Parses given URLs and prints the desired parts of them.
url-parser <option> [url]...
-c, --component=COMPONENT
Prints single URL component from each. URL.
Valid values: scheme, authority, auth, user, password,
hostport, host, tld, port, path, query,
fragment, basePath, file, ext, relativeUrl
Additionally, some components may be further formatted:
host:x, host:x:y print only desired (sub)domains
hostport:x, hostport:x:y same as host:*, but also includes port
path:x, path:x:y print only desired parts of the path
query:NAME print only query parameter named NAME
fragment:NAME print only fragment part named NAME
x starting position; use -x to start from end
y count; how many parts of the component you want to print
-f, --format=FORMAT
Prints URLs formatted according to FORMAT.
FORMAT is an arbitrary string containing component placeholders
enclosed in curly brackets. Each {COMPONENT} will be replaced
as if url-parser was called with option -c COMPONENT
reference URL: https://www.example.com/lorem/ipsum/dolor/sit.html?metus=lectus#at=nostra&unde=omnis
url-parser -c host:1 <url> example.com
url-parser -c path:-0:2 <url> /dolor/sit.html
url-parser -c path:-1 <url> /lorem/ipsum/dolor
url-parser -c path:0:2 <url> /lorem/ipsum
url-parser -c fragment:unde <url> unde=omnis
url-parser -c relativeUrl <url> /lorem/ipsum/dolor/sit.html?metus=lectus#at=nostra&unde=omnis
url-parser -f {scheme}://{host} <url> https://www.example.com