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Social media was a great invention but the innovative wheel got a bit stuck with Instagram and TikTok. With social media platforms getting a whopping amount of $153 billion last year and scandals like the 6th Facebook breach affecting 533 million users, every user now and then asks hard questions. 

Interstitial ads are getting into trend these days. Click here to know the advantages and disadvantages of interstitial ads and decide what you want.

Reader comments on openDemocracy can be highlighted and receive micropayments. This feature changes the way we fund public debate.

?In the 20th-century economy, most of us had to find a way to fit into the workforce. Passion-driven careers,

As part of the BlockchainSpace PH mini-series of competition, their community managers encourage the people to join their weekly contests and win $20 Sand-worth

Today, we share our thoughts on B2B influencer marketing, efficiently managing multi-channel distribution and the future of content creators on LinkedIn.

Why NFTs will empower creators to reach financial independence and usher a new era for tech media.

Games are increasing price, but they haven't been in value.

A couple years ago I was teaching a small course at Stanford about Entrepreneurship and I remember the number one question was how to raise money.

Operating across mobile, PC, and console platforms, Anzu blends real-world brand ads directly into video games, esports tournaments, and live streams.

Movie theaters have five methods of making money. The theater's income sources are preview ads, concessions, ticket sales, memberships, and more.

The 2020 #Noonies are here, and they are both much greener and much bigger than last year.

There was a time, way back when parents hoped their kids would someday become lawyers or doctors. Nowadays, the situation changed, and the meaning of success became much different. So, today people desire to create a viral application, sell it for millions of dollars and achieve the American dream quickly and easily. Not so fast.

An image or a video eliciting humor while portraying the thoughts and feelings of a specific audience is a meme.

Infinity Search is promoting a new way of web monetization with their web monetized index

Find this article where it was originally published, on!

Find a Niche!

Nobody can promote themselves or their projects if they're a jack of all trades. Nor will people find a universal proposition to be appealing. The first key to success is to ask yourself what your differentiating features are and who is your audience? You can then start to identify your niche.

In my case, I noticed that I got a lot more traffic from my money-making code like market making or arbtitrage crypto trading bots than I did from my other GitHub repos. What this means is that while some people are interested in interesting code, there are a lot more people out there interested in turning equity into realized pnl :)

API has been rapidly driving new opportunities for business in last few years. Read in details how top API monetisation models helps in business growth.

Some publishers have user experience concerns regarding interstitial ads. A new study shows how to implement interstitial ads while still maintaining UX.

Why are so many people buying digital real estate on The Sandbox and how is it going to make them rich? This article explains why you should join them today!

The future of money and the dollar in the world of crypto and Central Bank Digital Currencies - CBDC. What will change and how it might look like?

Hulu purchased the rights of Seinfeld in 2015 for $150 Million. For the same deal after 4 years Netflix wrote a check of $400 Million. During these 4 years, neither Larry David nor Jerry Seinfeld (creators of Seinfeld) has done any new work for the show.

The COVID-19 crisis has hit the global economy hard, and the software industry was not spared. The long-term effects on the industry are still unclear, but it seems it has become widely acknowledged that the negative impact is going to be massive, and recovery will be slow.

A content drop about how to receive payments, where to use, and what is the Web Monetization API 💰

During an economic downturn, app monetization will be affected. Apps that can succeed during an economic recession differ from those that thrive in upswings.

Learn how to easily install a button to start accepting cryptocurrency donations on your website using no/low-code solutions from Coinbase Commerce

Wikipedia characterizes ADHD symptoms as "difficulty paying attention, excessive activity, and acting without regards to consequences." [1]

As we all live in times when not only new generations, but older ones are prone to the syndrome, how to promote and make money on online advertising?

This is a second article in the ‘Decentralized web / dWeb’ series. To get an idea on what the dWeb is please check — this article.

Whether music is your greatest passion project, full-time career, or favorite hobby, you can now get paid for social media posts about it and support other artists at the same time. It’s all happening right now on LUIVE, the premium social networking and content monetization platform for creators and communities.

Unlock 3 market opportunities to help game creators and game players make money, and monetize game tech by solving real problems

The options for monetizing an IP can be daunting. Here are a few ways that startups can go about choosing the IP monetization that's right for them.

Discover which blockchain platforms are enabling both web users and businesses to monetise their time, data, content and more in 2021 and beyond.

Do you want to set up your own tech podcast and make money from it? Let me teach you to successfully start your podcast in this article.

I first came across Web Monetization in the Grant for the Web x hackathon a few months ago. Elliot and I had been itching to create something together, so we were on the lookout for hackathons that piqued our interests.

The API Monetization Platform under consideration had an option of choosing between Pay-Per-Use (PPU), Pay-Fixed-Rate (PFR), lease-based, subscription-based and

How much do I get from a micro transaction for a user that visits my monetized page?

Companies around the world are investing a handsome sum of money in digital marketing to achieve the ultimate goal of maximizing their ROI. 93% of CMOs say that they are under constant pressure to show concrete results and deliver measurable ROI from their marketing investments.

Monetizing a podcast is different from monetizing an ebook or Saas product. The methods for monetizing podcasts are not as obvious as other internet content. In this chapter, I will go over the methods of monetizing a podcast.

We've worked with companies all over the world to create incredible mobile applications including online delivery apps and engaged in dating app development.

APIs are in high demand. Making an API that companies want to use would be even better if you could sell it, too. This is how to do it with every step inside.

Ok, this might sound like shameless self-promo, but I’m hoping you will indulge me. I hope Hackernoon lets me run this article - I think they’ll let it slide cause Utsav is the homie, and also because if you can look past the self-promotion you will see I’m making an important philosophical point.

A while ago I installed Steempress on my WordPress blog on http://localhost, and Simply Static to export my WordPress site as a static site to local drive and the git commit it to my repository.

Adding one line of HTML to your website can start making you money. No one will see anything different on your site, no one will be tracked because of it.

They never had to directly pay for the news, but Gen Z won’t kill off the digital publisher. Technology is giving publishers the tools to engage the ‘lost’ generation. 

Open source is the current norm for developer collaboration and customer adoption in software. It is the foundation that enabled unicorns and cloud providers to build their services from the ground up. But that wasn’t always the case with open source, and it is changing and evolving again. 

One of the most exciting applications utilizing the cryptocurrency XRP for payments — with a huge potential to change the way web monetization works — is Coil.

The article highlights the five most common challenges that app developers will be facing in 2021 and suggests ways to avoid each of them.

Like Web3, the concept of "metaverse" does not yet have a clear definition.

Entrepreneurship definitely is one of the most misconceived terminologies of the era. It seems like a mountain of tasks to start a business. When we think of all the time, money, and risks involved, it’ just seems so inaccessible to a regular man or woman.

Nearly 55% people in America listen to podcasts each month, which translates to about 160 million people.

On 25 January 2017, we launched Setapp. In six months, we had already achieved $1 million ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue), reaching over $4 million now, November, 2019.

This article I wrote on Medium earns me over $2,000 a month.