Open up the command prompt, create a virtual environment and activate it:
Create new virtual environment
> python -m venv %HOMEPATH%\.virtualenvs\galaga
Activate virtual environment
> cd %HOMEPATH%\.virtualenvs\galaga\Scripts
> .\activate.bat
pyjam requires pybox2d 2.3.10
pybox2d 2.3.10 provides wheels for Python 2.7 and 3.5 up to 3.8. No wheels for 3.9, 3.10 nor 3.11.
If using Python 3.9+ please follow build & install instructions below.
Please note that both swig and a C++ compiler are required to be able to build it.
- Install the correct version of Microsoft Visual Studio for your version of Python so that you can compile Box2D and pybox2d. Alternatively download and install Microsoft C++ Build Tools (Visual Studio Build Tools 2022). Goto: run setup and select Desktop applications development with C++ workload.
- Make sure that the compiler is in your PATH. The best way is to launch x64/x86 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022, where x64 or x86 depends on your Python version. If you use a new Native Tools Command Prompt for VS, ensure to activate your Python virtual environment.
- Install SWIG for making the Python wrapper from here. Install it in a location in your PATH, or add the SWIG root directory to your PATH.
- Assuming that you want to clone the source into %HOMEPATH%\src, point your command prompt into that folder, i.e.:
> cd %HOMEPATH%\src
- Clone the source from the git repository:
> git clone
> cd .\pybox2d
- Build and install pybox2d:
> python build
> python install
Cd into a folder where you can clone the source, i.e.:
> cd %HOMEPATH%\src
Clone (or fork) the pyjam-galaga source:
> git clone
Setup the PYTHONPATH environment variable:
> set PYTHONPATH=%HOMEPATH%\src\galaga;%HOMEPATH%\src\galaga\galaga;%HOMEPATH%\src\galaga\pyjam
Install requirements:
> pip install -r .\galaga\requirements.txt
Run the game:
> cd .\galaga\galaga
> python