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The Ansible playbooks in OpenRadiant are modular in three dimensions. One is componentry: for each major deployed component there is one or a few roles, and an Ansible variable that controls whether that component is deployed. As part of this dimension, OpenRadiant is extensible regarding the networking technology used. OpenRadiant has the concept of a "networking plugin", which supplies the Ansible roles that deploy the chosen networking technology. OpenRadiant includes two networking plugins: (a) one that uses Docker bridge networking (which is not really functional if you have more than one worker) and (b) one that uses Flannel with its "host-gw" backend. As a solution developer you can supply and configure OpenRadiant to use an alternate networking plugin that you supply.

The second dimension is the inventory: the playbooks do not assume that your inventory is entirely dedicated to one shard or environment but rather allow your inventory to include multiple environments and also things unrelated to OpenRadiant. This is part of a larger modularity statement, which is that OpenRadiant aims to constrain the operator's use of Ansible as little as possible. In addition to recognizing that other stuff may be in the Ansible inventory, this also includes placing minimal requirements on the version of Ansible used and various other Ansible settings (e.g., config file settings, module library path).

The third dimension is a factoring between provisioning of machines and deployment of software on those machines. There are independent playbooks for each of those two phases, with a written contract between them. Any provisioning technique that results in inventory content meeting the contract can be used with any of the software deployment playbooks (because they assume only the contract).

Ansible versions and bugs and configuration

OpenRadiant aims to place few constraints on the version of Ansible used and the Ansible configuration. It has been shown to work with (a) versions 1.9.5, 1.9.6 (the latest, at the time of this writing, lower than Ansible 2), and (the latest, at the time of this writing, in the Ansible 2 line) and (b) no ansible.cfg. Earlier versions of Ansible 2 have a bug (ansible/ansible#15930), which can be worked around by setting the roles_path to include the OpenRadiant roles. Extending OpenRadiant with a network plugin that is not part of OpenRadiant also requires setting roles_path to include the roles directory(s) containing the network plugin.

Some early versions of Ansible 2 have another bug, for which we have no work-around. We suspect it is the 2.0.* versions. The bug is in the docker module.

The following table summarizes what we know about Ansible versions and bugs and configuration.

Version Usable? Needs roles_path workaround?
1.9.5, 1.9.6 Yes No
2.0.* No (due to bug in docker module)
2.1.0.* Yes Yes
>= Yes No

OpenRadiant includes an ansible.cfg that sets roles_path to the OpenRadiant roles directory and has some other settings whose purpose is speeding up the Ansible execution. A platform operator is free to use a different ansible.cfg, provided roles_path is set if and as necessary.

If you use OpenRadiant with a provisioning technology that involves a dynamic Ansible inventory then you will need a config file and/or environment variable settings as appropriate for that dynamic inventory.

The inventory contract

Installing OpenRadiant is factored into two orthogonal phases: provisioning machines and deploying software on them. Any acceptable technique for provisioning works with all the software deployment playbooks. What enables this orthogonality is a contract between the two phases. The contract concerns "groups" in the Ansible inventory. OpenRadiant does not care how your inventory is produced/stored/written. You could keep one big /etc/ansible/hosts file. You could keep many files in an /etc/ansible/hosts/ directory. You could keep various inventory files in various places and pass the relevant one via the -i argument or the ANSIBLE_INVENTORY environment variable. You could use an Ansible dynamic inventory. All that matters is what groups exist and what machines are in them.

Because the playbooks support multiple environments and shards, the inventory contract applies to a given environment or shard. A shard is also known as a cluster.

The structure of environment and shard names

To support the structure of environments and shards, an environment's name must have the form {{environment_role}}-{{environment_location}} and a shard (AKA cluster) name must have the form {{environment_name}}-{{cluster_short_name}} (i.e., {{environment_role}}-{{environment_location}}-{{cluster_short_name}}). There may be no dash in the environment_kind nor the environment_location. OpenRadiant presently leaves it up to you to decide how to choose the environment role and location names. In the tiny example you find a cluster named dev-vbox-radiant01.

Because a shard (cluster) name contributes to host names, to file names, to Ansible group names, and to various things in various compute provider clouds (all of which impose restrictions on the characters used), a shard name should start with a lowercase letter and only contain lower case letters, numbers, and the hyphen ('-').

The inventory contract for a shard

The contract for a shard specifies that certain inventory groups exist. All these groups are required, even if their purpose is related to a component that is not being deployed. The groups are as follows.

  • cluster-{{cluster_name}}: all the machines in the cluster --- i.e., the union of the following groups

  • workers-{{cluster_name}}: the worker nodes in the cluster

  • etcd-{{cluster_name}}: where to run etcd servers; should be an odd number of machines

  • zk-{{cluster_name}}: where to run ZooKeeper servers; should be an odd number of machines

  • lb-{{cluster_name}}: where to run the load balancers for the master components

  • k8s_auth-{{cluster_name}}: where to run OpenRadiant's Kubernetes authorization servers

  • k8s_master-{{cluster_name}}: where to run the Kubernetes master components

  • swarm_master-{{cluster_name}}: where to run the Swarm master components

  • mesos_master-{{cluster_name}}: where to run the Mesos master components

By defining a group per HA component this contract enables a variety of deployment patterns: a set of machines per component, all components on each of a set of machines, and many in between.

Except as noted above, you can put any number of machines in each of those groups.

There are also some requirements on the provisioned machines.

  • They must run Ubuntu 14.04.

  • The Ansible inventory hostname of each machine must be an IPv4 address.

  • They can send IP packets to each other using the IP address by which they are known in the Ansible inventory.

  • You (the user running the Ansible playbook) must be able to ssh from the Ansible controller machine to the configured user on the provisioned machines, and that user must be able to sudo to root without supplying a password. The configured user is the remote user determined by the usual Ansible rules --- including the settings (if any) of the ansible_ssh_user, ansible_user, and remote_user Ansible variable(s) in any of the places where Ansible allows them to be set.

The inventory contract for an environment

The contract for an environment includes, beyond the shards of that environment, the following inventory group.

  • proxy-{{env_name}}: where to run the API proxy for that environment

Currently that inventory group must contain exactly one machine. In the future we will support an HA cohort.

The requirements on machines on that group are as follows.

  • They must run Ubuntu 14.04.

  • You (the user running the Ansible playbook) must be able to ssh from the Ansible controller machine to the configured user on the provisioned machines, and that user must be able to sudo to root without supplying a password. The configured user is the remote user determined by the usual Ansible rules --- including the settings (if any) of the ansible_ssh_user, ansible_user, and remote_user Ansible variable(s) in any of the places where Ansible allows them to be set.

  • The proxy machines must be able to open TCP connections into the shards using the Ansible inventory hostnames (which are IPv4 addresses) for the shard machines.

The playbooks

OpenRadiant currently includes no playbooks for provisioning machines, and two playbooks for installing software one them. These are ansible/env-basics.yml and ansible/shard.yml. We are creating additional playbooks for use at the environment level.

Ansible variables

The playbooks that deploy software on machines are parameterized by a large collection of Ansible variables. OpenRadiant introduces a distinction between primary variables, which a platform operator may set, and secondary variables, which are really just intermediates in the logic of the Ansible roles.

Primary Ansible variables for the shard playbook

Six have no meaningful defaults. The others are defined by defaults in ansible/group_vars/all and can be overridden by settings in an environment-specific file and a cluster-specific file.

Primary shard variables that have no default

Following are the six with no meaningful default.

  • cluster_name: this identifies the cluster being processed, as discussed above.

  • envs: an absolute or relative pathname for the directory under which the environment- and shard-specific files are found (see below). If relative then it is interpreted relative to the directory containing the shard playbook. The settings for the shard named A-B-C are found in {{envs}}/A-B/C.yml.

  • network_kind: this is the name of the network plugin to use. This must be supplied on the Ansible command line (because an Ansible playbook can not invoke a role whose name is not computable at the start of the playbook); in the future we will provide a shell script that reads this variable's setting according to our conventions and then invokes the playbook.

  • master_vip: this identifies the virtual IP (VIP) address for most of the master components.

  • master_vip_net and master_vip_net_prefix_len: these two variables identify the subnet ({{master_vip_net}}/{{master_vip_net_prefix_len}} in CIDR notation) that contains the master_vip. That should be either (1) identical to the subnet of the network interface (on the master machines) identified by the network_inteface variable or (2) a subnet, disjoint from all the others in the system, that all the machines in the cluster know to be on the same network as (1). These two variables are needed only if the master components are being deployed in an HA configuration.

The settings for the master components VIP can be in the environment- and/or cluster-specific variables files (see next section). The cluster_name, envs, and network_kind must be supplied on the command line invoking the playbook.

Additional files for setting Ansible variable values

The OpenRadiant shard playbook follows a convention for reading variable values from additional files. When working on a cluster named {{env_name}}-{{cluster_short_name}}, the following files are relevant to the settings of the Ansible variables.

  • ansible/group_vars/all (and all the rest of the usual Ansible story, which is mostly not exercised). This provides the baseline defaults. This is maintained by the OpenRadiant developers and is not expected to be modified by the platform operator.

  • {{envs}}/{{env_name}}/defaults.yml. The playbook explicitly loads this, and its settings override those from ansible/group_vars/all. The platform operator is expected to provide this file.

  • {{envs}}/{{env_name}}/{{cluster_short_name}}.yml. The playbook explicitly loads this, after the previous file --- so its settings override the others. The platform operator is expected to provide this file.

Primary shard variables that have defaults

Following are the most important of those variables.

  • kubernetes_deploy, swarm_deploy, mesos_deploy: these control which of these three components are deployed. The usual Ansible conventions for values for booleans apply.

  • ha_deploy: controls whether the master components are deployed in a highly available manner; defaults to true.

  • network_interface: the network interface to use on the target machines, for all control and data plane activity. Yes, currently there is support only for using a single network interface for all purposes.

See ansible/group_vars/all for the definitions and defaults of all the variables that have defaults.

Secondary Ansible variables for the shard playbook

These are of no interest to a deployer of OpenRadiant or a solution built on it. These are of interest to a developer of OpenRadiant or a solution that extends OpenRadiant. Mostly the secondary variables are just set in certain roles and read in others.

Following are the secondary variables of interest to a developer.

  • etcd_deploy: A boolean that controls whether etcd is deployed. Initially set to False. After the networking plugin's -variables role has had a chance to set this variable to True, this variable is also set to True if any other settings imply the need for etcd.

  • k8s_worker_kubelet_network_args: An array of strings. If Kubernetes is being used without Mesos then these are arguments to add to the command line that runs the Kubernetes kubelet on worker nodes; if Mesos is involved then these instead need to be the arguments added to the k8s scheduler command line to influence the way the kubelets are run on worker nodes. Initially set to the empty array; the neworking plugin may set it otherwise. Moot if Kubernetes is not being deployed.

  • use_kube_system_kubedns: A boolean that controls whether the KubeDNS application is deployed as usual in the kube-system namespace.

  • kube_proxy_deploy: A boolean that controls whether the kube-proxy is used. Defaults to True; consulted only after the networking plugin has a chance to set it to False.

  • is_systemd and is_upstart: these identify the service manager used on the target machine; not defined for localhost. Currently these are the only two recognized. The systemd case is recognized but not yet fully supported.

Primary Ansible variables for the enviornment playbooks

  • env_name: a string of the sort discussed above. Must be supplied by the platform operator in the command that invokes the environment playbook.

  • proxy_deploy: controls whether the API proxy is deployed in the environment. NB: this is a hypothetical, not implemented right now.

The environment playbook(s) follow a convention for reading variable values from an additional file --- the environment-specific file discussed above.

Networking plugins

The job of a networking plugin is to deploy the networking technology used for the workload. This starts with the way containers are networked and includes, if Kubernetes is in the picture, the DNS service expected in a Kubernetes cluster and the implicit load balancers for non-headless Kubernetes services.

As noted above, OpenRadiant includes the following networking plugins.

  • bridge: this uses Docker bridge networking and thus is not really functional when there are multiple worker nodes in a shard. Provides non-multi-tenant DNS to users via the kube DNS application. Uses kube-proxy to provide implicit load balancers.

  • flannel: this uses Flannel networking with its host-gw backend. This supports multiple worker nodes and uses ordinary IP routing and connectivity. It does not support the Kubernetes API for network filtering nor any implicit network filtering for containers created through the Docker API. Provides non-multi-tenant DNS to users via the kube DNS application. Uses kube-proxy to provide implicit load balancers.

To create a networking plugin, the developer needs to define three Ansible roles. A networking plugin named fred supplies the following Ansible roles.

  • fred-variables: This role is invoked on localhost and on all cluster machines after the global default settings and environment- and cluster-specific settings, before anything else is done.

  • fred-local-prep: This role is invoked on localhost after all the variables have been set and before any work is done on the managed machines.

  • fred-remote-prep: This role is invoked on all the cluster machines, after the local prep and after the deployment of Docker and etcd and/or ZooKeeper, before the deployment of higher level frameworks such as Mesos or Kubernetes.

Temporary and not-so-temporary file locations on the installer

The playbooks use (a) a temporary directory on the installer machine for files needed for the duration of one run of a playbook and (b) a non-temporary directory on the installer machine for files that should persist throughout all the playbook runs regarding a given environment.

The temporary files are kept in {{ lookup('env','HOME') }}/tmp/. The platform operator is allowed to retain them between playbook runs, and is allowed to delete them between playbook runs. To allow the operator to work on multiple deployments concurrently, it is recommended that the temporary files be kept in a subdirectory that is specific to the environment or shard being deployed.

The non-temporary files are kept in {{ lookup('env','HOME') }}/.openradiant/envs/{{ env_name }}/ or, in the case of files specific to a shard, {{ lookup('env','HOME') }}/.openradiant/envs/{{ env_name }}/{{cluster_tail}}/ (where cluster_tail is the shard short name, the part after the environment name).

For example, there is a CA and admin user that are shared throughout an environment. Their certs and keys are kept in {{ lookup('env','HOME') }}/.openradiant/envs/{{ env_name }}/admin-certs/. There are additional certs and keys that are specific to each shard, and they are kept in {{ lookup('env','HOME') }}/.openradiant/envs/{{ env_name }}/{{cluster_tail}}/admin-certs/ (even though none of them is for "admin").

The platform operator is responsible for keeping the contents of ~/.openradiant/envs/{{ env_name }}/ persistent throughout the lifetime of the named environment and sharing it among all the installer machine(s) for that environment.

Considerations for deploying on machines that can not pull software from public sources

There are two sorts of sources considered here: apt repositories and Docker registries (is it really true that there is no solution for pypi here?). In both cases the platform operator must create a mirror from which the target machines can pull. The operator also needs to configures OpenRadiant to use those mirrors.

For apt the answer is to configure an Ansible variable named repos that contains a list of records, one for each alternate apt repo to use. Each record must contain a field that is named repo and has a value like deb trusty main. A record may also have a field named validate_certs. These two fields are used as the values of the corresponding arguments of the apt_repository module in Ansible. A record may also have a field that is named key_url and has a value like; in this case the key_url and validate_certs (if any) fields are used as the url and validate_certs (respectively) arguments of the apt_key module in Ansible. Additionally, a record may also have a field that is named key_package; in this case Ansible's apt module is invoked with the key_package value passed through the pkg argument.

For Docker the answer is to redefine the relevant Ansible variables that indicate the name and tag of the image to pull. These variables appear in ansible/group_vars/all.