Attention: below commands should be executed under fairseq folder.
We recommend to create a new conda enviroment (named eisl):
conda create -n eisl python==3.7 pytorch==1.5.0 torchvision==0.6.0 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
Then activate the conda enviroment:
conda activate eisl
Install the required package by running the script:
For Multi30k dataset, we provide all the trained models (BART) mentioned in the Section 4.1. You can run the below command to download and extract the models ($noise should be one of shuffle, repetition, blank, multiple)
cd ckpts
bash $noise
You can download the processed data (noisy Multi30k data) by run the script
Please refer to fairseq/examples/translation for more details of the data preprocessing.
Work In Progress
The generated files from test set are in log/hypo/hypo. The original source is and the target is test.en. For different noise (e.g., shuffle), *hypo.txt is the generated files of different loss and different scale of noise, and *bleu is the BLEU score of each target sentence.