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File metadata and controls

64 lines (41 loc) · 3.04 KB



Code supporting the "Monitoring Hate Speech in the US Media" project, of Prof. Babak Bahador's group in the GW School of Media and Public Affairs.


Note that there is a requirements.txt file, so running this program requires a Python environment with the libraries in requirements.txt installed. For those new to setting up Python environments, A Hitchhiker's Guide to Python provides advice and several different ways to accomplish this.

Running the program

usage: python [-h] [--window WINDOW] [--context CONTEXT] [--subjectfile SUBJECTFILE] [--keywordfile KEYWORDFILE] [---normalizefile NORMALIZEFILE] [--mode MODE] transcript

  transcript         filepath to transcript pdf or directory, or (where `mode==tweets`) path to SFM extract Excel file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --window WINDOW    number of words that subject and keyword must be within (default = 5)
  --context CONTEXT  number of words before and after subject and keyword to extract (default = 20)
  --subjectfile SUBJECTFILE   subject list file (default = subjects.csv)
  --keywordfile KEYWORDFILE   keyword list file (default = keywords.csv)
  --normalizefile NORMALIZEFILE   normalize terms file (default = normalize_terms.csv)
  --mode MODE        processing mode, either `pdf` or `tweets` or `email` (default = pdf)
  --verbose          verbose output during execution

PDF Transcript files must be named using the following pattern:

MM_DD_YYYY_NNN_Name Of The Show.pdf


  • MM_DD_YYYY is the date of the show
  • NNN is the show code/number (any separator character is okay - but positions of the values are important)

SFM extract files must be Excel files output by Social Feed Manager with columns as per

Email extract files must be Excel files with the following columns:

  • Date
  • From
  • Sender
  • Message

Output files

extracts-[pdf OR tweets OR email].csv - All instances of a keyword and a subject found within "n" number of words of each other, where "n" is the configured window size.

Note that if extracts-[pdf OR tweets OR email].csv already exists, it will be appended to. If you wish to overwrite, simply delete or rename it. utility

The utility takes:

  • A coding file (default coding.csv) **currently only works for PDF extracts
  • A keywords file (default keywords.csv)
  • A normalize_terms file (default normalize_terms.csv)

It scans through the coding file, looking for keyword severity scores assigned by the human coder, as well as looking for new keywords added by the human coder. It then updates the scores of existing keywords (using the mode of human-assigned severity scores), and adds new keywords, to the keywords file.