Step 0: Fork the project. This will be useful if you intend to submit PRs.
Step 1: Clone the project to your computer. If you chose to fork the repository in step 1, clone the fork instead.
$ git clone
Step 2: Change into the project directory.
$ cd vocabulary/
Requires Node.js and npm to be installed.
Step 3: Install npm dependencies.
$ npm install
Step 4:
Watch Sass files for changes, and recompile stylesheets whenever a file is updated, by running the watch
$ npm run watch
Step 5:
Start the Vocabulary storybook by running the storybook
task in a separate terminal window.
$ npm run storybook
For bugs reports and feature requests, use GitHub issues with the appropriate labels. We can discuss the possibility of that change or new feature being implemented and released in the future. This lets us come to an agreement about the proposed idea before any work is done.
Step 0: Discuss on the issue. If not already being worked on, take it up. Make sure that the changes are in alignment with the short and long term goals of the project.
Step 1: Create a branch named after the changes. Use underscores. Be descriptive.
$ git checkout -b branch_name
Step 2: Resolve the issue by changing the code. Update tests if need be.
Step 3:
Run the lint
task to ensure code quality.
$ npm run lint
Step 4: Push the commits to your branch on the fork and submit a PR. Fill all relevant fields in the PR template.
$ git add file_name
$ git commit
$ git push --set-upstream fork branch_name