diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 0e6dab2..28b0ccf 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -1,28 +1,60 @@
-language: python
-dist: xenial
+language: minimal
- - '3.5'
- - '3.6'
- - '3.7'
+os: linux
+ global:
+ - CONDA_PKGS_DIRS="${HOME}/.cache/conda/pkgs"
+ fast_finish: true
+ include:
+ # conda builds
+ - name: "conda:3.6"
+ env: PYTHON_VERSION="3.6"
+ - name: "conda:3.7"
+ env: PYTHON_VERSION="3.7"
+ - name: "conda:3.8"
+ env: PYTHON_VERSION="3.8"
+ - name: "conda:3.9"
+ env: PYTHON_VERSION="3.9"
- - python -m pip install -q --upgrade pip
- - python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
+ - curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gwpy/gwpy/master/ci/parse-conda-requirements.py
+ - curl -o miniconda.sh https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
+ - bash miniconda.sh -b -p ${HOME}/miniconda
+ - source "${HOME}/miniconda/etc/profile.d/conda.sh"
+ - conda config --set always_yes yes --set changeps1 no
+ - conda config --add channels conda-forge
+ - travis_retry conda update --quiet --yes conda
+ # Useful for debugging any issues with conda
+ - conda info --all
+ # create a conda environment
+ - travis_retry conda create --quiet --yes --name gwvetci python=${PYTHON_VERSION} pip setuptools
+ - travis_retry conda activate gwvetci
+ - travis_retry python ./parse-conda-requirements.py requirements.txt -o conda-reqs.txt
+ - travis_retry conda install --quiet --yes --update-all --name gwvetci --file conda-reqs.txt
+ # clean up
+ - rm -f conda-reqs.txt parse-conda-requirements.py
+ # install this version
- python -m pip install .
# run flake8
- - python -m flake8 gwvet/**/*.py
- - python -m flake8 bin/*
+ - python -m flake8 .
# test executables
- - python -m coverage run --append $(which gwvet) --help
- - python -m coverage run --append $(which gwvet-hug) --help
- - python -m coverage run --append $(which gwvet-vdf) --help
+ - python -m coverage run --append --source gwvet -m gwvet --help
+ - python -m coverage run --append --source gwvet -m gwvet.hug --help
+ - python -m coverage run --append --source gwvet -m gwvet.vdf --help
- pip: true
+ - travis_retry conda clean --quiet --yes --all
- rm -f $HOME/.cache/pip/log/debug.log
+ pip: true
+ directories:
+ - ${HOME}/.cache/conda/pkgs
diff --git a/bin/gwvet b/bin/gwvet
deleted file mode 100644
index 33899a9..0000000
--- a/bin/gwvet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# coding=utf-8
-# Copyright (C) Duncan Macleod (2013)
-# This file is part of GWpy VET.
-# GWpy VET is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# GWSumm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GWpy VET. If not, see .
-"""Study the performance of one or more data-quality flags.
-This utility evalutes the performance of a given flag, or set of flags,
-based on a number of pre-defined metrics.
-All of the command-line options can be given through the configuration files
-with the named sections (given in the section headings in --help), while any
-arguments given explicitly on the command-line take precedence.
-import argparse
-import os.path
-from gwpy.time import to_gps
-from gwsumm import globalv
-from gwsumm.config import GWSummConfigParser
-from gwsumm.utils import vprint
-from gwvet import __version__
-from gwvet.metric import get_metric
-from gwvet.cli import ACTIONS
-__author__ = 'Duncan Macleod '
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# read command-line
-class ParseGPS(argparse.Action):
- """Parse arbitrary input into GPS format from command-line
- """
- def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
- values = float(values)
- setattr(namespace, self.dest, to_gps(values))
-prog = os.path.basename(__file__)
-# create the top-level parser
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description=__doc__, epilog="All questions and comments should be "
- "addressed to detchar@ligo.org.")
-parser._optionals.title = 'Optional arguments'
-parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version=__version__)
-sharedopts = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
-sharedopts.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False,
- help="print verbose progress to stdout, "
- "default: %(default)s")
-genopts = sharedopts.add_argument_group(
- 'General options',
- 'Give standard parameters that define the scope of this study.')
-genopts.add_argument('-s', '--gps-start-time', action=ParseGPS,
- help='GPS start time for study.', required=True)
-genopts.add_argument('-e', '--gps-end-time', action=ParseGPS,
- help='GPS end time for study.', required=True)
-genopts.add_argument('-m', '--metric', action='append', dest='metrics',
- metavar='METRIC',
- help='metric to use in study, can be given '
- 'multiple times')
-trigopts = sharedopts.add_argument_group(
- "Event trigger options",
- "Configure analysis triggers used to evaluate performance of data-quality "
- "flags on a search-specific basis.")
-trigopts.add_argument('-c', '--channel', action='store', type=str,
- help="name of primary event trigger channel.")
-trigopts.add_argument('-f', '--trigger-format',
- help='format of trigger files, if given')
-trigsource = trigopts.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
-trigsource.add_argument('-t', '--auto-locate-triggers', action='store_true',
- default=False,
- help="use trigfind to auto-locate trigger files, "
- "default: %(default)s.")
-trigsource.add_argument('-T', '--trigger-file', action='append', type=str,
- help="path to trigger file. This option "
- "can be given multiple times.")
-segopts = sharedopts.add_argument_group(
- "Segment database options")
-segopts.add_argument('-u', '--segment-url',
- default='https://segdb.ligo.caltech.edu',
- help='URL of segment database, default: %(default)s')
-outopts = sharedopts.add_argument_group(
- 'Output options',
- 'Configure HTML and figure output')
-outopts.add_argument('-o', '--html-dir', default=None,
- help='target directory for output HTML, '
- 'default: %(default)s')
-outopts.add_argument('-l', '--label', default='Vetoes',
- help='text label for plots and HTML, '
- 'default: %(default)s')
-subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(
- dest='mode', title='Select one of the following study modes',
- description='[run %s --help for detailed help]' % prog)
-subparser = {}
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Single-flag mode
-for action, mod in ACTIONS.items():
- subparser[action] = mod.add_command_line_arguments(
- subparsers, [sharedopts])
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# parse and execute
-args = parser.parse_args()
-# set default metrics
-if not args.metrics and (args.auto_locate_triggers or args.trigger_file):
- args.metrics = ['deadtime', 'efficiency']
-elif not args.metrics:
- args.metrics = ['deadtime']
-args.metrics = map(get_metric, args.metrics)
-globalv.VERBOSE = args.verbose
-# construct config
-config = GWSummConfigParser()
-config.set('general', 'gps-start-time', str(int(args.gps_start_time)))
-config.set('general', 'gps-end-time', str(int(args.gps_end_time)))
-config.set('segment-database', 'url', args.segment_url)
-# set output directory
-if args.html_dir:
- if not os.path.isdir(args.html_dir):
- os.makedirs(args.html_dir)
- os.chdir(args.html_dir)
-action = args.mode
-ACTIONS[action].run(args, config)
-All done. Thank you.
diff --git a/bin/gwvet-hug b/bin/gwvet-hug
deleted file mode 100644
index 98377c0..0000000
--- a/bin/gwvet-hug
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# coding=utf-8
-# Copyright (C) Duncan Macleod (2013)
-# This file is part of GWpy VET.
-# GWpy VET is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# GWSumm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GWpy VET. If not, see .
-import argparse
-import datetime
-import glob
-import os
- from configparser import ConfigParser
-except ImportError: # python < 3
- from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser as ConfigParser
-import numpy
-from gwpy.segments import DataQualityFlag
-from gwpy.time import tconvert
-from gwpy.segments import SegmentList, Segment
-from gwvet import __version__
-__author__ = 'Erika Cowan '
-# command line parsing
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description='dq_seg_finder.py is a program that grabs triggers '
- 'and segments for hveto,UPVh, and OVL for any time period, and '
- 'concatenates them into one segment file, and one trigger file. '
- 'It then creates a DQ Flag for the given type and time period, '
- 'spits out a .xml file, and generates the .ini file needed to '
- 'run VET. For questions or concerns, contact Erika Cowan at '
- 'erika.cowan@ligo.org')
-parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version=__version__)
-parser.add_argument('gps_start_time', type=int,
- help='GPS start time')
-parser.add_argument('gps_end_time', type=int,
- help='GPS end time')
-parser.add_argument('directory_path', type=str,
- help='Directory path for triggers and segments')
-parser.add_argument('type_dq_flag', type=str,
- help='Either hveto, UPVh, OVL')
-parser.add_argument('-a', '--hveto_analysis_seg', type=str,
- help='Offline hveto O1 offline analysis segment, one of '
- '4,5,6,8,9')
-parser.add_argument('-o', '--online_offline', type=str,
- help='Selector for offline or online, this is for hveto')
-args = parser.parse_args()
-# algorithm that loads in triggers from file for any time segment
-def grab_time_triggers(glob_wildcard):
- time_segs = SegmentList([])
- start_time_utc = tconvert(args.gps_start_time)
- for filename in glob.glob(glob_wildcard):
- data = SegmentList.read(filename)
- print('grabbing trigger file:' + filename)
- start_end_seg = Segment(args.gps_start_time, args.gps_end_time)
- c = data & SegmentList([start_end_seg])
- time_segs += c
- start_time_utc += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
- return time_segs
-def grab_time_segments(glob_wildcard):
- known_start = []
- known_end = []
- start_time_utc = tconvert(args.gps_start_time)
- for filename in glob.glob(glob_wildcard):
- if os.path.isfile(filename):
- segments = numpy.atleast_2d(numpy.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=','))
- known_start = [segments[i, 0] for i in range(len(segments))]
- known_end = [segments[i, 1] for i in range(len(segments))]
- start_time_utc += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
- for index in range(len(known_start)):
- g.write(str(known_start[index]) + " " + str(known_end[index]) + "\n")
-# algorithm that takes segment/trigger list and writes to file
-def write_segs(trig_seg_list, output_file):
- total_triggers = trig_seg_list.coalesce()
- total_triggers.write(output_file)
-# check to make sure we're within the time window of aLIGO,
-# and that end_time is after start_time
-if args.gps_start_time < 971574400: # roughly the end of S6
- parser.error("gps_start_time before S6")
-if args.gps_end_time < args.gps_start_time:
- parser.error("end_time is before gps_start_time")
-# finds beginning of day for given gps time
-start_of_day = tconvert(args.gps_start_time)
-start_of_day_utc = start_of_day.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0)
-start_of_day_gps = tconvert(start_of_day)
-# finds UTC version of start/end times
-start_time_utc = tconvert(args.gps_start_time)
-end_time_utc = tconvert(args.gps_end_time)
-# opens files to be ready for writing
-f = open("total_" + args.type_dq_flag + "_trigs.txt", "w") # all triggers
-g = open("total_" + args.type_dq_flag + "_segs.txt", "w") # all segments
-# choosing to read in hveto
-if args.type_dq_flag == 'hveto':
- print('Data Quality Flag chosen is hveto, stored in the path '
- '%s' % args.directory_path)
- # choosing the offline hveto option for O1, runs by Josh Smith
- if args.online_offline == 'offline':
- analysis_segs_45689 = ['4', '5', '6', '7', '9']
- analysis_segs_237 = ['2', '3']
- if args.hveto_analysis_seg in analysis_segs_45689:
- pattern_trigs_hveto = os.path.join(
- args.directory_path, 'analysis%s' % args.hveto_analysis_seg,
- 'H1-omicron_BOTH-*-DARM', '*VETO_SEGS_ROUND*.txt')
- pattern_segs_hveto = os.path.join(
- args.directory_path, 'analysis%s' % args.hveto_analysis_seg,
- 'H1-omicron_BOTH-*-DARM', 'segs.txt')
- elif args.hveto_analysis_seg in analysis_segs_237:
- pattern_trigs_hveto = os.path.join(
- args.directory_path, 'H1-omicron_BOTH-*-DARM',
- '*VETO_SEGS_ROUND*.txt')
- pattern_segs_hveto = os.path.join(
- args.directory_path, 'H1-omicron_BOTH-*-DARM', 'segs.txt')
- elif args.hveto_analysis_seg == '8':
- pattern_trigs_hveto = os.path.join(
- args.directory_path, '*VETO_SEGS_ROUND*.txt')
- pattern_segs_hveto = os.path.join(
- args.directory_path, 'segs.txt')
- else:
- raise ValueError('Must choose from O1 analysis segments '
- '1 through 9')
- print('Data Quality Flag chosen is hveto, stored in the path '
- '%s' % args.directory_path)
- while start_time_utc < end_time_utc:
- day = start_time_utc.day
- month = start_time_utc.month
- year = start_time_utc.year
- triggers = grab_time_triggers(pattern_trigs_hveto)
- # Ideally we would be able to use the same algorithm, but
- # SegmentList.read doesn't support csv, which is the format
- # that segment files are recorded in. So, we want to
- # temporarily use another method to read in segments.
- segments = grab_time_segments(pattern_segs_hveto)
- start_time_utc += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
- write_segs(triggers, f)
- # segments.write(g)
- elif args.online_offline == 'online':
- # These paths are currently hardwired for online searches.
- pattern_trigs_hveto = os.path.join(
- args.directory_path, '{}{:02}', '{}{:02}{:02}',
- '*86400-DARM', '*VETO_SEGS_ROUND*.txt')
- pattern_segs_hveto = os.path.join(
- args.directory_path, '{}{:02}', '{}{:02}{:02}',
- '*86400-DARM', 'segs.txt')
- triggers = SegmentList([])
- segments = SegmentList([])
- while start_time_utc < end_time_utc:
- day = start_time_utc.day
- month = start_time_utc.month
- year = start_time_utc.year
- wildcard_trigs_hveto = pattern_trigs_hveto.format(
- year, month, year, month, day)
- wildcard_segs_hveto = pattern_segs_hveto.format(
- year, month, year, month, day)
- triggers = grab_time_triggers(wildcard_trigs_hveto)
- # Ideally we would be able to use the same algorithm, but
- # SegmentList.read doesn't support csv, which is the format
- # segment files are recorded in. So, we want to temporarily
- # use another method to read segments in.
- segments = grab_time_segments(wildcard_segs_hveto)
- start_time_utc += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
- write_segs(triggers, f)
- # segments.write(g)
- else:
- print('Did not choose online or offline. Please choose.')
-# choosing to read in UPVh!
-elif args.type_dq_flag == 'UPVh':
- print('Data-quality flag chosen is %s, stored in the path %s' % (
- args.type_dq_flag, args.directory_path))
- pattern_trigs_UPVh = os.path.join(
- args.directory_path, 'DARM_LOCK_{}_{}-H', 'H1:*veto.txt')
- pattern_segs_UPVh = os.path.join(
- args.directory_path, 'DARM_LOCK_{}_{}-H', 'segments.txt')
- triggers = SegmentList([])
- segments = SegmentList([])
- while start_of_day_utc < end_time_utc:
- start_of_day_gps = tconvert(start_of_day_utc)
- nextday_utc = start_of_day_utc + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
- nextday_gps = tconvert(nextday_utc)
- wildcard_UPVh_trigs = pattern_trigs_UPVh.format(
- start_of_day_gps, nextday_gps)
- wildcard_UPVh_segs = pattern_segs_UPVh.format(
- start_of_day_gps, nextday_gps)
- triggers = grab_time_triggers(wildcard_UPVh_trigs)
- segments = grab_time_triggers(wildcard_UPVh_segs)
- start_of_day_utc += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
- write_segs(triggers, f)
- write_segs(segments, g)
-else: # forgot to choose UPVh or hveto
- raise ValueError('Did not give a valid data-quality tool, please choose '
- 'from hveto, UPVh, or OVL.')
-# creating DQ .xml file
-# construct flag and filename
-flag_name = 'H1:' + args.type_dq_flag + '-RND:1'
-name = 'segments_' + args.type_dq_flag + '_RND.xml'
-# reading in segment files
- knownsegments = numpy.loadtxt('total_' + args.type_dq_flag + '_segs.txt')
-except OSError:
- print("No total_{}_segs.txt file in current working directory. "
- "It should have been produced from last loop. "
- "If this file is empty, that may mean you have no active segments "
- "during this time period.".format(args.type_dq_flag))
-known_start = [knownsegments[i, 0] for i in range(len(knownsegments))]
-known_end = [knownsegments[i, 1] for i in range(len(knownsegments))]
-# reading in trigger files
-data = numpy.loadtxt('total_' + args.type_dq_flag + '_trigs.txt')
-# get an array for the start_time and end_time of each segment
-start_time = [data[i, 1] for i in range(len(data))]
-end_time = [data[i, 2] for i in range(len(data))]
-# create a data quality flag object
-flag = DataQualityFlag(
- flag_name, active=zip(start_time, end_time),
- known=zip(known_start, known_end))
-# write flag
-print("Created DQ Flag: " + flag_name + " in .xml form as: " + name)
-# creating VET .ini file
-config = ConfigParser()
-config.set('plugins', 'gwvet.tabs', ' ')
-config.set('states', 'Science', '%(ifo)s:DMT-ANALYSIS_READY:1')
-config.set('segment-database', 'url', 'https://segments.ligo.org')
-config.set('', 'type', 'veto-flag')
-config.set('', 'event-channel', '%(ifo)s:GDS-CALIB_STRAIN')
-config.set('', 'event-generator', 'Omicron')
-config.set('', 'metrics',
- "'Deadtime',\n'Efficiency', \n'Efficiency/Deadtime', "
- "\n'Efficiency | SNR>=8', \n'Efficiency/Deadtime | SNR>=8', "
- "\n'Efficiency | SNR>=20', \n'Efficiency/Deadtime | SNR>=20', "
- "\n'Efficiency | SNR>=100', \n'Efficiency/Deadtime | SNR>=100', "
- "\n'Use percentage', \n'Loudest event by SNR'")
-config.set('tab-SNR-6', 'name', 'SNR 6')
-config.set('tab-SNR-6', 'type', 'veto-flag')
-config.set('tab-SNR-6', 'shortname', 'SNR 6')
-config.set('tab-SNR-6', 'flags', flag_name)
-config.set('tab-SNR-6', 'states', "Science")
-config.set('tab-SNR-6', 'segmentfile', name)
-with open(args.type_dq_flag + '_segs.ini', 'wb') as configfile:
- config.write(configfile)
-print('\n Created %s_segs.ini. You have everything you need to run VET now! '
- '\n' % args.type_dq_flag)
-print('To run VET,first go into %s_segs.ini, and delete the line that only '
- 'contains [], then save and exit the .ini file.\n' % args.type_dq_flag)
-print('Finally, run the command: \n'
- '$ gw_summary gps %s %s -f /home/detchar/etc/summary/configurations/'
- 'defaults.ini -f %s_segs.ini' % (
- args.gps_start_time, args.gps_end_time, args.type_dq_flag))
diff --git a/bin/gwvet-vdf b/bin/gwvet-vdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 97ef628..0000000
--- a/bin/gwvet-vdf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,438 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-"""Analyse a veto definer file in full using the GWpy VET package
-import os
-import sys
-import re
-from math import (ceil, floor)
-from argparse import ArgumentParser
-from getpass import getuser
-from subprocess import Popen
- from urllib.parse import urlparse
- from urllib.request import urlopen
-except ImportError: # python < 3
- from urllib2 import urlopen
- from urlparse import urlparse
- from configparser import NoSectionError
-except ImportError: # python < 3 or no backports.configparser
- from ConfigParser import NoSectionError
-from gwpy.time import to_gps
-from gwpy.segments import (Segment, DataQualityFlag, DataQualityDict)
-from gwsumm.config import GWSummConfigParser as ConfigParser
-from gwsumm.state import SummaryState
-from gwsumm.utils import (re_cchar, mkdir, get_default_ifo)
-from gwvet import __version__
-__author__ = 'Duncan Macleod '
- IFO = get_default_ifo()
-except ValueError:
- IFO = None
-DEFAULT_METRICS = ['Deadtime', 'Efficiency', 'Efficiency/Deadtime',
- 'Use percentage', 'Loudest event by SNR']
-def add_config_section(config, section, **params):
- config.add_section(section)
- for key, val in params.items():
- config.set(section, key, val)
-def configure_veto_tab(section, parent, state, flags, segmentfile, metrics,
- **params):
- tab = 'tab-%s' % section
- config.add_section(tab)
- params.setdefault('type', 'veto-flag')
- params.setdefault('name', section)
- if parent is not None:
- params.setdefault('parent', parent)
- params.setdefault('flags', ','.join(flags))
- params.setdefault('union', '|'.join(flags))
- params.setdefault('intersection', '&'.join(flags))
- params.setdefault('states', state.key)
- params.setdefault('veto-name', params['name'])
- params.setdefault('metrics', ','.join(metrics))
- # set others
- if 'event-channel' in params:
- params.setdefault('before', '%(event-channel)s')
- params.setdefault('after', '%(event-channel)s#%(union)s')
- params.setdefault('vetoed', '%(event-channel)s@%(union)s')
- for key, val in params.items():
- config.set(tab, key, val)
- return tab
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# set up command line and parse
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
-parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
- help='print verbose output')
-parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version=__version__)
-parser._positionals.title = 'Positional arguments'
-parser._optionals.title = 'Optional arguments'
-# required argument
-parser.add_argument('veto-definer-file', help='path to veto definer file')
-parser.add_argument('gps-start-time', type=to_gps,
- help='GPS start time/date of analysis')
-parser.add_argument('gps-end-time', type=to_gps,
- help='GPS end time/date of analysis')
-analargs = parser.add_argument_group('Analysis options')
-analargs.add_argument('-f', '--config-file', type=os.path.abspath,
- default=[], action='append',
- help='path to INI file defining this analysis')
-analargs.add_argument('-i', '--ifo', default=IFO,
- help='prefix of IFO to study, default: %(default)s')
-analargs.add_argument('-o', '--output-directory', default=os.curdir,
- type=os.path.abspath,
- help='output directory path, default: %(default)s, '
- 'this path should be web-viewable')
-analargs.add_argument('-c', '--categories', default='1,2,3,4',
- help='list of categories to analyse, '
- 'default: %(default)s')
-analargs.add_argument('-m', '--metric', action='append',
- help='name of metric to use in analysis, '
- 'can be given multiple times, default: %s'
-analargs.add_argument('-I', '--independent', action='store_true',
- help='analyse categories independently, rather than '
- 'hierarchichally, default: hierarchichally')
-analargs.add_argument('-g', '--global-config', action='append', default=[],
- help='path to gwsumm configuration file passed to all '
- 'gw_summary jobs')
-trigargs = parser.add_argument_group('Trigger options')
-trigargs.add_argument('-x', '--event-channel',
- default=IFO and '%s:GDS-CALIB_STRAIN' % IFO or None,
- help='name of event trigger channel, '
- 'default: %(default)s')
-trigargs.add_argument('-G', '--event-generator', default='Omicron',
- help='name of event trigger generator, '
- 'default: %(default)s')
-trigargs.add_argument('-X', '--event-file', help='path to event cache file')
-segargs = parser.add_argument_group('Segment options')
- '-a', '--analysis-segments', action='append',
- default=IFO and ['%s:DMT-ANALYSIS_READY:1' % IFO] or None,
- help='flag indicating analysis time, or path of segment file containing '
- 'segments for a single flag, default: %(default)s, can be given '
- 'multiple times to use the intersection of many flags, or the union '
- 'of many files')
-segargs.add_argument('-n', '--analysis-name', default='Analysis',
- help='Human-readable name for summary state, '
- 'e.g. \'Science\', default: %(default)s')
-segargs.add_argument('-t', '--segment-url', dest='segdb',
- default='https://segments.ligo.org',
- help='url of segment database, default: %(default)s')
-segargs.add_argument('-S', '--on-segdb-error', default='raise',
- choices=['raise', 'ignore', 'warn'],
- help='how to handle (dq)segdb errors, '
- 'default: %(default)s')
-args = parser.parse_args()
-# parse command line options
-ifo = args.ifo
-if not args.ifo:
- parser.error('--ifo must be given if not obvious from the host')
-start = getattr(args, 'gps-start-time')
-end = getattr(args, 'gps-end-time')
-span = Segment(start, end)
-duration = int(ceil(end) - floor(start))
-categories = args.categories.split(',')
-for i, c in enumerate(categories):
- try:
- categories[i] = int(c)
- except (TypeError, ValueError):
- pass
-vetofile = getattr(args, 'veto-definer-file')
-if not urlparse(vetofile).netloc:
- vetofile = os.path.abspath(vetofile)
-if not args.metric:
- args.metric = DEFAULT_METRICS
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# set things up
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-tag = '%d-%d' % (start.seconds, end.seconds)
-outdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(args.output_directory, tag))
-mkdir('etc', 'segments', 'condor')
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# segment handling
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ALLSEGMENTS = DataQualityDict()
-# -- get analysis segments ----------------------
-aflags = args.analysis_segments
-asegments = DataQualityFlag('%s:VET-ANALYSIS_SEGMENTS:0' % ifo)
-for i, flag in enumerate(aflags):
- # use union of segments from a file
- if os.path.isfile(flag):
- asegments += DataQualityFlag.read(flag)
- # or intersection of segments from multiple flags
- else:
- new = DataQualityFlag.query(flag, start, end, url=args.segdb)
- if i:
- asegments.known &= new.known
- asegments.active &= new.active
- else:
- asegments.known = new.known
- asegments.active = new.active
-ALLSEGMENTS[asegments.name] = asegments
-if os.path.isfile(aflags[0]):
- asegments.filename = aflags
-# -- read veto definer and process --------------
-if urlparse(vetofile).netloc:
- tmp = urlopen(vetofile)
- vetofile = os.path.abspath(os.path.basename(vetofile))
- with open(vetofile, 'w') as f:
- f.write(tmp.read())
- print('Downloaded veto definer file')
-vdf = DataQualityDict.from_veto_definer_file(
- vetofile, format='ligolw', start=start, end=end, ifo=ifo)
-print('Read %d flags from veto definer' % len(vdf.keys()))
-# populate veto definer file from database
-vdf.populate(source=args.segdb, on_error=args.on_segdb_error)
-# organise flags into categories
-flags = dict((c, DataQualityDict()) for c in categories)
-for name, flag in vdf.items():
- try:
- flags[flag.category][name] = flag
- except KeyError:
- pass
-# find the states and segments for each category
-states, after, oldtitle = (dict(), None, '')
-for i, category in enumerate(categories):
- title = isinstance(category, int) and 'Cat %d' % category or category
- tag = re_cchar.sub('_', str(title).upper())
- states[category] = SummaryState(
- 'After %s' % oldtitle,
- key=tag,
- known=after.known,
- active=after.active,
- definition=after.name,
- ) if i else SummaryState(
- args.analysis_name,
- key=args.analysis_name,
- definition=asegments.name,
- )
- try:
- segs = flags[category].union()
- except TypeError: # no flags
- segs = DataQualityFlag()
- segs.name = '%s:VET-ANALYSIS_%s:0' % (ifo, tag)
- ALLSEGMENTS[segs.name] = segs
- after = (after - segs) if i else (asegments - segs)
- after.name = '%s:VET-ANALYSIS_AFTER_%s:0' % (ifo, tag)
- ALLSEGMENTS[after.name] = after
- oldtitle = title
-# write all segments to disk
-segfile = os.path.abspath('%s-VET_SEGMENTS-%d-%d.xml.gz'
- % (ifo, start.seconds, duration))
-if args.verbose:
- print("All segments accessed and written to\n%s" % segfile)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# job preparation
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-configs = []
-for category in categories:
- title = isinstance(category, int) and 'Category %d' % category or category
- tab = 'tab-%s' % title
- config = ConfigParser()
- # add segment-database configuration
- add_config_section(config, 'segment-database', url=args.segdb)
- # add plot configurations
- pconfig = ConfigParser()
- pconfig.read(args.config_file)
- for section in pconfig.sections():
- if section.startswith('plot-'):
- config._sections[section] = pconfig._sections[section].copy()
- try:
- plots = pconfig.items('plots-%s' % category, raw=True)
- except NoSectionError:
- try:
- plots = pconfig.items('plots', raw=True)
- except NoSectionError:
- plots = []
- # add state
- if args.independent:
- state = states[categories[0]]
- else:
- state = states[category]
- sname = 'state-%s' % state.key
- add_config_section(config, sname, key=state.key, name=state.name,
- definition=state.definition, filename=segfile)
- # add plugin
- add_config_section(config, 'plugins', **{'gwvet.tabs': ''})
- # define metrics
- if category == 1:
- metrics = ['Deadtime']
- else:
- metrics = args.metric
- # define summary tab
- if category == 1:
- tab = configure_veto_tab(
- title, title, state, flags[category].keys(), segfile,
- metrics, name='Summary', **{'veto-name': title})
- else:
- tab = configure_veto_tab(
- title, title, state, flags[category].keys(), segfile,
- metrics, name='Summary', **{
- 'veto-name': title,
- 'event-channel': args.event_channel,
- 'event-generator': args.event_generator,
- })
- if len(categories) == 1:
- config.set(tab, 'index',
- '%(gps-start-time)s-%(gps-end-time)s/index.html')
- for key, value in plots:
- if re.match('%\(flags\)s (?:plot-)?segments', value): # noqa: W605
- config.set(tab, key, '%%(union)s,%s' % value)
- if '%s-labels' % key not in plots:
- config.set(tab, '%s-labels' % key, 'Union,%(flags)s')
- else:
- config.set(tab, key, value)
- # now a tab for each flag
- for flag in flags[category]:
- if category == 1:
- tab = configure_veto_tab(
- flag, title, state, [flag], segfile, metrics)
- else:
- tab = configure_veto_tab(
- flag, title, state, [flag], segfile, metrics, **{
- 'event-channel': args.event_channel,
- 'event-generator': args.event_generator})
- if args.event_file:
- config.set(tab, 'event-file', args.event_file)
- for key, value in plots:
- config.set(tab, key, value)
- if len(categories) > 1 and category != categories[-1]:
- with open('%s.ini' % re_cchar.sub('-', title.lower()), 'w') as f:
- config.write(f)
- configs.append(os.path.abspath(f.name))
-# configure summary job
-if len(categories) > 1:
- state = states[categories[0]]
- add_config_section(config, 'state-%s' % state.key, key=state.key,
- name=state.name, definition=state.definition,
- filename=segfile)
- try:
- plots = pconfig.items('plots', raw=True)
- except NoSectionError:
- plots = []
- flags = [f for c in categories for f in flags[c].keys()]
- tab = configure_veto_tab(
- 'Impact of full veto definer file', None, state, flags,
- segfile, args.metric, shortname='Summary',
- index='%(gps-start-time)s-%(gps-end-time)s/index.html',
- **{'event-channel': args.event_channel,
- 'event-generator': args.event_generator,
- 'veto-name': 'All vetoes'})
- if args.event_file:
- config.set(tab, 'event-file', args.event_file)
- for key, value in plots:
- config.set(tab, key, value)
- with open('%s.ini' % re_cchar.sub('-', title.lower()), 'w') as f:
- config.write(f)
- configs.append(os.path.abspath(f.name))
-if args.verbose:
- print("Generated configuration files for each category")
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# condor preparation
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# get condor variables
-if getuser() == 'detchar':
- accgroup = 'ligo.prod.o1.detchar.dqproduct.gwpy'
- accgroup = 'ligo.dev.o1.detchar.dqproduct.gwpy'
-cmd = ['gw_summary_pipe',
- '--gps-start-time', str(start.seconds),
- '--gps-end-time', str(end.seconds),
- '--ifo', ifo,
- '--file-tag', 'gwpy-vet',
- '--condor-command', 'accounting_group=%s' % accgroup,
- '--condor-command', 'accounting_group_user=%s' % getuser(),
- '--on-segdb-error', args.on_segdb_error,
- '--output-dir', args.output_directory,
- ]
-for cf in args.global_config:
- cmd.extend(('--global-config', cf))
-for cf in configs:
- cmd.extend(('--config-file', cf))
-if args.verbose:
- cmd.append('--verbose')
-if args.verbose:
- print('Generating summary DAG via:\n')
- print(' '.join(cmd))
- print('')
-proc = Popen(cmd)
diff --git a/gwvet/__main__.py b/gwvet/__main__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc82cb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gwvet/__main__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+# coding=utf-8
+# Copyright (C) Duncan Macleod (2013)
+# This file is part of GWpy VET.
+# GWpy VET is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# GWSumm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GWpy VET. If not, see .
+"""Study the performance of one or more data-quality flags.
+This utility evalutes the performance of a given flag, or set of flags,
+based on a number of pre-defined metrics.
+All of the command-line options can be given through the configuration files
+with the named sections (given in the section headings in --help), while any
+arguments given explicitly on the command-line take precedence.
+import argparse
+import os.path
+import sys
+from gwpy.time import to_gps
+from gwdetchar.cli import logger
+from gwsumm import globalv
+from gwsumm.config import GWSummConfigParser
+from gwvet import __version__
+from gwvet.metric import get_metric
+from gwvet.cli import ACTIONS
+__author__ = 'Duncan Macleod '
+__credits__ = 'Alex Urban '
+PROG = ('python -m gwvet' if sys.argv[0].endswith('.py')
+ else os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
+LOGGER = logger(name=PROG.split('python -m ').pop())
+# -- utilities ----------------------------------------------------------------
+class ParseGPS(argparse.Action):
+ """Parse arbitrary input into GPS format from command-line
+ """
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
+ values = float(values)
+ setattr(namespace, self.dest, to_gps(values))
+# -- parse command-line -------------------------------------------------------
+def create_parser():
+ """Create a command-line parser for this entry point
+ """
+ # initialize the argument parser
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ prog=PROG,
+ description=__doc__,
+ epilog="All questions and comments should be "
+ "addressed to detchar@ligo.org.",
+ )
+ # optional arguments
+ parser._optionals.title = 'Optional arguments'
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-V',
+ '--version',
+ action='version',
+ version=__version__,
+ )
+ sharedopts = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
+ sharedopts.add_argument(
+ '-v',
+ '--verbose',
+ action='store_true',
+ default=False,
+ help="print verbose progress to stdout, default: %(default)s",
+ )
+ # general arguments
+ genopts = sharedopts.add_argument_group(
+ 'General options',
+ 'Standard parameters that define the scope of this study',
+ )
+ genopts.add_argument(
+ '-s',
+ '--gps-start-time',
+ action=ParseGPS,
+ help='GPS start time for study',
+ required=True,
+ )
+ genopts.add_argument(
+ '-e',
+ '--gps-end-time',
+ action=ParseGPS,
+ help='GPS end time for study',
+ required=True,
+ )
+ genopts.add_argument(
+ '-m',
+ '--metric',
+ action='append',
+ dest='metrics',
+ metavar='METRIC',
+ help='metric to use in study, can be given multiple times',
+ )
+ # trigger arguments
+ trigopts = sharedopts.add_argument_group(
+ "Event trigger options",
+ "Configure analysis triggers used to evaluate performance "
+ "of data-quality flags on a search-specific basis",
+ )
+ trigopts.add_argument(
+ '-c',
+ '--channel',
+ action='store',
+ type=str,
+ help="name of primary event trigger channel",
+ )
+ trigopts.add_argument(
+ '-f',
+ '--trigger-format',
+ help='format of trigger files, if given',
+ )
+ trigsource = trigopts.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
+ trigsource.add_argument(
+ '-t',
+ '--auto-locate-triggers',
+ action='store_true',
+ default=False,
+ help="use trigfind to auto-locate trigger files, default: %(default)s",
+ )
+ trigsource.add_argument(
+ '-T',
+ '--trigger-file',
+ action='append',
+ type=str,
+ help="path to trigger file, can be given multiple times",
+ )
+ # segdb options
+ segopts = sharedopts.add_argument_group(
+ "Segment database options",
+ )
+ segopts.add_argument(
+ '-u',
+ '--segment-url',
+ default='https://segdb.ligo.caltech.edu',
+ help='URL of segment database, default: %(default)s',
+ )
+ # output options
+ outopts = sharedopts.add_argument_group(
+ 'Output options',
+ 'Configure HTML and figure output',
+ )
+ outopts.add_argument(
+ '-o',
+ '--html-dir',
+ default=None,
+ help='target directory for output HTML, default: %(default)s',
+ )
+ outopts.add_argument(
+ '-l',
+ '--label',
+ default='Vetoes',
+ help='text label for plots and HTML, default: %(default)s',
+ )
+ # toggle single-flag analysis mode
+ subparser = {}
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(
+ dest='mode',
+ title='Select one of the following study modes',
+ description='[run {} --help for detailed help]'.format(PROG),
+ )
+ for (action, mod) in ACTIONS.items():
+ subparser[action] = mod.add_command_line_arguments(
+ subparsers, [sharedopts])
+ # return the argument parser
+ return parser
+# -- main code block ----------------------------------------------------------
+def main(args=None):
+ """Run the VET command-line interface
+ """
+ parser = create_parser()
+ args = parser.parse_args(args=args)
+ # -- setup --------------------------------------
+ LOGGER.info(" -- GW Veto Evaluation and Testing system -- ")
+ # set default metrics
+ if (
+ not args.metrics
+ and (args.auto_locate_triggers or args.trigger_file)
+ ):
+ args.metrics = ['deadtime', 'efficiency']
+ elif not args.metrics:
+ args.metrics = ['deadtime']
+ args.metrics = map(get_metric, args.metrics)
+ # set verbosity level
+ globalv.VERBOSE = args.verbose
+ # construct config
+ LOGGER.info("Loading configuration")
+ config = GWSummConfigParser()
+ config.add_section('general')
+ config.set('general', 'gps-start-time', str(int(args.gps_start_time)))
+ config.set('general', 'gps-end-time', str(int(args.gps_end_time)))
+ config.add_section('segment-database')
+ config.set('segment-database', 'url', args.segment_url)
+ # set output directory
+ if args.html_dir:
+ if not os.path.isdir(args.html_dir):
+ os.makedirs(args.html_dir)
+ os.chdir(args.html_dir)
+ # -- execute mode action ------------------------
+ action = args.mode
+ ACTIONS[action].run(args, config)
+ LOGGER.info(" -- Data products written, all done -- ")
+# -- run from command-line ----------------------------------------------------
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/gwvet/hug.py b/gwvet/hug.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bc8041
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gwvet/hug.py
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+# coding=utf-8
+# Copyright (C) Duncan Macleod (2013)
+# This file is part of GWpy VET.
+# GWpy VET is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# GWSumm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GWpy VET. If not, see .
+"""Command-line tool that grabs triggers and segments for hveto, UPV, and
+OVL for any time period, then concatenates them into one segment file and
+one trigger file. This tool then produces a DQ flag for the given type and
+period, spits out a .xml file, and generates the .ini file needed to run VET.
+import argparse
+import datetime
+import glob
+import os
+import sys
+from configparser import ConfigParser
+import numpy
+from gwpy.segments import DataQualityFlag
+from gwpy.segments import SegmentList, Segment
+from gwpy.time import (to_gps, tconvert)
+from gwdetchar.cli import logger
+from gwvet import __version__
+__author__ = 'Erika Cowan '
+__credits__ = 'Alex Urban '
+PROG = ('python -m gwvet.hug' if sys.argv[0].endswith('.py')
+ else os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
+LOGGER = logger(name=PROG.split('python -m ').pop())
+def grab_time_triggers(wildcard, start, end):
+ """Retrieve triggers from a given GPS time range
+ """
+ time_segs = SegmentList([])
+ start_time_utc = tconvert(start)
+ for filename in glob.glob(wildcard):
+ data = SegmentList.read(filename)
+ LOGGER.info(' '.join(['grabbing trigger file:', filename]))
+ start_end_seg = Segment(start, end)
+ c = data & SegmentList([start_end_seg])
+ time_segs += c
+ start_time_utc += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+ return time_segs
+def grab_time_segments(wildcard, start, segfile):
+ """Retrieve time segments from a given start time
+ """
+ known_start = []
+ known_end = []
+ start_time_utc = tconvert(start)
+ for filename in glob.glob(wildcard):
+ if os.path.isfile(filename):
+ segments = numpy.atleast_2d(numpy.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=','))
+ known_start = [segments[i, 0] for i in range(len(segments))]
+ known_end = [segments[i, 1] for i in range(len(segments))]
+ start_time_utc += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+ for index in range(len(known_start)):
+ segfile.write(
+ str(known_start[index]) + " " + str(known_end[index]) + "\n"
+ )
+def write_segs(trig_seg_list, output_file):
+ """Write a list of trigger segments to an output file
+ """
+ total_triggers = trig_seg_list.coalesce()
+ total_triggers.write(output_file)
+# -- parse command-line -------------------------------------------------------
+def create_parser():
+ """Create a command-line parser for this entry point
+ """
+ # initialize argument parser
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ prog=PROG,
+ description=__doc__,
+ )
+ # positional arguments
+ parser.add_argument(
+ 'gpsstart',
+ type=to_gps,
+ help='GPS start time',
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ 'gpsend',
+ type=to_gps,
+ help='GPS end time',
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ 'directory_path',
+ type=str,
+ help='Path to output directory for triggers and segments',
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ 'dq_flag_type',
+ type=str,
+ help='DQ flag type, either hveto, UPVh, OVL',
+ )
+ # optional flags
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-V',
+ '--version',
+ action='version',
+ version=__version__,
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-a',
+ '--hveto_analysis_seg',
+ type=str,
+ help='Hveto O1 offline analysis segment, one of 4,5,6,8,9',
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-o',
+ '--online_offline',
+ type=str,
+ help='Selector for offline or online, needed only for hveto',
+ )
+ # return the argument parser
+ return parser
+# -- main code block ----------------------------------------------------------
+def main(args=None):
+ """Run the gwvet-hug CLI tool
+ """
+ parser = create_parser()
+ args = parser.parse_args(args=args)
+ # check to make sure we're within the time window of aLIGO,
+ # and that end_time is after start_time
+ if args.gpsstart < 971574400: # roughly the end of S6
+ parser.error("gpsstart before S6")
+ if args.gpsend < args.gpsstart:
+ parser.error("end_time is before gpsstart")
+ # finds beginning of day for given gps time
+ start_of_day = tconvert(args.gpsstart)
+ start_of_day_utc = start_of_day.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0)
+ start_of_day_gps = tconvert(start_of_day)
+ # finds UTC version of start/end times
+ start_time_utc = tconvert(args.gpsstart)
+ end_time_utc = tconvert(args.gpsend)
+ # opens files to be ready for writing
+ f = open("total_" + args.dq_flag_type + "_trigs.txt", "w") # all triggers
+ g = open("total_" + args.dq_flag_type + "_segs.txt", "w") # all segments
+ # choosing to read in hveto
+ if args.dq_flag_type == 'hveto':
+ LOGGER.info(
+ 'Data Quality Flag chosen is hveto, stored in the path '
+ '%s' % args.directory_path)
+ # choosing the offline hveto option for O1, runs by Josh Smith
+ if args.online_offline == 'offline':
+ analysis_segs_45689 = ['4', '5', '6', '7', '9']
+ analysis_segs_237 = ['2', '3']
+ if args.hveto_analysis_seg in analysis_segs_45689:
+ pattern_trigs_hveto = os.path.join(
+ args.directory_path,
+ 'analysis%s' % args.hveto_analysis_seg,
+ 'H1-omicron_BOTH-*-DARM',
+ '*VETO_SEGS_ROUND*.txt',
+ )
+ pattern_segs_hveto = os.path.join(
+ args.directory_path,
+ 'analysis%s' % args.hveto_analysis_seg,
+ 'H1-omicron_BOTH-*-DARM',
+ 'segs.txt',
+ )
+ elif args.hveto_analysis_seg in analysis_segs_237:
+ pattern_trigs_hveto = os.path.join(
+ args.directory_path, 'H1-omicron_BOTH-*-DARM',
+ '*VETO_SEGS_ROUND*.txt')
+ pattern_segs_hveto = os.path.join(
+ args.directory_path, 'H1-omicron_BOTH-*-DARM', 'segs.txt')
+ elif args.hveto_analysis_seg == '8':
+ pattern_trigs_hveto = os.path.join(
+ args.directory_path, '*VETO_SEGS_ROUND*.txt')
+ pattern_segs_hveto = os.path.join(
+ args.directory_path, 'segs.txt')
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Must choose from O1 analysis segments '
+ '1 through 9')
+ LOGGER.info(
+ 'Data Quality Flag chosen is hveto, stored in the path '
+ '%s' % args.directory_path)
+ while start_time_utc < end_time_utc:
+ day = start_time_utc.day
+ month = start_time_utc.month
+ year = start_time_utc.year
+ triggers = grab_time_triggers(
+ pattern_trigs_hveto, args.gpsstart, args.gpsend)
+ # Ideally we would be able to use the same algorithm, but
+ # SegmentList.read doesn't support csv, which is the format
+ # that segment files are recorded in. So, we want to
+ # temporarily use another method to read in segments.
+ segments = grab_time_segments(
+ pattern_segs_hveto, args.gpsstart, g)
+ start_time_utc += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+ write_segs(triggers, f)
+ elif args.online_offline == 'online':
+ # These paths are currently hardwired for online searches.
+ pattern_trigs_hveto = os.path.join(
+ args.directory_path, '{}{:02}', '{}{:02}{:02}',
+ '*86400-DARM', '*VETO_SEGS_ROUND*.txt')
+ pattern_segs_hveto = os.path.join(
+ args.directory_path, '{}{:02}', '{}{:02}{:02}',
+ '*86400-DARM', 'segs.txt')
+ triggers = SegmentList([])
+ segments = SegmentList([])
+ while start_time_utc < end_time_utc:
+ day = start_time_utc.day
+ month = start_time_utc.month
+ year = start_time_utc.year
+ wildcard_trigs_hveto = pattern_trigs_hveto.format(
+ year, month, year, month, day)
+ wildcard_segs_hveto = pattern_segs_hveto.format(
+ year, month, year, month, day)
+ triggers = grab_time_triggers(
+ wildcard_trigs_hveto, args.gpsstart, args.gpsend)
+ # Ideally we would be able to use the same algorithm, but
+ # SegmentList.read doesn't support csv, which is the format
+ # segment files are recorded in. So, we want to temporarily
+ # use another method to read segments in.
+ segments = grab_time_segments(
+ wildcard_segs_hveto, args.gpsstart, g)
+ start_time_utc += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+ write_segs(triggers, f)
+ # segments.write(g)
+ else:
+ LOGGER.info('Did not choose online or offline. Please choose.')
+ # choosing to read in UPVh!
+ elif args.dq_flag_type == 'UPVh':
+ LOGGER.info('Data-quality flag chosen is %s, stored in the path %s' % (
+ args.dq_flag_type, args.directory_path))
+ pattern_trigs_UPVh = os.path.join(
+ args.directory_path, 'DARM_LOCK_{}_{}-H', 'H1:*veto.txt')
+ pattern_segs_UPVh = os.path.join(
+ args.directory_path, 'DARM_LOCK_{}_{}-H', 'segments.txt')
+ triggers = SegmentList([])
+ segments = SegmentList([])
+ while start_of_day_utc < end_time_utc:
+ start_of_day_gps = tconvert(start_of_day_utc)
+ nextday_utc = start_of_day_utc + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+ nextday_gps = tconvert(nextday_utc)
+ wildcard_UPVh_trigs = pattern_trigs_UPVh.format(
+ start_of_day_gps, nextday_gps)
+ wildcard_UPVh_segs = pattern_segs_UPVh.format(
+ start_of_day_gps, nextday_gps)
+ triggers = grab_time_triggers(
+ wildcard_UPVh_trigs, args.gpsstart, args.gpsend)
+ segments = grab_time_triggers(
+ wildcard_UPVh_segs, args.gpsstart, args.gpsend)
+ start_of_day_utc += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+ write_segs(triggers, f)
+ write_segs(segments, g)
+ else: # forgot to choose UPVh or hveto
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Did not give a valid data-quality tool, '
+ 'please choose from hveto, UPVh, or OVL'
+ )
+ f.close()
+ g.close()
+ # creating DQ .xml file
+ # construct flag and filename
+ flag_name = 'H1:' + args.dq_flag_type + '-RND:1'
+ name = 'segments_' + args.dq_flag_type + '_RND.xml'
+ # reading in segment files
+ try:
+ knownsegments = numpy.loadtxt(
+ 'total_' + args.dq_flag_type + '_segs.txt')
+ except OSError:
+ LOGGER.info(
+ "No total_{}_segs.txt file in current working directory. "
+ "It should have been produced from last loop. "
+ "If this file is empty, that may mean you have no active "
+ "segments during this time period.".format(args.dq_flag_type))
+ known_start = [knownsegments[i, 0] for i in range(len(knownsegments))]
+ known_end = [knownsegments[i, 1] for i in range(len(knownsegments))]
+ # reading in trigger files
+ data = numpy.loadtxt('total_' + args.dq_flag_type + '_trigs.txt')
+ # get an array for the start_time and end_time of each segment
+ start_time = [data[i, 1] for i in range(len(data))]
+ end_time = [data[i, 2] for i in range(len(data))]
+ # create a data quality flag object
+ flag = DataQualityFlag(
+ flag_name, active=zip(start_time, end_time),
+ known=zip(known_start, known_end))
+ # write flag
+ flag.write(name)
+ LOGGER.info("Created DQ Flag: " + flag_name + " in .xml form as: " + name)
+ # creating VET .ini file
+ config = ConfigParser()
+ config.add_section('plugins')
+ config.set('plugins', 'gwvet.tabs', ' ')
+ config.add_section('states')
+ config.set('states', 'Science', '%(ifo)s:DMT-ANALYSIS_READY:1')
+ config.add_section('segment-database')
+ config.set('segment-database', 'url', 'https://segments.ligo.org')
+ config.add_section('')
+ config.set('', 'type', 'veto-flag')
+ config.set('', 'event-channel', '%(ifo)s:GDS-CALIB_STRAIN')
+ config.set('', 'event-generator', 'Omicron')
+ config.set('', 'metrics',
+ "'Deadtime',\n'Efficiency', \n'Efficiency/Deadtime', "
+ "\n'Efficiency | SNR>=8', \n'Efficiency/Deadtime | SNR>=8', "
+ "\n'Efficiency | SNR>=20', \n'Efficiency/Deadtime | SNR>=20', "
+ "\n'Efficiency | SNR>=100', \n'Efficiency/Deadtime | SNR>=100',"
+ " \n'Use percentage', \n'Loudest event by SNR'")
+ config.add_section('tab-SNR-6')
+ config.set('tab-SNR-6', 'name', 'SNR 6')
+ config.set('tab-SNR-6', 'type', 'veto-flag')
+ config.set('tab-SNR-6', 'shortname', 'SNR 6')
+ config.set('tab-SNR-6', 'flags', flag_name)
+ config.set('tab-SNR-6', 'states', "Science")
+ config.set('tab-SNR-6', 'segmentfile', name)
+ with open(args.dq_flag_type + '_segs.ini', 'wb') as configfile:
+ config.write(configfile)
+ LOGGER.info(
+ '\n Created %s_segs.ini. You have everything you need to run VET now! '
+ '\n' % args.dq_flag_type)
+ LOGGER.info(
+ 'To run VET,first go into %s_segs.ini, and delete the line that only '
+ 'contains [], then save and exit the .ini file.\n' % args.dq_flag_type)
+ LOGGER.info(
+ 'Finally, run the command: \n'
+ '$ gw_summary gps %s %s -f /home/detchar/etc/summary/configurations/'
+ 'defaults.ini -f %s_segs.ini' % (
+ args.gpsstart, args.gpsend, args.dq_flag_type))
+# -- run from command-line ----------------------------------------------------
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/gwvet/metric/metrics.py b/gwvet/metric/metrics.py
index b734eb8..204d2b6 100644
--- a/gwvet/metric/metrics.py
+++ b/gwvet/metric/metrics.py
@@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ def safety(segments, injections, threshold=SAFETY_THRESHOLD):
def loudest_event_metric_factory(column):
column = column.lower()
def loudest_event(segments, before, after=None):
"""Percentage reduction in the amplitude of the loudest event by %s
diff --git a/gwvet/vdf.py b/gwvet/vdf.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e23806a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gwvet/vdf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+# coding=utf-8
+# Copyright (C) Duncan Macleod (2013)
+# This file is part of GWpy VET.
+# GWpy VET is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# GWSumm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GWpy VET. If not, see .
+"""Analyse a veto definer file in full using the GWpy VET package
+import argparse
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+from configparser import NoSectionError
+from getpass import getuser
+from math import (ceil, floor)
+from urllib.parse import urlparse
+from urllib.request import urlopen
+from gwpy.segments import (
+ DataQualityFlag,
+ DataQualityDict,
+from gwpy.time import to_gps
+from gwdetchar.cli import logger
+from gwsumm import batch
+from gwsumm.config import GWSummConfigParser as ConfigParser
+from gwsumm.state import SummaryState
+from gwsumm.utils import (
+ get_default_ifo,
+ re_cchar,
+ mkdir,
+from gwvet import __version__
+__author__ = 'Duncan Macleod '
+__credits__ = 'Alex Urban '
+ IFO = get_default_ifo()
+except ValueError:
+ IFO = None
+ 'Deadtime',
+ 'Efficiency',
+ 'Efficiency/Deadtime',
+ 'Use percentage',
+ 'Loudest event by SNR',
+PROG = ('python -m gwvet.vdf' if sys.argv[0].endswith('.py')
+ else os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
+LOGGER = logger(name=PROG.split('python -m ').pop())
+# -- utilities ----------------------------------------------------------------
+def add_config_section(config, section, **params):
+ """Add a section to the global configuration
+ """
+ config.add_section(section)
+ for key, val in params.items():
+ config.set(section, key, val)
+def configure_veto_tab(config, section, parent, state, flags,
+ segmentfile, metrics, **params):
+ """Configure the tab corresponding to a given veto
+ """
+ tab = 'tab-%s' % section
+ config.add_section(tab)
+ params.setdefault('type', 'veto-flag')
+ params.setdefault('name', section)
+ if parent is not None:
+ params.setdefault('parent', parent)
+ params.setdefault('flags', ','.join(flags))
+ params.setdefault('union', '|'.join(flags))
+ params.setdefault('intersection', '&'.join(flags))
+ params.setdefault('states', state.key)
+ params.setdefault('veto-name', params['name'])
+ params.setdefault('metrics', ','.join(metrics))
+ # set others
+ if 'event-channel' in params:
+ params.setdefault('before', '%(event-channel)s')
+ params.setdefault('after', '%(event-channel)s#%(union)s')
+ params.setdefault('vetoed', '%(event-channel)s@%(union)s')
+ for key, val in params.items():
+ config.set(tab, key, val)
+ return tab
+# -- parse command-line -------------------------------------------------------
+def create_parser():
+ """Create a command-line parser for this entry point
+ """
+ # initialize argument parser
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ prog=PROG,
+ description=__doc__,
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-v',
+ '--verbose',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='print verbose output',
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-V',
+ '--version',
+ action='version',
+ version=__version__,
+ )
+ parser._positionals.title = 'Positional arguments'
+ parser._optionals.title = 'Optional arguments'
+ # required arguments
+ parser.add_argument(
+ 'veto-definer-file',
+ help='path to veto definer file',
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ 'gpsstart',
+ type=to_gps,
+ help='GPS start time/date of analysis',
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ 'gpsend',
+ type=to_gps,
+ help='GPS end time/date of analysis',
+ )
+ # analysis options
+ analargs = parser.add_argument_group('Analysis options')
+ analargs.add_argument(
+ '-f',
+ '--config-file',
+ type=os.path.abspath,
+ default=[],
+ action='append',
+ help='path to INI file defining this analysis',
+ )
+ analargs.add_argument(
+ '-i',
+ '--ifo',
+ default=IFO,
+ help='prefix of IFO to study, default: %(default)s',
+ )
+ analargs.add_argument(
+ '-o',
+ '--output-directory',
+ default=os.curdir,
+ type=os.path.abspath,
+ help='output directory path, default: %(default)s, '
+ 'this path should be web-viewable',
+ )
+ analargs.add_argument(
+ '-c',
+ '--categories',
+ default='1,2,3,4',
+ help='list of categories to analyse, default: %(default)s',
+ )
+ analargs.add_argument(
+ '-m',
+ '--metric',
+ action='append',
+ help='name of metric to use in analysis, can be given '
+ 'multiple times, default: %s' % DEFAULT_METRICS,
+ )
+ analargs.add_argument(
+ '-I',
+ '--independent',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='analyse categories independently, rather than '
+ 'hierarchichally, default: hierarchichally',
+ )
+ analargs.add_argument(
+ '-g',
+ '--global-config',
+ action='append',
+ default=[],
+ help='path to gwsumm configuration file passed to all gw_summary jobs',
+ )
+ # trigger options
+ trigargs = parser.add_argument_group('Trigger options')
+ trigargs.add_argument(
+ '-x',
+ '--event-channel',
+ default=IFO and '%s:GDS-CALIB_STRAIN' % IFO or None,
+ help='name of event trigger channel, default: %(default)s',
+ )
+ trigargs.add_argument(
+ '-G',
+ '--event-generator',
+ default='Omicron',
+ help='name of event trigger generator, default: %(default)s',
+ )
+ trigargs.add_argument(
+ '-X',
+ '--event-file',
+ help='path to event cache file',
+ )
+ # segment options
+ segargs = parser.add_argument_group('Segment options')
+ segargs.add_argument(
+ '-a',
+ '--analysis-segments',
+ action='append',
+ default=IFO and ['%s:DMT-ANALYSIS_READY:1' % IFO] or None,
+ help='flag indicating analysis time, or path of segment file '
+ 'containing segments for a single flag, default: %(default)s, '
+ 'can be given multiple times to use the intersection of many '
+ 'flags, or the union of many files',
+ )
+ segargs.add_argument(
+ '-n',
+ '--analysis-name',
+ default='Analysis',
+ help='Human-readable name for summary state, '
+ 'e.g. \'Science\', default: %(default)s',
+ )
+ segargs.add_argument(
+ '-t',
+ '--segment-url',
+ dest='segdb',
+ default='https://segments.ligo.org',
+ help='url of segment database, default: %(default)s',
+ )
+ segargs.add_argument(
+ '-S',
+ '--on-segdb-error',
+ default='raise',
+ choices=['raise', 'ignore', 'warn'],
+ help='how to handle (dq)segdb errors, default: %(default)s',
+ )
+ # return the argument parser
+ return parser
+# -- main code block ----------------------------------------------------------
+def main(args=None):
+ """Run the online Guardian node visualization tool
+ """
+ parser = create_parser()
+ args = parser.parse_args(args=args)
+ # parse command line options
+ ifo = args.ifo
+ if not args.ifo:
+ parser.error('--ifo must be given if not obvious from the host')
+ start = getattr(args, 'gpsstart')
+ end = getattr(args, 'gpsend')
+ duration = int(ceil(end) - floor(start))
+ categories = args.categories.split(',')
+ for i, c in enumerate(categories):
+ try:
+ categories[i] = int(c)
+ except (TypeError, ValueError):
+ pass
+ vetofile = getattr(args, 'veto-definer-file')
+ vetofile = (urlparse(vetofile).netloc
+ or os.path.abspath(vetofile))
+ args.metric = args.metric or DEFAULT_METRICS
+ # -- setup --------------------------------------
+ tag = '%d-%d' % (start.seconds, end.seconds)
+ outdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(args.output_directory, tag))
+ mkdir(outdir)
+ os.chdir(outdir)
+ mkdir('etc', 'segments', 'condor')
+ # -- segment handling ---------------------------
+ os.chdir('segments')
+ ALLSEGMENTS = DataQualityDict()
+ # -- get analysis segments ----------------------
+ aflags = args.analysis_segments
+ asegments = DataQualityFlag('%s:VET-ANALYSIS_SEGMENTS:0' % ifo)
+ for i, flag in enumerate(aflags):
+ # use union of segments from a file
+ if os.path.isfile(flag):
+ asegments += DataQualityFlag.read(flag)
+ # or intersection of segments from multiple flags
+ else:
+ new = DataQualityFlag.query(flag, start, end, url=args.segdb)
+ if i:
+ asegments.known &= new.known
+ asegments.active &= new.active
+ else:
+ asegments.known = new.known
+ asegments.active = new.active
+ ALLSEGMENTS[asegments.name] = asegments
+ if os.path.isfile(aflags[0]):
+ asegments.filename = aflags
+ # -- read veto definer and process --------------
+ if urlparse(vetofile).netloc:
+ tmp = urlopen(vetofile)
+ vetofile = os.path.abspath(os.path.basename(vetofile))
+ with open(vetofile, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(tmp.read())
+ LOGGER.info('Downloaded veto definer file')
+ vdf = DataQualityDict.from_veto_definer_file(
+ vetofile, format='ligolw', start=start, end=end, ifo=ifo)
+ LOGGER.info('Read %d flags from veto definer' % len(vdf.keys()))
+ # populate veto definer file from database
+ vdf.populate(source=args.segdb, on_error=args.on_segdb_error)
+ # organise flags into categories
+ flags = dict((c, DataQualityDict()) for c in categories)
+ for name, flag in vdf.items():
+ try:
+ flags[flag.category][name] = flag
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ # find the states and segments for each category
+ states, after, oldtitle = (dict(), None, '')
+ for i, category in enumerate(categories):
+ title = isinstance(category, int) and 'Cat %d' % category or category
+ tag = re_cchar.sub('_', str(title).upper())
+ states[category] = SummaryState(
+ 'After %s' % oldtitle,
+ key=tag,
+ known=after.known,
+ active=after.active,
+ definition=after.name,
+ ) if i else SummaryState(
+ args.analysis_name,
+ key=args.analysis_name,
+ definition=asegments.name,
+ )
+ try:
+ segs = flags[category].union()
+ except TypeError: # no flags
+ segs = DataQualityFlag()
+ segs.name = '%s:VET-ANALYSIS_%s:0' % (ifo, tag)
+ ALLSEGMENTS[segs.name] = segs
+ after = (after - segs) if i else (asegments - segs)
+ after.name = '%s:VET-ANALYSIS_AFTER_%s:0' % (ifo, tag)
+ ALLSEGMENTS[after.name] = after
+ oldtitle = title
+ # write all segments to disk
+ segfile = os.path.abspath('%s-VET_SEGMENTS-%d-%d.xml.gz'
+ % (ifo, start.seconds, duration))
+ ALLSEGMENTS.write(segfile)
+ os.chdir(os.pardir)
+ if args.verbose:
+ LOGGER.debug("All segments accessed and written to\n%s" % segfile)
+ # -- job preparation ----------------------------
+ os.chdir('etc')
+ configs = []
+ for category in categories:
+ title = (isinstance(category, int)
+ and 'Category %d' % category or category)
+ tab = 'tab-%s' % title
+ config = ConfigParser()
+ # add segment-database configuration
+ add_config_section(config, 'segment-database', url=args.segdb)
+ # add plot configurations
+ pconfig = ConfigParser()
+ pconfig.read(args.config_file)
+ for section in pconfig.sections():
+ if section.startswith('plot-'):
+ config._sections[section] = pconfig._sections[section].copy()
+ try:
+ plots = pconfig.items('plots-%s' % category, raw=True)
+ except NoSectionError:
+ try:
+ plots = pconfig.items('plots', raw=True)
+ except NoSectionError:
+ plots = []
+ # add state
+ if args.independent:
+ state = states[categories[0]]
+ else:
+ state = states[category]
+ sname = 'state-%s' % state.key
+ add_config_section(config, sname, key=state.key, name=state.name,
+ definition=state.definition, filename=segfile)
+ # add plugin
+ add_config_section(config, 'plugins', **{'gwvet.tabs': ''})
+ # define metrics
+ if category == 1:
+ metrics = ['Deadtime']
+ else:
+ metrics = args.metric
+ # define summary tab
+ if category == 1:
+ tab = configure_veto_tab(
+ config, title, title, state, flags[category].keys(), segfile,
+ metrics, name='Summary', **{'veto-name': title})
+ else:
+ tab = configure_veto_tab(
+ config, title, title, state, flags[category].keys(), segfile,
+ metrics, name='Summary', **{
+ 'veto-name': title,
+ 'event-channel': args.event_channel,
+ 'event-generator': args.event_generator,
+ })
+ if len(categories) == 1:
+ config.set(tab, 'index',
+ '%(gps-start-time)s-%(gps-end-time)s/index.html')
+ for key, value in plots:
+ if re.match('%\(flags\)s (?:plot-)?segments', value): # noqa: W605
+ config.set(tab, key, '%%(union)s,%s' % value)
+ if '%s-labels' % key not in plots:
+ config.set(tab, '%s-labels' % key, 'Union,%(flags)s')
+ else:
+ config.set(tab, key, value)
+ # now a tab for each flag
+ for flag in flags[category]:
+ if category == 1:
+ tab = configure_veto_tab(
+ config, flag, title, state, [flag], segfile, metrics)
+ else:
+ tab = configure_veto_tab(
+ config, flag, title, state, [flag], segfile, metrics, **{
+ 'event-channel': args.event_channel,
+ 'event-generator': args.event_generator})
+ if args.event_file:
+ config.set(tab, 'event-file', args.event_file)
+ for key, value in plots:
+ config.set(tab, key, value)
+ if len(categories) > 1 and category != categories[-1]:
+ with open('%s.ini' % re_cchar.sub('-', title.lower()), 'w') as f:
+ config.write(f)
+ configs.append(os.path.abspath(f.name))
+ # configure summary job
+ if len(categories) > 1:
+ state = states[categories[0]]
+ add_config_section(config, 'state-%s' % state.key, key=state.key,
+ name=state.name, definition=state.definition,
+ filename=segfile)
+ try:
+ plots = pconfig.items('plots', raw=True)
+ except NoSectionError:
+ plots = []
+ flags = [f for c in categories for f in flags[c].keys()]
+ tab = configure_veto_tab(
+ config, 'Impact of full veto definer file', None, state, flags,
+ segfile, args.metric, shortname='Summary',
+ index='%(gps-start-time)s-%(gps-end-time)s/index.html',
+ **{'event-channel': args.event_channel,
+ 'event-generator': args.event_generator,
+ 'veto-name': 'All vetoes'})
+ if args.event_file:
+ config.set(tab, 'event-file', args.event_file)
+ for key, value in plots:
+ config.set(tab, key, value)
+ with open('%s.ini' % re_cchar.sub('-', title.lower()), 'w') as f:
+ config.write(f)
+ configs.append(os.path.abspath(f.name))
+ os.chdir(os.pardir)
+ if args.verbose:
+ LOGGER.debug("Generated configuration files for each category")
+ # -- condor preparation -------------------------
+ os.chdir(os.pardir)
+ # get condor variables
+ if getuser() == 'detchar':
+ accgroup = 'ligo.prod.o1.detchar.dqproduct.gwpy'
+ else:
+ accgroup = 'ligo.dev.o1.detchar.dqproduct.gwpy'
+ gwsumm_args = [
+ '--gps-start-time', str(start.seconds),
+ '--gps-end-time', str(end.seconds),
+ '--ifo', ifo,
+ '--file-tag', 'gwpy-vet',
+ '--condor-command', 'accounting_group=%s' % accgroup,
+ '--condor-command', 'accounting_group_user=%s' % getuser(),
+ '--on-segdb-error', args.on_segdb_error,
+ '--output-dir', args.output_directory,
+ ]
+ for cf in args.global_config:
+ gwsumm_args.extend(('--global-config', cf))
+ for cf in configs:
+ gwsumm_args.extend(('--config-file', cf))
+ if args.verbose:
+ gwsumm_args.append('--verbose')
+ if args.verbose:
+ LOGGER.debug('Generating summary DAG via:\n')
+ LOGGER.debug(' '.join([batch.PROG] + gwsumm_args))
+ # execute gwsumm in batch mode
+ batch.main(args=gwsumm_args)
+# -- run from command-line ----------------------------------------------------
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index f8a955b..63a7518 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -2,21 +2,20 @@
# core requirements
# testing extras
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 3d75bf1..6f524c2 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
test = pytest
-addopts = --verbose -r s
VCS = git
style = pep440
@@ -12,12 +9,82 @@ versionfile_build = gwvet/_version.py
tag_prefix =
parentdir_prefix =
+name = gwvet
+author = Alex Urban, Duncan Macleod
+author_email = alexander.urban@ligo.org
+license = GPL-3.0-or-later
+license_file = LICENSE
+keywords = physics, astronomy, gravitational-waves, ligo
+url = https://github.com/gwpy/vet
+description = An extension to the python toolbox GWSumm, used by the LIGO Scientific Collaboration to review data-quality vetoes
+long_description = file: README.rst
+classifiers =
+ Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
+ Intended Audience :: Developers
+ Intended Audience :: Science/Research
+ License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+)
+ Natural Language :: English
+ Operating System :: OS Independent
+ Programming Language :: Python
+ Programming Language :: Python :: 3
+ Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
+ Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
+ Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
+ Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
+ Topic :: Scientific/Engineering
+ Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Astronomy
+ Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Physics
+zip_safe = False
+packages = find:
+python_requires = >=3.6
+setup_requires =
+ setuptools >=30.3.0
+install_requires =
+ astropy >=3.0.0
+ decorator
+ dqsegdb
+ gwdetchar >=2.0.0
+ gwpy >=2.0.0
+ gwsumm >=2.0.0
+ gwtrigfind
+ lscsoft-glue >=1.60.0
+ MarkupPy
+ matplotlib >=3.1
+ numpy >=1.16
+ scipy
+tests_require =
+ flake8
+ pytest >=3.3.0
+ pytest-cov >=2.4.0
+console_scripts =
+ gwvet = gwvet.__main__:main
+ gwvet-hug = gwvet.hug:main
+ gwvet-vdf = gwvet.vdf:main
+doc =
+ sphinx
+ numpydoc
+ sphinx_rtd_theme
+ sphinxcontrib-epydoc
+; print skip reasons
+addopts = --verbose -r s
+; -- tools ------------------
exclude =
- __pycache__,
- .eggs/,
- .git/,
- build/,
- docs/,
- gwsumm/_version.py,
- versioneer.py,
+ __pycache__,
+ .eggs/,
+ .git/,
+ build/,
+ docs/,
+ gwvet/_version.py,
+ versioneer.py,
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 72fc4e3..725f633
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) Duncan Macleod (2013)
@@ -17,33 +16,16 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GWpy VET. If not, see .
-"""Setup the GWpy VET (`gwvet`) package
+"""Setup the GW Veto Evaluation and Testing (`gwvet`) package
-import sys
-import glob
-import os.path
-from setuptools import (setup, find_packages)
-# set basic metadata
-PACKAGENAME = 'gwvet'
-DISTNAME = 'gwvet'
-AUTHOR = 'Duncan Macleod, Alex Urban'
-AUTHOR_EMAIL = 'alexander.urban@ligo.org'
-LICENSE = 'GPL-3.0-or-later'
-cmdclass = {}
-# -- versioning ---------------------------------------------------------------
import versioneer
-__version__ = versioneer.get_version()
-# -- documentation ------------------------------------------------------------
+from setuptools import setup
+version = versioneer.get_version()
+cmdclass = versioneer.get_cmdclass()
-# import sphinx commands
from sphinx.setup_command import BuildDoc
except ImportError:
@@ -51,80 +33,14 @@
cmdclass['build_sphinx'] = BuildDoc
-# -- dependencies -------------------------------------------------------------
-setup_requires = ['pytest-runner'] if {
- 'pytest', 'test'}.intersection(sys.argv) else []
-install_requires = [
- 'astropy>=1.0',
- 'decorator',
- 'dqsegdb',
- 'gwdetchar>=1.0.0',
- 'gwpy>=1.0.0',
- 'gwsumm>=1.0.1',
- 'gwtrigfind',
- 'lscsoft-glue>=1.60.0',
- 'MarkupPy',
- 'matplotlib>=1.5',
- 'numpy>=1.7',
- 'scipy',
-tests_require = [
- 'pytest>=2.8,<3.7',
- 'pytest-cov',
- 'flake8',
-extras_require = {
- 'doc': ['sphinx', 'numpydoc', 'sphinx_rtd_theme', 'sphinxcontrib-epydoc'],
-# -- run setup ----------------------------------------------------------------
-packagenames = find_packages()
-scripts = glob.glob(os.path.join('bin', '*'))
-# read description
-with open('README.rst', 'rb') as f:
- longdesc = f.read().decode().strip()
+# run setup
+# NOTE: all other metadata and options come from setup.cfg
- name=DISTNAME,
- provides=[PACKAGENAME],
- version=__version__,
- description=("an extension to the python toolbox GWSumm, used by the LIGO "
- "Scientific Collaboration to review data-quality vetoes"),
- long_description=longdesc,
- author=AUTHOR,
- author_email=AUTHOR_EMAIL,
- license=LICENSE,
- url='https://github.com/gwpy/vet',
+ version=version,
"Bug Tracker": "https://github.com/gwpy/vet/issues",
"Discussion Forum": "https://gwdetchar.slack.com",
"Source Code": "https://github.com/gwpy/vet",
- packages=packagenames,
- include_package_data=True,
- scripts=scripts,
- setup_requires=setup_requires,
- install_requires=install_requires,
- tests_require=tests_require,
- extras_require=extras_require,
- use_2to3=False,
- classifiers=[
- 'Programming Language :: Python',
- 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha',
- 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research',
- ('License :: OSI Approved :: '
- 'GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+)'),
- 'Natural Language :: English',
- 'Operating System :: OS Independent',
- 'Programming Language :: Python',
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5',
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6',
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7',
- 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Astronomy',
- 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Physics',
- ],