Create Trains
Create Stations
Update Train stations
Have Nodejs Installed
Have MongoDb installed
Have redis running
Start the socket client(Similation for devices)
There is file in projectfolder/socket/client.js
In first line change the query of currentstation of the trains which was already created
In setInerval put some other station
We can start in multiple terminals to simulate multiple devices
update the currentStation of a train
Call the train update flow, with new currentStation which you in the setTimeout function of the client
The moment the update gets triggered the client will receive the ne train data for that station we subscribed
Onload use does not see any trains
Select a station he will seeing the trains on that station
Update the particular train using swagger, the client will update realtime
Update the currentStation of the train, it will remove it from the list
Add a new train to the selected station, it will show up on the list
Everything works on based on socket connections
Use to create/get/update train(s)
Use to create/get startion(s)
Import Train.json to postman to work with the API's