npm install -g npm@latest
nvm install node
yarn needs to read the package.json file to know the dependencies and the scripts definitions
THE FOLOWING COMMAND LINES must be typed in a terminal, at the folder PATH where there is the 'package.json' file
yarn install --ignore-engines
Just run the test suite
yarn test
yarn test:ci
put your names in README; commit and push.
Create a Pull Request on Exo01
- Use a diff tool to see the differences in code between the starting hole and end hole
- write your annotations, remarks... spot the problem(s)
- make a refactoring to the code, to fix the problem
- be sure the tests are green
- review your changes
- push (but don't merge) the pull request to the original repository
Move to Exo 2 and do the same to refactor the code from Exo 2 to be like the code in Exo 3
Apply the same pattern until you reach Exo 8
Remember to keep the code compiling and the tests passing at all times during the refactor
For every refactor, run the tests, and if they pass, commit
It's okay, and actually heavily encouraged, to revert back to a previous working state at any moment
- Make sure the code builds, and tests are passing
yarn test
- Refactor the code as best as you can.
- Create your own branch based on 'Exo001', for example: 'Exo001-review'
- Create a pull request
- annotate your ideas, remarks on code
- do the refactoring
- create a Pull Request
- Create your own branch based on 'Exo001', for example: 'Exo001-review'
- Refactor the code following the treatment available for each code smell in
- Refactor readability
- Comments
- Dead code
- Magic strings and numbers
- Scope (variables, blocks)
- Clutter
- Implicit knowledge
- Naming
- Reduce complexity
- Duplicated code
- Long method
- Reorder responsibilities
- Data class
- Message chain
- Feature Envy
- Inappropriate Intimacy
- Large class
- Refine abstractions
- Long parameter list
- Data clump
- Primitive obsession
- Middle man
- Refactor to design patterns
- Switch statements
- Strategy
- State
- Command
- others
- Refactor to SOLID
- Refused bequest
- Divergent change
- Shotgun surgery
- Speculative generality
- Parallel inheritance
yarn mutants
yarn watch