r <directory> - remove a directory and it's contents.
  • chmod -r <permissions> <file> - change permissions of a directory and it's contents.

Data manipulation

  • cat <file> - print the contents of a file.
  • less <file> - show the contents of a file in a scrollable viewer.
  • head [-n 10] <file> - print the first 10 lines of a file.
  • tail [-n 10] <file> - print the last 10 lines of a file.
  • grep <text> <file> - search a file for a piece of text
  • grep -R <text> <directory> - recursively search the files in a directory for a piece of text
  • sort <file> - sort the contents of a file
  • wc [-l] [-w] <file> - print a word count for a file
    • -l for lines, -w for words

Chaining commands

Multiple commands can be 'chained' togther in order to pass data between them or to decide what to do based on the success of the previous command.

  • <command> | <command> - pass the output of a command to the next command (PIPE)
  • <command> && <command> - run the second command if the first command succeeds (AND)
  • <command> || <command> - run the second command if the first command fails (OR)
  • <command>; <command> - run the second command after the first (eqivalent to a new line)


  • find -name <filename> && echo 'file exists' - echo a message if a file called <filename> exists
  • grep <search> <file> || echo 'not in file' - echo a message if <file> does not contain <search>
  • grep <search> <file> | wc -l - count how many lines <file> contain <search>
  • sleep 60; echo 'done' - echo 'done' after 60 seconds

Redirecting output

Saving the output of a command-line program to a file instead of printing it to the screen is known as output redirection. You can either overwrite files, or append to them (which comes in useful for keeping logs). You can also redirect only certain messages -- such as a program's error messages.

  • <command> > <file> - Run command, and write any output to the specified file. This will overwrite the contents of the file.
  • <command> >> <file> - Run command, and append any output to the specified file. This will add the program's output to the end of the file, instead of overwriting it.
  • <command> 2> <file> - Run command, print normal output to the screen as usual -- but save any error messages to a file.
  • <command> 2>&1 >> <file> - This merges the normal output and error messages into a single output, which will then be appended to the specified file.
  • <command> > <file> 2> <anotherfile> - Write output to one file, error messages to another.

Complicated example:

  • <command> > <file> 2>| fgrep -v 'WARNING' | tee -a <anotherfile> - Run a command. Output goes to a file. Error messages get piped (see "chaining commands" section above) to the fgrep command. -v means 'invert the matches'. So fgrep will only output lines it receives from its input that don't contain the word 'WARNING'. The output from fgrep goes to tee, which will append that to <anotherfile>, as well as printing it to the screen. This is a pretty complex one -- but it's the sort of thing that comes in super handy!


  • tab - attempt to autocomplete the current buffer.
  • ctrl-r - search command history.
  • ctrl-z - suspend a running command.
  • ctrl-d - exit the shell.

Managing processes

A running process can be suspended with the ctrl-z shortcut, which will assign the process a 'job id' and allow you to continue using the shell. The jobs command will show a list of all running jobs. The fg command will resume the process in the foreground (the same way a process runs normally), and the bg command will resume the process in the background (it continues running but does not stop you using the shell at the same time). You can start a command in the background by adding a & after the command: <command> &.

If you are running a command that will take a long time to finish on a server (or any machine where you might lose your connection), it's often useful to open a shell using screen or tmux and run the command inside that. When you disconnect, the shell within screen or tmux will remain running, and when you next connect you can start using the same shell session again with screen -R or tmux --attach.

If you just want a program to keep running in the background when you quit the shell and you're not on a computer with screen or tmux installed, you can add nohup ("No hang-up") to the front of your command: nohup <command> &.


History Expansions

  • !! - previous command. Useful for:
$ rm path/to/thing
Permission denied
$ sudo !!
sudo rm path/to/thing
  • !$ - last argument of the previous command. Useful for:
$ mkdir path/to/thing
$ cd !$
$ cd path/to/thing
  • !<string> - most recent command starting with <string>
  • !<number> - run command with number as given by history command.

Argument Expansions

  • {old,new} syntax. For commands that take multiple, similar arguments. E.g.:
$ mv app/src/foo.c app/src/foobar.c

which can be turned into:

$ mv app/src/{foo,foobar}.c

or even:

$ mv app/src/foo{,bar}.c
