Visualise and animate a DICOM data series
This simple python script allows you to create an interactive 3D visualisation of a DICOM series; moreover, it animates the scene with a camera rotation about the azimuth.
It is aimed at medical physics students who work with DICOM for their research, and who are looking for an eye catching animation for a conference presentation, or are just interested in exploring their data in 3D.
Visit 2MRD's YouTube Channel for example animations.
to produce a series of frames as .png
images. [-h] [--dicomdir DICOMDIR] [--output OUTPUT] [--animate]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dicomdir=DICOMDIR The directory containing the dicom series (default:./)
--output=OUTPUT The generated animation output directory (default:./animation/)
--animate Animate camera rotation about the azimuthal axis and save each frame
The collection of frames can be rendered into a movie with the following steps:
$> cd ./animation/png/
$> mogrify -format gif -resize <width>x<height>^ -gravity center -extent <width>x<height>^ *.png
$> cd ..
$> mkdir gif
$> cp png/*.gif ./gif/
$> cd gif/
# Create the gif animation using ImageMagick.
$> convert -delay 1 -loop 0 frame*.gif final.gif
# Convert the animated gif to mp4 movie.
$> ffmpeg -i final.gif final.mp4