- Custom images on scenario (OK)
- Play sound effects (OK)
- Create scenario using code (OK)
- Code together
change camera to look around and keep looking to the ground when jumping
create logic blocks with prefill numbers
import models from tinkercad
add to libraries https://kaylousberg.itch.io/kay-kit-mini-game-variety-pack
make imcompatible data structures are fixed - self heal
shadow to all or just the character
add default template realm.
add instructions using https://shepherdjs.dev/ defined by code
- add action to show sheperdjs bubble, define target on the screen or position
- onstart script
- trigger event, next slide e.g.
- on event do something
- read and save user info to track if the tutorial was already loaded
- settings to see all user info saved in the browser
- set realm as template, add to realm options
- track log of events
website documentation
first lessons, what are the topics?
Auto generate user name
Allow to update names
Send player position updates and user name
Fix mesh template when receiving udpates
Show other user character name above the character
Wait for the full state of the scenario to load before sync
Synchronize code updates
Save realm to the server
app physics to the moveable elements, shouldn't all be moveable? tbd weigth