All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
0.2.4 - 2025-02-08
- (ocr) export ocr::process symbol
- (ocr) also init
on main thread
- (ocr) error for already initialized TESSERACT
- (ocr) manage Tesseract init error
- (code_check) add
to cargo steps - (code_check) remove
exit 1
in error summary check - (ocr) Add documentation to ocr::Error
0.2.3 - 2025-01-07
- (release-plz) configure Release-plz for pr + release
0.2.2 - 2025-01-07
- (puffin) use a BufWriter for pref stats file
- (gitignore) remove data files of ignore
- (release-plz) configure Release-plz for pr
- (cargo) fix alphabetical order of dependencies
- (cargo) update subtile dependendies to 0.3.1
- fix github workflows change for trigger code_check
- (cargo) update dependendies
0.2.1 - 2024-08-11
- (typos) Add .typos.toml conf
- (dump) Add DumpImage error and map to call to dump_images
- (error) Create a dedicated error for Index file opening
- (error) Create an error for RayonThreaPool creation
- Run cargo update
- (subtile) Update subtile dependency to v0.3"
- (pgs) Add pgs (*.sup files) management
- Add dump-raw option
- Rework ocr thread management
fn return a simple Result- Convert ocr process to use IntoParrallelTterator
- Inline code of process_image_for_ocr
- Change
toPNG files
- (error) Add documentation for errors of check_subtitles
- (cargo) Add 'pgs' as keyword for crate
- Update to multiline
- Inline format args
- (cargo) Move dependencies before lints setup
- (typos) Add typos step in code_check ci workflow
- (github) Update runs-on to
- (ocr) Blacklist
character in addition to|
- Display error stack in check_subtitles warning
- Convert check_subtitles to use IntoIterator
- (migrate) Rework parsing use and subtitle management
- Cargo update
- [breaking] Migrate to subtitle v0.2.0
- (migrate) To subtile 0.2.0: rename SubError to SubtileError
- Release v0.2.0
- (preprocess) Remove now useless ImagePreprocessOpt struct
- (preprocess) Rename preprocess_subtitles in process_images_for_ocr
- (preprocess) Add generic for images parameter in process_images_for_ocr
- Now use ubuntu-stable and checkout@v4
- Avoid tesseract tried to invert image
- Remove useless DumpImage error entry
- Remove useless empty line
- Blacklist pipe character
- Update dependencies + image to v0.25
- Remove patch version specification for some dependencies
- Configure clippy lints by categories
- Add missing docs and enable lint
- Enable various lint from pedantic
- Cast_lossless fixes + enable lint
- Add must_use and enable lint
- Fix uninlined_format_args and enable lint
- Ignore *.orig file generated by git
- Publish a new version
- Rename workflow & cleanup names
- Manage features in github build action
- Update subtile to v0.1.1 and other dependencies
- Add profile-with-puffin feature
- Add puffin profiling on a feature
- Include date/time in capture filename.
- Updated to reflect the fork and name change
- Publish a new version
- Add build github action copied from subtile
- Update Snafu dependency from 0.6.10 to 0.7
- Update image from 0.23.14 to 0.24
- Update clap from 3 to 4.2
- Update package informations to reflect the fork
- Update dependencies
- Update package edition to 2021
- Update version to 0.1.2
- Update derive use from deprecated check
- Remove useless Result redefinition
- Add an error context to run call
- Create and use a struct ImagePreprocessOpt
- Remove use vobsub;
- Remove Ok( + ?)
- Remove useless call to clone
- Remove call to into_iter on y_range
- Remove useless result var
- Change .len() == 0 into .is_empty() in if
- Remove useless & in call to subtitle_to_images
- Remove cast of offset as usize
- Rename into
- Add pub export