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So over this global panini.

Coronavirus outbreak has been upgraded to a pandemic. Everyone is trying to adjust with the new normal; enterprises have gone remote, and the search rankings of websites are decreasing on Google. The only trending keyword is coronavirus these days.

Covid-19 vaccines and passports are being sold on the dark web, as well as fake negative test papers.

Many employers have been asking me what they should write to their employee's during this hard time. I have to had to create a sample template that can be customized by both the employer type and the situation at hand.

We’re only three months into the new decade and we’ve already had the threat of WW3, Australia being on fire, and an outbreak of a new Coronavirus. Surprisingly, it’s the latter that has forced many people to isolate themselves at home.

If you have been following social media during this pandemic, and it’s hard to avoid it, you may have noticed that conspiracy theories about the origins of the virus are multiplying like weeds.

There have been very few crises as global as Corona. At the time of writing this, it had affected more than 177 countries and claimed more than 32,900 lives. Some experts say we might be able to get rid of it by the summers of this year but far more believe that there’s no respite from it until a vaccine is proven successful.

3 reasons to seek venture capital financing and 3 reasons why you should not get VC

We are entering a time of intense innovation and will likely see a lot of it in the months ahead. It should come as no surprise that we will see tech developments, especially in healthcare from all parts of the world. Just yesterday, a young boy created 3D printed "ear guards" to alleviate ear pain experienced by healthcare workers who must wear masks for long hours. The thinkers, the doers and the helpers will expedite advancements and guide us through this time.

Hello readers, if you are reading this it meansyou want to do something productive in your quarantine time.

Restaurants have been hit hard by COVID-19. With massive closures and layoffs around the world, it's been a tough road for hospitality these past few weeks. It can be extremely overwhelming to look at the big picture, but luckily, there are restaurant tech innovators stepping up to the plate.

President Trump claimed that the Covid-19 pandemic was “unforeseen”, or as Harvard’s Professor Jeffrey Frankel suggests, political leaders are seeing it as a ‘black swan’ event. That’s an event that nobody saw coming. The last one of these was the financial crash of 2008.

Governments around the world have instituted lockdowns to try and slow the Covid-19 pandemic, saying that only essential workers should be still going into work. But that just raises the question: who is an essential worker in a pandemic? 

While a global quarantine became fatal for many businesses, industry sectors like mHealth, self-care, and wellness experience increased attention because of COVID-19. Today we are taking a closer look at MedTech startups that managed to use the pandemic as a growth booster, bringing a new level of value in the digital market.

Even the most savvy of business owners can't help but be impacted by COVID19. Why? Because their customers are--and that inherently impacts them. Small businesses will bear the majority of the burden as they are the ones most likely to have less financial runway to remain hindered or closed for a month or more at a time. It's scary, it's overwhelming. Large and mid-sized corporations are huddling (in a social distanced capacity)

Believe it or not, the number of freelancers in the United Kingdom has shot up by more than 48% in less than ten years. In fact, studies show that remote workers now have a widespread presence across every industry and these figures continue to grow rapidly.

Today in the world of open-source ventilators, the game changed.

A little different post than my side-project or coding-related stories. Don't worry it's not about the Chinese virus Covid19, at least not directly.

Coronavirus doesn’t just pose a threat to human health it also poses threat to the economy. It is especially hard for small companies to survive, to manage work from home flow and security.

Very few people would have imagined a scenario in which practically half of the world is on lockdown (in some cases for weeks or months) and where the majority of people will be restricted in their ability to work. Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, however, that is what we’re currently dealing with.

We are all aware of the situation that’s currently happening with the Coronavirus. Some people think that it’s not a big deal, it’ll go away in the next month or so, but these people don’t understand how deadly it can be for the tech industry and the global economy as well. Since the global economy is not my field, I’ll focus on the tech industry.

Remember when we thought COVID was just a horrible stage in our lives that would disappear after a month of masks and hand sanitizer? Oh, how sweet and naïve we were. As the pandemic marches on and many countries consider a second lockdown, businesses are having to look back on how they have managed these last 7 months and strategize for a corona-filled future.

The COVID 19 Vaccine is associated with a rare side effect: skin rashes from the shot can occur alongside other side effects. Find out more here.

The psychological toll of this global pandemic is multi-layered, pointing us towards a reckoning with deeper layers of our psyche.

The Coronavirus has shed light on innumerable industrial and sociopolitical problems: our fractured healthcare system, racial disparity in access to emergency services, the crushing failures of capitalism more generally.

More than 140 countries have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic. According to stats, 85K+ people have been affected and the numbers are expected to rise.

These days most companies have asked their employees to stay at home and change their office work for a remote one. In such conditions, the issues of organizing video calls have become especially relevant. It seems that online conferences for dozens and even hundreds of people are a step towards a digital future without borders when people can work from anywhere in the world and get together for negotiations literally by click. But in reality, video calls are often not as good as you might imagine. Someone cannot install the necessary program, someone is nervous  because of the relatives in the background, and someone appears at an important conference call in his pajamas and using the nickname “DimonKiller666”. We have put together some simple rules for making video calls that will help make them comfortable for yourself and your colleagues.

At this moment, there are thousands of intelligent, diligent, well-meaning engineers trying to help the design of open source ventilators to address a possibly imminent life-threatening shortage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This wealth of creative technical energy is currently disorganized, scattered, and unfocused. Rather than being a tremendous force for saving lives that it may become, energy and time is currently being wasted on oversimplifications of the problem and the belief that the projects are closer to deployable than they really are.

A few weeks ago MariaDB launched their new database-as-a-service (DBaaS), SkySQL, amid the Coronavirus Pandemic. While they also offered a $500 credit to get started, as of last week, they announced a program to offer their fully-managed analytics (columnar based storage) service for free to help fight COVID-19.

Covid-19 made people miss out on their normal life, let's find out how they are trying to recover in a post-pandemic world that is opening up in the aftermath.

COVID-19 Prescreening SMS Bot

The COVID-19 Pandemic has forced people to adapt to changing times and adopt new technologies. Using data to help track healthcare trends is part of this.

Rex Solution used the eyeson API to add live video, audio, data and to store recordings easily to the covid testing application project.

We’re living through odd times. Non-essential workers are now working from home, unemployment is projected to hit 32%, Disneyland is empty, and no one knows when this uncertainty will end.

With the outbreak of COVID-19, staying healthy and keeping your immune system in tip-top shape has become more important than ever. The immune system is the body’s natural response to disease and infection and consists of a number of cells and organs that work together to fight a variety of intruders, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and more. COVID-19 is especially dangerous, as compared to a previously existing virus such as the flu, because it is new. Because it is new, no one has been previously exposed, meaning they aren’t already immune to it and are still at risk, regardless of overall health. When exposed to antigens, which is a foreign object that causes a response from the immune system, there is normally a barrier between the antigen and your body. These antigens can be found nearly everywhere, ranging from public spaces, to inside your home, in the great outdoors, and more. In the case where  an antigen does enter the body, the immune system sends white blood cells to destroy the antigen before it can get worse and reproduce. 

ICYMI Missouri, the US state known for great BBQ, is suing China, the nation with 1.393 billion people.

Feelings of isolation and loneliness have spiked in the past few months with most people now stuck at home with the outbreak of COVID-19. However, even before the pandemic, Americans still felt this isolation and loneliness - more than half of American adults said that they felt alone, at least some of the time. All generations, from Gen Z and Millennials to Gen X and Baby Boomers still feel lonely. Working at home may be a culprit for loneliness - remote workers are more likely to feel lonely as compared to traditional workers. K-12 teachers are the least likely to feel lonely - but with millions of students being sent home and online school taking over, this may be changing.

How technologies are empowering global citizens to take action for the benefit of humanity

Last year, if someone would have told you that 2020 would bring record-breaking unemployment levels, millions of forced business closures, and a global disease outbreak that would claim the lives of millions of people worldwide (and counting), you would have thought they were crazy. Yet, here we are. 

Photo by Ishant Mishra on Unsplash

A look at the disconnected world of healthcare payments, including a convenient infographic to illustrate the issues.

Why “forced” distributed teams are not indicative of what remote work is usually like

US President Donald Trump has attempted to monopolise a coronavirus vaccine currently being developed by a German pharmaceutical manufacturer, in what the press are now referring to as a “filthy proposal in times of pandemic”. The President, who initially dismissed the novel coronavirus as something outside the realm of his concern, has left the world in shock with his handling of the unprecedented health crisis so far, with the US’s closest ally the UK in “disbelief” at the President’s incredibly slow response and his tweets, which initially sought to downplay the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

[43. Armed With A.I., This Company Is Making the Internet More 'Accessible'

for Those With Disabilities]( There is no denying that AI and automation have had a significant impact on the way companies run their business — particularly online. Automation tools help brands track everything from inventory levels to sales rep interactions.

Lewis Carroll – author of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland – once wrote, “every story has a moral you just need to be clever enough to find it.” The Covid-19 pandemic, for example, has taught us that things can always take an unexpected turn. The question then emerges, how can one protect against this kind of event? The answer is very simple – insurance.

The COVID-19 Global Hackathon is an opportunity for developers to build software solutions that drive social impact, with the aim of tackling some of the challenges related to the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Covid-19 has affected businesses and economies all over the world. A few industries have experienced an economic downturn and will take time to recover. But, fortunately, there are a few sectors that are experiencing a boom during COVID and have the potential to go from strength to strength.

We are at a time when we are not prepared with resources and planning to handle the pandemics like COVID-19. Just as humans are not ready to tackle the disease, robots alongside too are quite behind the abilities to combat the problem.

As companies across the world continue to take precautions against COVID-19, many teams find themselves "suddenly remote" and adjusting to a new set of challenges on top of their daily work. At Exponent, we've been operating as a remote team for most of the past year, with engineers, designers, and PMs spread across several time zones—not to mention thousands of users around the world who are part of our Slack community and Interview Practice forum.

Technology - often portrayed as an industry that the benefits only the privileged - is actually helping with the fight against the coronavirus. And we don’t mean Medtech.

With the U.S. taking the title of most reported COVID-19 cases in any one nation, staying at home is being pushed more than ever. But staying at home all day every day can have some negative side effects on the mind and body. Social isolation can lead to a multitude of health concerns including heightened risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Even just short periods of time alone can increase anxiety and depression after only a few days mainly due to the fact that most people rely on one or two close relationships to help them stay level-headed and secure. This is most common in high income earners, those with a graduate degree, married couples, and people over the age of 65. 

In the past decades, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is one of the most infectious diseases to have spread on our planet Earth. As we have seen that this virus has already created havoc in the entire world, so it becomes necessary to take the help of technology, and here AI comes into the picture.

Credit: Shonagh Rae

Remember: people are your greatest asset.

In the nearest future, worldwide economies will face one of the most powerful financial crises since 2008. There are a lot of reasons for it, but the root cause is coronavirus covid-19.

The predictions of post-COVID future paint all sorts of wild images, from empty and sterile offices to work-from-home utopias. Without any in-depth analysis, it’s clear none of those extremes will come true. However, what’s also clear is that there will be an impact. In fact, some changes are already in motion, so a good way to be prepared for them is to recognize the ones that matter.

A large majority of U.S. employers have asked their workforces to come back home for another month or longer

The decentralized finance (DeFi) space is currently experiencing a boom like nothing else that the crypto space has seen. Projects are seeing more adoption by the day, and the total value of assets locked in DeFi appears to be growing by the day. From those in the traditional financial space to the legacy crypto industry, both individuals and companies are lining up to take a piece of the crypto pie.

In this new age of COVID-19, wound care has become harder than ever. Wound care specialists and clinics have seen huge drop-offs in the number of patients that they are able to treat as COVID-19 spreads across the country. Hospital-based, outpatient wound care clinics are shortening hours or closing down entirely. Patients suffering from wounds are cancelling at-home appointments and are declining to visit clinics. Post-operative patients are requiring new ways to be cared for remotely. Nursing homes around the country are banning visitors, including wound care specialists, in an attempt to stave off infection and protect vulnerable patients. 

FinTech has been around for years. Whether you believe it to be the growth of PayPal in a world where digital payments were almost noon-existent to the rise of banking apps that allowed people to make transactions easily, there has always been some form of FinTech available for people to easily live their lives.

Wearing a face mask has recently become a norm for people across the country as the CDC has resolved that all Americans should wear a face covering when in public to slow the spread. The WHO recommends wearing a face mask if either you are caring for a person that is suspected of having COVID-19 or you yourself are sneezing, coughing, or sick. The WHO also stresses that face masks are only effective if you use them properly, and are not a replacement for frequent handwashing or hand sanitizing. The CDC advises wearing a face mask in a public setting where social distancing is impractical or in areas where transmission can easily happen. The CDC stresses that face masks do not replace other social distancing measures and should be made at home or made of cloth, rather than surgical masks or N95 masks.

Let's take a closer look at the most important ways that the COVID-19 pandemic is reshaping online education and how you can use it to succeed in 2021.

As a result of COVID-19 officially being ruled a pandemic, the eLearning economy is being used in an entirely different way. Now, the students who have faced an educational standstill due to their campuses and schools being closed can continue their educational journey from a virtual standpoint. Interestingly enough, online classes seem to be the only way to keep our students’ brains turning during this pandemic. However, it’s important to understand that eLearning isn’t new - it’s just in its prime, unfortunately to the credit of our detrimental state of human health.

In September 2020, I went all in working for myself. The COVID Pandemic and my cushy engineering manager job made it a hard decision. However, it wasn't one I made overnight. In fact, It took me five years to wrap my head around it. I can divide that time into three entrepreneurial seasons of my life. Each season taught me essential lessons that provided enough insight into changing the course of my career.

Learn about the building blocks of resilient teams and how geographically distributed teams can help combat the times of unrest 

I once asked a monk how he found peace. “I say yes,” he told me. “To all that happens, I say yes.” 

So my former coding partner Collins from Microverse and I decided to create a simple dashboard to track the novel coronavirus. This dashboard which is live here offers the following features that differentiate it from the others:

At SourceLevel, we're in a privileged spot to gather some data on how software engineering teams are dealing with COVID-19, home office, social distancing, and so on.

Have you heard of Netflix? Well, that’s not really a question to be asked in this decade. Began their journey as a DVD rental company in 1997, Netflix started their online streaming services in 2007 and today is world's top online entertainment service with over 160 million subscribers in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, documentaries and films. While Netflix came so far, many DVD companies still went with the old business model and disappeared without a trace. So, what Netflix did differently to overthrow its failure that might have been predicted by the standard management models?

Medicine is taking a turn from physical to digital - by 2025, the digital therapeutics market is projected to hit $7.8 billion. The uses of digital therapeutics range wildly from alleviating symptoms of physiological and neurobehavioral symptoms to therapeutic interventions driven by software and tech to therapies to improve outcomes when combined with regular treatments. They also offer new options to those who have otherwise unmet needs, and can help reduce reliance on medication. Digital therapeutics can also be used in the treatment of diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular, central nervous, respiratory, and gastrointestinal problems. 

Our smartphones have already played an important role in this virus pandemic. Whether in defining your location’s degree of contagion or providing data on your movements to help assess the threat of infection - smartphones do come to the rescue.

How has technology and the pandemic combined to accelerate change

As physical stores closed and people sheltered in their homes, consumers turned to mobile apps to replace many in-person behaviors.

The whole world woke up to a new global order and necessity that meant everyone had to stay indoors as the most viable means of staying safe. It wasn’t like any other thing the world had seen, at least not this generation. A few weeks down the line, it became recognized as a global pandemic – the COVID 19 pandemic.

At the end of October 2020, we reported that hospitals and healthcare organizations had been targeted by a rising wave of ransomware attacks, with the majority

As our lives are suddenly and drastically changed by the rapid spread of this virus, and my local stores are ignorantly devoid of toilet paper and vodka from panic buying, I reflected on a few societal changes we might see taking place.

Stress, anxiety, and fear are normal responses to actual or perceived threats, especially when confronted with uncertain situations. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, people are experiencing heightened levels of stress and anxiety.

As the COVID-19 pandemic goes on, life for some around the world is beginning to look a little more like it did before, except with some more distancing, and more people wearing masks. What doesn’t look the same, is how technology is being used to monitor and track cases, infection rates, and outbreaks.

Thanks to the rapid spread of COVID-19 people have started working remotely out of necessity, as more states order shelter-in-place protocols to fight the spread. A growing list of 20 states, including most of New England and the West Coast, have closed all bars and restaurants to the public, to curb the spread of the deadly virus. With over 4 million people working from home, the internet has allowed many of us to continue business as usual, with a few modifications. 

Challenges and opportunities in the current global economy are as numerous and as full of potential as they haven’t been in a long time. We are venturing into the unknown in regards to the future socio-economic situation.

Today we have a question and answer to help educate the general public about the online reputation management in 2020, the affects the industry is seeing as a result of COVID-19, and how the ORM industry has changed over the last 10 years. We have Nick Cuttonaro and Richart Ruddie providing helpful information.

How Is COVID-19 Affecting the Online Reputation Management Industry?

Nick: I’ve seen a lot of instances where CEO’s and companies have needed to make difficult decisions to let employees and vendors go as a result of COVID-19 impacting their businesses. As a result of not approaching the matter with dignity and leadership, they’ve negativity impacted their own reputation and brand.

COVID-19 fears have plagued the global markets, sending the majority of commodities, equities, and other assets to a bearish journey with no known return ticket. While the global economy is struggling to stay afloat, many countries are urgently trying to figure out plans on how to contain the virus. 

Perhaps dating back to the beginning of humankind, we have reached out to touch someone. Not just one of the best advertising slogans of modern history, handshakes, hugs, and kisses are ways we touch someone to convey welcome, partnership, love, friendship, empathy, acceptance, and countless other emotions with acquaintances and loved ones. With the threat of virus transmissions now at the forefront of people’s minds, is there a place for the human touch in our future?

It's without a doubt that your nonprofit has seen some challenges because of COVID. Here are 4 helpful apps that could help with that.

Outbreaks like COVID-19 spread exponentially, and that's why social distancing is the key to flatten the curve.

Things have changed very rapidly for a lot of people. Just a few months ago nobody would’ve imagined they would have to stay at home for a prolonged period of time, and even though warned, preparation for a global scale epidemic was pretty poor. Right now, when the spread of Covid-19 is at its peak, a lot of people have to get used to self-isolation, which means they can’t go to work to offices anymore but have to work remotely.

In recent times, we were able to witness a lot of big events canceled due to uncertainty. This led many business leaders and professionals to lose their networking opportunities. Networking is the key to build relationships with business leaders.

Covid-19 coronavirus reports change daily and even hourly. The public health emergency has already swept the whole world: the virus threatens people's lives, affects business and interferes with travel. 

Some of the things that have helped our engineering teams to stay productive.

Millions of businesses have shut down their physical work sites due to Coronavirus, many moving to remote online platforms. So too schooling, with educators and children moving to virtual classrooms, even churches are meeting digitally. With all this acceptance of telecommuting, tele-schooling, and tele-attending church, it’s no wonder charity giving is looking to add the “t.”  Hacking giving can help keep our society strong while we are all stuck at home physically distancing ourselves.

The coronavirus or COVID-19 disrupted our way of life and brought the whole world to a standstill. In an effort to keep the economy going while containing the rapid spread of the virus, companies have taken a sensible approach by adopting remote working models.

With news that the Chinese are burning Yuan banknotes to fight the Coronavirus, there may be fears that fiat currency is too dangerous and dirty to handle. After all, money is only as clean as the uncleanest place it has been. Consider that one US study showed that most dollar bills are contaminated with cocaine, and the conclusion you may draw is that the majority of greenbacks have at some time been up someone’s nose. While it’s true that fiat money does harbour a considerable number of bacteria, germs and viruses of all varieties, there are some sensible precautions that can be taken to ensure you never fall foul of fiat.

Back in March my teammates and I switched from our regular tasks working on a travel platform to building a COVID-19 monitoring service. Here is what we’ve managed to get done so far:

Charter Spectrum is one of the largest and most reliable AI- Artifical Intelligence service providers in the United States. Spectrum Internet prices are affordable and their high-speed internet provides consistently reliable download speeds. Spectrum’s download speed is usually faster when compared with other internet providers. You can compare the current plans, speeds and prices that Spectrum Internet has available this month. 

To adhere to social distancing guidelines and prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, it isn’t a good idea to have a technician install your Spectrum Internet service for you.

It is easy to do the installation yourself if a cable was previously connected to your home. This prevents you and your family from being exposed to the novel coronavirus, and you will avoid the additional expense incurred when a technician installs it. However, you will need some help and guidance on how to do self-installation, especially if it is your first time doing this.

Consider this being an excellent opportunity for you to lahore smart city how to do a technical installation. You won’t have to adjust your schedule to accommodate the installation time since you will do it at your own convenience. If you get stuck at any time during the process, Charter Communications customer support will help you through the installation process.

The Spectrum Internet self-installation kit is fairly easy to use, since it comes with easy step by step instructions. The package has everything you need to know during the installation of the internet service. You should confirm that the kit has every item required before you start. That way you won't have to stop in the middle of the process because an item is missing.

::: To efficiently and effectively resolve hospital bed and hospital staff housing deficits nationwide, cargo architecture firm Three Squared designs two custom-outfitted mobile shipping container units—one housing multiple hospital beds for patients, another for housing attending medical staff—complete with electrical and full bathrooms :::

Hey, I'm crowdsourcing a global real-time list of COVID-19 resources, grants, discounts and freebies. Do you want to contribute?

Amid the Coronavirus pandemic, governments & regulatory authorities demand travel businesses to verify the identity and the COVID results of their passengers.

2020 will be something unforgettable for a lot of us. There are so many things to digest and reflect on this year: so many jobs and lives were lost, hundreds of industries had to adjust to new realities, leadership was redefined, values were reimagined, office work was questioned, and the list goes on…

If you've found yourself binging an embarrassing amount of shows and movies on Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime in the past few weeks, you may want to consider dedicating some time to stream learning. Streaming learning programs, classes and webinars can give you some "brain exercise" during a time when we must social distance and inherently increase screen time.

We spoke to four food security organizations in Colombia, Portugal, South Africa, and the United States to better understand the challenges facing organizations

Even before the COVID-19 vaccine was authorized, there was a plan to discredit it.

Many leaders of corporations and entrepreneurs know that a leadership blog from their personal POV is a useful way to build a brand’s relationship with its audience. But in a time of crisis, having a leadership blog takes on a new level of importance -- one that you should consider.

Just like all the other things in this universe, social media is a dynamic platform on the Internet. Even when the world struggles in the face of a pathological disaster, social media would go on at its usual pace. However, in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, social media ceased to be a mere social networking space. It became much more than it was supposed to be.

Here at TimeNet, we’re building a large time series database with the primary aim of benefitting society through access to data. In this post we’ll study different time series representing both the true, and the perceived spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Daily COVID-19 numbers are currently available on for many countries. We’re expanding these datasets with further variables measuring how we (people) perceive the significance of the pandemic. We use stock market movements and internet search trends to quantify the virus’s perceived spread.

This Slack discussion by austin, Linh and Limarc occurred in hackernoon's official #slogging-beta channel, and has been edited for readability.

Despite lagging behind its competitors based on technology, the Australian real estate market has proved to stand firmly even during the COVID-19 pandemic

Let’s face it.

Small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) need more support from financial institutions.

The burden the COVID-19 novel coronavirus has placed on the world is enormous. There’s a great thirst for information and clarity. So, we at have decided to offer a Community COVID-19 Dashboard Project, so that everyone can better understand how the outbreak impacts the world and their region. We see that as a community effort. We invite the global community of engineers and data scientists to add data to this public dashboard that will cover not just the direct impact of the coronavirus on public health, but other aspects of society as well. We want to help everyone better understand the impact of COVID-19 anywhere around the world.

We haven’t even seen the end of the first quarter, yet our yearly plans need to be built from scratch. Forget about your brilliant business plan for 2020. The economy and market rules have completely changed, and you need to adapt if you want your business to see the end of this crisis.

Every time we let individuals decide what we should all be doing collectively, historical moments emerge and they can't be erased from our memory. In recent history, the death of one man resulted in the deaths of millions in 1914.

What measures Google, Uber, Microsoft, IBM, Slack and more apply due to coronavirus? Tweets from their employees included.

Gig economy prospers post-pandemic. How can startups utilise flexible workers in their business strategy to get more affordable employees in their offices.

Originated in China, Coronavirus has affected more than 380,000 people worldwide. The number of people testing positive for COVID-19 is increasing at an exponential rate. Stocks have plunged again on Wall Street and the spread of the pandemic has left the business over the world counting costs.

The panic caused by the coronavirus is currently the main topic for discussion throughout the world, and the crypto-community is no exception. What can we expect from the digital currency market in the context of recent events?

It goes without saying that China has had the first laugh when it comes to stemming the usurped growth of the covid-19 pandemic.

If there is a silver lining somewhere with the COVID-19 pandemic engulfing the globe, it’s that we have been forced to introspect on the healthcare sector, both public and private, and whether it has the tools it needs – not only to deal with such crises, but to ensure the best possible healthcare outcomes even under normal circumstances.

In the year 2020, this natural tendency of marketing trends to change and evolve was catalyzed even further by the barrage of upheavals – mass protests, political tensions, COVID-19 etc. – affecting every area of society.

This lockdown has given us—the privileged few—a chance to read, pick up new habits, "upskill", etc., all by just being connected with the world virtually, like never before. We're all seeing people connecting with faraway family and friends through video conferencing, who had rarely reached out to each other in the pre-Covid-19 world.

As all of us are trying to fight against the fear of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a lot of talk in the e-commerce industry about the imbalance of meeting the demands of consumers for groceries and other essentials. Many families in America, India, and Europe are trying digital e-commerce services for the first time.

Thanks to these healthcare technology trends, our medical infrastructures are evolving to fight pandemic-level viruses in the most efficient manner possible.

Wow. What a year! With everything from a pandemic to an election, it’s hard to believe that 2020 is (finally) coming to an end and that we are looking ahead to what the next 12 months will bring. It’s no secret that in 2021 we will continue to see drastic changes to personal and work life as we know it, and it’s safe to say that the technology market will continue to change and evolve, as well as our definition of “normal” for work.

Our interactions with government agencies hardly ever find their way into our dinner-table conversations, yet they play a huge role in our everyday lives.

Few institutions were prepared for the sudden shift to remote teaching prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the response has been a real mixed bag. We have seen many institutions embrace this new reality, meeting the challenge head-on by training and supporting educators. But we’re also seeing scrambled and knee-jerk attempts at replicating the traditional classroom experience, which will no doubt affect attitudes towards remote learning. 

2020 is more like a nightmare. The start of the year was horrific, and now when the year is coming to its close, it’s still looking atrocious.

Entrepreneurs across Australia are refusing to let COVID-19 lockdowns stall business activity by going digital. But this is not the easiest hurdle to overcome. A recent study by Crazy Domains found that almost 4 in 10 (38%) respondents, including Australia's small to medium businesses, have hit roadblocks because of technology hurdles.

As Europe and the US are bracing for the worst of COVID-19, life in China is gradually going back to normal. Aside from lockdowns and social distancing, what can we learn from the measures taken to control the outbreak, and how life can resume safely?

Since we're in a unique and ever-evolving working world of the future far sooner than expected, I thought I'd share some of the lessons I've learned in how best to keep consistent and guide your team through turbulent times.

More than two thirds of the U.S. population is now stuck at home as more states are creating new restrictions to try to slow the spread of COVID-19. The internet is now being used more than ever as millions are turning to it as an alternative source of social connection, work, and entertainment. In Seattle, one of the cities in the U.S. that was hardest hit by the virus, internet traffic quickly began to rise - from January to March it has risen by an astounding 30%. Other U.S. ISPs are noticing huge spikes in WiFi calling, online gaming, and VPN usage across the country. With a huge number of increased active users, governments and companies alike are making moves to help Americans stay online. One of these steps is the FCC’s Keep Americans Connected pledge that over 70 telecom companies have signed stating that these companies will waive late fees and retain service even with lack of payment. Other companies are making public WiFi networks for students and remote workers. Comcast is setting up public hotspots for free use, Comcast and Spectrum are both offering 2 free months of access to low-income families, and AT&T is suspending broadband usage caps.

The Folding at Home research project uses crowd sourced CPU power to help model simulations to develop treatments for diseases. You can help them by taking 5 minutes to download their client, and donate some CPU Cycles.

Instagram has just launched a co-scroll feature to help you survive the quarantine. According to Tech Crunch, it is officially known as Co-Watching; the feature lets friends (or followers) on a video chat go through posts related to a user’s activity. Co-Watching allegedly allows people to react to social media content in groups of two or more; this would mean that the pastime would no longer be a solo hobby.

By now almost every country has either had cases confirmed within their borders or has set some legal structure in place to battle the spread of the Corona Virus. The United States leads the world with the most cases, currently sitting at over 160K cases confirmed. My twitter feed is saturated with posts about this global pandemic. People are posting about their struggles, their joys, their opinions and occasionally about the facts. It seems this Virus is all that matters right now in the world. But I want to encourage you through this post — there is more to life.

It’s not a one solution for everyone situation: Remote working may suit some, but others will want time in the office. Here are some tips to stay flexible.

The Novel Corona Virus or the COVID-19 is wreaking havoc and it is not the first or last of such infectious diseases we have to face. In the recent past, we have also seen massive outbreaks of new infectious diseases like MERS, SARS, Zika Virus, Ebola Virus, H1N1 Swine Flu, Bird Flu, and many others. We currently also have different epidemics like Polio, Aids, Dengue, etc. in different parts of the world.

The Coronavirus Pandemic is not an opportunity, I know. But I personally believe in looking for the "better" sides, even in the worst-case scenarios (Thanks in large part to The Alchemist Quotes, I guess.)

It's a challenging time for teams and organizations that have suddenly jolted to working remotely. For startups and larger organizations, helping their teams with a generous dose of empathy, to enable productivity, is key.

Going digital isn’t just an item for the Covid-checklist. Here’s how and why businesses need to step up their online efforts to sustain themselves in the long-term. 

Elderly people, in recent years, have been using new tech more and more. While that is a good thing, it brings up the topic of privacy.

The pandemic didn't create the problems with childcare but revealed and worsened them. Working mothers bear the uneven burden of childcare.

Testing the System 

Last December, stories started surfacing of a new virus affecting the Chinese city of Wuhan. At the epicenter of the outbreak, Chinese officials started building new hospitals to aid the people in need. What started out as something that looked like a flu epidemic, soon escalated into a full blown pandemic, called the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2).

The evil cyber-intelligence from the Matrix and a cyborg killing machine from the Terminator movies - that’s what most people used to imagine when talking about the future of artificial intelligence.

TL;DR We are managing the pandemic situation only with part of the data and not necessarily representative of reality. We must take a census of the number of positive and negative cases within a population. The officially reported positive cases contain a bias: they are cases that already manifest the disease in a more or less serious way. In the long term, the strategy of aggressive testing (South Korea model) is the only viable and sustainable to manage coexistence between the virus and the human beings until a vaccine will be available.

How local and global businesses can integrate Covid-19 vaccination checks into identity verification and drive SSI adoption

I've seen many blogs and articles saying the artificial intelligence (AI) will save the humankind from the 2019-nCoV (a.k.a. COVID-19) pandemic. I'm sorry for breaking it, but AI will not save us from the Coronavirus. Physical distancing and handwashing will. However, what it can help with is flattening the curve. We badly need to slow down the rate of the virus spread in each and every community to give local hospitals time to deal with both the infected patients and the capacity to handle the ever-growing loads of patients. And that's where AI can come in handy. On a global scale, effective AI and machine learning solutions for the Coronavirus timely detection and control give time to hundreds of R&D teams all over the globe working to create a vaccine against the virus. 

The Problem

A look at how pharmacy automation tech is making central pharmacies more efficient and effective through trying times of COVID-19

Eating out has become a big part of our lives and with everyone now at home, a lot needs to change to make up for it. Before this lockdown, Americans would eat out on average nearly 6 times per week. Eating at home is still popular - Americans spend around $4,400 annually on food for their fridge; around 7% of their total annual spending. In these past few weeks, however, going to grocery stores has been discouraged and most restaurants have been closed. This has caused many to stock up on a variety of items. Shoppers are stocking up on goods like canned foods, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and bottled water. Sales for some of these items such as oat milk and medical masks are up by hundreds of percent and other products like frozen and fresh fruit, dried beans, bath and shower wipes, and water all have higher sales that are higher by a noticeable amount. 

Since this virus is so contagious that it spreads to other people by contact, the only way possible to curb its spread is to stay away from other people. To help you understand how dangerous this virus is, you need to have a look at Italy. Italy reported its 1st positive case on Feb 20 and till the date, it has One Hundred Four Thousand positive cases with more than Twenty Thousand deaths.

Understanding the severity of the situation, authorities have requested everyone to stay at their home and refrain from going outside. To promote this, companies have advised their employees to work from their home

Remote work (also called telework or telecommuting), has been growing in popularity over the past twenty years. Many organizations allow for flexible worksites on some level: employees work remotely for part of the week, as-needed for minor illness, or when school or childcare is unavailable. However, with a major health concern on the rise, companies of all sizes (including tech giants such as Twitter, Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Microsoft) have transitioned some or all employees to remote work to keep business moving while limiting unnecessary exposure to COVID-19.

For modern tech companies like Amazon and Apple, the infrastructure and policy need for remote working are unquestionably already in place and the vast majority of staff members are probably already laptop users.

For smaller organizations, however, the situation is likely to be different. Remote working is limited to software development and marketing companies. The education sector is a good case in point: universities have been delivering distance learning as a feature for some time, while high schools and others are mainly dependent on staff and pupils being on-site to learn.

The uncertainties surrounding the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on the global economy are gripping both the people and the markets with fear. A global recession is now the best case outcome also for JP Morgan while Goldman Sachs foresees the possibility of a second great depression.

COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has resulted in many people to work from home. How do I remain productive at home?

After more than a year into the pandemic, it’s clear that COVID-19 will have lasting impacts. As companies rapidly embraced digital transformation, data privacy and protection have seen some of the most significant changes. COVID data risks and policies will likely far outlast the virus itself.

For tech industry as a whole, the level of activity in June was 86%, up from 75% at the start of May, and this after hitting a low of 50% at the start of April.

I’m sure almost everyone reading this has been affected by the emergence of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in addition to noticing some serious disruptive economic changes across most industries. Our data research department here at Oxylabs has confirmed these movements, especially in the e-commerce, human resources (HR), travel, accommodation and cybersecurity segments. 

You’ve probably never heard about us. We’re — a marketplace of vetted developers for startups. 

As per recent studies, humankind is going through 129 billion face masks a month, which works out to 3,000,000 a second

Coronavirus took the world economy with a shock forcing businesses to close their operations amid the spread of the virus. A month ago no one would have thought how daily life would change overnight. Many countries have announced countrywide lockdowns and almost one billion people are already staying at home working remotely or isolating themselves.

I got sick of all the fake news and harmful conspiracy theories, so I wrote a balanced article that discussed real vs fake conspiracies. It ranked #1 on Google for keyphrases such as "How To Defeat The New World Order". Now, it has been censored from Google.

If you think this is just like any other alarmist and opportunistic post regarding how the world is going to end with this current crisis, it is not…

We are in transition to a new world order.

Three months into 2020, and we already have "Can we uninstall 2020, this version has a virus in it" memes swarming us in social media. With countries and cities getting into lockdowns and lives pulled into a standstill, Coronavirus, or more sophisticatedly titled as COVID-19, has made communities stay away from each other for survival.

The COVID-19 pandemic was a disruptor in the purest startup sense. The immediate shift to remote work, school, and socially distanced ways of life accelerated innovation by an estimated five years.

Read this post to understand how Clubhouse is helping people manage isolation during the pandemic.

Coronavirus: the alarming threat creates mayhem in the lives of many. Despite the terrifying conditions, technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data are mending ways of detecting an outbreak.

New Connectivity, Computing, Platform, and Ecosystem


While vowing to police COVID-19 misinformation on its platform, Facebook let advertisers target users interested in “pseudoscience”.

To determine how testing protocols for COVID-19 vary across the United States, we sent requests under public records laws to all 50 states, New York City, and Washington, D.C. The requests were sent to health departments the week of March 16 and were identical. The database below contains responses we have received, as well as publicly available guidance from some jurisdictions.

The major recent breakthroughs in diagnostics and treatment.

Apple will emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic as an even more powerful and important company. Indeed, COVID-19 may prove to be Apple’s finest hour. During the first 30 days of the pandemic’s escalation in the United States, Apple stepped up in significant ways, the most notable example being the formation of a relationship with Google to contain the virus with contact-tracing technology. In addition, Apple has, among other actions: 

When COVID-19 reared its ugly head back in March, employers realized that they needed to brace for the worst. For many companies, human resources (HR) have been scrambling to put together plans to help their respective company weather the storm, providing mechanisms for employees to work from home.

14 predictions when it comes to remote work in 2030. Working from anywhere is far more than a workplace trend; it is shaping the decade and future state of work

This is why improving the processing and handling of COVID-19 and other health data should be a priority both during and after the pandemic.

Adam Weissenberg - Vice Chair, Deloitte | How To Plan for the Future as an Entrepreneur

In recent years, team members from the team have conducted critical research opportunities in improved healthcare.

The Aertos drones are able to fly stably indoors without external reference like GPS

It’s been two weeks since we took action and made working from home mandatory for all the team members. Our top priority remains the health and safety of our team members. We have a responsibility to support our communities through the health crisis caused by COVID-19.

2020 is a year of unprecedented things. COVID-19 (coronavirus) has already infected more than 2 million people worldwide and it is not slowing down. Because of the mandatory quarantine and social distancing, many people are working from home for the first time in their lives.

[178. Will Covid-19 Spur Innovation:

4 Insights for Entrepreneurs]( The coronavirus pandemic has been life changing for all of us. National lockdowns, quarantines, the #stayathome campaign, remote work, interrupted travel plans, as well as struggling businesses and economies have accounted for a disruptive start to 2020. One industry that has been put to the test in the time of pandemic is healthcare.

Are you fed up of quarantine? So am I.

COVID cases in Amazon warehouses continue to pile on, and workers say that the company is cutting down its COVID protocols.

Most U.S. employees now work from home temporarily because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Employees say the top advantages of working remotely are no commute and a more flexible schedule, while the biggest challenges are lack of collaboration and frequent interruptions.

Today everybody talks and thinks about keeping up and surviving in a dynamically changing world. Changes have caught us on the hop, and social isolation is a new normal. But we can’t isolate ourselves from each other at all and forever. Humans are social and tribal beings. 

As the world grapples into the arms of COVID-19, companies are suffering a major setback from the remote work culture. Because, let’s be honest, nobody thought that a PANDEMIC would hit us so hard that we’d be facing unemployment, poverty, illness, failed vaccines, and mass deaths. 

Studying the corporate reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic can be viewed as an exercise in clear messaging when talking to your community. GameStop had the chance to show some leadership in the face of a crisis, to lead the way in supporting digital downloads and provide much-needed entertainment during this time of social distancing -- but they chose to support their brick-and-mortar stores instead, instructing employees to keep the retail outlets open even if police come to shut them down.

Like other industries, the world of marketing has had to go through a paradigm shift in the era of COVID-19. Just as Zoom has become a household name when it hadn’t been prior, consumer patterns have shifted to adjust to the pandemic. Whether the industry likes it or not, changes in a company’s marketing dynamic are not only happening — they’re also affecting brand image and customer engagement.

Since the pandemic COVID-19 is shaking all over the world, several people are dying and facing issues to earn for their livelihood.

Well, big tech companies have responded with unusual alacrity and they are helping people during this crisis.

As soon as the World Health Organization declared Corona Virus to be a global pandemic, there was an immense quick heat fired up around the globe, with people being highly concerned about their survival amidst these hard times. People actually started to stock up for months, according to CNN, grocery stores ran out of the daily use products, and basically, it was all depicting the scenario of the end of times. 

Coronavirus outbreak has trembled the world with global cases reaching 182,742 with death toll crossing 7,174. This outbreak has affected the world catastrophically. Scientists have galvanized in order to find a vaccine against this virus, and a lot of funding is being raised in this regard. This has proven to be a life-threatening virus, and with more deaths with every passing day, it's safe to say chaos is being created all across the globe. 

The government websites responsible for helping citizens get their COVID-19 Vaccines have been found to have less-than-ideal accessibility and privacy features.

A strategic roadmap is a guide from your current state to your desired future state. It is a helpful tool to set up and every leader should have developed one.

In the short term, COVID-19 has unquestionably changed our lives. The virus has spread and mutated exponentially, leaving little time for corporations, organizations, and countries to adapt, survive, and prosper.

A month ago it would’ve been hard to imagine how life would change in what seems overnight. Quarantines have been declared in many countries, and already around one billion people are staying at home, isolating themselves and some working remotely. The public activities have stopped, drug stores are in deficit of protection masks, and food shops are being cleaned of even primary products.

As per the current statistical records, over 124,000 novel coronavirus cases have been reported across 122 countries and territories, globally. Source 

Covid-19 has forced the world to become more digital and rapidly. The technology gap between those who can use it and those who can't is growing quickly.

Donating Compute to Fight COVID-19

We’re all living in this strange new reality right now and adjusting our schedules, our jobs, and our very livelihoods. And while things will certainly go back to normal soon, for now, well, now’s a great time to review how this new economy affects the blockchain industry, and what changes will come once the pandemic is resolved. 

In the past month, we noticed that a dark net search for Covid-19 vaccines returns multiple pages of results, amounting to hundreds of advertisements.

Simple, self-isolation, accessibility only to critical infrastructure facilities and a lack of protection against infections - this is how COVID-19 met the world. In fairness, it should be noted that all countries of Europe, without exception, have faced large problems, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a “green” territory on the world map.

Throughout history, terrible crises have given us some of our greatest innovations. GPS, Drones, microwaves, atomic energy… the list goes on. The COVID-19 crisis is no different, and we are already seeing companies rise above their competition by asking themselves the key question at the heart of all corporate strategies : what can we do, right now, that is hard?


Countries around the world have taken different measures to slow down or stop the spread of the virus. While China, South Korea, and Taiwan quickly dove into AI-powered screening and tracking, western democracies took a more human-driven direction. Almost ten months after the WHO declared the pandemic a global emergency, has one approach proven better than the other?

Reopening businesses after a public health crisis is a complex process that requires a consistent strategy to minimize all possible risks. Contrary to popular belief, it does not amount to disinfection and masks wearing and includes measures like monitoring and data analysis. The following article is an overview of disinfection tunnels and their implications for reopening businesses.

It has been four months since Coronavirus originated in China's Wuhan and the outbreak continues to be on the headlines. On one hand, many employers are getting ready for the possible disruptions that Coronavirus would bring to their business in the long run, such as transportation issues, labor shortages, reduced working hours and low consumer traffic. 

In this slogging thread, we discussed what ways technology has helped the community get back to normal after dealing with the pandemic.

Asymbol of American prosperity was obliterated on September 11, 2001, along with more than 3,000 innocent American lives. It is a day (in the words of President Roosevelt after the attack on Pearl Harbor) that will live in infamy.

A lot has changed since I shared my last article related on COVID-19 (the most recent strain of coronavirus), and how AI and Blockchain professionals and industry experts are tackling the crisis.

This article proposes adaptive pool testing which involves testing a combined sample from multiple people as a methodology to increase testing capacity for Sars-COv2 using PCR. Pool test involve that if a pool is detected positive, each sample from the pool will be tested separately. Also, this article proposes an optimization algorithm for the pool size-determine the optimum number of samples that can be combined into a single test in order to obtain the best results with minimum number of tests.

Robert L. Read from the United States has been nominated for FOUR 2020 #Noonies in multiple award categories, including Software Development .

How the mindfulness movement changed over the course of the pandemic.

After the uncertainty of the year 2020, we have to admit: the new order came up from the chaos, and as a result, the business priorities were reconfigured too.

Photo by Craig Sybert on Unsplash

Recognizing the huge financial and reputational impact caused by data breaches, more and more healthcare organizations are paying attention to cybersecurity.

Migrating to the cloud is nothing less than a challenge. To curb these challenges, follow these 3 cloud migration lessons before migrating to the cloud.

*Note: This article first appeared in the Los Angeles Tribune by Hyro's Head of Marketing Aaron Bours

The global adoption of online tutoring due to various reasons, including the COVID-19 pandemic, has led to educators embracing video conferencing tools to conduct classes. While there are dozens of choices in the market, the most obvious choice for tutors is either Skype or Zoom.

Small businesses are the heartbeat of this country. That’s not a cute belief or patriotic campaign statement – it’s a fact. There are an estimated 30.2 million small businesses in the United States. They comprise 99.9 percent of all businesses in the entire country. Unfortunately, millions of these businesses are considered “non-essential” amid the Coronavirus outbreak. This means they’re forced to close their doors and shut down business operations – at least in their traditional format. As a result, 7.5 million businesses are at risk of shutting down permanently.

The alarm you set last night chimes lightly on your nightstand. Morning light peeks through the window as the sound of the neighbors starting their day reverberates around the apartment complex. Spring air mixed with car emission wafts through the screen door as you gather yourself for the day ahead. Your work bag packed with lunch and your uniform in tow, you begin the commute to your first job, hoping the charge on your phone will last the bus ride.

Most U.S. employees now work from home temporarily because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Employees say the top advantages of working remotely are no commute and a more flexible schedule, while the biggest challenges are lack of collaboration and frequent interruptions.

Have you switched to remote work in the past couple of weeks/days? Well, chances are high you have, or you will. I want to share my words of caution and tips to make pandemic remote work better.

Photo by Katrine Bengtsson on Unsplash

Fintech startups looking to transform current investing trends or disrupt traditional banking are facing their first major test as Covid-19 pandemic bites into the very fabric of our society. As interest rates fall and fearful consumers seek safety in tradition, brand new industries like digital banking and online investing that never experienced a major market slump now must prove their business models can withstand a crisis.

Financial crises are like human fingerprints – they may look the same and yet under ultraviolet light, there are very dramatic differences. The reality is, every crisis differs in its nature and intensity and will require a different action plan.

In the context of the coronavirus pandemic, governments are taking measures that, together with a general panic, weaken industry and financial markets. As in other areas, the largest conferences in the crypto industry are cancelled and projects are frozen. Bitcoin as the first and foremost cryptocurrency has also suffered from economic shocks, but what will happen next?  

When you hear the word “event”, what comes to mind? A concert? A political rally? Today, with COVID-19 still at large, the word "event" also brings to mind something "digital" or "streaming" with respect to social media platforms.

Crises lead to behavioral change, both short-term and longer term. Today’s temporary response to a disruption can become tomorrow’s new norms or even habits. Those behavioral changes can cast a spotlight on technological solutions that help people cope with change. And we already know of many occurring during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Science is the father of knowledge, but opinion breeds ignorance.” — Hippocrates

For the past several weeks we have watched markets crash and burn, well almost, it has been interesting to watch out for the reactions of the crypto commentators who have claimed in the past that bitcoin is a safe haven asset like gold.

Understand the blockchain behind Covid-19 vaccine passports - how it protects privacy and thwarts counterfeiting.

It's currently coronavirus vs. the world, with cases popping up on nearly every continent. While the virus is having drastic effects on our daily habits, it also comes with a heavy impact on the job market.

Due to the frenzy of pandemic-included quarantines, it’s no surprise that media consumption has seen a massive increase. People’s time that would have otherwise been spent perusing malls or going to live events, is now being spent on the sofa.

‘Corona virus’ (or COVID-19 as it is formally known) is the foremost topic on everyone’s mind today. Scanning our social media feed or checking the official website to stay updated with the latest news regarding the disease has almost become second nature. No dinner table discussion and no phone conversations is complete without a reference to the mayhem this disease has left in its wake.

L. was trapped. She was ineligible for government assistance and her visa status limits her to U.S. jobs approved by her visa sponsor...

How blockchains will reshape the Covid-19 vaccine supply chains and how a startup backed by Bill Gates´GAVI is at the forefront of the multi-billion $ bonanza

As I write these words we’ve just passed one million known infected with COVID-19 and the economies of the “advanced” world are certainly going into a recession (two quarters of negative growth). In a globalised world physically connected by just over 100,000 flights per day, contagious disease populates the world in a matter of weeks. With a global mortality rate of around 10%, despite modern medicine, this is yet another global “plague”. But we as a globally connected society have new tools (such as lung ventilators) and new tricks (social distancing).

In recent weeks my colleagues at CriticalBlue/Approov have been following the race to build contact tracing smartphone apps in the worldwide fight against COVID-19. Such apps are a powerful weapon in controlling the growth of infection by automating the scaling of the contact tracing process.

Thank you so much for the outpouring support for my story. It's been viewed ~50k times and shared by hundreds. You can comment below with Hacker Noon's brand new commenting system, or join the conversation in various places around the internet:

On friday 20th of March, I and many thousands of UK business owners, self-employed workers and unemployed workers eagerly tuned into the 5pm news, hoping to catch a vital update on whether the government would be offering us the essential aid that we need to survive the coming 3 months. What followed was an ‘unprecedented’ broadcast (I’m going to take a shot every time Rishi Sunak says this word from now on) promising support.

Since the beginning of 2020, the whole world has been all about the outbreak of the coronavirus, also referred to as COVID-19. Labeled a pandemic on March 11, the epidemic affects practically every country and every individual, changing the way we interact, work, study, entertain ourselves, shop, work out, etc.  

In this slogging AMA we chat to Filteroff CEO Zach Schleien. Filteroff is a dating app that speed dates singles. It uses video to help bring like-minded people

Distant socializing is becoming the new norm. With the COVID-19 outbreak spreading across the globe, people on all continents are isolating themselves at home to fight the pandemic.

You got what you wanted.

On March 11, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the coronavirus a pandemic. As of Wednesday, 118,000 people in 114 countries have contracted the virus and nearly 4,300 people have died. Now, more than ever, branding is crucial. So, how do you go about communicating your brand during a pandemic?

A work revolution has been a long time coming, but who would have thought it would take a pandemic to finally usher it in.

Brooks’s COVID-19 hospitalization would change her life dramatically.

In these difficult days for all of us, I’ve heard all sorts of things. From the fake news sent through Whatsapp, like vitamin C can save your life, to holding your breath in the morning to check if you’ve been hit by COVID-19. The mantra that everyone keeps repeating is “stay at home!”, okay fine, but what exactly does “stay home” mean? The question seems ridiculous when you think of a relatively short period, 15 days? A month? But if we look critically at the situation, we surely realize that it won’t be 15 days, and it won’t be a month. It will be a long, long time. Why am I saying this? Because “stay at home” doesn’t protect us from the virus. Staying at home is to protect our health care facilities from collapse. And I’m not saying that this is wrong. I’m just saying that if we want to protect the health care system from collapse, well then we’ll stay home a long, long time. But in doing so we will irreparably damage the economic system by profoundly changing our social and political model. It is inevitable. Let’s face it and not have too many illusions.

As communities worldwide grapple with the reality of an extended COVID-19 induced lock-down, Internet usage has, understandably, significantly increased. As more and more countries are forced into lock-down in an effort to curb the spread of the deadly virus, the growing number of people forced into working remotely and finding online entertainment is seeing the Internet absolutely explode. In fact COVID-19 has pushed up Internet use by a whopping 70 percent in some countries while streaming services are up by more than 12 percent, figures last month revealed. 

The global recession is a turbulence time for all businesses. We have used to be afraid of scenarios that may play out during and after the financial downturn. Different sources define this period as "a significant decline in economic activity, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in the real gross domestic product (GDP), real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales."

The year 2020 has started off quite roughly: the new COVID-19 virus, already dubbed as a pandemic by the World Health Organization, spread across the world quite rapidly, already infecting hundreds of thousands and killing tens of thousands of people.

Over the course of the past 10 months, COVID-19 has increased suicide rates across the globe, thanks to the necessity to quarantine and self-isolate. Arguably, children continue to suffer the most when it comes to their mental health. 

On the first anniversary of Covid, I share our company thread about how to deal with changes the pandemic brought

The entire world is engulfed into a corona pandemic attack. At present, there are 191127 positive cases of noble COVID-19 infection all over the world with total fatalities of 7807 according to a report by the World Health Organization(WHO).

Soon you may need a digital ID to prove immunity to COVID-19, from vaccination or previous infection. And if you don't have your ID, you may not be allowed anywhere in public. This includes the supermarket, your workplace, pharmacies, restaurants, public parks and more.

The global healthcare crisis caused by COVID-19 has severely impacted the financial markets. From stocks to commodities, industries are in disarray. 

The COVID-19 outbreak affected people’s lives throughout the globe, every industry, and every economy. After all, it’s a global pandemic for a reason. Throughout history, all crises have forced people to look for new opportunities. Nowadays, this search can encompass anything from a new distribution strategy, amendments in the production process, or the implementation of a new technology.  

The COVID-19 crisis forced businesses to embrace digital transformation in one way or another. Many companies took advantage of the opportunities brought by digital transformation way before the pandemic happened and can now reap the benefits of being early adopters. On the other hand, some businesses were forced to jump on this bandwagon, as the majority of our daily lives moved to the digital world—remote work, online shopping, online services. 

Global markets have been stress-tested to the max with prices falling, spiraling all over. COVID-19 has put world economies into a state of repair and certainly did not leave out cryptocurrencies.


Of the many, many lessons we’ve taken away thus far from the coronavirus pandemic, it’s that the world has demonstrated an essential need for wireless connectivity. Recognizing the global demand, Cambium Networks, the former Motorola company, is a global provider of indoor and outdoor wireless solutions that connect people, places, and things. The company enables enterprises, industries, utility companies, service providers, and governments to build powerful communications networks that deliver amazing satisfaction reliability across end-users.

It turns out hundreds of workers at that Rialto warehouse tested positive for COVID-19 over the past two and a half months, according to worker notifications...

As the recent events in China, a coronavirus outbreak has led the entire world to stand on the cliff of a dangerous virus outbreak, governments around the world are coming up with counter-strategies. However, the solution to this critical situation lies in the hands of technology, as it plays a significant role in searching for the vaccine. 

You face a very tough job market now — but you can still thrive. Graduates nowadays face a very challenging labor market. Unfortunately, the corona class of 2020, as they are now called, are facing limited job prospects, reduced pay, and a higher risk of unemployment.

Learn how I created an app to help with the COVID-19 outbreak in less than a day using Stryke and Glitch.

Why digital assets might drive the recovery, and how it will define Bitcoin’s legacy.

Predict Number of Active Cases by Covid-19 Pandemic based on Medical Facilities (Volume of Testing, ICU beds, Ventilators, Isolation Units, etc) using Multi-variate LSTM based Multi-Step Forecasting Models

A look at machine learning-based approaches to global management of COVID-19—including open source project initiatives supported by Google and more.

A CGI view of the underground network of tree roots and fungi. Screenshot from movie Fantastic Fungi.

How Universal Basic Income (UBI) provides food on the table and bills to be paid

At the time of writing this article, the total number of COVID-19 cases stands at the 858,892 mark, with more than 40,000 deaths recorded worldwide.

Netflix is succeeding even as the COVID-19 pandemic sends the world into a recession. Why? The predictable answer is that the all-digital entertainment company is well suited to the needs of people sheltering in place. But the “right place at the right time” rationale is only part of the story. Netflix has also set itself up for success. 

The outbreak of covid-19 is rapidly hitting supply and demand and it’s becoming clearer and clearer that no business will remain unaffected. Only those that make smart choices and take timely action will be able to stay ahead of the game and avoid potentially threatening losses.

The number of COVID-19 cases are on the rise and as a precautionary measure many countries have shut their doors to practice social distancing. The isolation and complete shutdown of the operations are taking a toll on the corporate world. With most of the people or workforce confined to their homes, companies are left with no choice but to go with WFH strategy.

by Robert L. Read and Nariman Poushin

BlueDot, a Toronto-based artificial intelligence company, was first to spot the mysterious virus causing pneumonia in Wuhan. On December 30, their systems, backed by machine learning algorithms, flagged the outbreak of a new infectious disease. They alerted hospitals, governments, businesses, and other clients from the private sector about the danger.

Sonic resonance is a manifestation of energy that shatters targeted microscopic organisms, and potentially infected Coronavirus cells - without harming surrounding cells.

A philosophical overview

Covid-19 has revealed and keeps revealing holes in the economic and healthcare infrastructures worldwide as it spread and invades countries mercilessly. The gap between the rich and poor has become more obvious, especially in well-developed countries. The number of job losses in two weeks exceeded 10 million in the U.S. alone.

Everyone knows they need to act now to stop the coronavirus.

Coronavirus cases are increasing day by day. It’s very important to get vaccinated. so I tried to create an automated notifier to tell me when a lost opened up.

The COVID 666 "mark of the beast" prophecy is either real, or powerful people are playing a very sick joke. Read this carefully. You probably wont believe some of it, until you verify it yourself.