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cdn-origin-controller is a Kubernetes controller to provision CDNs based on Ingress resources. This is made possible by configuring your Ingress resources with certain annotations, which tell the controller how origins should be configured at the CDN.

The controller allows infrastructure engineers to provide infrastructure configuration of the CDN via environment variables while allowing developers to configure each origin through Ingresses, maintaining a clean cut between infrastructure and application contexts.

Currently, the controller only supports adding origins to AWS CloudFront. Other CDN providers may become supported based on community use cases.


  • Kubernetes with Ingress support for

AWS CloudFront

The controller will look for three locations within the Ingress definition in order to determine how the origin and behaviors should be created:

  • Ingress.status.loadbalancer.ingress[].host: domains of the origins will be retrieved from here.
  • Ingress.spec.rules[].http.paths[].path: for each path at least one behavior will be created, allowing different cache behavior for different backends, for example.
  • Ingress.spec.rules[].http.paths[].pathType: in order to determine how to create each behavior while replicating routing that is expected from each path type. For ImplementationSpecific the value is simply copied as the behavior's path pattern.

The following annotation controls how origins and behaviors are attached to CloudFront distributions:

  • a CDN group should be used to bind Ingress resources together under the same distribution. Required. If the group does not exist yet a new distribution will be provisioned. Example: customer-portal

  • the CDN class this Ingress resource belongs to. Required. Must match the CDN Class configured for the controller deployment that is meant to manage this Ingress.

  • a comma-separated list of alternate domains to be configured on the CloudFront distribution. Duplicates on the same or different Ingress resources from the same group cause no harm. Example:,

  • the ID of the origin request policy that should be associated with the behaviors defined by the Ingress resource. Defaults to the ID of the AWS pre-defined policy "Managed-AllViewer" (ID: 216adef6-5c7f-47e4-b989-5492eafa07d3) for Public origins, and "Managed-CORS-S3Origin" (ID: 88a5eaf4-2fd4-4709-b370-b4c650ea3fcf) for Bucket origins, however these defaults can be overriden through configuration by setting the CF_DEFAULT_PUBLIC_ORIGIN_ACCESS_REQUEST_POLICY_ID or CF_DEFAULT_PUBLIC_ORIGIN_ACCESS_REQUEST_POLICY_ID environment variables. If set to"None" no policy will be associated.

  • the ID of the cache policy that should be associated with the behaviors defined by the Ingress resource. Defaults to the ID of the AWS pre-defined policy "CachingDisabled" (ID: 4135ea2d-6df8-44a3-9df3-4b5a84be39ad), this default can be overriden by setting the CF_DEFAULT_CACHE_REQUEST_POLICY_ID environment variable. More details about managed cache policies see.

  • the number of seconds that CloudFront waits for a response from the origin, from 1 to 60. Example: "30"

  • configures Function Association to behaviors defined as Ingress paths. Refer to the dedicated section for details.

  • deprecated in favor of the more generic, and will be removed at a later release.

  • A unique identifier that specifies the AWS WAF web ACL, if any, to associate with this distribution. To specify a web ACL created using the latest version of AWS WAF, use the ACL ARN, for example arn:aws:wafv2:us-east-1:123456789012:global/webacl/ExampleWebACL/473e64fd-f30b-4765-81a0-62ad96dd167a. To specify a web ACL created using AWS WAF Classic, use the ACL ID, for example 473e64fd-f30b-4765-81a0-62ad96dd167a.

  • A map of key/value strings to be configured in Cloudfront distribution. The value of this annotation should be given as a YAML map. Example: |
      mykey1: myvalue1
      mykey2: myvalue2
  • HTTP headers to be added to each request made for an origin. Refer to the dedicated section for more details.

The controller needs permission to manipulate the CloudFront distributions. A sample IAM Policy is provided with the necessary IAM actions.

Important: This sample policy grants the necessary actions for proper functioning of the controller, but it grants them on all CloudFront distributions. Changing this policy to make it more restrictive and secure is encouraged.

CDN Classes

The controller has several infrastructure configurations. In order to support different controller configurations running in the same cluster it's possible to make each of them responsible for a class. This is done using the CDNClass Kubernetes kind.


Parameter Required Description
hostedZoneID yes The ID of the Route53 zone where the aliases should be created in.
createAlias yes Whether the controller should create DNS records for a distribution's alternate domain names.
txtOwnerValue yes The controller creates TXT records for managing aliases. In it, a value is written to bind that given record to a particular instance of the controller running.

For example, imagine you need some of your CloudFront distributions to be in the zone and the others on the zone. In order to do that you need create both CDNClass kinds and set different values for the hostedZoneID, createAlias and txtOwnerValue parameters.

For this example, for the first kind we should have:

kind: CDNClass
  name: foo-com
  hostedZoneID: "<foo-com hosted zone ID>"
  createAlias: true
  txtOwnerValue: "<foo-owner value>"

While the other kind is defined with:

kind: CDNClass
  name: bar-com
  hostedZoneID: "<bar-com hosted zone ID>"
  createAlias: true
  txtOwnerValue: "<bar-owner value>"

In order for Ingresses to be part of one class or the other they must have cdn class annotation set the respective value.

Ingresses that serve as origins for the CloudFront at the zone should have the following annotation: foo-com

While Ingresses that serve as origins for CloudFronts at the zone should have: bar-com

TLS Certificate configuration

TLS will automatically be enabled if the CF_SECURITY_POLICY env var is set, and is disabled by default.

The controller will automatically search for TLS certificates in AWS ACM. If it finds a certificate matching any of the Distribution's alternate domain names, it will bind that certificate to the Distribution.

Custom Headers

CloudFront allows you to specify headers that should be added to each request for a given origin. For example:

kind: Ingress
  annotations: "static=value,dynamic={{}}"

This configures two HTTP headers:

  • "static": which is mapped to the value "value"
  • "dynamic": which uses a template to calculate the value during runtime. This is useful for fields which are not known beforehand, such as the origin's host

Currently supported template values:

field description The host of this origin

Custom Headers on user-supplied origins/behaviors

You can also use this feature with user-supplied origins/behaviors. Refer to the dedicated section.

Behavior ordering

During reconciliation, the controller will assemble desired behaviors based on all Ingresses that compose a single CloudFront. In order to determine the correct order of behaviors based on their paths, the following criteria are followed.

Given a path i and a path j:

  1. i is more specific if i is longer than j

  2. If both are the same length, i is more specific if it comes before j in a special alphabetical order, where "*" and "?" come after all other characters.

The order can be summarized as [0-9],[A-Z],[a-z], ?, *.

"?" is considered more specific than "*" because it represents a single char, while "*" may represent more.

This allows for more specific routing of requests which could be matched by better routes.

For example:

  • Catch-all Ingress, with a path /*/foo
  • USA-specific Ingress, with a path /en-us/foo

In CloudFront, these would result in the following order:

  • /en-us/foo -> en-us specific origin
  • /*/foo -> catch all origin

Function Associations

In order to associate Cloudfront Functions and Lambda@Edge Functions to your Ingress-based origins, add the annotation.

It expects a YAML object definition, where each key is a path that's part of this Ingress definition, which maps to the function-association configuration for that path.

For example: |
          arn: arn:aws:cloudfront::000000000000:function/test-function-associations
          functionType: cloudfront
          arn: arn:aws:cloudfront::000000000000:function/test-function-associations
          functionType: cloudfront
          arn: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:000000000000:function:test-function-associations:1
          includeBody: true
          arn: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:000000000000:function:test-function-associations:1

Some considerations:

  • the path you define as key must be part of a path defined in this Ingress, under .spec.rules[].paths[].path
  • viewerRequest and viewerReponse accept both CloudFront Functions and Lambda@Edge functions, represented by functionType with value of cloudfront and edge, respectivelly.
  • originRequest and originResponse only accept Lambda@Edge functions.
  • originRequest may optionally add a boolean field includeBody to propagate the request's body to the function. This is also possible for viewerRequest functions when using Lambda@Edge, but not for CloudFront functions.
  • viewerRequest and viewerReponse may be different functions, but they must have matching types (ie, either both are edge or both are cloudfront)

All function definitions fields (viewerRequest, viewerResponse, originRequest and originResponse) are optional.

Note: additional IAM permissions are required depending on whether you're using Lambda@Edge. Refer to AWS documentation for more information.

User-supplied origin/behavior configuration

If you need additional origin/behavior configuration that you can't express via Ingress resources (e.g., pointing to an S3 bucket with static resources of your application) you can do that using the

The value for this annotation is a YAML list, with each item representing a single origin with all cache behavior-related configuration associated to that origin. For example:

kind: Ingress
  name: foobar
  annotations: "foobar" |
      - host:
        originAccess: Bucket
        responseTimeout: 30
          - path: /foo
                arn: arn:aws:cloudfront::000000000000:function/test-function-associations
                functionType: cloudfront
      - host:
        originAccess: Public
        originRequestPolicy: None
        webACLARN: "arn:aws:wafv2:us-east-1:123456789012:global/webacl/ExampleWebACL/473e64fd-f30b-4765-81a0-62ad96dd167a"
          - path: /bar
          - path: /bar/*
          static: value
          dynamic: '{{}}'

IMPORTANT: when using the headers field, make sure you add quotes when using templates, to preven YAML parsing errors. ('{{}}', not {{}}). Check the dedicated section for all available template values.

The .host is the hostname of the origin you're configuring.

The .behaviors field is a list of objects representing the cache behaviors that should be configured. It contains a required string path, and an optional functionAssociation that is defined as shown here.

The .originAccess field allows for different origin access configurations:

  • Public, the default value if the field is omitted, should be used when the origin is publicly accessible, such as an Amazon S3 bucket that is configured with static website hosting;
  • Bucket should be used if the origin is an S3 bucket that is not configured with static website hosting, see the additional configuration section;

Each remaining field has a corresponding annotation value, documented in a dedicated section.

The table below maps remaining available fields of an entry in this list to an annotation:

Entry field Annotation Deprecation Notes
.originRequestPolicy -
.responseTimeout -
.viewerFunctionARN deprecated, prefer defining associtions in .behaviors[].functionAssociations
.cachePolicy -
.webACLARN -
.headers -

Bucket origin access

When .originAccess is set to Bucket, the .host should be the Bucket endpoint following the pattern <bucket-name>.s3.<region> Check the AWS documentation on using S3 as a CloudFront origin.

When using S3 as an origin, all requests sent from CloudFront to the S3 bucket will be authenticated. Origin Access Control (OAC) will be configured automatically by this controller, but the user will have to configure a policy, in the S3 bucket, to allow access to CloudFront. Please check the AWS documentation on the required bucket policy.

NOTE: When using Origin Access Control, CloudFront will always override the client's authorization header, in order to be able to authenticate with S3. Make sure your specific S3 bucket doesn't have any additional custom authentication layer, which could break CloudFront access.

CDNStatus custom resource

The controller provides a custom Kubernetes resource for providing user feedback on a managed CDN. It's a cluster-scoped resource, meaning it's unique across the entire cluster and is part of no namespace.

The controller automatically creates these resources based on the Ingresses it reconciles. The name of the resource is equal to the Ingresses annotation, meaning there is a 1:1 mapping between CDNStatus resources and provisioned CDNs.

For example, if there was a group of Ingresses with this annotation set to "foo" and another group of Ingresses set to "bar", you would end up with two CDNStatus resources. To list them:

$ kubectl get cdnstatus
NAME    ID               ALIASES                       ADDRESS
foo     A4NX3S1AJ7ZGH7   ["",""]
bar     BH0C38HF34OFT6   ["",""]

You can also get more information by describing a particular resource, including which Ingresses compose the desired configuration of that particular distribution:

$ kubectl describe cdnstatus foo
Name:         foo
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         CDNStatus
  Creation Timestamp:  2021-11-05T18:32:02Z
  Generation:          1
  Resource Version:    847526546
  UID:                 8d8141f7-bbc8-44dc-b9b4-8a2ad73582ab
  Arn:  arn:aws:cloudfront::000000000000:distribution/A4NX3S1AJ7ZGH7
  Id:   A4NX3S1AJ7ZGH7
    default/app1: Synced
    default/app2: Synced
    default/app3: Failed
  Type    Reason                  Age   From                      Message
  ----    ------                  ----  ----                      -------
  Normal  SuccessfullyReconciled  20s   cdn-origin-controller     default/app1: Successfully reconciled CDN
  Normal  SuccessfullyReconciled  19s   cdn-origin-controller     default/app2: Successfully reconciled CDN
  Warning FailedToReconcile       12s   cdn-origin-controller     default/app3: Unable to reconcile CDN: some error

The events are also replicated to the specific Ingress resources which were being reconciled.

Important: the controller relies on this resource to maintain state of which Ingresses are part of a distribution. It's recommended to configure RBAC to only allow the controller and cluster administrators to perform writes against this resource.

Installing via Helm

Access the documentation to install the cdn-origin-controller using a helm chart repository.


Use the following environment variables to change the controller's behavior:

Env var key Required Description Default
CF_AWS_WAF No The Web ACL which should be associated with the distributions. Use the ID for WAF v1 and the ARN for WAF v2. ""
CF_CUSTOM_TAGS No Comma-separated list of custom tags to be added to distributions. Example: "foo=bar,bar=foo" ""
CF_DEFAULT_ORIGIN_DOMAIN Yes Domain of the default origin each distribution must have to route traffic to in case no custom behaviors match the request. ""
CF_DESCRIPTION_TEMPLATE No Template of the distribution's description. Currently a single field can be accessed, {{group}}, which matches the CDN group under which the distribution was provisioned. "Serve contents for {{group}} group."
CF_ENABLE_IPV6 No Whether the distribution should also expose an IPv6 address to serve requests. "true"
CF_ENABLE_LOGGING No If set to true enables sending logs to CloudWatch; CF_S3_BUCKET_LOG must be set as well. "false"
CF_PRICE_CLASS Yes The distribution price class. Possible values are: "PriceClass_All", "PriceClass_200", "PriceClass_100". Official reference. "PriceClass_All"
CF_S3_BUCKET_LOG No The domain of the S3 bucket CloudWatch logs should be sent to. Each distribution will have its own directory inside the bucket with the same as the distribution's group. For example, if the group is "foo", the logs will be stored as foo/<ID>.<timestamp and hash>.gz.

If CF_ENABLE_LOGGING is not set to "true" then this value is ignored.
CF_S3_BUCKET_LOG_PREFIX No The directory within the S3 bucket informed in CF_S3_BUCKET_LOG logs should be created in. For example, if set to "foo/bar", logs from a group called "group" will be stored in foo/bar/group in the S3 bucket. Trailing slash is ignore on the value, if informed (eg, "foo/bar/" ends up as "foo/bar"). ""
CF_SECURITY_POLICY No The TLS/SSL security policy to be used when serving requests. Official reference.

Must also inform a valid CF_CUSTOM_SSL_CERT if set.
DEV_MODE No When set to "true" logs in unstructured text instead of JSON. Also overrides LOG_LEVEL to "debug". "false"
LOG_LEVEL No Represents log level of verbosity. Can be "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "dpanic", "panic" and "fatal" (sorted with decreasing verbosity). "info"
ENABLE_DELETION No Represent whether CloudFront Distributions and Route53 records should be deleted based on Ingresses being deleted. Ownership TXT DNS records are also not deleted to allow for self-healing in case of accidental deletion of Kubernetes resources. "false"
BLOCK_CREATION No Boolean value to configure the controller to block creation of new CloudFront Distributions. Useful when phasing out clusters or accounts, for example. "false"
BLOCK_CREATION_ALLOW_LIST No Comma-separated list of namespaced names of Ingresses that should override BLOCK_CREATION, and be allowed to always move forward with creating a new Distribution. Ex: "namespace/name,another-namespace/another-name". ""


Please open an issue in order to report bugs, ask questions or discuss the controller.

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