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484 lines (270 loc) · 11.1 KB

File metadata and controls

484 lines (270 loc) · 11.1 KB

Change List

  • 6.1.0

    Added createTextureAsync and createTexturesAsync

  • 6.0.0

    Internal change. gl.pixelStorei state for UNPACK_COLORSPACE_CONVERSION_WEBGL UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL and UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL is now saved and restored as the previous behavior had a race condition.

    Before v6.0.0

    t1 = twgl.createTexture(gl, {src: ''});  // may or may not be flipped!!!!
    t2 = twgl.createTexture(gl, {src: '', flipY: true });  // flipped

    In the example above, whether or not t1 is flipped was unknown since if t2 loads first, it would be flipped. If t1 loads first it would not be flipped.

    The fix is to save and restore the pixelStorei state for each texture.

    Unfortunately, this is a breaking change.

    Before v6.0.0

    twgl.createTexture(gl, {src: someImageElem1, flipY: true });  // flipped
    twgl.createTexture(gl, {src: someImageElem2 });               // also flipped

    From v6.0.0 on

    twgl.createTexture(gl, {src: someImage, flipY: true });  // flipped
    twgl.createTexture(gl, {src: someImage });               // NOT flipped

    Note: in all versions the behavior was and still is, that if you set the pixelStorei parameters outside they applied.

    gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, true)
    twgl.createTexture(gl, {src: someImage });  // flipped
    twgl.createTexture(gl, {src: someImage });  // flipped
  • 5.6.0

    Support offsets and shared buffers in uniform block infos.

  • 5.5.0

    add compareMode and compareFunc to texture options

  • 5.4.0

    • Keep JSDoc docstrings in .d.ts files
  • 5.3.1

    • Add missing drawType to FullArraySpec
    • Allow binding null for a texture in setUniforms for texture arrays
  • 5.3.0

    • Allow binding null for a texture in setUniforms
  • 5.2.0

    • added createPrograms, createProgramInfos, createProgramsAsync, and createProgramInfosAsync
  • 5.1.0

    • Allow FullArraySpec.type to be typedArray type or GL type
  • 5.0.2

    • Make isX functions (internal) work across realms
  • 5.0.0

    • Always set attribute divisor if it exists

      This is a breaking change since before twgl didn't set the divisors if you didn't assign an divisor to an attribute.

  • 4.24.0

    • Have createFramebufferInfo call drawBuffers
  • 4.23.0

    • Add async shader compilation support
  • 4.22.0

    • Add samples to attachment options
  • 4.21.0

    • Add support for partial uniform paths.
  • 4.20.0

    • Add support for more easily setting uniform and uniform block structures and arrays.
  • 4.19.5

    • Fix issue with uniform blocks and built-in uniforms
  • 4.19.4

    • Fix JSDocs for blockspec and related stuff
    • Fix more Uniform Block padding issues.
    • Add browser testing infrastructure.
  • 4.19.2

    • WebGLObject -> WebGLTexture|WebGLRenderbuffer for typescript
    • Fix glEnumToString for non-number
  • 4.19.0

    • Reset UNPACK_SKIP_etc... state to defaults
  • 4.18.0

    • Fixed padding issue with arrays in uniform blocks
  • 4.17.0

    • better errors for shaders
  • 4.16.1

    • fix how twgl figures out a uniform is an array
  • 4.16.0

    • support WebGL1 depth textures 😅
  • 4.15.2

    • fix s/texTarget/target/ on use of AttachmentOptions
  • 4.15.0

    • Allow anything not otherwise handled to be sent to texImage2D as a TexImageSource
  • 4.14.2

    • Add width and height to FrameBufferInfo docs
    • Adjust normals on cone
  • 4.14.0

    • Use constants everywhere. eg TEXTURE_2D instead of gl.TEXTURE_2D
  • 4.13.1

    • Make AttachmentOptions extend TextureOptions
  • 4.13.0

    • Made resizeTexture handle 3D and 2D_ARRAY.
  • 4.12.0

    • Add es6 module
  • 4.11.5

    • Fix type info for m4.setAxis
  • 4.11.4

    • add null as parameter to bindFramebufferInfo

    • fix return types of createXYQuadBufferInfo and createXYQuadBuffers

  • 4.11.3

    • fix issues with TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY and arrays
  • 4.11.0

    • Support layer attachment option for createFramebufferInfo
  • 4.10.0

    • Support constant attribute values for float, vec2, vec3 (used to only support vec4)
  • 4.9.4

    • Make helper.js more node friendly
  • 4.9.3

    • Use instanceof Type in helper.js
  • 4.9.2

    • Add .map to twgl-base npm package
  • 4.9.0

    • added v3.lerpV, v3.min, v3.max

    • fixed issue with urlISSameDomain on servers

  • 4.8.2

    • Fixed IE URL issue

    • Fixed building with new JS

  • 4.8.0

    • add typescript types
  • 4.7.0

    • expose getFormatAndTypeForInternalFormat, canFilter, and canGenerateMipmap.
  • 4.6.0

    • Crossorigin settings for images are now automatic by default

    • Fixed bug in getShaderTypeFromScriptType

  • 4.5.0

    • Add support for constant attributes
  • 4.4.0

    • Support passing arrays of TexImageSource to createTexture(s).

    • Fix callback arguments for cubemaps and slices

  • 4.3.2

    • Support slicing image in workers.
  • 4.3.1

    • Make TWGL work in workers.
  • 4.3.0

    • Remove references to window so twgl can be used in workers
  • 4.2.0

    • add EXT_color_buffer_float, WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb, and EXT_disjoint_timer_query_webgl2 to twgl.addExtensionsToContext.
  • 4.1.0

    • Added twgl.glEnumToString

      This was an internal function used to make a few error messages more useful but might as well export it.

    • Fix bug in resizeTexture for WebGL2.

  • 4.0.1

    • Added check for built in uniforms and attributes
  • 4.0.0

    • Switch to es6 modules for source

      Webpack still builds UMD version

  • 3.8.0

    • Add SharedArrayBuffer support
  • 3.7.1

    • Fix ortho
  • 3.7.0

    • Support instances with drawBufferInfo and drawObjectList.

    • Support passing a multiplier smaller than 1 to resizeCanvasToDisplaySize.

  • 3.6.0

    • Added twgl.addExtensionsToContext

      Adds most extensions directly on the context so they have the same API as WebGL2 or OpenGL ES 3.0

    • Added instancing support

      Added divisor to AttribInfo and FullArraySpec and calls to gl.vertexAttribDivisor. NOTE: It's up to you to clear the divisor. You can either use vertex array objects (recommended) OR set divisor to 0 other AttribInfos etc. (not recommended)

  • 3.5.0

    • Added level to TextureOptions
  • 3.4.1

    • use getBoundingClientRect for resizeCanvasToDisplaySize

      unlike clientWidth and clientHeight, getBoundingClientRect returns fractional dimensions. This is important when passing in devicePixelRatio to calculate and actual native size.

  • 3.4.0

    • Support minMag for framebuffers
  • 3.3.0

    • Make createProgram accept ids, source, and shaders as input.

      This kind of removes the need for createProgramFromSources and createProgramFromScripts

  • 3.1.0

    • Add support for transform feedback

      At least an attempt at something. I'd need more examples of how it's used to see if it fits.

  • 3.0.0

    • Fix package.json

      It was pointing to dist instead of dist/2.x. Because that means fixing it will bump users of npm 2.x from 1.x to 2.x I had to bump to 3.x because and a breaking change.

  • 2.8.2

    • Use spec compatible texSubImage3D parameters
  • 2.8.1

    • Fill out TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY with first image

      This is so there is something to render in all slices

  • 2.8

    • Add support for TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY

      You can pass a list of images to twgl.createTexture and it will load each image into a slice of a TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY if the target is TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY

  • 2.7

    • mangle some property names

      saves about 4k

    • add minMag property to TextureOptions


    • Change texture filtering to use internalFormat

      In WebGL1 we checked power of 2 in width and height. In WebGL2 we check if the internal format supports filtering. This might break things going from WebGL1 to WebGL2 if you expected a non-power-of-2 texture to use gl.LINEAR.

      Note: One issue is TWGL can't tell if you've enabled OES_texture_float_linear so you use float textures it can't tell if it can generate mips or not and you'll have to be explicit with texture settings. Currently it assumes you can generate mips. Pass in auto: false to createTexture(s) if you didn't enable OES_texture_float_linear or similarly for half float formats.

    • Support samplers

    • Support webgl2 texture formats

  • 2.6.2

    • remove "experimental-webgl2" which never existed
  • 2.6.1

    • allow offset=0 in setAttributeInfoBufferFromArray
  • 2.6

    • make createBuffersFromArrays add a numElements and elementType properties.
  • 2.5

    • switch to webpack + babel
  • 2.4

    • Support int attributes
  • 2.3

    • Make all createProgramXXX functions take a ProgramOptions argument
  • 2.1

    • Made guessing numComponents for attributes case insensitive as well ask looking for "text" and "colour"
  • 2.0

    • Changed m4.multiply to match most other math libraries.

      m4.multiply(a, b) was multiplying b on the left. Now it's doing the more standard thing of multiplying b on the right.

      For example this means these 2 statements are equivalent

      m4.multiply(someMatrix, m4.translation([1, 2, 3]));
      m4.translate(someMatrix, [1, 2, 3]);

      In 1.x the first statement would have been

      m4.multiply(m4.translation([1, 2, 3]), someMatrix);
    • Changed twgl.drawBufferInfo so second argument is BufferInfo

      In other words in 1.x it was

      twgl.drawBufferInfo(gl, primitiveType, bufferInfo)

      Now in 2.x it's

       twgl.drawBufferInfo(gl, bufferInfo, primitiveType)

      This lets primitiveType be optional with the default being gl.TRIANGLES.

  • 1.9

    • support mat2, mat3, and mat4 attributes

    • allow buffer offsets for UniformBlockInfos

  • 1.8

    • framebuffers have better texture defaults

      before 1.8 textures created for framebuffers used the texture defaults which meant power of 2 dimensions got mips. As of 1.8 twgl only creates mip level 0 by default for framebuffer textures.

  • 1.7

    • Add support for 3d textures (WebGL2)
  • 1.6

    • Made createProgramInfo and createProgramXXX multi-signature

      twgl.createProgramInfo(gl, [vs, fs], opt_errFunc);
      twgl.createProgramInfo(gl, [vs, fs], opt_attribs, opt_errFunc);
      twgl.createProgramInfo(gl, [vs, fs], opt_attribs, opt_locations, opt_errFunc);
  • 1.5

    • separated twgl src into more modules
  • 1.4

    • add Vertex Array Object support