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Citation: Cass AA and Xiao X. (2019). mountainClimber identifies alternative transcription start and polyadenylation sites in RNA-Seq. Cell Systems

mountainClimber is a tool built for identifying alternative transcription start sites (ATS) and alternative polyadenylation sites (APA) from RNA-Seq by finding significant change points in read coverage. It is made up of three main steps which can be used in isolation:

  1. mountainClimberTU: Call transcription units (TUs) de novo from RNA-Seq in each individual sample.
  2. mountainClimberCP: Identify change points throughout the entire TU of each individual sample. The premise of this approach is to identify significant change points in the the cumulative read sum (CRS) distribution as a function of position. It identifies the following change point types: DistalTSS, TandemTSS, DistalPolyA, TandemAPA, Junction, Exon, and Intron.
  3. mountainClimberRU: Calculate the relative usage of each TSS and poly(A) site in each TU.

mountainClimber image


Dependencies include (version used for development indicated in parentheses):

  • python (v2.7.2)
  • scipy (v0.15.1)
  • numpy (v1.10.4)
  • peakutils (v1.0.3)
  • sklearn (v0.18.1)
  • pysam (v0.9.0)
  • pybedtools (v0.6.2)
  • bisect
  • itertools

Table of contents

mountainClimber Overview

Differential ATS and APA

Tutorial with test dataset

mountainClimber Overview

In this overview, we describe the usage of each of the three steps. Below, we provide a tutorial illustrating usage of the pipeline on the test dataset provided. The test data includes bedgraphs and exon junction bed files from MAQC RNA-Seq (chromosome 1) as well as sample output.


Call transcription units (TUs) de novo from RNA-Seq. In general, we recommend including introns when calling TUs by explicitly incorporating split reads with argument --junc. However, this is optional. To retrieve junction reads from your bam files, use (described below).

usage: [-h] [-b] [-j] [-g] [-c] -s {1,-1,0} [-w] [-p]
                            [-n] [-o]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -b , --bedgraph       Bedgraph file. Can be .gz compressed. (default: None)
  -j , --junc           Junction .bedgraph or .bed file. If file suffix is
                        .bed, will convert to bedgraph. (default: None)
  -g , --genome         Input chromosome sizes. (default: None)

  -c , --minjxncount    Minimum junction read count. (default: 2)
  -s {1,-1,0}, --strand {1,-1,0}
                        Strand of bedgraph file. (default: None)
  -w , --window_size    Window size. (default: 1000)
  -p , --min_percent    Minimum percentage of the window covered. (default:
  -n , --min_reads      Minimum number of reads per window. (default: 10)

  -o , --output         Output bed filename. (default: None)


Identify change points throughout each TU using the cumulative read sum (CRS) in each sample.

usage: [-h] [-i] [-m] [-g] [-j] [-x] [-a] [-d] [-w] [-t]
                            [-l] [-e] [-s] [-f] [-u] [-n] [-z] [-o] [-p] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -i , --input_bg       Bedgraph: non-strand-specific or plus strand.
                        (default: None)
  -m , --input_bg_minus
                        Bedgraph, minus strand (strand-specific only).
                        (default: None)
  -g , --input_regions
                        Bed file of transcription units. (default: None)
  -j , --junc           Bed file of junction read counts. (default: None)
  -x , --genome         Genome fasta file. (default: None)

  -a , --peak_thresh    Normalized threshold (float between [0., 1.]). Only
                        the peaks with amplitude higher than the threshold
                        will be detected. -1.0 indicates optimizing between
                        [0.01, 0.05, 0.1] for each TU. (default: -1.0)
  -d , --peak_min_dist
                        Minimum distance between each detected peak. The peak
                        with the highest amplitude is preferred to satisfy
                        this constraint. -1 indicates optimizing between [10,
                        50] for each TU. (default: -1)
  -w , --winsize        Window size for de-noising and increasing precision.
                        -1 indicates optimizing between [50, max(100,
                        gene_length / 100) * 2]. (default: -1)
  -t , --test_thresh    Maximum p-value threshold for KS test and t-test.
                        (default: 0.001)
  -l , --min_length     Minimum gene length for running mountain climber.
                        (default: 1000)
  -e , --min_expn       Minimum expression level (average # reads per bp)
                        (default: 10)
  -s , --min_expn_distal
                        Minimum distal expression level (average # reads per
                        bp). (default: 1)
  -f , --fcthresh       Minimum fold change. (default: 1.5)
  -u , --juncdist       Minimum distance to exon-intron junction. (default:
  -n , --minjxncount    Minimum junction read count. (default: 2)
  -z , --max_end_ru     Maximum end relative usage = coverage of end / max
                        segment coverage. (default: 0.01)

  -o , --output         Output prefix. Bed file of change points has name
                        field = CPlabel:gene:TUstart:TUend:inferred_strand:win
                        size:segment_coverage:average_exon_coverage. Score =
                        log2(fold change). (default: None)
  -p, --plot            Plot the cumulative read sum (CRS), the distance from
                        CRS to line y=ax, and the coverage with predicted
                        change points. (default: False)
  -v, --verbose         Print progress. (default: False)


Calculate the relative usage of each TSS and poly(A) site in each TU. Run this separately for each condition.

usage: [-h] [-i] [-n] [-o OUTPUT] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -i , --input          Bed file of change points. (default: None)

  -n , --min_segments   Minimum number of segments required in the TU to
                        calculate relative end usage. (default: 3)

  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output bed filename. Bed name field = CPlabel:gene:TUs
                        CPindex (default: None)
  -v, --verbose         Print progress (default: False)

Differential ATS and APA

While mountainClimber was built for analyzing one single sample, we additionally provide the scripts we built for identifying differential ATS and APA across two conditions given the output of mountainClimberCP. However, if you are analyzing a large number of samples, it may be preferred to run each step separately and parallelized over all samples. Each step is described below.


Cluster change points first across replicates within each condition, and then across conditions.

usage: [-h] [-i [[...]]] [-c [[...]]] [-n [[...]]] [-e] [-f]
                       [-d] [-m] [-l] [-s] [-o] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -i [ [ ...]], --input [ [ ...]]
                        List of space-delimited change point files. (default:
  -c [ [ ...]], --conditions [ [ ...]]
                        List of space-delimited condition labels for each
                        --input file. (default: None)

  -n [ [ ...]], --minpts [ [ ...]]
                        List of space-delimited DBSCAN minPts values. These
                        indicate the minimum # points for DBSCAN to consider a
                        core point. The minimum of this list will be used to
                        cluster across conditions. (default: None)
  -e , --eps            Maximum distance between 2 points in a neighborhood.
                        -1.0 indicates using the minimum optimal window size
                        from mountain climber. (default: -1.0)
  -f , --min_fc         Minimum fold change for change points. (default: -1.0)
  -d , --min_conditions
                        Minimum number of conditions for a gene to be
                        clustered across conditions. (default: 1)
  -m , --min_expn       Minimum expression in exons for a gene to be
                        clustered. (default: 0)
  -l, --lm_flag         Input are results from diff_cluster. (default: False)
  -s, --ss_flag         Flag: RNA-Seq is strand-specific. (default: False)

  -o , --output         Output prefix. Output files include
                        _cluster_totals.txt, _segments.bed, _cp.bed, and one
                        _cp.bed file for each condition. _cp.bed name field =
                        :total_clusters. _segments.bed name field = label_prio
                        dbscan_epsilon. (default: None)
  -v, --verbose         Print progress details. (default: False)


Calculate the average reads/bp for each segment after clustering.

usage: [-h] [-i] [-p [[...]]] [-m [[...]]]
                                 [-c [[...]]] [-o]

Calculate the average reads/bp for each segment after clustering.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -i , --segments       _segments.bed output from clusterCPs (default: None)
  -p [ [ ...]], --bgplus [ [ ...]]
                        List of space-delimited bedgraphs: non-strand-specific
                        or plus strand. (default: None)
  -m [ [ ...]], --bgminus [ [ ...]]
                        List of space-delimited bedgraphs: minus strand.
                        (default: None)
  -c [ [ ...]], --conditions [ [ ...]]
                        List of space-delimited condition labels for each
                        --bgplus file (default: None)

  -o , --output         Output prefix. Outputs one _readCounts.bed file per
                        sample. (default: None)


Calculate the relative usage of each 5' and 3' segment

usage: [-h] [-i [[...]]] [-s] [-c] [-l] [-n] [-o] [-v]

Calculate the relative usage of each 5' and 3' segment

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -i [ [ ...]], --input [ [ ...]]
                        List of space-delimited output files from
                        diff_segmentReadCounts for a single condition.
                        (default: None)
  -s , --segments       Condition-specific _segments.bed output file from
                        diff_cluster. (default: None)
  -c , --condition      Condition label (default: None)
  -l , --input_cp       Condition-specific _cluster.bed output file from
                        diff_cluster. (default: None)

  -n , --min_segments   Minimum number of segments required in the TU to
                        calculate relative end usage (default: 3)

  -o , --output         Output prefix. Outputs one _cp.bed and _segments.bed
                        file for each condition. _cp.bed name field = CPlabel:
                        _variance:total_samples:CPindex. _segments.bed name
                        field = CPlabel_cp1|CPlabel_cp2:gene:TUstart:TUend:chr
                        s:CPindex. (default: None)
  -v, --verbose         Print progress. (default: False)


Test for differential ATS and APA sites between two conditions.

usage: [-h] [-i [[...]]] [-r [[...]]] [-ci [[...]]] [-cr [[...]]]
                    [-d] [-p] [-t] [-m] [-o] [-k] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -i [ [ ...]], --input [ [ ...]]
                        List of space-delimited output files from
                        diff_segmentReadCounts for two conditions. (default:
  -r [ [ ...]], --ru_segments [ [ ...]]
                        List of space-delimited _ru_segments output files from
                        diff_ru, one for each condition (default: None)
  -ci [ [ ...]], --conditions_input [ [ ...]]
                        List of space-delimited condition labels for each
                        --input file. (default: None)
  -cr [ [ ...]], --conditions_ru_segments [ [ ...]]
                        List of space-delimited condition labels for each
                        --ru_segments file. (default: None)

  -d , --min_dstlCov    Minimum average reads per bp in distal segment across
                        samples in at least 1 condition (default: 5.0)
  -p , --min_prxlCov    Minimum average reads per bp in proximal segment
                        across samples in all conditions (default: 0.0)
  -t , --pmax           Maximum p-value. (default: 0.05)
  -m , --dtop_abs_dif_min
                        Minimum relative usage (RU) difference. (default:

  -o , --output         Output prefix. 3 output files: (1) bed file of all
                        tested change points _cp_allTested.bed, (2) bed file
                        of differential change points _cp_diff.bed, (3)
                        summary of total differential change points
                        _test_totals.txt. Bed name field = CPlabel;
                        RU_conditionB:BH_pvalue (default: None)
  -k, --keep            Keep intermediate output files. (default: False)
  -v, --verbose         Print progress. (default: False)

Tutorial with test dataset

Because RNA-Seq reads are aligned to the genome, and we include introns when calling change points, we recommend carefully dealing with multi-mapped reads. Below we describe our recommended alignment pipeline, which involves genome alignment and RSEM. We include examples for both hisat2 and STAR.

pipeline image

1. Genome alignment

Align to the genome allowing 100 or 200 multi-mapped reads. Because mountainClimberTU calls entire transcription units including introns, and introns contain repetitive sequences, it is recommended to allow a generous number of multi-mapped reads followed by RSEM later to assign the most probable mapping location. For example, use -k 100 or 200 for hisat2 and --outFilterMultimapNmax 100 or 200 with STAR.


hisat2 --dta-cufflinks --no-softclip --no-mixed --no-discordant -k 100

STAR: with ENCODE parameters

STAR --outSAMunmapped Within --outFilterType BySJout --outSAMattributes NH HI AS NM MD --outFilterMultimapNmax 200 --outFilterMismatchNmax 999 --outFilterMismatchNoverLmax 0.04 --alignIntronMin 20 --alignIntronMax 1000000 --alignMatesGapMax 1000000 --alignSJoverhangMin 8 --alignSJDBoverhangMin 1 --sjdbScore 1 --runThreadN 8 --genomeLoad NoSharedMemory --outSAMtype BAM Unsorted --outSAMheaderHD @HD VN:1.4 SO:unsorted

2. Create mountainClimber input files

Get junction reads

Identify split reads from a bam file and report the total counts per intron.

usage: [-h] -i  -s  [-e] [-m] [-a] -o

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit

  -i , --input_bam    Bam file (default: None)
  -s , --strand       Strandedness. Options: fr-firststrand, fr-secondstrand,
                      fr-unstrand, single (default: fr-firststrand)

  -e , --overhang     Minimum number of base pairs in each exon (default: 8)
  -m , --min_intron   Minimum intron length (default: 30)
  -a , --max_intron   Maximum intron length (default: 500000)

  -o , --output       Output filename (default: None)

Example usage:

python -i SRR950078.bam -s fr-unstrand -o ./junctions/SRR950078_jxn.bed

Generate bedgraphs

Create bedgraphs using bedtools for input to mountainClimberTU. For example:

bedtools genomecov -trackline -bg -split -ibam SRR950078.bam -g hg19.chr1.genome > ./bedgraph/SRR950078.bedgraph

3. mountainClimberTU

Example usage:

python -b ./bedgraph/SRR950078.bedgraph -j ./junctions/SRR950078_jxn.bed -s 0 -g hg19.chr1.genome -o mountainClimberTU/SRR950078_tu.bed

Annotate transcription units and add them to .gtf file

usage: [-h] -i [[...]] -g  -s  -o

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i [ [ ...]], --infiles [ [ ...]]
                        Input TU bed files from mountainClimberTU output,
                        space-delimited (default: None)
  -g , --refgtf         Reference gtf file (default: None)
  -s , --ss             Strand specific [y, n] (default: None)
  -o , --output         Output prefix (default: None)

Example usage:

python -i ./mountainClimberTU/*_tu.bed -s n -g gencode.v25lift37.annotation.chr1.gtf -o tus_merged


Prepare reference

RSEM requires transcriptome alignments rather than genome alignments. So, we first create a reference using a combination of annotation file and de novo TUs from mountainClimberTU:

rsem-prepare-reference -p 8 --gtf tus_merged.annot.gencode.v25lift37.annotation.gtf --star hg19.fa rsem_ref

Transcriptome alignment

Next, re-align the reads but this time to the transcriptome. Because RSEM cannot handle indels, we force hisat2 to ignore them (STAR avoids indels by default). Again, we allow at least 100 alignments per read so that RSEM will decide their best alignment as opposed to the aligner.


hisat2 --mp 6,4 --no-softclip --no-unal --no-mixed --no-discordant --no-spliced-alignment --end-to-end --rdg 100000,100000 --rfg 100000,100000 -k 100


STAR --genomeDir ref --outFilterType BySJout --outSAMattributes NH HI AS NM MD --outFilterMultimapNmax 200 --outFilterMismatchNmax 999 --outFilterMismatchNoverLmax 0.04 --alignIntronMin 20 --alignIntronMax 1000000 --alignMatesGapMax 1000000 --alignSJoverhangMin 8 --alignSJDBoverhangMin 1 --sjdbScore 1 --runThreadN 8 --genomeLoad NoSharedMemory --outSAMtype BAM Unsorted --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM --outSAMheaderHD @HD VN:1.4 SO:unsorted

Calculate expression

Next, run rsem-calculate expression to assign multi-mapped read locations. For example:

rsem-calculate-expression -p 8 --paired-end --append-names --seed 0 --estimate-rspd --sampling-for-bam --output-genome-bam --alignments SRR950078.toTranscriptome.out.bam rsem_ref SRR950078_rsem

Finally, we retain only the alignments with maximum posterior probability for each read, designated by "ZW:f:1" and generate a bedgraph for transcriptome alignments using bedtools, as described above.

5. mountainClimberCP

Call change points in each sample. Example usage:

python -i ./bedgraph/SRR950078.bedgraph -g tus_merged.annot.gencode.v25lift37.annotation.singleGenes.bed -j ./junctions/SRR950078_jxn.bed -o mountainClimberCP/SRR950078.bed -x hg19.chr1.fa

6. mountainClimberRU or differential ATS & APA

After mountainClimberCP, use mountainClimberRU to calculate relative usage for a single sample, or use the provided scripts to analyze differential ATS & APA.


Calculate the relative usage of each TSS and poly(A) site in each TU.

python -i mountainClimberCP/SRR950078.bed -o mountainClimberRU/SRR950078.bed

Differential ATS and APA

Call differential ATS and APA. Example usage:

First, cluster change points:

python -i ./mountainClimberCP/*bed -c uhr brain uhr brain uhr brain uhr brain uhr brain -n 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -o diff/diff

Second, calculate the average read counts per bp in each segment in each sample:

python -i ./diff/diff_segments.bed -p ./bedgraph/SRR950078.bedgraph -c uhr -o ./diff/diff

Third, calculate the relative usage of each segment in each condition:

python -i ./diff/*uhr*read* -s diff/diff_segments.bed -c uhr -l diff/diff_cp_uhr.bed -o diff/diff
python -i ./landMarker/*brain*read* -s diff/diff_segments.bed -c brain -l diff/diff_cp_brain.bed -o diff/diff

Finally, test for differential ATS and APA

python -i ./diff/*Counts.bed -r ./diff/diff_ru_segments_brain.bed ./diff/diff_ru_segments_uhr.bed -ci uhr brain uhr brain uhr brain uhr brain uhr brain -cr brain uhr -o ./diff/diff_maqc_d5_m0.05 -d 5 -m 0.05