Verify that the folder exist in archives
Launch a backup via
sudo yunohost backup create
In this version you can backup with cli or with the web admin. The cli way allows you to do more things. The webadmin way is more accessible.
Basically with the webadmin, you can:
- backup into
- choose to backup one or more data among:
- apps data
- emails
- home data
- configuration
- list backups
- see what there is in a backup
- restore selectively a backup
Caution: to do a backup, you need to have enough free disk spaces in the destination directory. For example, if you have 20GB in /home/data
you need to have enough space to contain this 20GB compressed in a tar.gz. To do the tar.gz, yunohost backup use shallow copy, to avoid to need more spaces to be able to create the tar.gz.
Caution: If you use selective restore, be sure to not create discordant operation. For example, if you restore an app using a domain that have been deleted from YunoHost, you need to read the domain or to restore all configuration files.
We have already planned where we will add some feature like:
- backup in an other memory device
- download/upload a backup
- crypt a backup
Some feature are almost ready in webadmin, but the API is not for the moment.
You can make a full backup by running this command:
admin@yunohost:~# sudo yunohost backup create
Exécution des scripts de sauvegarde...
Attention : backup script '/etc/yunohost/apps/phpmyadmin/scripts/backup' not found
Attention : App 'phpmyadmin' will not be saved
Lancement du script de sauvegarde de l'application 'odoo'...
Création de l'archive de sauvegarde...
Succès ! Sauvegarde terminée
conf_ssh: /usr/share/yunohost/hooks/backup/08-conf_ssh
conf_ynh_firewall: /usr/share/yunohost/hooks/backup/20-conf_ynh_firewall
data_mail: /usr/share/yunohost/hooks/backup/23-data_mail
conf_cron: /usr/share/yunohost/hooks/backup/32-conf_cron
conf_ynh_certs: /usr/share/yunohost/hooks/backup/21-conf_ynh_certs
conf_ynh_mysql: /usr/share/yunohost/hooks/backup/11-conf_ynh_mysql
conf_xmpp: /usr/share/yunohost/hooks/backup/26-conf_xmpp
data_home: /usr/share/yunohost/hooks/backup/17-data_home
conf_nginx: /usr/share/yunohost/hooks/backup/29-conf_nginx
conf_ssowat: /usr/share/yunohost/hooks/backup/14-conf_ssowat
conf_ldap: /usr/share/yunohost/hooks/backup/05-conf_ldap
created_at: 1448540733
version: -
name: Odoo
description: Odoo est une collection d'apps de gestion d'entreprise (ERP : CRM, Comptabilité, Point de Vente, RH, Achats, ...).
name: 20151126-132533
admin@yunohost:~# sudo ls /home/yunohost.backup/archives/ 20151126-132533.tar.gz
By default, it backups in /home/yunohost.backup/archives/
, but you can set your own directory with -o
option. It could be an usb key or an other mounted filesystem.
If an app has no backup script it warns you.
As you can see in the answer, there is 2 hooks which backup data (data_home and data_mail). By default, the mysql data aren't saved, because the apps should save themselves their databases.
Note: yunohost backup
is not able currently to create diff backup. But you can use -r
option to avoid compression and use an other backup tool to make diff backup.
To do a restore
admin@yunohost:~# sudo yunohost backup restore 20151126-132533
You can choose to apply only some parts of the backup, by selecting which restore hooks and which apps to restore.
You can see an example to make backup and restore scripts here and
There is some helpers to do shadow copy if you have big quantity of data to backup (owncloud, video apps, etc...).
Note: during a backup operation, the restore script associated is saved. So in a restore operation, yunohost use the saved restore script and not the most recent script.
If you want modify a general conf file, you should use hooks to trigger a modification of the conf file after each call of yunohost regenconf
You can also use the regeneration configuration system to do index your conf file, and allow your user to be warn if an upgrade of your app has change a config file.
usage: yunohost backup create [-h] [-d DESCRIPTION] [-o OUTPUT_DIRECTORY]
[-n NAME] [--ignore-hooks]
[--hooks [HOOKS [HOOKS ...]]]
[--apps [APPS [APPS ...]]] [-r] [--ignore-apps]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Short description of the backup
Output directory for the backup
-n NAME, --name NAME Name of the backup archive
--ignore-hooks Do not execute backup hooks
--hooks [HOOKS [HOOKS ...]]
List of backup hooks names to execute
--apps [APPS [APPS ...]]
List of application names to backup
-r, --no-compress Do not create an archive file
--ignore-apps Do not backup apps
usage: yunohost backup restore [-h] [--force] [--hooks [HOOKS [HOOKS ...]]]
[--ignore-hooks] [--apps [APPS [APPS ...]]]
positional arguments:
name Name of the local backup archive
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--force Force restauration on an already installed system
--hooks [HOOKS [HOOKS ...]]
List of restauration hooks names to execute
--ignore-hooks Do not restore hooks
--apps [APPS [APPS ...]]
List of application names to restore
--ignore-apps Do not restore apps
usage: yunohost backup [-h] {info,restore,create,list,delete} ...
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
info Show info about a local backup archive
restore Restore from a local backup archive
create Create a backup local archive
list List available local backup archives
delete Delete a backup archive
root@staging1:/home/admin# sudo yunohost backup list --help
usage: yunohost backup list [-h] [-i] [-H]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i, --with-info Show backup information for each archive
-H, --human-readable Print sizes in human readable format