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VERPAT Tutorial Performance Metrics

Matthew Landis edited this page Sep 19, 2018 · 2 revisions

This section will describe the main performance metrics output from the multiple scenarios viewer and what they mean.

Direct travel impacts

Daily vehicle trips

Daily transit trips

  • Daily vehicle miles traveled
    • Light VMT for each household and place type
    • Regional VMT for heavy trucks and buses
  • Peak travel speeds by facility class
    • VMT by speed bin and class (freeway, arterial, other)
    • Average speeds by class
  • Vehicle hours of travel, delay
    • Vehicle hours of travel at free flow
    • Vehicle hours of travel in congestion

Energy impacts

Fuel consumption

  • calculated from VMT and fuel economy, split into fuel types
  • calculated for light vehicles, heavy trucks and buses

Environmental impacts

Greenhouse gas emissions

  • Light vehicles calculated by household
  • Regional heavy truck and transit emissions

Criteria emissions

  • Emission rates from MOVES 2010a database
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOC)
  • Carbon monoxide (CO)
  • Oxides of nitrogen (NOx)
  • Sulfur dioxide (SO2)
  • Particulate matter (PM)

Financial & economic impacts

Regional highway infrastructure costs

  • FHWA Highway Economic Requirements System (HERS)
  • Construction costs per lane mile in 2002 dollars

Regional transit infrastructure and operating costs

  • National Transit Database (NTD)
  • Net cost to supply an unlinked passenger trip by mode (2009)

Annual traveler cost - fuel

  • $0.585 per mile in 2010 for auto users
  • Includes variable costs (gas, oil, maintenance and tires) and fixed costs (insurance, license, registration, taxes, depreciation and finance charges)

Annual traveler cost - travel time

  • Urban Mobility Report (TTI)
  • Average travel delay for each metropolitan region
  • Only includes auto users

Location & community impacts

Relative increase in jobs accessibility by auto

  • Function of distribution of growth by place type
  • Weighted by population and employment growth


  • FTA criteria
  • Use of alternative modes
    • transit vehicle trips
    • bike ownership
  • Mixed use land use
    • mixed use place type
    • transit oriented development place type
  • Household transportation expenditures as a function of budget
  • Use of alternative modes by low income households

Equity impact

  • Regional accessibility by income group

Community impacts

Public health impacts and costs

  • Road safety impacts (daily VMT * 347 = annual VMT)

    • Fatal = 1.14 per 100 million VMT
    • Injury = 51.35 per 100 million VMT
    • Property damage = 133.95 per 100 million VMT
  • Amount of walking (proxy for physical fitness)

  • Emissions (PM, NOX, VOC)

Visualizing performance metrics

TODO: UPdate this for VERPAT!

VERPAT's charting is very easy to use and follows a template so each chart can be easily interpreted

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