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Contributing CMake code to Halide

This document specifies the coding standards we adhere to when authoring new CMake code. If you need directions for building Halide, see If you are looking for Halide's CMake package documentation, see

This document is necessary for two major reasons. First, due to its long history, size, and dedication to backwards compatibility, CMake is incredibly difficult to learn and full of traps. Second, Halide bundles its own LLVM-based native code generator, which CMake deeply does not expect. This means we routinely push CMake's build model to its limit.

Therefore, we must be careful to write high-quality CMake code so that it is clear when CMake's limitations are being tested. While not comprehensive, the guide outlines the code quality expectations we have as they apply to CMake.

When contributing new CMake code to Halide, keep in mind that the minimum version is 3.28. Therefore, it is not only possible, but required, to use modern CMake best practices.

General guidelines and best practices

The following are some common mistakes that lead to subtly broken builds.

  • Reading the build directory. While setting up the build, the build directory should be considered write only. Using the build directory as a read/write temporary directory is acceptable as long as all temp files are cleaned up by the end of configuration.
  • Not using generator expressions. Declarative is better than imperative and this is no exception. Conditionally adding to a target property can leak unwanted details about the build environment into packages. Some information is not accurate or available except via generator expressions, e.g. the build configuration.
  • Using the wrong variable. CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR doesn't always point to the Halide source root. When someone uses Halide via FetchContent, it will point to their source root instead. The correct variable is Halide_SOURCE_DIR. If you want to know if the compiler is MSVC, check it directly with the MSVC variable; don't use WIN32. That will be wrong when compiling with clang on Windows. In most cases, however, a generator expression will be more appropriate.
  • Using directory properties. Directory properties have vexing behavior and are essentially deprecated from CMake 3.0+. Propagating target properties is the way of the future.
  • Using the wrong visibility. Target properties can be PRIVATE, INTERFACE, or both (aka PUBLIC). Pick the most conservative one for each scenario. Refer to the transitive usage requirements docs for more information.
  • Needlessly expanding variables The if and foreach commands generally expand variables when provided by name. Expanding such variables manually can unintentionally change the behavior of the command. Use foreach (item IN LISTS list) instead of foreach (item ${list}). Similarly, use if (varA STREQUAL varB) instead of if ("${varA}" STREQUAL "${varB}") and definitely don't use if (${varA} STREQUAL ${varB}) since that will fail (in the best case) if either variable's value contains a semicolon (due to argument expansion).

Prohibited commands list

As mentioned above, using directory properties is brittle, and they are therefore not allowed. The following functions may not appear in any new CMake code.

Command Alternative
add_compile_definitions Use target_compile_definitions
add_compile_options Use target_compile_options
add_definitions Use target_compile_definitions
add_link_options Use target_link_options, but prefer not to use either
include_directories Use target_include_directories
link_directories Use target_link_libraries
link_libraries Use target_link_libraries
remove_definitions Generator expressions in target_compile_definitions
set_directory_properties Use (cache) variables or target properties
set_property(DIRECTORY) Use (cache) variables or target properties (custom properties excluded, but require justification)
target_link_libraries(target lib) Use target_link_libraries with a visibility specifier (eg. PRIVATE)

As an example, it was once common practice to write code similar to this:

# WRONG: do not do this
add_library(my_lib source1.cpp ..)

However, this has two major pitfalls. First, it applies to all targets created in that directory, even those before the call to include_directories and those created in include()-ed CMake files. As CMake files get larger and more complex, this behavior gets harder to pinpoint. This is particularly vexing when using the link_libraries or add_definitions commands. Second, this form does not provide a way to propagate the include directory to consumers of my_lib. The correct way to do this is:

add_library(my_lib source1.cpp ...)
    BASE_DIRS include
    FILES include/header1.h

This is better in many ways. It only affects the target in question. It propagates the include path to the targets linking to it (via PUBLIC). It also correctly exports the host-filesystem-specific include path when installing or packaging the target and installs the headers themselves, too.

If common properties need to be grouped together, use an INTERFACE target (better) or write a function (worse).

There are also several functions that are disallowed for other reasons:

Command Reason Alternative
aux_source_directory Interacts poorly with incremental builds and Git List source files explicitly
build_command CTest internal function Use CTest build-and-test mode via CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND
cmake_host_system_information Usually misleading information. Inspect toolchain variables and use generator expressions.
cmake_policy(... OLD) OLD policies are deprecated by definition. Instead, fix the code to work with the new policy.
create_test_sourcelist We use our own unit testing solution See the adding tests section.
define_property Adds unnecessary complexity Use a cache variable. Exceptions under special circumstances.
enable_language Halide is C/C++ only FindCUDAToolkit, appropriately guarded.
file(GLOB ...) Interacts poorly with incremental builds and Git List source files explicitly. Allowed if not globbing for source files.
fltk_wrap_ui Halide does not use FLTK None
include_external_msproject Halide must remain portable Write a CMake package config file or find module.
include_guard Use of recursive inclusion is not allowed Write (recursive) functions.
include_regular_expression Changes default dependency checking behavior None
load_cache Superseded by FetchContent/ExternalProject Use aforementioned modules
macro CMake macros are not hygienic and are therefore error-prone Use functions instead.
site_name Privacy: do not want leak host name information Provide a cache variable, generate a unique name.
variable_watch Debugging helper None. Not needed in production.

Do not introduce any dependencies via find_package without broader approval. Importantly, never introduce a new use of FetchContent; prefer to add dependencies to vcpkg.json.

Prohibited variables list

Any variables that are specific to languages that are not enabled should, of course, be avoided. But of greater concern are variables that are easy to misuse or should not be overridden for our end-users. The following (non-exhaustive) list of variables shall not be used in code merged into main.

Variable Reason Alternative
CMAKE_ROOT Code smell Rely on find_package search options; include HINTS if necessary
CMAKE_FIND_DEBUG_MODE Debugging helper None
CMAKE_RULE_MESSAGES Debugging helper None
CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE Debugging helper None
CMAKE_BUILD_TOOL Deprecated ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build or CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM (but see below)
CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR Deprecated $<CONFIG>, $<TARGET_FILE:..>, target resolution of add_custom_command, etc.
CMAKE_DIRECTORY_LABELS Directory property None
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Only applies to single-config generators. $<CONFIG>
CMAKE_*_FLAGS* (w/o _INIT) User-only Write a toolchain file with the corresponding _INIT variable
CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES We only support the four standard build types None

Of course feel free to insert debugging helpers while developing but please remove them before review. Finally, the following variables are allowed, but their use must be motivated:

Variable Reason Alternative
CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR Points to global source root, not Halide's. Halide_SOURCE_DIR or PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR
CMAKE_BINARY_DIR Points to global build root, not Halide's Halide_BINARY_DIR or PROJECT_BINARY_DIR
CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM CMake abstracts over differences in the build tool. Prefer CTest's build and test mode or CMake's --build mode
CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING Often misleading. Inspect relevant variables directly, eg. CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME
BUILD_SHARED_LIBS Could override user setting None, but be careful to restore value when overriding for a dependency

Any use of these functions or variables will block a PR.

Adding tests

When adding a file to any of the folders under test, be aware that CI expects that every .c and .cpp appears in the CMakeLists.txt file on its own line, possibly as a comment. This is to avoid globbing and also to ensure that added files are not missed.

For most test types, it should be as simple as adding to the existing lists, which must remain in alphabetical order. Generator tests are trickier, but following the existing examples is a safe way to go.

Adding apps

If you're contributing a new app to Halide: great! Thank you! There are a few guidelines you should follow when writing a new app.

  • Write the app as if it were a top-level project. You should call find_package(Halide) and set the C++ version to 11.
  • Call enable_testing() and add a small test that runs the app.
  • Don't assume your app will have access to a GPU. Write your schedules to be robust to varying buildbot hardware.
  • Don't assume your app will be run on a specific OS, architecture, or bitness. Write your apps to be robust (ideally efficient) on all supported platforms.
  • If you rely on any additional packages, don't include them as REQUIRED, instead test to see if their targets are available and, if not, call return() before creating any targets. In this case, print a message(STATUS "[SKIP] ..."), too.
  • Look at the existing apps for examples.
  • Test your app with ctest before opening a PR. Apps are built as part of the test, rather than the main build.