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File metadata and controls

63 lines (50 loc) · 2.38 KB


Chain AWSCLI commands. Just run the commands you would normally run in the command line in Python in order to get access to variables, logs, and a better and easier way of automating your AWSCLI tasks.

Here's an example where we create an ENI (Elastic Network Interface) and spin up a new EC2 (Elastic Cloud Computing) instance with it, then create an ELB (Elastic Load Balancer) and attach the EC2 instance to it.

Warning: executing the example below will literally create resources in your AWS account if you have a working AWSCLI.

from awsclpy import AWSCLPy

aws = AWSCLPy(profile = None,
              access_key_id = None,
              secret_access_key = None,
              default_region = None,
              quiet = False,
              logging = False,
              logdir = './logs',
              dry_run = False)

my_eni = aws.ec2('create-network-interface',
                 '--description', 'My Eni',
                 '--subnet-id', 'subnet-xxxxxxxx',
                 '--groups', ['sg-aaaaaaaa', 'sg-bbbbbbbb', 'sg-cccccccc'])

my_ec2 = aws.ec2('run-instances',
                 '--image-id', 'ami-xxxxxxxx',
                 '--key-name', 'my-key-name',
                 '--instance-type', 'm3.medium',
                 '--network-interfaces', '''{
                                                "NetworkInterfaceId": "%s",
                                                "DeviceIndex": 0,
                                                "DeleteOnTermination": false
                                            }''' % my_eni['NetworkInterface']['NetworkInterfaceId'])

my_elb_name = 'my-elb'

my_elb = aws.elb('create-load-balancer',
                 '--load-balancer-name', my_elb_name,
                 '--listeners', [
                 '--security-groups', ['sg-dddddddd', 'sg-eeeeeeee'],
                 '--subnets', 'subnet-yyyyyyy')

successful = aws.elb('register-instances-with-load-balancer',
                     '--load-balancer-name', my_elb_name,
                     '--instances', my_ec2['Instances'][0]['InstanceId'])

if successful:
    print 'Now, that was awesome!'

Tradiotionally you would need to run the commands, write down the output values you were interested in, then pass those values to the next commands... manually. Yikes!