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Setting up Pi-hole in Docker on diskless Alpine Linux on a Raspberry Pi

My SD card is 16GB. I chose to partition it with

  • 192 MiB (FAT32) for the operating system,
  • 1 GiB (ext4) for the local backup utility and package cache, and
  • the remainder (ext4) for /var/lib/docker.

Prepare the SD card (on macOS)

Find the device name with

$ diskutil list

In my case, the SD card was /dev/disk2.

Partition the SD card with

$ diskutil partitionDisk /dev/disk2 \
  MBR \
  FAT32 PI-HOLE 192MiB \
  FREE %noformat% R

Download and extract Alpine Linux to the SD card with

$ gpg --receive-keys 293ACD0907D9495A
gpg: key 293ACD0907D9495A: public key "Natanael Copa <[email protected]>" imported

$ gpg --lsign-key 293ACD0907D9495A

$ curl --remote-name-all{.asc,}

$ gpg --verify alpine-rpi-3.13.1-aarch64.tar.gz{.asc,}
gpg: Signature made Thu 11 Feb 15:16:57 2021 GMT
gpg:                using RSA key 0482D84022F52DF1C4E7CD43293ACD0907D9495A
gpg: Good signature from "Natanael Copa <[email protected]>" [full]

$ tar \
  --extract \
  --file alpine-rpi-3.13.1-aarch64.tar.gz \
  --directory /Volumes/PI-HOLE

Eject the SD card with

$ diskutil eject /Volumes/PI-HOLE

Generate an SSH key

Generate an SSH key with

$ ssh-keygen -C "" -f ~/.ssh/pihole -t ed25519

Upload the public key as a gist with

$ hub gist create --public ~/.ssh/ |
  xargs curl --output /dev/null --silent --show-error --write-out "%{redirect_url}/raw" |
  curl --form url="<-" --include --silent --show-error |
  awk '$1 == "Location:" { print $2 }'

Take a note of the URL for later.

Set up Alpine

Insert the SD card and start the Raspberry Pi. Login as root with no password.

Set up Alpine in diskless mode with

# setup-alpine
Setting Value Notes
Keyboard layout gb
Keyboard layout variant gb-mac I was using an Apple Magic Keyboard
System hostname pihole
Network interface eth0
IP address This depends on the router's LAN settings
Manual network configuration n
DNS domain name (empty)
DNS nameservers
Timezone UTC
HTTP/FTP proxy URL none
NTP client chrony
SSH server openssh
Unmount /media/mmcblk0p1? n
Where to store configs none
apk cache directory /var/cache/apk

Install certificate authority certificates with

# apk add ca-certificates

Enable the community repository and configure the mirror with HTTPS in /etc/apk/repositories:


Upgrade any outdated packages with

# apk update

# apk upgrade

Finish partitioning the SD card with

# apk add e2fsprogs parted

# parted /dev/mmcblk0 mkpart primary ext4 193MiB 1217MiB

# mkfs.ext4 /dev/mmcblk0p2

# parted /dev/mmcblk0 mkpart primary ext4 1217MiB 100%

# mkfs.ext4 /dev/mmcblk0p3

# apk del e2fsprogs parted

Create mount points for the writable partitions with

# mkdir /media/mmcblk0p2 /var/lib/docker

Add the writable partitions to /etc/fstab:

/dev/mmcblk0p2 /media/mmcblk0p2 ext4 defaults 0 0
/dev/mmcblk0p3 /var/lib/docker ext4 defaults 0 0

Mount the writable partitions with

# mount -a

Set up the local backup utility with

# setup-lbu mmcblk0p2

Set up the apk cache with

# setup-apkcache /media/mmcblk0p2/cache

Add an unprivileged user with

# adduser pihole

Authorize the SSH key with

# su - pihole

$ mkdir ~/.ssh

$ chmod a=,u=rwx ~/.ssh

$ wget --output-document ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

$ chmod a=,u=rw ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

$ exit

Add the authorized keys to the local backup with

# lbu include /home/pihole/.ssh/authorized_keys

Allow chronyd to step the system clock in /etc/chrony/chrony.conf:

makestep 1 -1

Install Docker with

# apk add docker

# rc-update add docker

Enable user namespace remapping with

# echo "pihole:65536:65536" >/etc/subgid

# echo "pihole:65536:65536" >/etc/subuid

# mkdir /etc/docker

# echo '{"userns-remap":"pihole"}' >/etc/docker/daemon.json

Start Docker with

# service docker start

Create a file to hold Pi-hole environment variables with

# touch /etc/pihole

# chmod u=rw,g=r,o= /etc/pihole

Configure the Pi-hole admin password in /etc/pihole:


Start Pi-hole with

# docker run \
  --detach \
  --dns \
  --dns \
  --dns \
  --env-file /etc/pihole \
  --mount type=volume,source=dnsmasq,target=/etc/dnsmasq.d \
  --mount type=volume,source=pihole,target=/etc/pihole \
  --name pihole \
  --publish 53:53/tcp \
  --publish 53:53/udp \
  --publish 80:80 \
  --restart always \

Clear the message of the day with

# : >/etc/motd

Commit configuration with

# lbu commit