PatientProgress is a mobile-ready front-end application built with React and a RESTful API built with Node. The PatientProgress web-app is made to facilitate medical research, while being very convenient and time-saving for the professional and the patient.
- Fill the questionnaires required by your professional
- Visualize your progress with graphs generated with your data
- Easy access to contact information about your professional
- Choose which questionnaires you want the patient to fill
- See the filled questionnaires and export them to PDF
- Write reports that are optionally pre-filled with patient data
- Schedule questionnaires for a individual patient
- Visualize the progress of all your patient in a interactive graph
- Access the powerful PatientProgress API to retrieve anonymized patient data
- All the patient's & professional's anonymized data are treatable because of their JSON format.
Codebases | Description |
server | Express API |
client | CRA React App |
PatientProgress uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- ReactJS - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- NodeJS - An asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime
- ExpressJS - A fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js
- JWT - An open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties.
PatientProgress requires Node.js V10+ to run.
Go to package/server/config/ and create a new file named config.env
Replace "production" by "development" depending on your environment
Go to package/server/config/ and create a new file named default.json
"jwtSecret": "<YOUR_JWT_SECRET>",
"recaptchaSecret": "<YOUR_RECAPTCHA_SECRET>",
"TelegramChatID": "<YOUR_TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID>",
"nodemailerHost": "<YOUR_EMAIL_PROVIDER (stmp server)>",
"nodemailerPort": "<YOUR_EMAIL_PORT>",
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
yarn install
node package/server/server.js
Then build and serve the CRA React application
The default API call will be dispatched to the official API. This will be an environment variable soon.
cd package/client
yarn build
serve -s build
PatientProgress uses Create-React-App, yarn and lerna for fast developing. Make a change in your file and instantaneously see your updates!
Open your favorite Terminal and run these commands.
yarn dev
Dominic Hains - Maintainer & Developer