From 573f51e6d55160d6b10b1ca57edfd99793d37131 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: YDZ Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2020 16:14:49 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Due to GitHub README max characters limit, so move some characters to links. --- | 573 +++--------------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 546 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 8047caf43..b35182f87 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1637,89 +1637,14 @@ ## Array -| Title | Solution | Difficulty | Time | Space |收藏| -| ----- | :--------: | :----------: | :----: | :-----: | :-----: | -|[1. Two Sum](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[11. Container With Most Water](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[15. 3Sum](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n)|❤️| -|[16. 3Sum Closest](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(1)|❤️| -|[18. 4Sum](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^3)| O(n^2)|❤️| -|[26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[27. Remove Element](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[39. Combination Sum](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(n)|| -|[40. Combination Sum II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(n)|| -|[41. First Missing Positive](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[42. Trapping Rain Water](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[48. Rotate Image](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[53. Maximum Subarray](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[54. Spiral Matrix](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n^2)|| -|[56. Merge Intervals](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(1)|| -|[57. Insert Interval](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[59. Spiral Matrix II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n^2)|| -|[62. Unique Paths](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n^2)|| -|[63. Unique Paths II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n^2)|| -|[64. Minimum Path Sum](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n^2)|| -|[75. Sort Colors](| [Go](| Medium| O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[78. Subsets](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n)|❤️| -|[79. Word Search](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n^2)|❤️| -|[80. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1|| -|[84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[88. Merge Sorted Array](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[90. Subsets II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n)|❤️| -|[120. Triangle](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n)|| -|[121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[126. Word Ladder II](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n^2)|❤️| -|[152. Maximum Product Subarray](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[167. Two Sum II - Input array is sorted](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[209. Minimum Size Subarray Sum](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[216. Combination Sum III](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[217. Contains Duplicate](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[219. Contains Duplicate II](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[283. Move Zeroes](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[287. Find the Duplicate Number](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[532. K-diff Pairs in an Array](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[566. Reshape the Matrix](| [Go](| Easy | O(n^2)| O(n^2)|| -|[628. Maximum Product of Three Numbers](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[713. Subarray Product Less Than K](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[714. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[746. Min Cost Climbing Stairs](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[766. Toeplitz Matrix](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[867. Transpose Matrix](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[891. Sum of Subsequence Widths](| [Go](| Hard | O(n log n)| O(1)|| -|[907. Sum of Subarray Minimums](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[922. Sort Array By Parity II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[969. Pancake Sorting](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[977. Squares of a Sorted Array](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|-----------------------------------------------------------------|-------------|-------------| --------------------------| --------------------------|-------------| + +Problems List in [there]( ## String -| Title | Solution | Difficulty | Time | Space |收藏| -| ----- | :--------: | :----------: | :----: | :-----: | :-----: | -|[3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number](| [Go](| Medium | O(log n)| O(1)|| -|[20. Valid Parentheses](| [Go](| Easy | O(log n)| O(1)|| -|[22. Generate Parentheses](| [Go](| Medium | O(log n)| O(1)|| -|[28. Implement strStr()](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[30. Substring with Concatenation of All Words](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[49. Group Anagrams](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(n)|| -|[71. Simplify Path](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[76. Minimum Window Substring](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[91. Decode Ways](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[93. Restore IP Addresses](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[125. Valid Palindrome](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[126. Word Ladder II](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n^2)|❤️| -|[344. Reverse String](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[345. Reverse Vowels of a String](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[767. Reorganize String](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(log n) |❤️| -|[842. Split Array into Fibonacci Sequence](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(1)|❤️| -|[856. Score of Parentheses](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[925. Long Pressed Name](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[1003. Check If Word Is Valid After Substitutions](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|-----------------------------------------------------------------|-------------|-------------| --------------------------| --------------------------|-------------| +Problems List in [there]( ## Two Pointers @@ -1747,59 +1672,8 @@ - 替换字母以后,相同字母能出现连续最长的长度。第 424 题。 - SUM 问题集。第 1 题,第 15 题,第 16 题,第 18 题,第 167 题,第 923 题,第 1074 题。 -| Title | Solution | Difficulty | Time | Space |收藏| -| ----- | :--------: | :----------: | :----: | :-----: | :-----: | -|[3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[11. Container With Most Water](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[15. 3Sum](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n)|❤️| -|[16. 3Sum Closest](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(1)|❤️| -|[18. 4Sum](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^3)| O(n^2)|❤️| -|[19. Remove Nth Node From End of List](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[27. Remove Element](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[28. Implement strStr()](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[30. Substring with Concatenation of All Words](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[42. Trapping Rain Water](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[61. Rotate List](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[75. Sort Colors](| [Go](| Medium| O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[76. Minimum Window Substring](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[80. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1|| -|[86. Partition List](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[88. Merge Sorted Array](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[125. Valid Palindrome](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[141. Linked List Cycle](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[142. Linked List Cycle II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[167. Two Sum II - Input array is sorted](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[209. Minimum Size Subarray Sum](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[234. Palindrome Linked List](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[283. Move Zeroes](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[287. Find the Duplicate Number](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[344. Reverse String](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[345. Reverse Vowels of a String](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[349. Intersection of Two Arrays](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n) || -|[350. Intersection of Two Arrays II](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n) || -|[424. Longest Repeating Character Replacement](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1) || -|[524. Longest Word in Dictionary through Deleting](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1) || -|[532. K-diff Pairs in an Array](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[567. Permutation in String](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[713. Subarray Product Less Than K](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[763. Partition Labels](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[826. Most Profit Assigning Work](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(n)|| -|[828. Unique Letter String](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[838. Push Dominoes](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[844. Backspace String Compare](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n) || -|[845. Longest Mountain in Array](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1) || -|[881. Boats to Save People](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(1) || -|[904. Fruit Into Baskets](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(1) || -|[923. 3Sum With Multiplicity](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n) || -|[925. Long Pressed Name](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[930. Binary Subarrays With Sum](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n) |❤️| -|[977. Squares of a Sorted Array](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[986. Interval List Intersections](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[992. Subarrays with K Different Integers](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[1004. Max Consecutive Ones III](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1) || -|[1093. Statistics from a Large Sample](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1) || -|-----------------------------------------------------------------|-------------|-------------| --------------------------| --------------------------|-------------| + +Problems List in [there]( ## Linked List @@ -1817,39 +1691,8 @@ - 判断链表是否存在环,如果有环,输出环的交叉点的下标;判断 2 个链表是否有交叉点,如果有交叉点,输出交叉点。第 141 题,第 142 题,第 160 题。 +Problems List in [there]( -| Title | Solution | Difficulty | Time | Space |收藏| -| ----- | :--------: | :----------: | :----: | :-----: | :-----: | -|[2. Add Two Numbers](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[19. Remove Nth Node From End of List](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[21. Merge Two Sorted Lists](| [Go](| Easy | O(log n)| O(1)|| -|[23. Merge k Sorted Lists](| [Go](| Hard | O(log n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[24. Swap Nodes in Pairs](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[25. Reverse Nodes in k-Group](| [Go](| Hard | O(log n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[61. Rotate List](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[82. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[83. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[86. Partition List](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[92. Reverse Linked List II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[109. Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree](| [Go](| Medium | O(log n)| O(n)|| -|[141. Linked List Cycle](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[142. Linked List Cycle II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[143. Reorder List](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[147. Insertion Sort List](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[148. Sort List](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[160. Intersection of Two Linked Lists](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[203. Remove Linked List Elements](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[206. Reverse Linked List](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[234. Palindrome Linked List](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[237. Delete Node in a Linked List](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[328. Odd Even Linked List](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[445. Add Two Numbers II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[725. Split Linked List in Parts](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[817. Linked List Components](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[707. Design Linked List](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[876. Middle of the Linked List](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[1019. Next Greater Node In Linked List](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|----------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------|-------------| -------------| -------------|-------------| @@ -1862,88 +1705,14 @@ - 利用栈进行编码问题。第 394 题,第 682 题,第 856 题,第 880 题。 - **单调栈**。**利用栈维护一个单调递增或者递减的下标数组**。第 84 题,第 456 题,第 496 题,第 503 题,第 739 题,第 901 题,第 907 题,第 1019 题。 -| Title | Solution | Difficulty | Time | Space |收藏| -| ----- | :--------: | :----------: | :----: | :-----: | :-----: | -|[20. Valid Parentheses](| [Go](| Easy | O(log n)| O(1)|| -|[42. Trapping Rain Water](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[71. Simplify Path](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[103. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[144. Binary Tree Preorder Traversal](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[145. Binary Tree Postorder Traversal](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[150. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[155. Min Stack](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[173. Binary Search Tree Iterator](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[224. Basic Calculator](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[225. Implement Stack using Queues](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[232. Implement Queue using Stacks](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[331. Verify Preorder Serialization of a Binary Tree](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[394. Decode String](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[402. Remove K Digits](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[456. 132 Pattern](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[496. Next Greater Element I](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[503. Next Greater Element II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[636. Exclusive Time of Functions](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[682. Baseball Game](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[726. Number of Atoms](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n) |❤️| -|[735. Asteroid Collision](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n) || -|[739. Daily Temperatures](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n) || -|[844. Backspace String Compare](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n) || -|[856. Score of Parentheses](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[880. Decoded String at Index](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[895. Maximum Frequency Stack](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n) || -|[901. Online Stock Span](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n) || -|[907. Sum of Subarray Minimums](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[921. Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[946. Validate Stack Sequences](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[1003. Check If Word Is Valid After Substitutions](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[1019. Next Greater Node In Linked List](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[1021. Remove Outermost Parentheses](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[1047. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|-----------------------------------------------------------------|-------------|-------------| --------------------------| --------------------------|-------------| +Problems List in [there]( ## Tree -| Title | Solution | Difficulty | Time | Space |收藏| -| ----- | :--------: | :----------: | :----: | :-----: | :-----: | -|[94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[96. Unique Binary Search Trees](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n)|| -|[98. Validate Binary Search Tree](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[99. Recover Binary Search Tree](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[100. Same Tree](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[101. Symmetric Tree](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[103. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[107. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[108. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[110. Balanced Binary Tree](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[112. Path Sum](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[113. Path Sum II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[114. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[124. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[129. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[144. Binary Tree Preorder Traversal](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[145. Binary Tree Postorder Traversal](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[173. Binary Search Tree Iterator](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[199. Binary Tree Right Side View](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[222. Count Complete Tree Nodes](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[226. Invert Binary Tree](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[230. Kth Smallest Element in a BST](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[235. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[236. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[257. Binary Tree Paths](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[404. Sum of Left Leaves](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[437. Path Sum III](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[515. Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[637. Average of Levels in Binary Tree](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[993. Cousins in Binary Tree](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|-----------------------------------------------------------------|-------------|-------------| --------------------------| --------------------------|-------------| +Problems List in [there]( @@ -1951,35 +1720,8 @@ ## Dynamic Programming -| Title | Solution | Difficulty | Time | Space |收藏| -| ----- | :--------: | :----------: | :----: | :-----: | :-----: | -|[53. Maximum Subarray](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[62. Unique Paths](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n^2)|| -|[63. Unique Paths II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n^2)|| -|[64. Minimum Path Sum](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n^2)|| -|[70. Climbing Stairs](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[91. Decode Ways](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[96. Unique Binary Search Trees](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[120. Triangle](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n)|| -|[121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[152. Maximum Product Subarray](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[198. House Robber](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[213. House Robber II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[300. Longest Increasing Subsequence](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(n)|| -|[309. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[322. Coin Change](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[338. Counting Bits](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[343. Integer Break](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n)|| -|[357. Count Numbers with Unique Digits](| [Go](| Medium | O(1)| O(1)|| -|[392. Is Subsequence](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[416. Partition Equal Subset Sum](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n)|| -|[714. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[746. Min Cost Climbing Stairs](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[838. Push Dominoes](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[1025. Divisor Game](| [Go](| Easy | O(1)| O(1)|| -|[891. Sum of Subsequence Widths](| [Go](| Hard | O(n log n)| O(1)|| -|[942. DI String Match](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|-----------------------------------------------------------------|-------------|-------------| --------------------------| --------------------------|-------------| +Problems List in [there]( + ## Backtracking @@ -2076,72 +1818,14 @@ func updateMatrix_BFS(matrix [][]int) [][]int { } ``` -| Title | Solution | Difficulty | Time | Space |收藏| -| ----- | :--------: | :----------: | :----: | :-----: | :-----: | -|[17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number](| [Go](| Medium | O(log n)| O(1)|| -|[22. Generate Parentheses](| [Go](| Medium | O(log n)| O(1)|| -|[37. Sudoku Solver](| [Go](| Hard | O(n^2)| O(n^2)|❤️| -|[39. Combination Sum](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(n)|| -|[40. Combination Sum II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(n)|| -|[46. Permutations](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[47. Permutations II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n)|❤️| -|[51. N-Queens](| [Go](| Hard | O(n^2)| O(n)|❤️| -|[52. N-Queens II](| [Go](| Hard | O(n^2)| O(n)|❤️| -|[60. Permutation Sequence](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(1)|| -|[77. Combinations](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[78. Subsets](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n)|❤️| -|[79. Word Search](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n^2)|❤️| -|[89. Gray Codes](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[90. Subsets II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n)|❤️| -|[93. Restore IP Addresses](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[126. Word Ladder II](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n^2)|❤️| -|[131. Palindrome Partitioning](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n^2)|❤️| -|[211. Add and Search Word - Data structure design](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[212. Word Search II](| [Go](| Hard | O(n^2)| O(n^2)|❤️| -|[216. Combination Sum III](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[306. Additive Number](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(1)|❤️| -|[357. Count Numbers with Unique Digits](| [Go](| Medium | O(1)| O(1)|| -|[401. Binary Watch](| [Go](| Easy | O(1)| O(1)|| -|[526. Beautiful Arrangement](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(1)|❤️| -|[784. Letter Case Permutation](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[842. Split Array into Fibonacci Sequence](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(1)|❤️| -|[980. Unique Paths III](| [Go](| Hard | O(n log n)| O(n)|| -|[996. Number of Squareful Arrays](| [Go](| Hard | O(n log n)| O(n) || -|[1079. Letter Tile Possibilities](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(1)|❤️| -|-----------------------------------------------------------------|-------------|-------------| --------------------------| --------------------------|-------------| - -## Depth First Search +Problems List in [there]( -| Title | Solution | Difficulty | Time | Space |收藏| -| ----- | :--------: | :----------: | :----: | :-----: | :-----: | -|[98. Validate Binary Search Tree](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[99. Recover Binary Search Tree](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[100. Same Tree](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[101. Symmetric Tree](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[108. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[109. Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree](| [Go](| Medium | O(log n)| O(n)|| -|[110. Balanced Binary Tree](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[112. Path Sum](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[113. Path Sum II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[114. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[124. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[129. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[199. Binary Tree Right Side View](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[200. Number of Islands](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n^2)|| -|[207. Course Schedule](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n^2)|| -|[210. Course Schedule II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n^2)|| -|[257. Binary Tree Paths](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[394. Decode String](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[515. Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[542. 01 Matrix](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[980. Unique Paths III](| [Go](| Hard | O(n log n)| O(n)|| -|-----------------------------------------------------------------|-------------|-------------| --------------------------| --------------------------|-------------| +## Depth First Search +Problems List in [there]( @@ -2149,24 +1833,8 @@ func updateMatrix_BFS(matrix [][]int) [][]int { ## Breadth First Search -| Title | Solution | Difficulty | Time | Space |收藏| -| ----- | :--------: | :----------: | :----: | :-----: | :-----: | -|[101. Symmetric Tree](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[103. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[107. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[126. Word Ladder II](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n^2)|❤️| -|[127. Word Ladder](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[199. Binary Tree Right Side View](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[200. Number of Islands](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n^2)|| -|[207. Course Schedule](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n^2)|| -|[210. Course Schedule II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n^2)|| -|[515. Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[542. 01 Matrix](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[993. Cousins in Binary Tree](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|-----------------------------------------------------------------|-------------|-------------| --------------------------| --------------------------|-------------| +Problems List in [there]( @@ -2298,101 +1966,22 @@ func peakIndexInMountainArray(A []int) int { - max-min 最大值最小化问题。求在最小满足条件的情况下的最大值。第 410 题,第 875 题,第 1011 题,第 1283 题。 -| Title | Solution | Difficulty | Time | Space |收藏| -| ----- | :--------: | :----------: | :----: | :-----: | :-----: | -|[50. Pow(x, n)](| [Go](| Medium | O(log n)| O(1)|| -|[69. Sqrt(x)](| [Go](| Easy | O(log n)| O(1)|| -|[167. Two Sum II - Input array is sorted](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[209. Minimum Size Subarray Sum](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[222. Count Complete Tree Nodes](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[230. Kth Smallest Element in a BST](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[287. Find the Duplicate Number](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[300. Longest Increasing Subsequence](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(n)|| -|[349. Intersection of Two Arrays](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n) || -|[350. Intersection of Two Arrays II](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n) || -|[392. Is Subsequence](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[454. 4Sum II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n) || -|[710. Random Pick with Blacklist](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n) || -|-----------------------------------------------------------------|-------------|-------------| --------------------------| --------------------------|-------------| - - - - - - - - - - +Problems List in [there]( ## Math -| Title | Solution | Difficulty | Time | Space |收藏| -| ----- | :--------: | :----------: | :----: | :-----: | :-----: | -|[2. Add Two Numbers](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[50. Pow(x, n)](| [Go](| Medium | O(log n)| O(1)|| -|[60. Permutation Sequence](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(1)|| -|[69. Sqrt(x)](| [Go](| Easy | O(log n)| O(1)|| -|[202. Happy Number](| [Go](| Easy | O(log n)| O(1)|| -|[224. Basic Calculator](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[231. Power of Two](| [Go](| Easy | O(1)| O(1)|| -|[263. Ugly Number](| [Go](| Easy | O(log n)| O(1)|| -|[326. Power of Three](| [Go](| Easy | O(1)| O(1)|| -|[343. Integer Break](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n)|| -|[357. Count Numbers with Unique Digits](| [Go](| Medium | O(1)| O(1)|| -|[628. Maximum Product of Three Numbers](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[885. Spiral Matrix III](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(1)|| -|[891. Sum of Subsequence Widths](| [Go](| Hard | O(n log n)| O(1)|| -|[942. DI String Match](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[976. Largest Perimeter Triangle](| [Go](| Easy | O(n log n)| O(log n) || -|[996. Number of Squareful Arrays](| [Go](| Hard | O(n log n)| O(n) || -|[1025. Divisor Game](| [Go](| Easy | O(1)| O(1)|| -|-----------------------------------------------------------------|-------------|-------------| --------------------------| --------------------------|-------------| +Problems List in [there]( + ## Hash Table -| Title | Solution | Difficulty | Time | Space |收藏| -| ----- | :--------: | :----------: | :----: | :-----: | :-----: | -|[1. Two Sum](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[18. 4Sum](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^3)| O(n^2)|❤️| -|[30. Substring with Concatenation of All Words](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[36. Valid Sudoku](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n^2)|| -|[37. Sudoku Solver](| [Go](| Hard | O(n^2)| O(n^2)|❤️| -|[49. Group Anagrams](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(n)|| -|[76. Minimum Window Substring](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[138. Copy List with Random Pointer](| [Go]()| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[202. Happy Number](| [Go](| Easy | O(log n)| O(1)|| -|[205. Isomorphic Strings](| [Go](| Easy | O(log n)| O(n)|| -|[217. Contains Duplicate](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[219. Contains Duplicate II](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[242. Valid Anagram](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n) || -|[274. H-Index](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n) || -|[290. Word Pattern](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n) || -|[347. Top K Frequent Elements](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n) || -|[349. Intersection of Two Arrays](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n) || -|[350. Intersection of Two Arrays II](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n) || -|[438. Find All Anagrams in a String](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1) || -|[447. Number of Boomerangs](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1) || -|[451. Sort Characters By Frequency](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(1) || -|[454. 4Sum II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n) || -|[648. Replace Words](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n) || -|[676. Implement Magic Dictionary](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n) || -|[720. Longest Word in Dictionary](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n) || -|[726. Number of Atoms](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n) |❤️| -|[739. Daily Temperatures](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n) || -|[710. Random Pick with Blacklist](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n) || -|[895. Maximum Frequency Stack](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n) || -|[930. Binary Subarrays With Sum](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n) |❤️| -|[992. Subarrays with K Different Integers](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n) |❤️| -|-----------------------------------------------------------------|-------------|-------------| --------------------------| --------------------------|-------------| +Problems List in [there]( @@ -2407,37 +1996,8 @@ func peakIndexInMountainArray(A []int) int { - 两两不相邻的排序。第 767 题,第 1054 题。 - "饼子排序"。第 969 题。 -
- Problems List - -| Title | Solution | Difficulty | Time | Space | 收藏 | -| ----- | :--------: | :----------: | :----: | :-----: |:-----: | -|[56. Merge Intervals](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(log n)|| -|[57. Insert Interval](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[75. Sort Colors](| [Go](| Medium| O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[147. Insertion Sort List](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1) |❤️| -|[148. Sort List](| [Go](| Medium |O(n log n)| O(log n)|❤️| -|[164. Maximum Gap](| [Go](| Hard | O(n log n)| O(log n) |❤️| -|[179. Largest Number](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(log n) |❤️| -|[220. Contains Duplicate III](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(1) |❤️| -|[242. Valid Anagram](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n) || -|[274. H-Index](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n) || -|[324. Wiggle Sort II](| [Go](| Medium| O(n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[349. Intersection of Two Arrays](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n) || -|[350. Intersection of Two Arrays II](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(n) || -|[524. Longest Word in Dictionary through Deleting](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1) || -|[767. Reorganize String](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(log n) |❤️| -|[853. Car Fleet](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(log n) || -|[710. Random Pick with Blacklist](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n) || -|[922. Sort Array By Parity II](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1) || -|[969. Pancake Sorting](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(log n) |❤️| -|[973. K Closest Points to Origin](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(log n) || -|[976. Largest Perimeter Triangle](| [Go](| Easy | O(n log n)| O(log n) || -|[1030. Matrix Cells in Distance Order](| [Go](| Easy | O(n^2)| O(1) || -|[1054. Distant Barcodes](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(log n) |❤️| -|-----------------------------------------------------------------|-------------|-------------| --------------------------| --------------------------|-------------| - -
+Problems List in [there]( + ## Bit Manipulation @@ -2475,40 +2035,7 @@ X & -X 得到最低位(LSB)的 1 X & ~X = 0 ``` - -| Title | Solution | Difficulty | Time | Space | 收藏 | -| ----- | :--------: | :----------: | :----: | :-----: |:-----: | -|[78. Subsets](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n)|❤️| -|[136. Single Number](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[137. Single Number II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[169. Majority Element](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[187. Repeated DNA Sequences](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[190. Reverse Bits](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[191. Number of 1 Bits](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[201. Bitwise AND of Numbers Range](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[231. Power of Two](| [Go](| Easy | O(1)| O(1)|| -|[260. Single Number III](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[268. Missing Number](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[318. Maximum Product of Word Lengths](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[338. Counting Bits](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[342. Power of Four](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[371. Sum of Two Integers](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[389. Find the Difference](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[393. UTF-8 Validation](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[397. Integer Replacement](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[401. Binary Watch](| [Go](| Easy | O(1)| O(1)|| -|[405. Convert a Number to Hexadecimal](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[421. Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[461. Hamming Distance](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[476. Number Complement](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[477. Total Hamming Distance](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[693. Binary Number with Alternating Bits](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[756. Pyramid Transition Matrix](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(n)|| -|[762. Prime Number of Set Bits in Binary Representation](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[784. Letter Case Permutation](| [Go](| Easy | O(n)| O(1)|| -|[898. Bitwise ORs of Subarrays](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|| -|-----------------------------------------------------------------|-------------|-------------| --------------------------| --------------------------|-------------| - +Problems List in [there]( ## Union Find @@ -2523,29 +2050,7 @@ X & ~X = 0 - 能用并查集的题目,一般也可以用 DFS 和 BFS 解答,只不过时间复杂度会高一点。 -| Title | Solution | Difficulty | Time | Space | 收藏 | -| ----- | :--------: | :----------: | :----: | :-----: |:-----: | -|[128. Longest Consecutive Sequence](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[130. Surrounded Regions](| [Go](| Medium | O(m\*n)| O(m\*n)|| -|[200. Number of Islands](| [Go](| Medium | O(m\*n)| O(m\*n)|| -|[399. Evaluate Division](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[547. Friend Circles](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n)|| -|[684. Redundant Connection](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[685. Redundant Connection II](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[721. Accounts Merge](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[765. Couples Holding Hands](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[778. Swim in Rising Water](| [Go](| Hard | O(n^2)| O(n)|❤️| -|[803. Bricks Falling When Hit](| [Go](| Hard | O(n^2)| O(n)|❤️| -|[839. Similar String Groups](| [Go](| Hard | O(n^2)| O(n)|| -|[924. Minimize Malware Spread](| [Go](| Hard | O(m\*n)| O(n)|| -|[928. Minimize Malware Spread II](| [Go](| Hard | O(m\*n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[947. Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|[952. Largest Component Size by Common Factor](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[959. Regions Cut By Slashes](| [Go](| Medium | O(n^2)| O(n^2)|❤️| -|[990. Satisfiability of Equality Equations](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(n)|| -|-----------------------------------------------------------------|-------------|-------------| --------------------------| --------------------------|-------------| - - +Problems List in [there]( @@ -2571,22 +2076,7 @@ X & ~X = 0 ``` - 滑动窗口经典题。第 239 题,第 480 题。 -| Title | Solution | Difficulty | Time | Space | 收藏 | -| ----- | :--------: | :----------: | :----: | :-----: |:-----: | -|[3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[76. Minimum Window Substring](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[239. Sliding Window Maximum](| [Go](| Hard | O(n * k)| O(n)|❤️| -|[424. Longest Repeating Character Replacement](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1) || -|[480. Sliding Window Median](| [Go](| Hard | O(n * log k)| O(k)|❤️| -|[567. Permutation in String](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[978. Longest Turbulent Subarray](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[992. Subarrays with K Different Integers](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[995. Minimum Number of K Consecutive Bit Flips](| [Go](| Hard | O(n)| O(1)|❤️| -|[1004. Max Consecutive Ones III](| [Go](| Medium | O(n)| O(1) || -|[1040. Moving Stones Until Consecutive II](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(1) |❤️| -|[1052. Grumpy Bookstore Owner](| [Go](| Medium | O(n log n)| O(1) || -|[1074. Number of Submatrices That Sum to Target](| [Go](| Hard | O(n^3)| O(n) |❤️| -|-----------------------------------------------------------------|-------------|-------------| --------------------------| --------------------------|-------------| +Problems List in [there]( ## Segment Tree @@ -2619,23 +2109,14 @@ X & ~X = 0 [HDU 1542 Atlantis]( update:区间增减 query:直接取根节点的值 [HDU 1828 Picture]( update:区间增减 query:直接取根节点的值 -| Title | Solution | Difficulty | Time | Space | 收藏 | -| ----- | :--------: | :----------: | :----: | :-----: |:-----: | -|[218. The Skyline Problem](| [Go](| Hard | O(n log n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[307. Range Sum Query - Mutable](| [Go](| Hard | O(1)| O(n)|| -|[315. Count of Smaller Numbers After Self](| [Go](| Hard | O(n log n)| O(n)|| -|[327. Count of Range Sum](| [Go](| Hard | O(n log n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[493. Reverse Pairs](| [Go](| Hard | O(n log n)| O(n)|| -|[699. Falling Squares](| [Go](| Hard | O(n log n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[715. Range Module](| [Go](| Hard | O(log n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[732. My Calendar III](| [Go](| Hard | O(log n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[850. Rectangle Area II](| [Go](| Hard | O(n log n)| O(n)|❤️| -|[1157. Online Majority Element In Subarray](| [Go](| Hard | O(log n)| O(n)|❤️| -|-----------------------------------------------------------------|-------------|-------------| --------------------------| --------------------------|-------------| +Problems List in [there]( ## Binary Indexed Tree ![](./topic/Binary_Indexed_Tree.png) +Problems List in [there]( + + ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------