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Founders, very often, solve problems that we don't know we have yet.

Leadership is a craft, like medicine, writing, and bricklaying. Mantras can help you develop yours by signposting the way to deep truths.

I sent the following note to the Sift team today. I’m also sharing it here in case it’s useful to others.

In with the new, out with the old. Coinstore is the crypto exchange for the new generation. Learn what their co-founder, Jennifer, has to say.

Over the past 7 years I have worked in large IT companies in the Russian Federation, EU, and in the USA. Here's what I wish I knew before I started each project

Aleksandr Volodarsky discusses 1-person companies.

Hi! my name is O. I am the founder of Goodnight Journal, where people come to write their own private and public journals. In this blog article, I want to share my own story about quitting my job and working on the app that I’m passionate about while traveling.

What's your background, and what are you working on?

It's possible for a solo developer to build a profitable microstartup to pay the bills and live life on their own terms.

In Quora, many ask whether someone might get to the CTO chair without writing code. Most of the answers are an absolute NO. However, as someone who has done exactly that, I feel compelled to tell you my career story. Hold tight, because this is going to be a long one.

OpenAI cofounder and chief scientist Ilya Stuskever talks about ChatGPT and the promise of models like GPT-4

Learn from PropTech founder, Rico, and his journey to build Poplar Homes, a tech-enabled property management service. Vote Poplar for Startup of the year!

First time founders build out of passion. They face a problem and try to solve for themselves, making assumptions that everyone has the same problem.

A Good Company with the mobile app development boutique Hattrick IT's Co-founder about the origins of the startup, its goals and his personal life.

I've often fantasized about time traveling to coach my younger self. This is the advice I'd give myself when I was launching my last startup.

Cape is a technology startup developing corporate cards designed to save businesses time and money.

So, here’s how Postwoman happened.

While working in the financial and government spaces, we saw a need across industries for enhanced entity screening processes that use AI and machine learning.

1- Don’t get too attached.

John Fazio built Nerd Street Gamers into an in esports and gaming infrastructure by finding premier investors who align strongly with his vision.

DeFi has virtually transformed and entered into almost every traditional finance sector that we know of. The idea of decentralizing finance for all stakeholders

Tability is a focus and accoun'tability' tool for businesses, looking to align on business goals, stay focused, and measure impact in a more meaning way.

Teylor is a modular technology platform to build, automate, deliver and scale credit products. We are building the lenders of tomorrow.

Our startup is called Parabeac, and we make it easy for both designers & developers to make accurate and responsive designs.

The Tara founding team at San Jose HQ

A serial founder who sold a startup to Apple and worked on infrastructure projects at Google, founder & CEO Stephen Tse has raised an $18M seed round and assembled one of the top engineering teams to build a next-generation high-performance blockchain protocol.

Gecko is a marketplace to hire event items like Speakers, Chairs, and Party Lights as easily and securely as possible (Amazon Marketplace for rentals).

An interview with Pavel Shkliaev, CEO of LensAI, who discusses the vision behind the founding of his company and how he measures the company's success.

Short interview with Sergey Prilutskiy, developer, researcher, security specialist, co-founder of MixBytes company, and Hackernoon author.

The risk, reward and excitement of starting up a new company from scratch as an entrepreneur has been glorified by many but doesn't sound like gambling?t

More than half of America’s cutting-edge companies valued at $1 billion or more were established by foreign-born founders. 

Peace interviews Oluwatomi Solanke, co-founder and CEO of Trove Finance, a micro-investment platform that allows Nigerians to invest in foreign stock markets.

Nicole Nguyen is the co-founder of Duelist King, the first NFT game powered by Dual Launch via OccamRazer IDO and PancakeSwap IFO.

Startup interview with Viktor Kochetov, CEO of Kyrrex. is one of the Cosmos hubs within the Cosmos ecosystem that leverages the Cosmos SDK.

Alóki is based on an intricate relationship with the 750 acres of jungle in Costa Rica.

People have a wide range of different "tools" that can give them cheap and fast relief of anxiety or other psychological conditions.

"Keep going; don’t let fear stop you too much. Focus on the fact that every effect has a cause, find out what that cause is."

Sandbox is one of the most successful metaverses in Web3 with more springing up overnight. There are more than 2 million wallets registered to TSB

Remote working makes it hard to have the spontaneity that offices can bring. Slack Huddles managed to bring that to one team's successful bid for ProductHunt

Exclusive CEO interviews on a personal journey and outlook on Artificial Intelligence, Web3 and entrepreneurship

On the Importance of Building Healthy Co-Founder Relationships, Navigating Investor Meetings, and Investing in Your Mental Health as a Founder.

The capacity of a leader to envision, plan, direct, and get the most out of the resources at hand effectively is known as strategic leadership.

Find this article where it was originally published, on!

Find a Niche!

Nobody can promote themselves or their projects if they're a jack of all trades. Nor will people find a universal proposition to be appealing. The first key to success is to ask yourself what your differentiating features are and who is your audience? You can then start to identify your niche.

In my case, I noticed that I got a lot more traffic from my money-making code like market making or arbtitrage crypto trading bots than I did from my other GitHub repos. What this means is that while some people are interested in interesting code, there are a lot more people out there interested in turning equity into realized pnl :)

Challenge yourself every day to be a more improved version of yourself each day and don’t fall into the trap of accepting average.

Getting your startup to succeed in markets across the globe is worthwhile but requires brings extra challenges thanks to each country having a distinct culture.

In 2015, we started Memoratic, an educational platform that aimed to solve a few of the complex problems of our educational system. By streamlining communication between educational institutions, teachers, parents, and students the platform tried to provide incentives to improve performance at the individual and organizational levels.

The cryptomarket is melting. The cryptomarket meltdown is a result of the bearish sentiment in the market.

Tech is often termed as ‘the future’ and for a good reason; the developments within the tech sector often shape the future as we know it. Think of how the internet changed every part of human life and how social media has permanently altered how we communicate and connect. 

What is “The White Tiger?" If you’re asking startup founders, the answer is - not just another Netflix movie, but a unique collection of great business lessons.

Pricing your product or service is one of the hardest things to do. There are so many dimensions to it that it is easy to get lost. Here, I am going to share what I learnt. 

Timeless advice to profit from your passions, capitalize on your ideas and become a better human being.

Daria Leshchenko from SupportYourApp shares her entrepreneurial journey and her vision of the future of customer support for startups.

The first time I’d considered working at a startup, I was still in college, commuting from my parent’s house to save on student loans.

A Chat with Abhinov Balagoni, Founder and CEO of Pax Credit on how he got started and what the future holds for Pax Credit

Software development has improved 100x since the internet was invented, but how people report bugs has not changed since the 1990s.

As someone who went through the co-founder dating process (and emerged with a fantastic partner), I thought I’d share a few “real dating world" tips.

The ability to launch and scale a project efficiently is a practice mastered with experience and, in most cases, a whole portfolio of failures.

Hackernoon's startup interview with Shachar Tal, Loginno's co-founder.

Publications love to bombard us with stories of entrepreneurs who find instant success. The problem is “instant success” simply doesn’t happen.

Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia, tells us why his initial attempt at creating an online encyclopedia failed and what he learned from that venture which allowed Wikipedia to succeed. Along the way, he also shares with us his approach to building a successful business in today’s digital world.

Despite the bear market startups should not turn off their projects in the crypto industry and Web 3.0. A few tips for projects on how to start in a bear market

Let's change the youth's perception of learning by doing.

In this post, you will find nine essential metrics that you should know about and measure. Your KPIs can change as your startup grows.

HackerNoon good company with Tanay Dixit, co-founder, and CPO of

Miki Agrawal champions ongoing global sustainability and eco-friendly hygiene through her professional and personal life.

How building in public helped the growth of my startup.

How does web3 impact SaaS companies? And how might it intersect with no-code?

Childhood friends James and Allen are making it easier for companies to build machine learning teams with AdaptiLab (Techstars Seattle ‘19).

As a 3x founder, Waseem had multiple advantages when raising venture capital – yet it still wasn't easy.

Brandon Burgason is the CEO and Founder of Mobie Labs. He explains the barriers that are keeping blockchain from realizing its full potential.

When we think of the world's most successful companies, we think about large offices and employees that were there from the very beginning. In fact, many companies started their business in the founder's bedroom or garage.

Lingke Wang and the Ethos team have recently raised over $46 million in order to simplify and modernize the archaic life insurance industry.

Interview with Thierry Schellenbach, co-founder & CEO of Stream, a provider of APIs and SDKs that enable product teams to add in-app chat and activity feeds.

Sowemo Tech Private Limited Founded by Ketan Shrivastava and Surendra yadav in July 2019. Basically its a IT service company located in heart of India at Bhopal Madhya Pradesh. Its a long journey travelled by Ketan from 2012 When Ketan was in final year of engineering in 2012. He had idea of Talent Search Portal. At that time in Bhopal Engineering students have potentials But was not much aware about Angel investors.

Simple steps to get an idea off the ground and start building momentum.

Read how multi-founder and entrepreneur Jason Kintzler is taking on wearables and fintech.

A story about founding several startups, funding, investor relationships, writing software and winning hackathons.

Startup interview with Micheal Skoblov, founder and CEO of BITLEVEX.

My startup founder resolutions for 2023 that will make you cry LOL The Ultimate Game-Changer in the Trading Research

Vijay, Founder & CEO of bitsCrunch talks about the importance of securing the NFT ecosystem.

When D’Shawn Russell left her job as a school math teacher to start Southern Elegance Candles, she never imagined that it would grow into what it is today.

What's Your Background, and How Did That Lead You to Your Current Role?

Lose the to-do list, there is only one thing you need to focus on

Immad Akhund has invested in 100+ startups and was a Y Combinator Partner. Here are his tips for raising capital.

I sat down with Eqvista founder Tomas Milar for his insights on ESOP distribution in modern-day businesses.

Emil first sketched the idea for the company on the back of a napkin during his flight to Mumbai in 2000. Today, the company is the world’s leading graph platform, powering mission-critical enterprise applications, including artificial intelligence, fraud detection, real-time recommendations, and master data.

Matt is the co-founder & VP of Marketing and Developer Relations at Manifold, the cloud-native marketplace company.

Join HYLS, donation-based online course platform where you boost your self-development at any price you want.

2-minute look at the building of through a founder's eyes.

Wonder has one key concept and it is that “the future is collaborative”

Hi there. My name is Mandy, and I'm 24 this year. I don’t have many years of wisdom to preach about, but I do have something interesting to share for those who are afraid to take the leap of faith – the story of how I started my own business at 19.

What's your background, and what are you working on?

Brex Founder Henrique Duburas Believes You Should Pack Your Cap Table With As Many Investors As Possible

Serial entrepreneur Andrew Hoag had a huge frustration.

An Interview with Talk Python to Me Podcast founder, Michael Kennedy.

This article is a compilation of everything that I learned about how to generate product ideas. It’s my my way of learning and it’s not a finished work I will update it as I learn more in my journey to great great products.

When friends Jessica Rolph and Rod Morris partnered to launch Lovevery in 2015, the two founders already had massive success stories under their belts. 

Jessica previously had a successful exit from organic baby food company Happy Family, which she founded. Rod helped take SaaS utility platform Opower public as part of the company’s leadership team.

Despite their wealth of past experience, Jessica and Rod had plenty to learn when fundraising for Lovevery, a subscription business that puts sustainable, science-backed play kits into the hands of parents. As parents themselves, Jessica and Rod knew their idea had legs when they began working on it — but they still felt “very vulnerable” during the fundraising process, according to Jessica.

“With the success we had in the raises, on the outside they [seemingly] came easily,” Jessica says. “But on the inside, getting to that place where you have momentum is hard.”

As they grew Lovevery, they found fundraising successfully was all about the timing. On an episode of How I Raised It, Jessica and Rod shared the lessons that came from raising $32 million for Lovevery over three funding rounds.

If you’re like us, you probably have some unread red-dot notifications in your Slack sidebar. Work-related, a few are from social groups or communities

Tracy Leparulo's insights into marketing blockchain and crypto companies through her startup, Untraceable and her experience as a woman in the crypto space.

What's your background, and what are you working on?

As part of Hacker Noon's Meet the Writer interview series, AJ Picard shares his founder story, passions, expectations, and what makes writing so challenging.

I’m Ksana Liapkova and I’m Head of Admitad ConvertSocial.

Prior to starting Ranqx, I founded a company called VantagePoint, a growth advisory business with offices in Auckland, Sydney and Dubai.

Just in time for Halloween failures in production are scarier than most movie monsters. Here's a personal scary story of a production fail.

A collection of insider tips from our "How I Raised It" podcast

Jessica Livingston's book "Founders at work" (2007, 32 stories) inspired thousands of founders to start their startups.

In most cases, positive motivation drives a person starting a new business. He wants to make the best product, become a leader, or earn a profit. When that positive motivation runs out, there are two possible scenarios.

Ioana started her career as a software developer, but decided to leave Shopify to found Konvi - the investment platform for alternative assets.

Julie is a content strategist and writer who helps Web3 projects rank higher on search engines by creating engaging, optimized content.

Bitcoin is still far away from it's all time high and these days cryptocurrency mining has become more complicated. Large miners built huge arrays to mine, making it harder for smaller miners to compete. As an alternative to traditional mining on your own equipment, which requires solid initial investments, you can use cloud mining, which allows you to mine crypto currency utilizing a remote datacenter with shared processing power, so you don`t have to install your own hardware.

By a deep study into the market systems before launch, the company pointed out shortcomings within the crypto industry.

Confused if the startup life is for you? I'm a founder myself and I'll walk you through the 4 steps you can take to start building a startup.

Licenseware is the first open app ecosystem for software license management. Reduce software costs and manage licensing risks, PAYIG, completely modular.

Vivek Khatri, Director and Founder of a Startup of the year nominee Emizen Tech, shares their origin story, why they focus on retention and exciting technology.

Daniel Quoc Dung Huynh, CEO and Co-founder of Mithril Security, is launching a startup to democratize privacy-by-design AI tools.

My name is Eran Elhanani, and I’m the Co-Founder of BullPerks, a decentralized VC and multichain launchpad, currently ranking as the #2 IDO investment platform.

Given a choice between lucky and smart vs unlucky and stupid, which one should you pick as a founder?

I will give you three guesses as to why we chose to call the fund "Bostoncoin".

This is a post that took almost 240+ hours to research.

The comment that my team had received on a post/ad that we ran to drive awareness about our brand EQUO.

"I don't believe it’s possible for someone to ‘just do a startup.’ It's a mission you fall in love with, again and again."

Almost 2 years ago, we launched Meddy out of a class project at college. We faced our fair share of challenges from lawsuits to team conflicts to engineering issues etc.

Every decision and step we take at a startup is based on some belief. Here's how to validate those beliefs and build products like a scientist ;)

One thing that has become clear in the last few years is that the soft parts of data science are becoming even more important. What do I mean by soft parts? I a

Behavioral Signals is an AI company that develops AI technology to analyze human behavior from voice data.

AR Bulletin Boards: T

Peter Kolmisoppi explains why The Pirate Bay is still alive and some websites aren't.

#FoundersConnect: Abdul Hassan, CEO & Founder of Mono, Backed by Ycombinator

Today, I am talking with Leo Nilsson, co-founder of a mobile chat app - Scapin'. Scapin' is designed for our virtual identities.

On today’s episode of Startups On Demand, I am joined by Ian Sanders, CEO and Co-Founder of Blue Cape, a stealth startup in the field of healthcare analytics.

Remi Denoyer learned to code and built his first basic application at the age of 14. He was the perfect founding engineer for Plato, a mentorship platform.

Oftentimes we don’t even realize how we’re feeling. Even when someone asks us, “How are you?” our knee-jerk reaction is to say, “Good.” But are you really feeling good? What is your mood right now? If you had to label how you’re feeling in your body and mind, what would you write down?

The tech workforce in the US is not growing at an optimal pace. The number of schools offering computer science is not enough which is impacting the access of computer science to young women and students from marginalized communities.

Arengu was officially founded in May 2018, but we had to come a long way before finding our value as a company. Today, we'd like to share our road with you, so you can get inspired and learn from our story.

Ethereum's Merge switched the blockchain from Proof of Work to Proof of Stake. While it addressed some of the old problems, it created a new set to deal with.

Most innovative concepts lead to some form of manipulation. The only way forward is decentralizing these aspects to keep green investing manipulation-free. 

Mark Gainey talks about the early challenges of creating Strava and how him and his co-founder built a healthy, profitable business.

Zuleyka Strasner raised $4.7 million for her environmentally-friendly store Zero Grocery in two years. She shares her advice on fundraising seed rounds.

Can a brand new startup forever change the way we use our phones? I think I know the answer. In this post, I’ll share the story of my fledgling startup that aims to do just that.

Less than a decade ago, we could only dream of being able to spend five minutes on a job that required 10 hours to complete. All we could hope for was a magic wand. Cargo dancing with tambourines could also help, but there was no guarantee (pun intended). 

Science has a problem.

The guide centers on the legal aspects of due diligence (DD) and outlines the 10 most common mistakes.

When the travel industry will recover after the pandemic, what will the travel experience look like and how modern tech will influence it?

An interview with the founder of Quixy, a no-code platform that helps automate processes for any industry and any function.

An interview with Johnpaul Nobodo - the Co-Founder/CEO of Elesaro: a full suite crowdfunding protocol built on Binance smart chain.

How will the banks of tomorrow operate, look, grow and thrive in a budding fintech environment and increasingly globalised market?

Unshackled Ventures founding partner Nitin Pachisia explains three ways he built a strong network during his fundraising journey.

Gregory Robinson’s Fundraising Journey For A Market That Helps Women Return To The Workforce (As told to Nathan Beckord)

“My mission has always been about freedom. As I mentioned, I don’t like school — I never liked being told what to do," says Anthony Di Iorio Ethereum Co-founder

Peace speaks with Erika Brodnock, Founder of Kami app.

I am excited to share this. One of the most fun parts about being CEO is spending (a lot of) time thinking about the grand future and then figuring out a set of reasonable steps to get there. This is the most creative bit of my job, and I love it.

Did Elizabeth Holmes corrupt Silicon Valley, or was it the other way around?

Twins are launching the first comic-based learning experience on the market - Improvement Comics - Learn key ideas about self-improvement via weekly comics.

Jack Dorser is leaving Twitter. WHY? And, More Importantly, WHY NOW?!

Soulbound tokens (SBTs) are non-transferrable, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that can serve as a web3 user’s identity that are intrinsically tied to their owners.

Forter is the leading provider in e-commerce fraud prevention, protecting $130B in digital transactions annually.

The underlying reason a startup is so hard, so strange - and why so many fail - is that you yourself have to figure out what to do.

I’m Alex and I’m the Founder at Adadot.

Joseph Woodbury of shares three pieces of advice on how to raise capital — from integrating yourself into the local ecosystem to being able to change your plans on a moment’s notice. is an AI-powered blockchain that allows businesses and individuals to use multi-agent system-based solutions to solve complex problems or coordination.

Though the FOMO is gone but here are the key takeaways that founders can learn from Clubhouse.

Technology advancement is the future of mobile apps. Vladimir Potapenko, the founder of Madora, explains how AI, 5G, and security are shaping the industry.

Having the right people in your corner can be the critical difference between success and failure. As this fintech founder discovered first hand.

Denis Lagutenko - an entrepreneur, the founder of several projects in the fields of the Internet and affiliate marketing, as well as the owner of the manicure network WOW NAIL, one of the first who did not wait for the government guidance on quarantine and switched his companies to remote work before the official announcement.

Syrg is empowering both employers and employees using automation tools. Their CEO shares the fascinating origin story and explains their covid pivot.

Dwolla, Inc. is an Iowa-based fintech company helping innovative organizations digitally transform their payments.

College is a great place, you make new friends, try new things, and have no shortage of homework. During my freshman year at Iowa State, aside from doing normal college things, I spent my time learning as much as possible about how people have made technology solve problems for society and everything that goes into making these ideas a reality.

The most fundamental core of any business relationship is trust. Traditionally this was built through multiple interactions, which included at least one face to face meeting.

Making the jump into entrepreneurship, and building a startup, is rarely a rational decision. A good example of this comes from entrepreneur Sean Yu.

Ali Halabi moved to Istanbul in 2013 to solve the city's massive traffic problem. His first startup was an on-demand carpooling service, but it failed.

Former Huawei manager Peter Stieglbauer talks about Decentralization, Gaming, and Funding for their new VR 3D game, FINSTERWALD

Alyona Karpinskaya is the founder of PRBA, a PR agency providing PR support for blockchain projects.

Launching a startup is a huge undertaking that will test your personal and professional relationships to the limit.

Become Your Ultimate Self. A brand new app with unique assignments that help you get the most out of yourself. See how Ultimate Go-Getter got started and how you can get started.

Harper DB is a startups of the year nominee from Denver, Colorado. Stephen Goldberg, CEO, shares the origin story and what makes their company culture relevant.

The ninth interview in the Startup Journey series: Building an airline out of necessity & an innovative fintech product out of passion

Amy Tom chats with David Smooke (co-founder and CEO of HackerNoon) about his founder's journey with HackerNoon, and with Storm Farrell (Software Developer at Ha

Why you have to own your process from end-to-end

Learn how we improved our ETL processing performance from 550ms to 94ms by switching to micro-service based architecture and SingleStore

The only way to learn is by starting and doing things relentlessly. You should go deep into a chosen space, and don't worry about making big leaps.

Doppler's Brian Vallelunga shares five lessons he learned about raising capital and creating sustainable partnerships.

Finding a technical co-founder is one of the biggest challenges faced by startup founders. Here’s how Audapio’s Founder Dudley Gould overcame this common startup hurdle. 

When serial entrepreneur Illit Geller started telling me her story, I could instantly see why the fintech startup she founded, TradAir raised $11M in its latest funding round. 

Wildland is a new, open data management protocol with improved users' privacy, security, and multi-categorization. A Q&A with J. Zawistowski and A. Regulski.

Read for opinions on growing a robust community in any niche, adapting your product to the metaverse, the power of outsourcing and the future of AI.

A recent nationwide survey aiming to better understand the “before and after” of emotions in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic has found that people’s #1 emotion now is anxiety, and before the outbreak, the #1 emotion was calm.

From “challenger banks” to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, fintech startups such as Stripe & Paypal continue to revolutionise the financial industry. 

This is part two of a two-part conversation with serial founder and pioneer of “digital identity” Garrett Gafke on how he built and launched his most successful startup, IdentityMind. Click here to read part one.