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Builder + Automate

The Chef Automate Applications Dashboard provides observability into your Chef Habitat Builder on-prem installation. See Setting up the Applications Dashboard for information and installation guidance.

Chef Habitat On-Prem + Chef Automate

Configuring Chef Habitat on-prem to use Chef Automate's Authentication takes five steps:

  1. Patch the Chef Automate configuration to recognize Chef Habitat
  2. Set up the Chef Habitat Builder on-prem bldr.env to use Chef Automate's authentication
  3. Copy your custom builder certificate files (.crt and .key) to the same location as the ./ script.
  4. Install Chef Habitat Builder on-prem
  5. Copy Automate's certificate to the /hab/cache/ssl directory

Step One: Patch Chef Automate's Configuration

To authenticate with Chef Automate, create a patch with the Chef Automate command line:

  1. From the command line, access Chef Automate, for example:

    ssh <automate hostname>
    ssh <ipaddress>
  2. Create the file patch-automate.toml:

    touch patch-automate.toml
  3. Edit the patch-automate.toml:

    bldr_signin_url = "https://chef-builder.test/"
    bldr_client_id = "0123456789abcdef0123"
    bldr_client_secret = "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567"

    Note that the OAUTH_CLIENT_ID and OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET values above match the default values in the bldr.env.sample file which you will edit in the next step. You may chnge these values but they must match the OAUTH_CLIENT_ID and OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET in your on prem builder's bldr.env file.

  4. Apply the patch-automate.toml to the Chef Automate configuration from the command line:

    sudo chef-automate config patch patch-automate.toml

    A successful patch displays the output:

    Updating deployment configuration
    Applying deployment configuration
      Started session-service
    Success: Configuration patched
  5. Exit Chef Automate

Step Two: Set up bldr.env

  1. SSH to your Chef Habitat Builder on-prem instance:

    ssh <builder hostname>
    ssh <ipaddress>
  2. Clone the Chef Habitat Builder on-prem repository:

    git clone
  3. Change to the on-prem-builder directory:

    cd on-prem-builder
  4. Create a bldr.env file:

    touch bldr.env

    Or, if you need more explanations about the contents of the bldr.env file, copy the existing sample file:

    cp bldr.env.sample bldr.env
  5. Edit bldr.env:

    • SSL must be enabled in Builder in order to authenticate against Automate, use APP_SSL_ENABLED=true and a APP_URL beginning with https.
    • Set OAUTH_PROVIDER to chef-automate.
    • Set the values of OAUTH_USERINFO_URL, OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URL, and OAUTH_TOKEN_URL to the example values provided in the sample.bldr.env file substituting <your.automate.domain> with your Automate server or domain name.
    • Always be closing. Close the Builder addresses provided in APP_URL and OAUTH_REDIRECT_URL with a forward slash, /.
      • https://chef-builder.test will NOT work.
      • https://chef-builder.test/ will work.

Step Three: Put the Builder Certs with the Install Script

Rename the custom Builder certificates cert file as ssl-certificate.crt and the key file as ssl-certificate.key. Habitat recognizes only these names and will not recognize any other names. Copy the ssl-certificate.crt and ssl-certificate.key files to the same directory as the ./ script.

  1. Locate the SSL certificate and key pair.
  2. Copy the key pair to the same directory as the install script, which is /on-prem-builder, if the repository was not renamed.
  3. Make the keys accessible to Habitat during the installation.
  4. If you're testing this workflow, make your own key pair and copy them to /on-prem-builder.
sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/ssl-certificate.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-certificate.crt
sudo cp /etc/ssl/private/ssl-certificate.key .
sudo cp /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-certificate.crt .
sudo chown vagrant:vagrant ssl-certificate.*
  1. You can confirm that the keys were copied:

    cat ./ssl-certificate.key
    cat ./ssl-certificate.crt

Step Four: Install Builder

  1. Run the install script. This installs both Chef Habitat Builder on-prem and the Chef Habitat datastore:

    sudo ./
  2. Accept the licenses.

  3. All services should report back as up. It make take a few minutes to come up.

    sudo hab svc status

    Should return something similar to:

    package                                        type        desired  state  elapsed (s)  pid    group
    habitat/builder-api/8473/20190830141422        standalone  up       up     595          28302  builder-api.default
    habitat/builder-api-proxy/8467/20190829194024  standalone  up       up     597          28233  builder-api-proxy.default
    habitat/builder-memcached/7728/20180929144821  standalone  up       up     597          28244  builder-memcached.default
    habitat/builder-datastore/7809/20181019215440  standalone  up       up     597          28262  builder-datastore.default
    habitat/builder-minio/7764/20181006010221      standalone  up       up     597          28277  builder-minio.default

Step Five: Copy Automate's Certificate to Builder

  1. View and copy the Chef Automate certificate. Change the server name to your Chef Automate installation FQDN:

    openssl s_client -showcerts -servername chef-automate.test -connect chef-automate.test:443 < /dev/null | openssl x509

    Copy the output to an accessible file.

    # Copy the contents including the begin and end certificate
    # -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
    # Certificate content here
    #-----END CERTIFICATE-----
  2. Make a file for your cert at /hab/cache/ssl/, such as automate-cert.crt.

  3. Paste the Chef Automate certificate into your file, /hab/cache/ssl/automate-cert.crt

  4. Restart builder

    sudo systemctl restart hab-sup

You're Done

  1. Login at


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