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Changelog file for CLAP

This file describes changes in CLAP codebase, usage, public and private API and documentation. It's mostly useful for developers who use the CLAP library.


  • fix: bug fixes,
  • upd: updated feature,
  • new: new features,
  • dep: deprecated features (scheduled for removal in next n versions),
  • rem: removed features,

Version 0.11.0 (2016-09-02)

This long awaited release improves both documentation and code. Documentation was expanded with updated examples and README-style articles explaining how to use CLAP.

On the code front, there are several imporvements.

Shortened command names

From day-one CLAP supported short and long option names. People who use a piece of software frequently usually memorise short versions of commonly used options, but for a very long time CLAP did not provide a way to shorten the command names. This mean that even long command names must have been written in full:

~]$ program some-nested command-name that-is-too --verbose --and long-to-type --foo --with spam

Now, the above invocation can be shortened to just:

~]$ program s c t --verbose --and l --foo --with spam

CLAP detects that a mode has nested modes, and automatically expands the shortened command name. Expansion fails if the command name is ambiguous, i.e. when more two or more subcommands exist (e.g. foo and far) and both share a common prefix that, and only this prefix was given to CLAP.

Fixed rendering detailed option help

Detailed option help (program help command subcommand --option) now renders all help available for requested option.

Better automatically generated help for option arguments

CLAP provides a way to describe individual option arguments, and provide more detailed help messages. Use argument-name:argument-type syntax when definition option arguments:

    "short": "p",
    "long": "phone-no",
    "arguments": ["use +NN.AAABBBCCC format:str"]

Version 0.10.0-rc.3 (2014-07-)

This release candidate adds two more parameters to the already available palette of customization options for CLAP options.

Note that however promising the defaults option may sound it can currently be only used to provide values for options added by CLAP (when running through implies hooks). Support for omitting arguments was not coded to keep the complexity of the parser on an acceptable level. Said complexity has to be decreased nevertheless, because the implies hook that became available to developers caused the complexity level of parser to raise considerably.

Even though, optional arguments should be requested as operands - it is safer and easier to manage them this way.

This release candidate is not big in terms of List of Changes, but is huge in terms of functionality added.

  • new: implies parameter in clap.option.Option,

  • new: defaults parameter in clap.option.Option,

  • new: conflicts() method in clap.option.Option,

  • fix: checker can now correctly detect more cases when not enough arguments are provided to an option (i.e. instead of rising the invalid-type exception it will raise the missing-argument exception when the item that caused it in the first place is an option accepted by parser),

Version 0.10.0-rc.2 (2014-07-09)

  • fix: fixed bug introduced in 0.9.6 which cause help runner to crash if help was requested by option,

  • upd: examples are no longer included in the full rendering of help screen, they need to be separately viewed,

Version 0.10.0-rc.1 (2014-07-08)

All deprecated features were removed from code.

  • upd: addMode() method of RedMode renamed to addCommand(),

  • upd: hasmode() method of RedMode renamed to hasCommand(),

  • upd: getmode() method of RedMode renamed to getCommand(),

  • upd: modes() method of RedMode renamed to commands(),

  • upd: mode parameter in clap.builder.export() function renamed to command,

  • upd: RedMode class renamed to RedCommand,

  • upd: UnrecognizedModeError renamed to UnrecognizedCommandError,

  • rem: removed support for features deprecated in 0.9.x line,

  • rem: readfile() and readjson() functions were removed from clap.builder module,

Version 0.9.6 (2014-07-04)

It seems like the 0.9.x line is about to stay for a bit longer than I expected. However, it does not mean there are no improvements in the code.

One new feature is the "examples" key in "doc" field of the top-level command. Apart from usage, which describes more abstract syntax, the examples are used to provide real-life invocations of the program.
This field may change in future (currently it is built the same way as usage) to incorporate brief explanation what does the line do:

"examples": [
        "line": "foo --bar baz -xy",
        "desc": "this line does something"

Would yield something akin to:


    program foo --bar baz -xy
        this line does something

This release brings another new feature: Help Runner. It is an object which takes parsed UI and analyses it to tell whether user wanted to see help screen or not; in either case it will act accordingly, and report the outcome to the program developer (in code).
As such, it shifts the burden of managing help screens yet further away from the developers so that the library can do even more of the heavy lifting.

Currently, the help runner does not offer many customization hooks (only option-triggers can be adjusted), yet it comes with sane defaults:

  • -h and --help options trigger help screen display,
  • help as first (second, technically) command triggers help display.

The help runner can be more easily integrated into programs using Builder object using its insertHelpCommand() method which, as the name says, inserts a model of help command into model of UI as a child of main command. The call looks this way: mode = clap.builder.Builder(model).insertHelpCommand().build().get()

Apart from these new features, there is a deprecation also: verb commands (akin to Git's commit, pull or stash) are no longer modes in JSON representations of UIs, but are commands. There is a warning about this in code so CLAP will yell about UIs that are not upgraded.

  • new: examples key in doc field of JSON UI representations, **examples should only be set in doc for the TOP LEVEL command **,

  • new: HelpRunner object in clap.helper module,

  • new: top() method in ParsedUI,

  • new: usage() and examples() methods in Helper,

  • new: insertHelpCommand() method added to Builder, which makes integration with Help Runner easier and provides unified help interface for users of CLAP library,

  • upd: Helper was refactored a little bit,

  • upd: parser undergone major refactoring, actual parsing logic has been broken down into several smaller, easier to understand methods; maybe a separate class should be created as Parser seems to have too much responsibility,

  • dep: modes field in JSON UI representations, changed to commands,

  • dep: gen method in Helper, use full instead,

  • rem: get() method from Parser,

  • rem: getoperands() method from Parser,

  • rem: method of setting typehandlers for CLAP,

Version 0.9.5 (2014-06-21)

CLAP is now building better help screens, greatest improvement can be seen in how descriptions of commands (sub modes) are rendered, i.e. the name of the submode is followed by a two-space break and a description of it so users can quickly check what command they want to use.

This release also fixes a bug which caused an error about unrecognized option to be incorrectly raised.

  • new: command descriptions in abbreviated help screens,

  • new: slightly refactored help screen generator and help screens' look is slightly different,

  • new: new way of building doc in JSON, added "doc" field (with "help" and "usage" keys),

  • dep: "help": key of mode is moved to "doc" field,

  • fix: unrecognized option error incorrectly raised when aliases are passed,

Version 0.9.4 (2014-06-16)

CLAP is able to build full or abbreviated help screens. Abbreviated help screens show help only for top-level mode, i.e. its options - local and global - and commands. Full help screen displays help for all sub-commands.

Also, in this release CLAP code was moved back from redclap/ to clap/.

Finally, 0.9.4 is most probably last release from 0.9.x line and the next version of CLAP will mark the beginning of the 0.10.x line.

  • new: full help screens,

  • new: abbreviated help screens,

  • fix: checker now correctly handles one more case of unrecognized option,

Version 0.9.3 (2014-06-10)

CLAP can build UIs from JSON descriptions and export UIs built directly in Python to JSON (exporting is work-in-progress and needs more testing, though).

Another feature implemented in this release is help screen generation, but currently to only one level of depth. This will be fixed in later releases.

  • new: building interfaces from JSON,

  • new: exporting interfaces written in Python to JSON,

  • new: generating help screens,

  • new: more fluent interface for formatter,

  • fix: bug in parser, which returned items for nested mode even if mode accepted no child modes,

  • rem: old CLAP code,

  • rem: old CLAP tests,

  • rem: old checker code from RedCLAP module,

Version 0.9.2 (2014-06-07)

This is the first version of RedCLAP, i.e. Redesigned CLAP and is not backwards compatible with previous release. However, it brings major improvements to the code.

Notable new features are operand ranges, a method for designer to set a range of operands accepted by CLAP and let CLAP validate them, and plural options - which tell CLAP to not overwrite the previously found value of an options but rather build a list of all values passed (in case of options that take no arguments - to count how many times they occurred). This provides for greater control over user input.

Another feature is just a huge bugfix. Nested modes are finally working properly. The can be nested ad infinitum, all can have operands with set ranges, all can have global and local options.

Successful improvement was done on the front of UI building. Global options can now be added freely - after or before modes are added and are propagated to nested modes after the (who would have guessed) .propagate() method is called on the top level mode.

  • new: DESIGN.markdown file has been added,

  • new: development moved to redclap/ directory while clap/ contains old, untouched code from 0.9.1 release,

  • new: operand ranges,

  • new: new behavior of .get() method of parsed UI,

  • new: plural options,

  • fix: nested modes,

  • fix: global options propagation,

  • rem: old JSON UIs must be ported to new JSON spec,

  • rem: CLAP v0.9.2 changed Python APIs for building UIs,

Version 0.9.1 (2013-11-09):

Deprecated module clap.modes was removed. If you haven't changed your code when update 0.9.0 arrived you must do it now. Now, clap.parser.Parser supports both single and nested parsers.

  • rem: clap.modes module was removed,

Version 0.9.0 (2013-11-):

From this version clap.modes.Parser is deprecated - single and nested parsers were unified and now you can use clap.parser.Parser with modes (the API was copied from clap.modes.Parser).

  • new: clap.parser.Parser().finalize() method which will define the parser and parse it via a single call,

  • new: clap.shared module containing functions and variables shared between various CLAP modules,

  • new: clap.base.Base, clap.parser.Parser and clap.modes.Parser got new getoperands() method,

  • new: clap.base.Base and clap.parser.Parser have __eq__() method overloaded (comparing with == will be now possible),

  • upd: better help message generation,

  • upd: moved option regular expression patterns from clap.base to clap.shared,

  • upd: moved lookslikeopt() function from clap.base to clap.shared,

  • upd: information about default parser is now private,

  • rem: lines parameter from Helper().help() method - now it returns only list of strings,

Version 0.8.4 (2013-09-02):

  • fix: type handlers are applied also to nested parsers,

Version 0.8.3 (2013-08-31):

  • fix: fixed bug which prevented building JSON interfaces with local mode-options,

Version 0.8.2 (2013-08-31):

  • new: support for non-global options given to modes (helps writing modes which act more like parsers),

Version 0.8.1 (2013-08-31):

This version is not backwards compatible! You'll need to fix your JSON and/or Python built interfaces for the new stuff - needs was renamed to wants, NeededOptionNotFoundError was renamed to WantedOption....

  • upd: order in which validating methods are called (conflicts are checked just after unrecognized options to prevent typing a lot and getting an error about conflicting options),

  • upd: needs arguments renamed to wants in all places,

  • upd: clap.checker.Checker._checkneeds renamed to clap.checker.Checker._checkwants,

  • upd: clap.errors.NeededOptionNotFoundError renamed to clap.errors.WantedOptionNotFoundError,

  • new: BuilderError in clap.errors, raised when builder loads invalid JSON

  • new: UIDesignError in clap.errors, raised when one option requires another option which is undefined,

  • new: parser and modes arguments in for forcing build of given type, keep in mind that they are provided as a debug feature for JSON interfaces (type-detection should work without them),

  • new: clap.helper.Helper which can build help information from parsers,

  • new: help argument for options,

Version 0.7.5 (2013-08-14):

This version fixes type-detection issues with JSON-based interfaces (well, they are still alpha/beta). Pure Python API is free from these bugs.

Version 0.7.4 (2013-08-07):

This version brings support for creating nested modes in JSON interfaces. Apart from this, some refactoring had been done in clap/ clap.builder.ModesParser() is no longer there - only object that is needed to build an interface is clap.builder.Builder(). Builder functions, and element-type recognition functions, are exposed so you can use them directly with no need to initialize builder object. However, I don't see a need for this - if you would want to translate dicts and lists to interfaces and bother with all the stuff around them it's easier to just code the whole interface by hand. This functionality will never be removed.

  • new: isparser(), isoption() and ismodesparser() functions in clap.builder,

  • new: buildparser() and buildmodesparser() functions in clap.builder,

  • upd: clap.builder.Builder() is no longer limited to simple parsers - it can now build also single- and nested-modes parsers.

  • rem: clap.builder.ModesParser() is removed and it's functionality is now in clap.builder.Builder()

Version 0.7.3 (2013-08-06):

This version debugs stuff (I hope) and let's you create simple-parser interfaces using clap.builder.Builder() object (without need for clap.builder.Parser().

  • new: clap.builder.Builder().build() let's you build simple-parser interfaces,

  • new: clap.builder.Builder()._applyhandlersto() method returns parser with applied type handlers,

  • rem: clap.builder.Parser() object is removed,

Version 0.7.2 (2013-08-05):

This version brings support for creating interfaces using JSON.

  • new: clap.builder module containing Parser() and ModesParser() objects used for building interfaces,

Version 0.7.1 (2013-08-04):

This version is capable of having nested modes, e.g. syntax like foo bar baz --some --fancy options --after --this. Such behavior needed some changes in code to be done and this resulted in check() method of modes.Parser() automatically calling define before any actual checking is done.

Notice: it's possible that in version 0.7.2 modes.Parser() will be renamed to prevent it being mistaken for parser.Parser() and to improve accuracy of error messages.

  • fix: fixed bug in clap.modes.Parser().addOption() (I forgot to port it to the new version of options)

  • new: _append() method on clap.modes.Parser()

  • new: you can now nest modes,

  • new: _getarguments() method in clap.base.Base()

  • upd: there is no need to call define() before check() on modes.Parser() - the latter automatically calls the former,

  • upd: type() now returns empty list if option takes no arguments,

Version 0.7.0 (2013-08-03):

Warning: this release is not backwards compatible, you'll need to port your software to it. However, only small adjustments will be needed and only the in part of the API changes and out remains the same (not quite, it is more powerful now).

  • fix: fixed bug in base.Base._getinput() which caused it to return whole argv when it should return empty list

  • new: it is possible to specify multiple arguments for an option (defined as a list, returned as a tuple of arguments),

  • upd: argument parameter renamed to arguments in all methods and functions,

Version 0.6.3 (2013-08-02):

  • fix: fixed bug in Parser._checkneeds() which caused needs param to behave like requires

  • fix: fixed bug in Parser._checkneeds() which caused it to raise an exception if parameter needs was empty list,

  • upd: updated regular expressions used for option string recognition,

  • new: clap/ module,

  • new: clap/ module,

  • new: first test suite added,

  • rem: hint parameter is removed from all CLAP components,

Version 0.6.2 (2013-07-12):

  • upd: modes.Modes() renamed to modes.Parser()
  • new: _getinput() method in parser.Parser() added another security layer to checks

Version 0.2.3 (2013-06-29):

  • new: required optional argument in clap.Parser.add(), if passed and option is not found in input when check()ing error is raised,
  • new: gethint() method in clap.Parser,

Version 0.2.2 (2013-06-29):

  • upd: if option requires no argument None is returned instead of raising TypeError

  • fix:

  • new: