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Groom your mind to be your greatest asset; All Great Inventions starts from here

Going from tutorial to tutorial to achieve this imaginary 100% knowledge of a topic is very detrimental.

Inside the mind of a hacker

Virtual reality, in its simplest form, is a mind game -- one that transports something from your imagination onto the screen in front of you.

In reality, as projects are executed, new information can challenge the objective. These are situations that can make one happy or frustrated.

Remote work has many positives, but a there is a drawback that can creep in, the feeling of loneliness. This is a shared experience, you are not alone.

Demand for developers leveled off, but it didn’t dip.

Have you heard of Abraham Maslow? He was a Psychology professor who came up with this super popular framework called 'Hierarchy of Needs' which categorizes human needs into 5 buckets. While the framework itself received a mixed response, being lauded by many and on the other hand being criticised for its vagueness, it surely had a strong influence across many fields and on other researchers.

The Matthew Effect or Matthew Principle of accumulated advantage, is sometimes summarized by the adage "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer".

People do things for a reason. If we look deeper within ourselves and the world around us, we realize that we are all motivated by a myriad of drivers.

For anyone who is a G.I. Joe fan, they would know this quote very well.

Virtual relationships can be complicated, especially when they're not symmetrical and parasocial: "I know a lot about you, but you don't know me at all."

Learning to lead and manage teams are essential skills for anyone looking to advance their career.

First of all, Nostradamus has nothing to do with Tarot.

The best designs exist to help users complete their tasks smoothly and efficiently, and they do so discreetly while remaining completely inconspicuous.

With June estimates at 7000+ authors, 69 other Hackernoon contributors might also be a victim of schizophrenia, along with me. This article serves to demonstrate why these people are facing tougher-than-average odds to live to a ripe old age, and how society isn’t doing them justice in helping or finding a permanent solution.

I thought I was pretty good and smart at making decisions from routine tasks with little cognitive load like what to eat for lunch, what dress to wear to the office, how to avoid traffic on the way to work to the more mentally demanding activities like putting together a hiring plan, defining org structure and thinking about the future strategy of my organisation.

Program, what an interesting concept more than a word. It has been used so endlessly in the life of you and I so many times, that is has become uncountable. If we begin to deconstruct it, therefore to understand its core, we can say that it is a specific set of operations of tasks, commanded or ordered for a computer to perform.

Indicators for burnout risk of software developers can be measured at an early stage with analytical software-based methods and allow for timely countermeasures

It is the knowledge that I'm going to die that creates the focus that I bring to being alive. The urgency of accomplishment.

AI isn’t completely free from controversy.

You only have one life, make it big!

In simple language, First Principles Thinking involves actively questioning every assumption you believe.

People often perceive changes and challenges as threats. When a threat is present, a person’s ability to think, learn, adapt, and recover is limited.

How emotions, ego and aspirations influence technological choices. How to answer these psychological need with an objective method.

The Dunning–Kruger effect is the cognitive bias where people overestimate their ability or believe that they are smarter than they are.

This story is about how color is utilized in publicizing and marketing to summon enthusiastic responses. You can use this information to apply to your brand.

How did we let the algorithms take over our lives?

On boredom, laziness, and snickers. On how to hack your brain, and how to deal with the mystery that is the bored, unproductive brain, with a well-tried method.

How does air composition influence cognitive performance?

Boredom is one of the biggest problems of modernity. Or is it?

Interest in the dWeb is blossoming, but decentralized systems require cooperation in order to work. If Richard Hendricks’ dream of the new internet is to come to fruition, it’s going to mean we’re relying on our friends, neighbors, and even strangers to provide us with information and connection to the outside world. It’s going to take communities of ultra-cooperation to work. But can we rely on networks of people (some or all of whom are self-interested) to deliver? Call me the optimist, but I think humans actually have the necessary "stuff" to make it work well. Here, I lay out some of our evolved moral fabric, and how that moral fabric can be tailored to socially scale the decentralized web.

Cognitive dissonance is a psychology theory about how we strive to make sense about conflicting cognitions and behaviours.

It's fascinating to see how psychology comes into play in copywriting and content marketing. You just read the phrase "most persuasive words in the English language" and it rang a bell.

There is something on your mind. Come release it with us!

Humans are naturally predisposed to some attitudes and behaviours which can close us off from good choices.

Get rid of Imposter Symdrome with those 3 tips from my personal experience.

Your employees’ relationships with their work environment are just as meaningful as their home environment when it comes to mental health.

Matt Schnuck explains why only 3% of the world has figured out their reason for being.

In situations where we change or update the tech stack, the team will be required to learn new languages, frameworks, databases, etc.

Having high standards in love is basically a form of self care and self respect

Rebecca Zung | Negotiating with Narcissists: How to S.L.A.Y. Any Dispute

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a phenomenon in which unskilled individuals overestimate their abilities while skilled individuals may underestimate their abilitie

If the game is unbeatable, frustration takes over and the game is tossed aside.

A code of solidarity.

Does pressure create diamonds, or will pressure break people before they have a shot to shine?

Technology and cultural heritage can present a somewhat awkward partnership.

we are not brains that have an attached body. We are bodies.

Hey Hackers! I’m Sagar and I’m the Team Leader @ Linclogy SEO Services. Check my interview for HackerNoon Contributor of the Year!

What I’m trying to say, is that despite my best efforts; I’m not much of a people person.

In a conversation with HackerNoon CEO, David Smooke, he identified artificial intelligence as an area of technology in which he anticipates vast growth. He pointed out, somewhat cheekily, that it seems like AI could be further along in figuring out how to alleviate some of our most basic electronic tasks—coordinating and scheduling meetings, for instance. This got me reflecting on the state of artificial intelligence. And mostly why my targeted ads suck so much...

A few years back, maybe you did not envisage there would be this tremendous transformation that has taken place in psychotherapy; neither did I. Breakthroughs in technology have afforded us the opportunity of accessing online therapy from the comfort of our homes and in real-time.

A post about content moderation and how Reddit's community point system could be used to supplement and eventually replace moderators

As hard as I might try to remain logical throughout my reasoning, emotions tend to creep through.

The secret power of telling your story. Psychology suggests that writers can process and feel through emotions faster than non-writers. 

The AI, as a fu dog avatar, wonders what it would be like to have a million eyes. Artwork and background image of Mỹ Sơn by Ted Wade.

From a personal perspective, I have leveraged quite a few tools to grow into a CEO. These range from therapists and coaches to SSRIs and budgeting exercises.

[nope, no game theory fun-facts here]

We gravitate towards people who are like us and will most likely believe what we believe. Doesn’t it feel good when others conform to our ideas? Who likes being told that they are not right or what they believe is far from reality?  

The war in Ukraine led to discrimination of Russians even in IT-circles. IT-professionals’ cold rationality may help us to save work relationships.

As a testing engineer, you've probably heard of such types of testing as smoke, sanity, re-test and regression testing.


You got a perfect product, been used by about a million of users, so does it mean your product is successful? Well, if you think right now it’s on the path of success, but it might just take a small turn to go down the road to failure. Product just can’t be successful and keep its game up for a longer run unless it exploit the behavioural domain of its users.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

World Wide Webers, it’s 2019 and the talk of town are topics that so many of us interact with every day: conversational marketing, behavioural science, machine learning, process automation, productivity tools, chatbots, algorithms, artificial intelligence, big data, deep learning, accelerating digital transformation, and so much more.

The streaming space is clearly the future of entertainment.

How do you approach failures in life? 

Hello, people! I'm an IT analyst from Russia, and I want to make the world around me better. Last time I worked for the biggest Russian energy company as a business analyst, and during my work, I noticed that it is unnecessary to be good at making the final result even if you are a really good professional in your field.

About twenty times in my career as a Computer Scientist and Public Inventor I have somehow informally presented an idea to someone or a group of people, only to hear them say, “That’s been done.”

Understanding the psychology of color can help improve your branding and marketing.

A look at how large groups of people remember things wrong, commonly known as the Mandela Effect

With the growing complexity of reality, cognitive biases multiply over time. Let’s discover those effectively solved using the state-of-the-art technology

The above photo is from the Weconomics convention last year, where I had the opportunity to pre-present my book Life Beyond the Touch Screen before its official launch in 2020. Something really interesting happened during my session.

How can an absolute beginner be a fake / an imposter?

What's in a name? It's important to figure out how to pick the best name for your business.

You’re at the top of the world; you can’t be hurting… depressed… lonely… Can you? Overcome your loneliness through communication and community.

At the end of the day, achieving your dreams takes all three of these things. It requires big dreams, preparation, and actually doing it.

We focus on trivia at the expense of more important issues. Why does this happen and what we can do about it?

The Hound of the Baskervilles, by Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. The table of Links for this book can be found here.

How much time you spend on social media apps isn’t necessarily a conscious decision.

A few words about Dostoevsky himself may help the English reader to understand his work.

Launching a successful crypto public relations campaign can be a real game-changer for any business -- new or established in the sphere.

The science behind becoming your own personal tyrant

Internet-connected technologies that gather, integrate, and analyze data about people's behavior in an area are referred to as IoB.

Pluralistic ignorance is a psychological state in which we believe that our private thoughts, and feelings, are different from those of others.

Follow the mental anguish of Rodion Raskolnikov, as he plans to kill an unscrupulous pawnbroker.

In addition, I have been interested in the functioning of our brain for a year now and have read a lot about it. That's how I came across the cognitive biases.

When you’re in a serious discussion with people who are beside you, make sure you turn off your cell phone.

Time and Free Will: An Essay on the Immediate Data of Consciousness, by Henri Bergson is part of HackerNoon’s series. This piece links to each chapter

The Stockholm syndrome is an emotional response that happens to some abuse and hostage victims when they have positive feelings toward an abuser or captor.

Shouldn't feedback be one of the easiest things we do as designers or developers? Just look at Who Wants to Be A Millionaire. When you get stuck, just phone-a-friend and make a million dollars. Easy right?

Ostriches bury their heads in the sand when they sense danger, assuming that the danger will pass if they just avoid it long enough.

The spotlight effect is the phenomenon in which people tend to believe they are being noticed more than they really are.

Wabi-sabi teaches that it takes a conscious effort to slow down and cultivate our minds to cherish the beauty of old, weathered, incomplete or unfinished.

Debugging in practice means getting lost on tangents, trying to look good in front of your subordinates and doing just a little bit of debugging on the side.

Governance in a world where most people work remotely from home will need to be inventive in order to engage individuals into communities.

The psychological toll of this global pandemic is multi-layered, pointing us towards a reckoning with deeper layers of our psyche.

We all face situations where we need to perform under pressure. Here are 5 mental tricks that work best in such circumstances.

Schadenfreude, Compassion, Envy and Mudita: explaining how we react to other people's fortunes or misery

On the internet, "public goods" take center stage.

Our platform is already managed and governed as a decentralized entity, and we are quickly expanding those capabilities to all communities on the platform.

A practical definition of creativity that can be used to massively improve your own creativity levels.

“We are still waiting on a cure for death, but until then building products may be the next best thing.”

HackerNooon welcomes everyone to celebrate women, tech, and women in tech on our platform!

While in a frazzled state, I completely forgot this little bit of information.

It feels like movie night almost, but more chaotic.

Languishing is apathy, a sense of annoyance or feeling floating or an overall lack of interest in life or the things that typically bring you joy and happiness.

The Effects of programming on your brain and mental state

The rise of the internet, and also its bubble, has enabled autodidacts to learn more than they ever could.

When faced with adversity, most people feel indecisive, restless, and anxious about the future. It is what happens afterward that makes a difference.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a fascinating invention of mankind. Fusing the computational power of a machine with the intellect of a human undoubtedly creates new possibilities of innovation and tremendously increases the likelihood of realizing those which were already conjectured.

It's also no secret that techies can periodically get hella philosophical.

Overcoming depression is a long and challenging process. Here’s what else I have learned.

A startup team may fail to deliver a product but should not fail to deliver a portfolio of value.

How can I make motivation part of my life to do things that will help me achieve my goals in the long run? For me, motivation was a state of mind. Some days I was all excited and motivated to get to my toughest goals and important tasks that I had avoided in the past. Then there were other times I felt lost, unsure of how to make even tiny progress on things I got to do. 

Denise Shull | Adding Emotion Back: How to Use Psychology for Trading, Investing and Risk

When interviewing a candidate whose life/relatives/home were/are put in jeopardy by war, be aware that the interview may elicit an emotional response.

Do you feel deeply related to your personality type test result? Let's find out how reliable it is.

How to do milestone identification, project plans, risk registries, and project updates.

Sometimes, it is about thriving. Sometimes, it is about surviving. We would be wise to adjust our strategies accordingly.

By learning and applying new words and mental concepts, we will not simply react to what happens to us but stop, ask, revise.

“Difficulty is what wakes up the genius” has become my mantra of 2020 (thanks Nassim Taleb). If that's true then what follows should be pure gold: a collection of my best ideas for a challenging year.

In psychologist Guy Winch’s book The Squeaky Wheel: Complaining the Right Way to Get Results, Improve Your Relationships, and Enhance Self-Esteem, I came across one of the most descriptive explanations on how to handle the emotional load of uncomfortable situations. 

A short story about Alice.

Historically, generational divides have been defined by geopolitical-social-economic changes within societies. Today, however, advances in technology appear to define the lines between generations. The advent of the iPhone spawned generation I, and it appears that AI is birthing the next generation - Generation AI — currently in diapers.

Modern fake news has evolved into a complex organism, carefully designed to hide its deceptive mechanisms from any potential victim. But although the fake news field has grown into every possible digital channel, the truth is that at its core, in order to be effective, it still relies on exploiting our most basic human characteristics.

Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

Does Tech help you make Smarter Decisions? Not in the way you thinkPhoto by Engin Akyurt from Pexels

What motivates employees? 4 psychological theories of motivation show why intrinsic motivators such as leadership development are surpassing traditional perks.

Although we tend to adhere to malfunctioning heuristics, this does not give us a justification for not trying to fix our biased thinking.


Projects can fail because of multipolar traps (a value sacrifice game) and surrogation traps, where means substitute for the desired ends.

Maybe we could build a conscious AI by mimicking how we develop our own self model.

Crypto Exchange is a high-tech platform in which all trade transactions are conducted using modern software created based on the latest IT solutions. The emergence of new types of currencies, in particular, cryptocurrencies, gives a chance for the rapid development of the world economy as a whole. In turn, structural changes in the international economic system gave impetus to the emergence and development of new types of exchange technologies.

How cognitive biases make us overlook problems in our code and how we vigorously defend our opinions against data-based insights. And what can help against it.

We like to apply labels to users: they’re irrational, lazy, unpredictable, rushed, and so on.

To realize real merits and demerits, an ambitious person needs to evaluate objectively the results of work, comparing it with similar results of other people in similar business situations or a similar project environment.

The first part of an educational blog covering general planning. This specifically focuses on the why's of planning.

The one thing that people need in this modern age is social approval. People need to fit in with the world, and it has affected the lives of many people in many ways.

Use your sense of autonomy to feel in control of your situation and employ effective problem-solving strategies to resolve the conflict.

Being deficient in any one mineral or nutrient can cause a plethora of physical and mental ailments. This article will teach you how to biohack your life.

This Slogging thread by Manas Goel, Valentine Enedah, GemInRubbles, Mónica Freitas and Sara Pinto occurred in slogging's official #random channel, and has been edited for readability.

Why are some leaders more influential, inspiring and innovative than others? Why do some organizations command greater loyalty from customers and employees?

Kaizen is deceptively simple and utterly brilliant.

Follow the mental anguish of Rodion Raskolnikov, as he plans to kill an unscrupulous pawnbroker.

The second part of a mini-series on project planning primers. This focuses on my experiences putting together ideas as a developer.

You and your team do threat modeling wrong, it's time to fix up.

FOMO and FUD can destroy your crypto portfolio. Here are five ways to help you beat them while investing your crypto.

I have worked with two different kinds of leaders and managers over the years. The one who believes in fixed abilities and promotes a fixed mindset “those who don’t perform well can never do better” and the other who believes in growing those abilities thereby promoting a growth mindset “people can be coached into improving their skills.” 

Every human bliss and kindness, every suspicion, cruelty, and torment ultimately comes from the whirring 3-pound “enchanted loom” that is our brain and its other side, the cloud of knowing that is our mind.

Based on this story: Why nutritional psychiatry is the future of mental health treatment

In a world that’s designed for interruptions, we are all vulnerable to distractions. 

Learn how to design applications that people will enjoy using with the help of the 5 principles of UX design psychology.

As icons and rituals adapt to newer technologies, the rise of robotics and AI can change the way we practice and experience spirituality.

Hackers are also ordinary people who fear, worry, and feel ashamed of their atrocities

These are all qualities you would expect from a successful person, and they are.

Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

My sister, Mrs. Joe Gargery, was more than twenty years older than I, and had established a great reputation with herself and the neighbours...

Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

Time and Free Will: An Essay on the Immediate Data of Consciousness, by Henri Bergson, is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

Later on Raskolnikov happened to find out why the huckster and his wife had invited Lizaveta.

In a morbid condition of the brain, dreams often have a singular actuality, vividness, and extraordinary semblance of reality

Follow the mental anguish of Rodion Raskolnikov, as he plans to kill an unscrupulous pawnbroker.

His mother’s letter had been a torture to him, but as regards the chief fact in it, he had felt not one moment’s hesitation, even whilst reading the letter.

A Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer is a professional who tests software during the entire development process.

He laid the axe on the ground near the dead body and felt at once in her pocket (trying to avoid the streaming body

Mistrustfully and with an affectation of being alarmed and almost affronted, he scanned Raskolnikov’s low and narrow “cabin.”

And what if there has been a search already? What if I find them in my room?

Follow the mental anguish of Rodion Raskolnikov, as he plans to kill an unscrupulous pawnbroker.

How could I go to sleep again with nothing done?

He was not completely unconscious, however, all the time he was ill; he was in a feverish state, sometimes delirious, sometimes half conscious.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

Strange to say, he seemed immediately to have become perfectly calm; not a trace of his recent delirium nor of the panic fear that had haunted him of late.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

States of consciousness, sensations, feelings, passions, efforts, are capable of growth and diminution. This can cause the intensity to vary greatly.

Time and Free Will: An Essay on the Immediate Data of Consciousness, by Henri Bergson, is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

Time and Free Will: An Essay on the Immediate Data of Consciousness, by Henri Bergson, is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.