University of Pennsylvania, CIS 565: GPU Programming and Architecture Project 1 - Flocking
Hannah Bollar: LinkedIn, Website
Tested on: Windows 10 Pro, i7-6700HQ @ 2.60GHz 15.9GB, GTX 980M (Personal), CUDA 8.0, Visual Studio 2015.
Introduction - Rules - Grid System - Runtime Analysis - Responses
This is an artificial life program akin to Conway's Game of Life. For these programs, the user defines an initial state, and every following state organically develops through a set of predefined rules of the program. Instead of pixel changes like in Conway's Game of Life, this boid implementation developed by Craig Reynolds in 1986 is meant to define boid movements and in doing so simulate the flocking movement and orientation of birds in flight.
Example visuals of coherent grid, the most efficient implementation.
10,000 Boids | 50,000 Boids |
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Since the execution is defined based on the initial state, the current implementation has a scattered initial distribution of the boid positions (each boid is a particle in the visual). There is also a positional wrapping, so that as the boids continue moving throughout the grid, they are maintained in the same cube of space, making the simulation more interesting.
In regards to the actual rules defined for the simulation - we have the following three ideas:
- a force aiming to push every boid to the center of mass of all boids near itavoidance/dodging
- a force aiming to push every boid away from every other boid near itcohesion
- a force aiming to make each boid have a similar velocity to those near it
The psuedocode is as follows:
rule1_adhesion(Boid boid)
vector perceived_center = 0
float neighbor_count = 0
foreach Boid b:
if b != boid and distance(b, boid) < rule1Distance then
perceived_center += b.position
perceived_center /= neighbor_count
return (perceived_center - boid.position) * rule1Scale
rule2_avoidance_dodging(Boid boid)
vector avoidance_velocity = 0
foreach Boid b
if b != boid and distance(b, boid) < rule2Distance then
avoidance_velocity += (boid.position - b.position)
return avoidance_velocity * rule2Scale
rule3_cohesion(Boid boid)
vector cohesive_velocity = 0
float neighbor_count = 0
foreach Boid b
if b != boid and distance(b, boid) < rule3Distance then
cohesive_velocity += b.velocity
cohesive_velocity /= neighbor_count
return cohesive_velocity * rule3Scale
Since these only affect the delta by which a current velocity should be updated, the updated velocity for a current value is as follows: updated_vel = current_vel + rule1_adhesion + rule2_avoidance_dodging + rule3_cohesion
For more reference regarding the pseudocode see this derivation.
For each boid, each rule is enacted on the boid itself and those within a specific distance near the boid to create the grouping effect we see in the final output. The way we actually find which boids are within those distances depends on how we're searching through our grid system.
For the first implementation, we iterate over every grid cell checking if any boid inside of the grid cell is within any of the specified distances for each of the three defined rules. This is costly for runtime as we're iterating over the entire grid width in all three dimensions.
For the second implementation, we optimize our search based on a max distance instead of iterating over every grid cell possible. We set this distance as the max value of all three of the rule's comparison distances: max_distance = max(rule1_distance, max(rule2_distance, rule3_distance))
Then for each boid, we limit our search area based on the grid cells that have any aspect of them within the max_distance
. This allows us to avoid having to do a positional comparison with the corner points of each grid cell, while at the same time also allowing a more flexible approach since we're just defining a min cell index and max cell index in all three cardinal directions. That is, we dont have to manually check a hard-coded specific number of surrounding cells depending on the implementation (such as the 8 surrounding cells, 27 surrounding cells, etc).
Also because we want to allow this grid to be placed anywhere in space, for other implementation purposes and project extensions, every time we do a position comparison to find a grid index, we must make sure the grid is zeroed. That is, we must make sure that the origin of our grid, which is not guaranteed to be (0, 0, 0)
, is actually (0, 0, 0)
for our calculations. Thus, when doing update calculations, we must offset each position value by the grid origin's location: position_for_calculation = (position - gridOrigin)
For the third implementation, we used the same algorithmic idea as in the scattered implementation; however, we speed up the runtime by changing one function call. In doing so, it removes an exaggerated runtime cost by taking away an additional call in the for loop
inside the triple for loop
of our velocity update and adding a one time call to the timestep update.
For the following example grid, each implementation has slightly different buffers.
The switch in what buffers are used means that as we are iterating over the boids inside a cell index, this
int on_boid = particleArrayIndices[given_index];
if (on_boid == particle_index) { continue; }
glm::vec3 boid_position = pos[on_boid];
can be shortened just to this
if (given_index == particle_index) { continue; }
glm::vec3 boid_position = pos[given_index];
This change is because for the simple grid implementation, the given index of a boid in the cell does not match the same index in its position and velocity buffers since the cell's one is out of order. In the simple implementation, we use a buffer that maps this given_index
to the appropriate index in the positions
and velocity
buffers. To fix this, in the simulationStep
we actually shuffle the elements in our position
and velocity
buffers to match the same ordering as that of the grid cell index buffer. That way, the cell index that we're iterating over is the same index that corresponds to the position and velocity values in those buffers as well.
An additional optimization that I'd like to implement (tbd) is a radius intersection check instead of the generic bounds. Doing this check would even further optimize the coherent implementation for even more boids. The idea is that instead of doing a generic min to max dimensions check, within the min to max dimensions also add a check for if the nearest corner of the grid cell to the boid (that the boid is not already in) is within the max_distance
. Following our example images from scattered - we've culled an additional seven cells even for such a simple example.
The generic boid simulation comparing each implementation's runtime with an increasing number of boids in the simulations.
Instead of comparing based on the number of boids in the simulation, below is a comparison of what happens when the block size starts increasing. It has a boid count of 50K
But what's a boid simulation without a visual? Below is a runtime comparison of how much the realtime visual output actually affects the simulation speed. The red line is to reflect the large difference in runtime speed.
Below is the same comparison except again we're changing the block size instead of the boid count. It has a boid count of 50K
Here's a blown up version of that graph's results for each implementation with a blue line to show an overall marginally downward trend.
For each implementation, how does changing the number of boids affect performance? Why do you think this is?
Overall the higher the number of boids, the slower the performance; however, the decrease in performance changes across the algorithms. Naive - this implementation actually is really efficient at low values and then peaks early on. This is because on those smaller values, it doesnt have any additional overhead for bounds checks and other extraneous calculations before even starting the boids check as the other two algorithms do.Scattered - this is better than the naive algorithm as the number of boids increases since it culls out the extraneous blocks (as explained in the runtime analysis section). Coherent - this is even better than the scattered algorithm, because of memory indexing optimization discussed earlier. Additionally it is almost unnoticeably affected by an increase in boid count until you start getting up to 500K boids.
For each implementation, how does changing the block count and block size affect performance? Why do you think this is?
The implementation uses a warp size of 32 - given the instances where the block size is not a multiple of 32, there's unused threads and the scheduling isn't optimized appropriately. Thus, the better run times were at multiples of 32, so I tracked the sizes that were these multiples on the graph to note an overall change. Otherwise, the actual block size changes were almost negligible for runtime.
For the coherent uniform grid: did you experience any performance improvements with the more coherent uniform grid? Was this the outcome you expected? Why or why not?
Definitely yes. As explained in the coherent grid section above the change implemented for the coherent grid from the scattered grid implementation removes an exaggerated runtime cost by taking away an additional call in the for loop
inside the triple for loop
of our velocity update and adding a one time shuffling call to the timestep update.
Did changing cell width and checking 27 vs 8 neighboring cells affect performance? Why or why not? Be careful: it is insufficient (and possibly incorrect) to say that 27-cell is slower simply because there are more cells to check!
Partially. The larger cell width slows down performance. For the more streamlined simulations, my implementation searches from a min grid bound
to a max grid bound
based on the max distance
from the boid in question. The smaller the grid size, the more refined the bounds become and the less chance there is for more particles not within the max distance
to be unnecessarily checked. This also because the number of cells is much less than the number of boids, so the influence of more extraneous boids being checked in the larger cell check case is more substantial than the contrary increase in the number of blocks being checked in the smaller block case.