Proxy is the component of OpenRadiant that intercepts the communication between the clients (Docker or Kubernetes) and the OpenRadiant cluster, using HTTP session hijacking. It validates the tenant and provided TLS certificates. It also redirects to proper shard when cluster sharing is used.
More detailed documentation about proxy is available here
Steps below explain the basic configuration and setup to run Proxy. This setup assumes the target system already has Docker installed, the Proxy will be deployed locally to manage Swarm and Kubernetes instances also installed locally, using the ansible scripts described in Quick Start For other deployments, one can still follow these steps, with adjustments provided below.
The steps below work best with native docker for Mac, Unix or Windows
It would also work with docker-machine
, but it requires additional steps. Look
for /[DOCKER MACHINE] tag.
[This will be done by ansible install script] If you have not done this already, clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:containercafe/containercafe.git
# or
git clone
The latest working image of API Proxy is already built and publicly available To build the image locally, using your local code, execute:
cd proxy
To publish the image to Docker Hub see the steps here
[This will be done by ansible install script] Proxy service will be installed as a container on your default docker host. You can either start the proxy based on the public image or using image based on your own code (see above)
When starting the proxy, provide the environment name e.g. dev-vbox:
cd openradiant/proxy
./ <env_name>
To run the local proxy image, comment out the public image:
# start new container instance using public api proxy image. Map the volume to CERTS
# docker run -v "$CERTS":/opt/tls_certs -p 8087:8087 -e "env_name=$env_name" --name api-proxy containercafe/api-proxy
# to run your own image, built using `` script, comment out the line above on un-comment below:
docker run -v "$CERTS":/opt/tls_certs -p 8087:8087 -e "env_name=$env_name" --name api-proxy api-proxy
This will start the Proxy as a container named api-proxy
, running in the current
terminal, on port specified in Dockerfile e.g:
CMD ["/api-proxy/bin/api-proxy", "8087"]
The Proxy container mounts the volume to the following local location:
And they are mounted locally to /opt/tls_certs/
from the container.
If you want to run the Proxy as background container (daemon), use the -d
./ <env_name> -d
The Proxy container can be seen there along with its logs:
docker ps
docker logs -f api-proxy
To set a custom log level and/or log verbosity use the -l
and -v
./ <env_name> -l <INFO,WARNING,ERROR,FATAL> -v <non-negative integer>
If you don't want to run the Proxy as a container, you can run directly as GoLang application. This requires Go libraries installed, proxy code compiled and added to go path. Review Dockerfile for more details. Setup the environment and start the application:
source ./
NOTE: There is a problem when running the proxy as a script on mac. (See the
issue #10 Mac implements
their own native SSL libraries for curl, therefore passing certs that are not
in the keychain is a bit problematic. Install curl via Homebrew:
brew install curl
, keep the native curl, update your PATH to point at the new
curl executable location. Now you should be able to run the scripts that invoke
curl commands with certs.
From another terminal go back to the proxy directory and then execute the script
to create TLS certificates and API key for the given tenant. The example is
using tenant test1
. This script also requires the name and the IP of the shard
docker ps
docker exec api-proxy /api-proxy/ <tenant> <shard_name> <shared_ip>
docker exec api-proxy /api-proxy/ test1 radiant01
This command will display the details about the newly created TLS certs, including their location. Certificates are created on the mounted volumes, therefore they are available inside the proxy container and for the current terminal.
You can create as many tenants as you like.
At the bottom of the output the script displays the docker environment setup for the newly created tenant, including the location of the certs. Here is the sample output:
# Setup docker environment:
export DOCKER_HOST=localhost:8087
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=~/.openradiant/envs/dev-vbox/radiant01/ITNqyoU6Xe6ttgq7yQNwOeaQm6Ms8vauJqEQclghh3sdzDpg
# Setup kubernetes environment:
export KUBECONFIG=~/.openradiant/envs/dev-vbox/radiant01/ITNqyoU6Xe6ttgq7yQNwOeaQm6Ms8vauJqEQclghh3sdzDpg/kube-config
Copy and paste these commands in a new terminal (otherwise will no be able to make anymore calls to proxy container).
Now you should be able to execute commands using OpenRadiant tenant that you just created:
docker ps
# create a new container:
docker run -d --name test --net none -m 128m mrsabath/web-ms
docker inspect test
kubectl get pods
# create a new pod
# assuming you are in openradiant/proxy directory:
kubectl create -f ../examples/apps/k8s/pod-web.yaml
# create a new deployment:
kubectl run k1 --image=busybox sleep 864000
kubectl get deployment
# now you should be able to list all your Kubernetes containers using docker command:
docker ps
# you can also try ReplicationController and ReplicaSet:
kubectl create -f ../examples/apps/k8s/nginx-rc.yaml
kubectl create -f ../examples/apps/k8s/frontend-rs.yaml
To run the proxy against a different OpenRadiant shard, pass the IP of this shard
as additional parameter of the script make_TLS_certs
. E.g:
docker exec api-proxy /api-proxy/ test2 radiant02
You can also manually change the values in "/api-proxy/creds.json" file that lists
all the valid tenants.
To modify the value in the running container:
docker exec -it api-proxy /bin/bash
To view the content of the current authorization file:
docker exec api-proxy cat /opt/tls_certs/creds.json
Every entry of the creds.json
has this format:
{"Status":200, "Node":"", "Docker_id":"", "Container":"", "Swarm_shard":true, "Tls_override":true, "Space_id":"sample_entry", "Reg_namespace":"swarm", "Apikey":"PV9S5hQARFmg0pVJwaPxbP588GdVKeYF1YGOePDvRNAGpyl4", "Orguuid":"orgname", "Userid":"userid", "Endpoint_type":"radiant", "TLS_path":"/opt/tls_certs/radiant01/PV9S5hQARFmg0pVJwaPxbP588GdVKeYF1YGOePDvRNAGpyl4"}
NOTE: All default config options are defined in the Dockerfile, and can be overridden using the docker -e option on startup
There are 2 type of tests:
test container for proxy running as a container proxy-test/docker/
test scripts for proxy running as a container proxy-test/
Error response from daemon: client is newer than server (client API version: 1.24, server API version: 1.22)
runexport DOCKER_API_VERSION=1.22
before running any docker commands. -
An error occurred trying to connect: Get https://localhost:8087/v1.21/images/4a419cdeaf69/json: tls: oversized record received with length 20527[]
In order to fix this problem, useDOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=""
prefix for running 'docker' command -
docker: Error response from daemon: Task launched with invalid offers: Offer ea1a4d71-cf69-4292-90e7-530c77a5458b-O1 is no longer valid.
There is a caching problem on Mesos. Issue #33 is tracking it. Simply just repeat your last command. It should purge the cache and work again. -
docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint hjproxy (0910f89f1b27f3b05081a0bcec3ceadb6d335873d191b3f055ff82257cf77e5d): Error starting userland proxy: write /port/tcp: errno 526.
Please make sure no other process is running on port specified for proxy. Standalone proxy test on 8087? -
Could not read CA certificate "dockerize/OpenRadiant/fprVv76aAWfrmxboOxsO6dbzfZcITidkIwBslPgMAchFfwZI/ca.pem": open dockerize/OpenRadiant/fprVv76aAWfrmxboOxsO6dbzfZcITidkIwBslPgMAchFfwZI/ca.pem: no such file or directory
Are you sure you are running your docker commands fromopenradiant/proxy/