diff --git a/Package.swift b/Package.swift
index db38820..63028e8 100644
--- a/Package.swift
+++ b/Package.swift
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ let dependencies: [Package.Dependency] = [
url: "https://github.com/grpc/grpc-swift-protobuf.git",
- exact: "1.0.0-beta.3"
+ branch: "main"
url: "https://github.com/apple/swift-protobuf.git",
diff --git a/Sources/GRPCInterceptors/ClientTracingInterceptor.swift b/Sources/GRPCInterceptors/ClientTracingInterceptor.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index a4c85c9..0000000
--- a/Sources/GRPCInterceptors/ClientTracingInterceptor.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2024, gRPC Authors All rights reserved.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-public import GRPCCore
-internal import Tracing
-/// A client interceptor that injects tracing information into the request.
-/// The tracing information is taken from the current `ServiceContext`, and injected into the request's
-/// metadata. It will then be picked up by the server-side ``ServerTracingInterceptor``.
-/// For more information, refer to the documentation for `swift-distributed-tracing`.
-public struct ClientTracingInterceptor: ClientInterceptor {
- private let injector: ClientRequestInjector
- private let emitEventOnEachWrite: Bool
- /// Create a new instance of a ``ClientTracingInterceptor``.
- ///
- /// - Parameter emitEventOnEachWrite: If `true`, each request part sent and response part
- /// received will be recorded as a separate event in a tracing span. Otherwise, only the request/response
- /// start and end will be recorded as events.
- public init(emitEventOnEachWrite: Bool = false) {
- self.injector = ClientRequestInjector()
- self.emitEventOnEachWrite = emitEventOnEachWrite
- }
- /// This interceptor will inject as the request's metadata whatever `ServiceContext` key-value pairs
- /// have been made available by the tracing implementation bootstrapped in your application.
- ///
- /// Which key-value pairs are injected will depend on the specific tracing implementation
- /// that has been configured when bootstrapping `swift-distributed-tracing` in your application.
- public func intercept (
- request: StreamingClientRequest ,
- context: ClientContext,
- next: (
- StreamingClientRequest ,
- ClientContext
- ) async throws -> StreamingClientResponse
- ) async throws -> StreamingClientResponse where Input: Sendable, Output: Sendable {
- var request = request
- let tracer = InstrumentationSystem.tracer
- let serviceContext = ServiceContext.current ?? .topLevel
- tracer.inject(
- serviceContext,
- into: &request.metadata,
- using: self.injector
- )
- return try await tracer.withSpan(
- context.descriptor.fullyQualifiedMethod,
- context: serviceContext,
- ofKind: .client
- ) { span in
- span.addEvent("Request started")
- if self.emitEventOnEachWrite {
- let wrappedProducer = request.producer
- request.producer = { writer in
- let eventEmittingWriter = HookedWriter(
- wrapping: writer,
- beforeEachWrite: {
- span.addEvent("Sending request part")
- },
- afterEachWrite: {
- span.addEvent("Sent request part")
- }
- )
- do {
- try await wrappedProducer(RPCWriter(wrapping: eventEmittingWriter))
- } catch {
- span.addEvent("Error encountered")
- throw error
- }
- span.addEvent("Request end")
- }
- }
- var response: StreamingClientResponse
- do {
- response = try await next(request, context)
- } catch {
- span.addEvent("Error encountered")
- throw error
- }
- switch response.accepted {
- case .success(var success):
- if self.emitEventOnEachWrite {
- let onEachPartRecordingSequence = success.bodyParts.map { element in
- span.addEvent("Received response part")
- return element
- }
- let onFinishRecordingSequence = OnFinishAsyncSequence(
- wrapping: onEachPartRecordingSequence
- ) {
- span.addEvent("Received response end")
- }
- success.bodyParts = RPCAsyncSequence(wrapping: onFinishRecordingSequence)
- response.accepted = .success(success)
- } else {
- let onFinishRecordingSequence = OnFinishAsyncSequence(wrapping: success.bodyParts) {
- span.addEvent("Received response end")
- }
- success.bodyParts = RPCAsyncSequence(wrapping: onFinishRecordingSequence)
- response.accepted = .success(success)
- }
- case .failure:
- span.addEvent("Received error response")
- }
- return response
- }
- }
-/// An injector responsible for injecting the required instrumentation keys from the `ServiceContext` into
-/// the request metadata.
-struct ClientRequestInjector: Instrumentation.Injector {
- typealias Carrier = Metadata
- func inject(_ value: String, forKey key: String, into carrier: inout Carrier) {
- carrier.addString(value, forKey: key)
- }
diff --git a/Sources/GRPCInterceptors/HookedAsyncSequence.swift b/Sources/GRPCInterceptors/HookedAsyncSequence.swift
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdbe100
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sources/GRPCInterceptors/HookedAsyncSequence.swift
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ * Copyright 2025, gRPC Authors All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+internal struct HookedRPCAsyncSequence: AsyncSequence, Sendable
+where Wrapped.Element: Sendable {
+ private let wrapped: Wrapped
+ private let forEachElement: @Sendable (Wrapped.Element) -> Void
+ private let onFinish: @Sendable ((any Error)?) -> Void
+ init(
+ wrapping sequence: Wrapped,
+ forEachElement: @escaping @Sendable (Wrapped.Element) -> Void,
+ onFinish: @escaping @Sendable ((any Error)?) -> Void
+ ) {
+ self.wrapped = sequence
+ self.forEachElement = forEachElement
+ self.onFinish = onFinish
+ }
+ func makeAsyncIterator() -> HookedAsyncIterator {
+ HookedAsyncIterator(
+ self.wrapped,
+ forEachElement: self.forEachElement,
+ onFinish: self.onFinish
+ )
+ }
+ struct HookedAsyncIterator: AsyncIteratorProtocol {
+ typealias Element = Wrapped.Element
+ private var wrapped: Wrapped.AsyncIterator
+ private let forEachElement: @Sendable (Wrapped.Element) -> Void
+ private let onFinish: @Sendable ((any Error)?) -> Void
+ init(
+ _ sequence: Wrapped,
+ forEachElement: @escaping @Sendable (Wrapped.Element) -> Void,
+ onFinish: @escaping @Sendable ((any Error)?) -> Void
+ ) {
+ self.wrapped = sequence.makeAsyncIterator()
+ self.forEachElement = forEachElement
+ self.onFinish = onFinish
+ }
+ mutating func next(
+ isolation actor: isolated (any Actor)?
+ ) async throws(Wrapped.Failure) -> Wrapped.Element? {
+ do {
+ if let element = try await self.wrapped.next(isolation: actor) {
+ self.forEachElement(element)
+ return element
+ } else {
+ self.onFinish(nil)
+ return nil
+ }
+ } catch {
+ self.onFinish(error)
+ throw error
+ }
+ }
+ mutating func next() async throws -> Wrapped.Element? {
+ try await self.next(isolation: nil)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Sources/GRPCInterceptors/HookedWriter.swift b/Sources/GRPCInterceptors/HookedWriter.swift
index b93c491..1baec5b 100644
--- a/Sources/GRPCInterceptors/HookedWriter.swift
+++ b/Sources/GRPCInterceptors/HookedWriter.swift
@@ -18,27 +18,22 @@ internal import Tracing
struct HookedWriter: RPCWriterProtocol {
private let writer: any RPCWriterProtocol
- private let beforeEachWrite: @Sendable () -> Void
private let afterEachWrite: @Sendable () -> Void
wrapping other: some RPCWriterProtocol,
- beforeEachWrite: @Sendable @escaping () -> Void,
afterEachWrite: @Sendable @escaping () -> Void
) {
self.writer = other
- self.beforeEachWrite = beforeEachWrite
self.afterEachWrite = afterEachWrite
func write(_ element: Element) async throws {
- self.beforeEachWrite()
try await self.writer.write(element)
func write(contentsOf elements: some Sequence) async throws {
- self.beforeEachWrite()
try await self.writer.write(contentsOf: elements)
diff --git a/Sources/GRPCInterceptors/OnFinishAsyncSequence.swift b/Sources/GRPCInterceptors/OnFinishAsyncSequence.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index f7a8f64..0000000
--- a/Sources/GRPCInterceptors/OnFinishAsyncSequence.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2024, gRPC Authors All rights reserved.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-struct OnFinishAsyncSequence: AsyncSequence, Sendable {
- private let _makeAsyncIterator: @Sendable () -> AsyncIterator
- init(
- wrapping other: S,
- onFinish: @escaping @Sendable () -> Void
- ) where S.Element == Element, S: Sendable {
- self._makeAsyncIterator = {
- AsyncIterator(wrapping: other.makeAsyncIterator(), onFinish: onFinish)
- }
- }
- func makeAsyncIterator() -> AsyncIterator {
- self._makeAsyncIterator()
- }
- struct AsyncIterator: AsyncIteratorProtocol {
- private var iterator: any AsyncIteratorProtocol
- private var onFinish: (@Sendable () -> Void)?
- fileprivate init(
- wrapping other: Iterator,
- onFinish: @escaping @Sendable () -> Void
- ) where Iterator: AsyncIteratorProtocol, Iterator.Element == Element {
- self.iterator = other
- self.onFinish = onFinish
- }
- mutating func next() async throws -> Element? {
- let elem = try await self.iterator.next()
- if elem == nil {
- self.onFinish?()
- self.onFinish = nil
- }
- return elem as? Element
- }
- }
diff --git a/Sources/GRPCInterceptors/Tracing/ClientOTelTracingInterceptor.swift b/Sources/GRPCInterceptors/Tracing/ClientOTelTracingInterceptor.swift
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b51834c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sources/GRPCInterceptors/Tracing/ClientOTelTracingInterceptor.swift
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+ * Copyright 2024-2025, gRPC Authors All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+public import GRPCCore
+internal import Synchronization
+package import Tracing
+/// A client interceptor that injects tracing information into the request.
+/// The tracing information is taken from the current `ServiceContext`, and injected into the request's
+/// metadata. It will then be picked up by the server-side ``ServerTracingInterceptor``.
+/// For more information, refer to the documentation for `swift-distributed-tracing`.
+public struct ClientOTelTracingInterceptor: ClientInterceptor {
+ private let injector: ClientRequestInjector
+ private let traceEachMessage: Bool
+ private var serverHostname: String
+ private var networkTransportMethod: String
+ /// Create a new instance of a ``ClientOTelTracingInterceptor``.
+ ///
+ /// - Parameters:
+ /// - severHostname: The hostname of the RPC server. This will be the value for the `server.address` attribute in spans.
+ /// - networkTransportMethod: The transport in use (e.g. "tcp", "unix"). This will be the value for the
+ /// `network.transport` attribute in spans.
+ /// - traceEachMessage: If `true`, each request part sent and response part received will be recorded as a separate
+ /// event in a tracing span. Otherwise, only the request/response start and end will be recorded as events.
+ public init(
+ serverHostname: String,
+ networkTransportMethod: String,
+ traceEachMessage: Bool = true
+ ) {
+ self.injector = ClientRequestInjector()
+ self.serverHostname = serverHostname
+ self.networkTransportMethod = networkTransportMethod
+ self.traceEachMessage = traceEachMessage
+ }
+ /// This interceptor will inject as the request's metadata whatever `ServiceContext` key-value pairs
+ /// have been made available by the tracing implementation bootstrapped in your application.
+ ///
+ /// Which key-value pairs are injected will depend on the specific tracing implementation
+ /// that has been configured when bootstrapping `swift-distributed-tracing` in your application.
+ ///
+ /// It will also inject all required and recommended span and event attributes, and set span status, as defined by OpenTelemetry's
+ /// documentation on:
+ /// - https://opentelemetry.io/docs/specs/semconv/rpc/rpc-spans
+ /// - https://opentelemetry.io/docs/specs/semconv/rpc/grpc/
+ public func intercept (
+ request: StreamingClientRequest ,
+ context: ClientContext,
+ next: (
+ StreamingClientRequest ,
+ ClientContext
+ ) async throws -> StreamingClientResponse
+ ) async throws -> StreamingClientResponse where Input: Sendable, Output: Sendable {
+ try await self.intercept(
+ tracer: InstrumentationSystem.tracer,
+ request: request,
+ context: context,
+ next: next
+ )
+ }
+ /// Same as ``intercept(request:context:next:)``, but allows specifying a `Tracer` for testing purposes.
+ package func intercept (
+ tracer: any Tracer,
+ request: StreamingClientRequest ,
+ context: ClientContext,
+ next: (
+ StreamingClientRequest ,
+ ClientContext
+ ) async throws -> StreamingClientResponse
+ ) async throws -> StreamingClientResponse where Input: Sendable, Output: Sendable {
+ var request = request
+ let serviceContext = ServiceContext.current ?? .topLevel
+ tracer.inject(
+ serviceContext,
+ into: &request.metadata,
+ using: self.injector
+ )
+ return try await tracer.withSpan(
+ context.descriptor.fullyQualifiedMethod,
+ context: serviceContext,
+ ofKind: .client
+ ) { span in
+ span.setOTelClientSpanGRPCAttributes(
+ context: context,
+ serverHostname: self.serverHostname,
+ networkTransportMethod: self.networkTransportMethod
+ )
+ if self.traceEachMessage {
+ let wrappedProducer = request.producer
+ request.producer = { writer in
+ let messageSentCounter = Atomic(1)
+ let eventEmittingWriter = HookedWriter(
+ wrapping: writer,
+ afterEachWrite: {
+ var event = SpanEvent(name: "rpc.message")
+ event.attributes[GRPCTracingKeys.rpcMessageType] = "SENT"
+ event.attributes[GRPCTracingKeys.rpcMessageID] =
+ messageSentCounter
+ .wrappingAdd(1, ordering: .sequentiallyConsistent)
+ .oldValue
+ span.addEvent(event)
+ }
+ )
+ try await wrappedProducer(RPCWriter(wrapping: eventEmittingWriter))
+ }
+ }
+ var response = try await next(request, context)
+ switch response.accepted {
+ case .success(var success):
+ let hookedSequence:
+ HookedRPCAsyncSequence<
+ RPCAsyncSequence.Contents.BodyPart, any Error>
+ >
+ if self.traceEachMessage {
+ let messageReceivedCounter = Atomic(1)
+ hookedSequence = HookedRPCAsyncSequence(wrapping: success.bodyParts) { _ in
+ var event = SpanEvent(name: "rpc.message")
+ event.attributes[GRPCTracingKeys.rpcMessageType] = "RECEIVED"
+ event.attributes[GRPCTracingKeys.rpcMessageID] =
+ messageReceivedCounter
+ .wrappingAdd(1, ordering: .sequentiallyConsistent)
+ .oldValue
+ span.addEvent(event)
+ } onFinish: { error in
+ if let error {
+ if let errorCode = error.grpcErrorCode {
+ span.attributes[GRPCTracingKeys.grpcStatusCode] = errorCode.rawValue
+ }
+ span.setStatus(SpanStatus(code: .error))
+ span.recordError(error)
+ } else {
+ span.attributes[GRPCTracingKeys.grpcStatusCode] = 0
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ hookedSequence = HookedRPCAsyncSequence(wrapping: success.bodyParts) { _ in
+ // Nothing to do if traceEachMessage is false
+ } onFinish: { error in
+ if let error {
+ if let errorCode = error.grpcErrorCode {
+ span.attributes[GRPCTracingKeys.grpcStatusCode] = errorCode.rawValue
+ }
+ span.setStatus(SpanStatus(code: .error))
+ span.recordError(error)
+ } else {
+ span.attributes[GRPCTracingKeys.grpcStatusCode] = 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ success.bodyParts = RPCAsyncSequence(wrapping: hookedSequence)
+ response.accepted = .success(success)
+ case .failure(let error):
+ span.attributes[GRPCTracingKeys.grpcStatusCode] = error.code.rawValue
+ span.setStatus(SpanStatus(code: .error))
+ span.recordError(error)
+ }
+ return response
+ }
+ }
+/// An injector responsible for injecting the required instrumentation keys from the `ServiceContext` into
+/// the request metadata.
+struct ClientRequestInjector: Instrumentation.Injector {
+ typealias Carrier = Metadata
+ func inject(_ value: String, forKey key: String, into carrier: inout Carrier) {
+ carrier.addString(value, forKey: key)
+ }
+extension Error {
+ var grpcErrorCode: RPCError.Code? {
+ if let rpcError = self as? RPCError {
+ return rpcError.code
+ } else if let rpcError = self as? any RPCErrorConvertible {
+ return rpcError.rpcErrorCode
+ } else {
+ return nil
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Sources/GRPCInterceptors/ServerTracingInterceptor.swift b/Sources/GRPCInterceptors/Tracing/ServerTracingInterceptor.swift
similarity index 87%
rename from Sources/GRPCInterceptors/ServerTracingInterceptor.swift
rename to Sources/GRPCInterceptors/Tracing/ServerTracingInterceptor.swift
index 413752d..eeaea16 100644
--- a/Sources/GRPCInterceptors/ServerTracingInterceptor.swift
+++ b/Sources/GRPCInterceptors/Tracing/ServerTracingInterceptor.swift
@@ -90,43 +90,28 @@ public struct ServerTracingInterceptor: ServerInterceptor {
success.producer = { writer in
let eventEmittingWriter = HookedWriter(
wrapping: writer,
- beforeEachWrite: {
- span.addEvent("Sending response part")
- },
afterEachWrite: {
span.addEvent("Sent response part")
- let wrappedResult: Metadata
- do {
- wrappedResult = try await wrappedProducer(
- RPCWriter(wrapping: eventEmittingWriter)
- )
- } catch {
- span.addEvent("Error encountered")
- throw error
- }
+ let wrappedResult = try await wrappedProducer(
+ RPCWriter(wrapping: eventEmittingWriter)
+ )
span.addEvent("Sent response end")
return wrappedResult
} else {
success.producer = { writer in
- let wrappedResult: Metadata
- do {
- wrappedResult = try await wrappedProducer(writer)
- } catch {
- span.addEvent("Error encountered")
- throw error
- }
+ let wrappedResult = try await wrappedProducer(writer)
span.addEvent("Sent response end")
return wrappedResult
response = .init(accepted: .success(success))
case .failure:
span.addEvent("Sent error response")
diff --git a/Sources/GRPCInterceptors/Tracing/SpanAttributes+GRPCTracingKeys.swift b/Sources/GRPCInterceptors/Tracing/SpanAttributes+GRPCTracingKeys.swift
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..186195a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sources/GRPCInterceptors/Tracing/SpanAttributes+GRPCTracingKeys.swift
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ * Copyright 2025, gRPC Authors All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+internal import GRPCCore
+internal import Tracing
+enum GRPCTracingKeys {
+ static let rpcSystem = "rpc.system"
+ static let rpcMethod = "rpc.method"
+ static let rpcService = "rpc.service"
+ static let rpcMessageID = "rpc.message.id"
+ static let rpcMessageType = "rpc.message.type"
+ static let grpcStatusCode = "rpc.grpc.status_code"
+ static let serverAddress = "server.address"
+ static let serverPort = "server.port"
+ static let clientAddress = "client.address"
+ static let clientPort = "client.port"
+ static let networkTransport = "network.transport"
+ static let networkType = "network.type"
+ static let networkPeerAddress = "network.peer.address"
+ static let networkPeerPort = "network.peer.port"
+extension Span {
+ // See: https://opentelemetry.io/docs/specs/semconv/rpc/rpc-spans/
+ func setOTelClientSpanGRPCAttributes(
+ context: ClientContext,
+ serverHostname: String,
+ networkTransportMethod: String
+ ) {
+ self.attributes[GRPCTracingKeys.rpcSystem] = "grpc"
+ self.attributes[GRPCTracingKeys.serverAddress] = serverHostname
+ self.attributes[GRPCTracingKeys.networkTransport] = networkTransportMethod
+ self.attributes[GRPCTracingKeys.rpcService] = context.descriptor.service.fullyQualifiedService
+ self.attributes[GRPCTracingKeys.rpcMethod] = context.descriptor.method
+ // Set server address information
+ switch PeerAddress(context.remotePeer) {
+ case .ipv4(let address, let port):
+ self.attributes[GRPCTracingKeys.networkType] = "ipv4"
+ self.attributes[GRPCTracingKeys.networkPeerAddress] = address
+ self.attributes[GRPCTracingKeys.networkPeerPort] = port
+ self.attributes[GRPCTracingKeys.serverPort] = port
+ case .ipv6(let address, let port):
+ self.attributes[GRPCTracingKeys.networkType] = "ipv6"
+ self.attributes[GRPCTracingKeys.networkPeerAddress] = address
+ self.attributes[GRPCTracingKeys.networkPeerPort] = port
+ self.attributes[GRPCTracingKeys.serverPort] = port
+ case .unixDomainSocket(let path):
+ self.attributes[GRPCTracingKeys.networkPeerAddress] = path
+ case .none:
+ // We don't recognise this address format, so don't populate any fields.
+ ()
+ }
+ }
+package enum PeerAddress: Equatable {
+ case ipv4(address: String, port: Int?)
+ case ipv6(address: String, port: Int?)
+ case unixDomainSocket(path: String)
+ package init?(_ address: String) {
+ // We expect this address to be of one of these formats:
+ // - ipv4:: for ipv4 addresses
+ // - ipv6:[]: for ipv6 addresses
+ // - unix: for UNIX domain sockets
+ // First get the first component so that we know what type of address we're dealing with
+ let addressComponents = address.split(separator: ":", maxSplits: 1)
+ guard addressComponents.count > 1 else {
+ // This is some unexpected/unknown format
+ return nil
+ }
+ // Check what type the transport is...
+ switch addressComponents[0] {
+ case "ipv4":
+ let ipv4AddressComponents = addressComponents[1].split(separator: ":")
+ if ipv4AddressComponents.count == 2, let port = Int(ipv4AddressComponents[1]) {
+ self = .ipv4(address: String(ipv4AddressComponents[0]), port: port)
+ } else {
+ return nil
+ }
+ case "ipv6":
+ if addressComponents[1].first == "[" {
+ // At this point, we are looking at an address with format: []:
+ // We drop the first character ('[') and split by ']:' to keep two components: the address
+ // and the port.
+ let ipv6AddressComponents = addressComponents[1].dropFirst().split(separator: "]:")
+ if ipv6AddressComponents.count == 2, let port = Int(ipv6AddressComponents[1]) {
+ self = .ipv6(address: String(ipv6AddressComponents[0]), port: port)
+ } else {
+ return nil
+ }
+ } else {
+ return nil
+ }
+ case "unix":
+ // Whatever comes after "unix:" is the
+ self = .unixDomainSocket(path: String(addressComponents[1]))
+ default:
+ // This is some unexpected/unknown format
+ return nil
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Tests/GRPCInterceptorsTests/PeerAddressTests.swift b/Tests/GRPCInterceptorsTests/PeerAddressTests.swift
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc4249e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/GRPCInterceptorsTests/PeerAddressTests.swift
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * Copyright 2025, gRPC Authors All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import GRPCInterceptors
+import Testing
+@Suite("PeerAddress tests")
+struct PeerAddressTests {
+ @Test("IPv4 addresses are correctly parsed")
+ func testIPv4() {
+ let address = PeerAddress("ipv4:")
+ #expect(address == .ipv4(address: "", port: 567))
+ }
+ @Test("IPv6 addresses are correctly parsed")
+ func testIPv6() {
+ let address = PeerAddress("ipv6:[2001::130F:::09C0:876A:130B]:1234")
+ #expect(address == .ipv6(address: "2001::130F:::09C0:876A:130B", port: 1234))
+ }
+ @Test("Unix domain sockets are correctly parsed")
+ func testUDS() {
+ let address = PeerAddress("unix:some-path")
+ #expect(address == .unixDomainSocket(path: "some-path"))
+ }
+ @Test(
+ "Unrecognised addresses return nil",
+ arguments: [
+ "",
+ "unknown",
+ "in-process:1234",
+ "ipv4:",
+ "ipv4:1234",
+ "ipv6:",
+ "ipv6:123:456:789:123",
+ "ipv6:123:456:789]:123",
+ "ipv6:123:456:789]",
+ "unix",
+ ]
+ )
+ func testOther(address: String) {
+ let address = PeerAddress(address)
+ #expect(address == nil)
+ }
diff --git a/Tests/GRPCInterceptorsTests/TracingInterceptorTests.swift b/Tests/GRPCInterceptorsTests/TracingInterceptorTests.swift
index cf847ca..cead2ab 100644
--- a/Tests/GRPCInterceptorsTests/TracingInterceptorTests.swift
+++ b/Tests/GRPCInterceptorsTests/TracingInterceptorTests.swift
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2024, gRPC Authors All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright 2024-2025, gRPC Authors All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -15,45 +15,67 @@
import GRPCCore
+import GRPCInterceptors
+import Testing
import Tracing
import XCTest
-@testable import GRPCInterceptors
+@Suite("OTel Tracing Client Interceptor Tests")
+struct OTelTracingClientInterceptorTests {
+ private let tracer: TestTracer
-final class TracingInterceptorTests: XCTestCase {
- override class func setUp() {
- InstrumentationSystem.bootstrap(TestTracer())
+ init() {
+ self.tracer = TestTracer()
- func testClientInterceptor() async throws {
+ // - MARK: Client Interceptor Tests
+ @Test(
+ "Successful RPC is recorded correctly",
+ arguments: OTelTracingInterceptorTestAddressType.allCases
+ )
+ func testSuccessfulRPC(addressType: OTelTracingInterceptorTestAddressType) async throws {
var serviceContext = ServiceContext.topLevel
let traceIDString = UUID().uuidString
- let interceptor = ClientTracingInterceptor(emitEventOnEachWrite: false)
- let (stream, continuation) = AsyncStream.makeStream()
+ let (requestStream, requestStreamContinuation) = AsyncStream.makeStream()
serviceContext.traceID = traceIDString
// FIXME: use 'ServiceContext.withValue(serviceContext)'
// This is blocked on: https://github.com/apple/swift-service-context/pull/46
try await ServiceContext.$current.withValue(serviceContext) {
+ let interceptor = ClientOTelTracingInterceptor(
+ serverHostname: "someserver.com",
+ networkTransportMethod: "tcp",
+ traceEachMessage: false
+ )
let methodDescriptor = MethodDescriptor(
- fullyQualifiedService: "TracingInterceptorTests",
- method: "testClientInterceptor"
+ fullyQualifiedService: "OTelTracingClientInterceptorTests",
+ method: "testSuccessfulRPC"
+ )
+ let testValues = self.getTestValues(
+ addressType: addressType,
+ methodDescriptor: methodDescriptor
let response = try await interceptor.intercept(
+ tracer: self.tracer,
request: .init(producer: { writer in
try await writer.write(contentsOf: ["request1"])
try await writer.write(contentsOf: ["request2"])
- context: ClientContext(descriptor: methodDescriptor, remotePeer: "", localPeer: "")
+ context: ClientContext(
+ descriptor: methodDescriptor,
+ remotePeer: testValues.remotePeerAddress,
+ localPeer: testValues.localPeerAddress
+ )
) { stream, _ in
// Assert the metadata contains the injected context key-value.
- XCTAssertEqual(stream.metadata, ["trace-id": "\(traceIDString)"])
+ #expect(stream.metadata == ["trace-id": "\(traceIDString)"])
- // Write into the response stream to make sure the `producer` closure's called.
- let writer = RPCWriter(wrapping: TestWriter(streamContinuation: continuation))
+ // Write into the request stream to make sure the `producer` closure's called.
+ let writer = RPCWriter(wrapping: TestWriter(streamContinuation: requestStreamContinuation))
try await stream.producer(writer)
- continuation.finish()
+ requestStreamContinuation.finish()
return .init(
metadata: [],
@@ -66,62 +88,63 @@ final class TracingInterceptorTests: XCTestCase {
- var streamIterator = stream.makeAsyncIterator()
- var element = await streamIterator.next()
- XCTAssertEqual(element, "request1")
- element = await streamIterator.next()
- XCTAssertEqual(element, "request2")
- element = await streamIterator.next()
- XCTAssertNil(element)
- var messages = response.messages.makeAsyncIterator()
- var message = try await messages.next()
- XCTAssertEqual(message, ["response"])
- message = try await messages.next()
- XCTAssertNil(message)
- let tracer = InstrumentationSystem.tracer as! TestTracer
- XCTAssertEqual(
- tracer.getEventsForTestSpan(ofOperationName: methodDescriptor.fullyQualifiedMethod).map {
- $0.name
- },
- [
- "Request started",
- "Received response end",
- ]
- )
+ await assertStreamContentsEqual(["request1", "request2"], requestStream)
+ try await assertStreamContentsEqual([["response"]], response.messages)
+ assertTestSpanComponents(forMethod: methodDescriptor) { events in
+ // No events are recorded
+ #expect(events.isEmpty)
+ } assertAttributes: { attributes in
+ #expect(attributes == testValues.expectedSpanAttributes)
+ } assertStatus: { status in
+ #expect(status == nil)
+ } assertErrors: { errors in
+ #expect(errors == [])
+ }
- func testClientInterceptorAllEventsRecorded() async throws {
- let methodDescriptor = MethodDescriptor(
- fullyQualifiedService: "TracingInterceptorTests",
- method: "testClientInterceptorAllEventsRecorded"
- )
+ @Test("All events are recorded when traceEachMessage is true")
+ func testAllEventsRecorded() async throws {
var serviceContext = ServiceContext.topLevel
let traceIDString = UUID().uuidString
- let interceptor = ClientTracingInterceptor(emitEventOnEachWrite: true)
- let (stream, continuation) = AsyncStream.makeStream()
+ let (requestStream, requestStreamContinuation) = AsyncStream.makeStream()
serviceContext.traceID = traceIDString
// FIXME: use 'ServiceContext.withValue(serviceContext)'
// This is blocked on: https://github.com/apple/swift-service-context/pull/46
try await ServiceContext.$current.withValue(serviceContext) {
+ let interceptor = ClientOTelTracingInterceptor(
+ serverHostname: "someserver.com",
+ networkTransportMethod: "tcp",
+ traceEachMessage: true
+ )
+ let methodDescriptor = MethodDescriptor(
+ fullyQualifiedService: "OTelTracingClientInterceptorTests",
+ method: "testAllEventsRecorded"
+ )
+ let testValues = self.getTestValues(addressType: .ipv4, methodDescriptor: methodDescriptor)
let response = try await interceptor.intercept(
+ tracer: self.tracer,
request: .init(producer: { writer in
try await writer.write(contentsOf: ["request1"])
try await writer.write(contentsOf: ["request2"])
- context: ClientContext(descriptor: methodDescriptor, remotePeer: "", localPeer: "")
+ context: ClientContext(
+ descriptor: methodDescriptor,
+ remotePeer: testValues.remotePeerAddress,
+ localPeer: testValues.localPeerAddress
+ )
) { stream, _ in
// Assert the metadata contains the injected context key-value.
- XCTAssertEqual(stream.metadata, ["trace-id": "\(traceIDString)"])
+ #expect(stream.metadata == ["trace-id": "\(traceIDString)"])
- // Write into the response stream to make sure the `producer` closure's called.
- let writer = RPCWriter(wrapping: TestWriter(streamContinuation: continuation))
+ // Write into the request stream to make sure the `producer` closure's called.
+ let writer = RPCWriter(wrapping: TestWriter(streamContinuation: requestStreamContinuation))
try await stream.producer(writer)
- continuation.finish()
+ requestStreamContinuation.finish()
return .init(
metadata: [],
@@ -134,44 +157,370 @@ final class TracingInterceptorTests: XCTestCase {
- var streamIterator = stream.makeAsyncIterator()
- var element = await streamIterator.next()
- XCTAssertEqual(element, "request1")
- element = await streamIterator.next()
- XCTAssertEqual(element, "request2")
- element = await streamIterator.next()
- XCTAssertNil(element)
- var messages = response.messages.makeAsyncIterator()
- var message = try await messages.next()
- XCTAssertEqual(message, ["response"])
- message = try await messages.next()
- XCTAssertNil(message)
- let tracer = InstrumentationSystem.tracer as! TestTracer
- XCTAssertEqual(
- tracer.getEventsForTestSpan(ofOperationName: methodDescriptor.fullyQualifiedMethod).map {
- $0.name
- },
- [
- "Request started",
- // Recorded when `request1` is sent
- "Sending request part",
- "Sent request part",
- // Recorded when `request2` is sent
- "Sending request part",
- "Sent request part",
- // Recorded after all request parts have been sent
- "Request end",
- // Recorded when receiving response part
- "Received response part",
- // Recorded at end of response
- "Received response end",
+ await assertStreamContentsEqual(["request1", "request2"], requestStream)
+ try await assertStreamContentsEqual([["response"]], response.messages)
+ assertTestSpanComponents(forMethod: methodDescriptor) { events in
+ #expect(
+ events == [
+ // Recorded when `request1` is sent
+ TestSpanEvent("rpc.message", ["rpc.message.type": "SENT", "rpc.message.id": 1]),
+ // Recorded when `request2` is sent
+ TestSpanEvent("rpc.message", ["rpc.message.type": "SENT", "rpc.message.id": 2]),
+ // Recorded when receiving response part
+ TestSpanEvent("rpc.message", ["rpc.message.type": "RECEIVED", "rpc.message.id": 1]),
+ ]
+ )
+ } assertAttributes: { attributes in
+ #expect(attributes == testValues.expectedSpanAttributes)
+ } assertStatus: { status in
+ #expect(status == nil)
+ } assertErrors: { errors in
+ #expect(errors == [])
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test("RPC that throws is correctly recorded")
+ func testThrowingRPC() async throws {
+ var serviceContext = ServiceContext.topLevel
+ let traceIDString = UUID().uuidString
+ serviceContext.traceID = traceIDString
+ // FIXME: use 'ServiceContext.withValue(serviceContext)'
+ //
+ // This is blocked on: https://github.com/apple/swift-service-context/pull/46
+ await ServiceContext.$current.withValue(serviceContext) {
+ let interceptor = ClientOTelTracingInterceptor(
+ serverHostname: "someserver.com",
+ networkTransportMethod: "tcp",
+ traceEachMessage: false
+ )
+ let methodDescriptor = MethodDescriptor(
+ fullyQualifiedService: "OTelTracingClientInterceptorTests",
+ method: "testThrowingRPC"
+ )
+ do {
+ let _: StreamingClientResponse = try await interceptor.intercept(
+ tracer: self.tracer,
+ request: StreamingClientRequest(of: Void.self, producer: { writer in }),
+ context: ClientContext(
+ descriptor: methodDescriptor,
+ remotePeer: "ipv4:",
+ localPeer: "ipv4:"
+ )
+ ) { stream, _ in
+ // Assert the metadata contains the injected context key-value.
+ #expect(stream.metadata == ["trace-id": "\(traceIDString)"])
+ // Now throw
+ throw TracingInterceptorTestError.testError
+ }
+ Issue.record("Should have thrown")
+ } catch {
+ assertTestSpanComponents(forMethod: methodDescriptor) { events in
+ // No events are recorded
+ #expect(events.isEmpty)
+ } assertAttributes: { attributes in
+ // The attributes should not contain a grpc status code, as the request was never even sent.
+ #expect(
+ attributes == [
+ "rpc.system": "grpc",
+ "rpc.method": .string(methodDescriptor.method),
+ "rpc.service": .string(methodDescriptor.service.fullyQualifiedService),
+ "server.address": "someserver.com",
+ "server.port": 567,
+ "network.peer.address": "",
+ "network.peer.port": 567,
+ "network.transport": "tcp",
+ "network.type": "ipv4",
+ ]
+ )
+ } assertStatus: { status in
+ #expect(status == nil)
+ } assertErrors: { errors in
+ #expect(errors == [.testError])
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test("RPC with a failure response is correctly recorded")
+ func testFailedRPC() async throws {
+ var serviceContext = ServiceContext.topLevel
+ let traceIDString = UUID().uuidString
+ let (requestStream, requestStreamContinuation) = AsyncStream.makeStream()
+ serviceContext.traceID = traceIDString
+ // FIXME: use 'ServiceContext.withValue(serviceContext)'
+ //
+ // This is blocked on: https://github.com/apple/swift-service-context/pull/46
+ try await ServiceContext.$current.withValue(serviceContext) {
+ let interceptor = ClientOTelTracingInterceptor(
+ serverHostname: "someserver.com",
+ networkTransportMethod: "tcp",
+ traceEachMessage: false
+ )
+ let methodDescriptor = MethodDescriptor(
+ fullyQualifiedService: "OTelTracingClientInterceptorTests",
+ method: "testFailedRPC"
+ )
+ let response: StreamingClientResponse = try await interceptor.intercept(
+ tracer: self.tracer,
+ request: .init(producer: { writer in
+ try await writer.write(contentsOf: ["request"])
+ }),
+ context: ClientContext(
+ descriptor: methodDescriptor,
+ remotePeer: "ipv4:",
+ localPeer: "ipv4:"
+ )
+ ) { stream, _ in
+ // Assert the metadata contains the injected context key-value.
+ #expect(stream.metadata == ["trace-id": "\(traceIDString)"])
+ // Write into the request stream to make sure the `producer` closure's called.
+ let writer = RPCWriter(wrapping: TestWriter(streamContinuation: requestStreamContinuation))
+ try await stream.producer(writer)
+ requestStreamContinuation.finish()
+ return .init(error: RPCError(code: .unavailable, message: "This should not work"))
+ }
+ await assertStreamContentsEqual(["request"], requestStream)
+ switch response.accepted {
+ case .success:
+ Issue.record("Response should have failed")
+ return
+ case .failure(let failure):
+ #expect(failure == RPCError(code: .unavailable, message: "This should not work"))
+ }
+ assertTestSpanComponents(forMethod: methodDescriptor) { events in
+ // No events are recorded
+ #expect(events.isEmpty)
+ } assertAttributes: { attributes in
+ #expect(
+ attributes == [
+ "rpc.system": "grpc",
+ "rpc.method": .string(methodDescriptor.method),
+ "rpc.service": .string(methodDescriptor.service.fullyQualifiedService),
+ "rpc.grpc.status_code": 14, // this is unavailable's raw code
+ "server.address": "someserver.com",
+ "server.port": 567,
+ "network.peer.address": "",
+ "network.peer.port": 567,
+ "network.transport": "tcp",
+ "network.type": "ipv4",
+ ]
+ )
+ } assertStatus: { status in
+ #expect(status == .some(.init(code: .error)))
+ } assertErrors: { errors in
+ #expect(errors.count == 1)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test("Accepted server-streaming RPC that throws error during response is correctly recorded")
+ func testAcceptedRPCWithError() async throws {
+ var serviceContext = ServiceContext.topLevel
+ let traceIDString = UUID().uuidString
+ serviceContext.traceID = traceIDString
+ // FIXME: use 'ServiceContext.withValue(serviceContext)'
+ //
+ // This is blocked on: https://github.com/apple/swift-service-context/pull/46
+ try await ServiceContext.$current.withValue(serviceContext) {
+ let interceptor = ClientOTelTracingInterceptor(
+ serverHostname: "someserver.com",
+ networkTransportMethod: "tcp",
+ traceEachMessage: false
+ )
+ let methodDescriptor = MethodDescriptor(
+ fullyQualifiedService: "OTelTracingClientInterceptorTests",
+ method: "testAcceptedRPCWithError"
+ )
+ let response: StreamingClientResponse = try await interceptor.intercept(
+ tracer: self.tracer,
+ request: .init(producer: { writer in
+ try await writer.write(contentsOf: ["request"])
+ }),
+ context: ClientContext(
+ descriptor: methodDescriptor,
+ remotePeer: "ipv4:",
+ localPeer: "ipv4:"
+ )
+ ) { stream, _ in
+ // Assert the metadata contains the injected context key-value.
+ #expect(stream.metadata == ["trace-id": "\(traceIDString)"])
+ return .init(
+ metadata: [],
+ bodyParts: RPCAsyncSequence(
+ wrapping: AsyncThrowingStream {
+ $0.finish(throwing: RPCError(code: .unavailable, message: "This should be thrown"))
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ switch response.accepted {
+ case .success(let success):
+ do {
+ for try await _ in success.bodyParts {
+ // We don't care about any received messages here - we're not even writing any.
+ }
+ } catch {
+ #expect(
+ error as? RPCError
+ == RPCError(
+ code: .unavailable,
+ message: "This should be thrown"
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ case .failure:
+ Issue.record("Response should have been successful")
+ return
+ }
+ assertTestSpanComponents(forMethod: methodDescriptor) { events in
+ // No events are recorded
+ #expect(events.isEmpty)
+ } assertAttributes: { attributes in
+ #expect(
+ attributes == [
+ "rpc.system": "grpc",
+ "rpc.method": .string(methodDescriptor.method),
+ "rpc.service": .string(methodDescriptor.service.fullyQualifiedService),
+ "rpc.grpc.status_code": 14, // this is unavailable's raw code
+ "server.address": "someserver.com",
+ "server.port": 567,
+ "network.peer.address": "",
+ "network.peer.port": 567,
+ "network.transport": "tcp",
+ "network.type": "ipv4",
+ ]
+ )
+ } assertStatus: { status in
+ #expect(status == .some(.init(code: .error)))
+ } assertErrors: { errors in
+ #expect(errors.count == 1)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // - MARK: Utilities
+ private func getTestValues(
+ addressType: OTelTracingInterceptorTestAddressType,
+ methodDescriptor: MethodDescriptor
+ ) -> OTelTracingInterceptorTestCaseValues {
+ switch addressType {
+ case .ipv4:
+ return OTelTracingInterceptorTestCaseValues(
+ remotePeerAddress: "ipv4:",
+ localPeerAddress: "ipv4:",
+ expectedSpanAttributes: [
+ "rpc.system": "grpc",
+ "rpc.method": .string(methodDescriptor.method),
+ "rpc.service": .string(methodDescriptor.service.fullyQualifiedService),
+ "rpc.grpc.status_code": 0,
+ "server.address": "someserver.com",
+ "server.port": 567,
+ "network.peer.address": "",
+ "network.peer.port": 567,
+ "network.transport": "tcp",
+ "network.type": "ipv4",
+ ]
+ )
+ case .ipv6:
+ return OTelTracingInterceptorTestCaseValues(
+ remotePeerAddress: "ipv6:[2001::130F:::09C0:876A:130B]:1234",
+ localPeerAddress: "ipv6:[ff06:0:0:0:0:0:0:c3]:5678",
+ expectedSpanAttributes: [
+ "rpc.system": "grpc",
+ "rpc.method": .string(methodDescriptor.method),
+ "rpc.service": .string(methodDescriptor.service.fullyQualifiedService),
+ "rpc.grpc.status_code": 0,
+ "server.address": "someserver.com",
+ "server.port": 1234,
+ "network.peer.address": "2001::130F:::09C0:876A:130B",
+ "network.peer.port": 1234,
+ "network.transport": "tcp",
+ "network.type": "ipv6",
+ case .uds:
+ return OTelTracingInterceptorTestCaseValues(
+ remotePeerAddress: "unix:some-path",
+ localPeerAddress: "unix:some-path",
+ expectedSpanAttributes: [
+ "rpc.system": "grpc",
+ "rpc.method": .string(methodDescriptor.method),
+ "rpc.service": .string(methodDescriptor.service.fullyQualifiedService),
+ "rpc.grpc.status_code": 0,
+ "server.address": "someserver.com",
+ "network.peer.address": "some-path",
+ "network.transport": "tcp",
+ ]
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ private func getTestSpanForMethod(_ methodDescriptor: MethodDescriptor) -> TestSpan {
+ return self.tracer.getSpan(ofOperation: methodDescriptor.fullyQualifiedMethod)!
+ }
+ private func assertTestSpanComponents(
+ forMethod method: MethodDescriptor,
+ assertEvents: ([TestSpanEvent]) -> Void,
+ assertAttributes: (SpanAttributes) -> Void,
+ assertStatus: (SpanStatus?) -> Void,
+ assertErrors: ([TracingInterceptorTestError]) -> Void
+ ) {
+ let span = self.getTestSpanForMethod(method)
+ assertEvents(span.events.map({ TestSpanEvent($0) }))
+ assertAttributes(span.attributes)
+ assertStatus(span.status)
+ assertErrors(span.errors)
+ }
+ private func assertStreamContentsEqual(
+ _ array: [T],
+ _ stream: any AsyncSequence
+ ) async throws {
+ var streamElements = [T]()
+ for try await element in stream {
+ streamElements.append(element)
+ #expect(streamElements == array)
+ }
+ private func assertStreamContentsEqual(
+ _ array: [T],
+ _ stream: any AsyncSequence
+ ) async {
+ var streamElements = [T]()
+ for await element in stream {
+ streamElements.append(element)
+ }
+ #expect(streamElements == array)
+ }
+final class TracingInterceptorTests: XCTestCase {
+ override class func setUp() {
+ InstrumentationSystem.bootstrap(TestTracer())
+ // - MARK: Server Interceptor Tests
func testServerInterceptorErrorResponse() async throws {
let methodDescriptor = MethodDescriptor(
fullyQualifiedService: "TracingInterceptorTests",
@@ -194,7 +543,7 @@ final class TracingInterceptorTests: XCTestCase {
let tracer = InstrumentationSystem.tracer as! TestTracer
- tracer.getEventsForTestSpan(ofOperationName: methodDescriptor.fullyQualifiedMethod).map {
+ tracer.getEventsForTestSpan(ofOperation: methodDescriptor.fullyQualifiedMethod).map {
@@ -264,7 +613,7 @@ final class TracingInterceptorTests: XCTestCase {
let tracer = InstrumentationSystem.tracer as! TestTracer
- tracer.getEventsForTestSpan(ofOperationName: methodDescriptor.fullyQualifiedMethod).map {
+ tracer.getEventsForTestSpan(ofOperation: methodDescriptor.fullyQualifiedMethod).map {
@@ -334,21 +683,74 @@ final class TracingInterceptorTests: XCTestCase {
let tracer = InstrumentationSystem.tracer as! TestTracer
- tracer.getEventsForTestSpan(ofOperationName: methodDescriptor.fullyQualifiedMethod).map {
+ tracer.getEventsForTestSpan(ofOperation: methodDescriptor.fullyQualifiedMethod).map {
"Received request start",
"Received request end",
// Recorded when `response1` is sent
- "Sending response part",
"Sent response part",
// Recorded when `response2` is sent
- "Sending response part",
"Sent response part",
// Recorded when we're done sending response
"Sent response end",
+ private func getTestSpanForMethod(_ methodDescriptor: MethodDescriptor) -> TestSpan {
+ let tracer = InstrumentationSystem.tracer as! TestTracer
+ return tracer.getSpan(ofOperation: methodDescriptor.fullyQualifiedMethod)!
+ }
+ private func assertTestSpanComponents(
+ forMethod method: MethodDescriptor,
+ assertEvents: ([TestSpanEvent]) -> Void,
+ assertAttributes: (SpanAttributes) -> Void,
+ assertStatus: (SpanStatus?) -> Void,
+ assertErrors: ([TracingInterceptorTestError]) -> Void
+ ) {
+ let span = self.getTestSpanForMethod(method)
+ assertEvents(span.events.map({ TestSpanEvent($0) }))
+ assertAttributes(span.attributes)
+ assertStatus(span.status)
+ assertErrors(span.errors)
+ }
+ private func assertStreamContentsEqual(
+ _ array: [T],
+ _ stream: any AsyncSequence
+ ) async throws {
+ var streamElements = [T]()
+ for try await element in stream {
+ streamElements.append(element)
+ }
+ XCTAssertEqual(streamElements, array)
+ }
+ private func assertStreamContentsEqual(
+ _ array: [T],
+ _ stream: any AsyncSequence
+ ) async {
+ var streamElements = [T]()
+ for await element in stream {
+ streamElements.append(element)
+ }
+ XCTAssertEqual(streamElements, array)
+ }
+enum OTelTracingInterceptorTestAddressType {
+ case ipv4
+ case ipv6
+ case uds
+ static let allCases: [Self] = [.ipv4, .ipv6, .uds]
+struct OTelTracingInterceptorTestCaseValues {
+ let remotePeerAddress: String
+ let localPeerAddress: String
+ let expectedSpanAttributes: SpanAttributes
diff --git a/Tests/GRPCInterceptorsTests/TracingTestsUtilities.swift b/Tests/GRPCInterceptorsTests/TracingTestsUtilities.swift
index a5af7df..a6b64b3 100644
--- a/Tests/GRPCInterceptorsTests/TracingTestsUtilities.swift
+++ b/Tests/GRPCInterceptorsTests/TracingTestsUtilities.swift
@@ -23,9 +23,12 @@ final class TestTracer: Tracer {
private let testSpans: Mutex<[String: TestSpan]> = .init([:])
- func getEventsForTestSpan(ofOperationName operationName: String) -> [SpanEvent] {
- let span = self.testSpans.withLock({ $0[operationName] })
- return span?.events ?? []
+ func getSpan(ofOperation operationName: String) -> TestSpan? {
+ self.testSpans.withLock { $0[operationName] }
+ }
+ func getEventsForTestSpan(ofOperation operationName: String) -> [SpanEvent] {
+ self.getSpan(ofOperation: operationName)?.events ?? []
func extract(
@@ -75,6 +78,7 @@ final class TestSpan: Span, Sendable {
var attributes: Tracing.SpanAttributes
var status: Tracing.SpanStatus?
var events: [Tracing.SpanEvent] = []
+ var errors: [TracingInterceptorTestError]
private let state: Mutex
@@ -98,13 +102,26 @@ final class TestSpan: Span, Sendable {
self.state.withLock { $0.events }
+ var status: SpanStatus? {
+ self.state.withLock { $0.status }
+ }
+ var errors: [TracingInterceptorTestError] {
+ self.state.withLock { $0.errors }
+ }
context: ServiceContextModule.ServiceContext,
operationName: String,
attributes: Tracing.SpanAttributes = [:],
isRecording: Bool = true
) {
- let state = State(context: context, operationName: operationName, attributes: attributes)
+ let state = State(
+ context: context,
+ operationName: operationName,
+ attributes: attributes,
+ errors: []
+ )
self.state = Mutex(state)
self.isRecording = isRecording
@@ -122,12 +139,8 @@ final class TestSpan: Span, Sendable {
attributes: Tracing.SpanAttributes,
at instant: @autoclosure () -> Instant
) where Instant: Tracing.TracerInstant {
- self.setStatus(
- .init(
- code: .error,
- message: "Error: \(error), attributes: \(attributes), at instant: \(instant())"
- )
- )
+ // For the purposes of these tests, we don't really care about the error being thrown
+ self.state.withLock { $0.errors.append(TracingInterceptorTestError.testError) }
func addLink(_ link: Tracing.SpanLink) {
@@ -137,7 +150,7 @@ final class TestSpan: Span, Sendable {
func end(at instant: @autoclosure () -> Instant) where Instant: Tracing.TracerInstant {
- self.setStatus(.init(code: .ok, message: "Ended at instant: \(instant())"))
+ // no-op
@@ -192,3 +205,33 @@ struct TestWriter: RPCWriterProtocol {
+struct TestSpanEvent: Equatable, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
+ var name: String
+ var attributes: SpanAttributes
+ var debugDescription: String {
+ var attributesDescription = ""
+ self.attributes.forEach { key, value in
+ attributesDescription += " \(key): \(value),"
+ }
+ return """
+ (name: \(self.name), attributes: [\(attributesDescription)])
+ """
+ }
+ init(_ name: String, _ attributes: SpanAttributes) {
+ self.name = name
+ self.attributes = attributes
+ }
+ init(_ spanEvent: SpanEvent) {
+ self.name = spanEvent.name
+ self.attributes = spanEvent.attributes
+ }
+enum TracingInterceptorTestError: Error, Equatable {
+ case testError
diff --git a/dev/license-check.sh b/dev/license-check.sh
index ce643ac..a0ffd42 100755
--- a/dev/license-check.sh
+++ b/dev/license-check.sh
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ check_copyright_headers() {
actual_sha=$(head -n "$((drop_first + expected_lines))" "$filename" \
| tail -n "$expected_lines" \
- | sed -e 's/201[56789]-20[12][0-9]/YEARS/' -e 's/20[12][0-9]/YEARS/' \
+ | sed -e 's/20[12][0-9]-20[12][0-9]/YEARS/' -e 's/20[12][0-9]/YEARS/' \
| shasum \
| awk '{print $1}')